维克多英语 垃圾分类 科普ppt课件.pptx
,Waste Sorting / Garbage Classification垃圾分类,1、What is garbage classification?2、Why should we execute(执行) garbage classification?3、Garbage classification in different countries.4、What should we do with garbage classification?,CONTENTS,What is garbage classification?,PART 01,Garbage classification means the classification of recyclable and unrecyclable garbage.Garbage classification can be used more efficiently - kitchen waste can become compost(堆肥), residual(剩余的)waste can be incinerated(焚烧) to generate electricity, recyclables save our natural resources.,Hazardous Waste 有害垃圾Involving risk or danger, especially to peoples health or safety.,Batteries,Lamp,Medicine,Paint 油漆,Poison,Films,Recyclable Waste 可回收物Trash that can be recycled.,Paper,Plastic,Glass,Textile 织物,Metal,Household Food Waste 湿垃圾Perishable(易腐烂的) domestic waste.,Scraps 残羹剩饭,Leftover,Expired food,Fruit,Flower and plant,Residual Waste 干垃圾Other waste except recyclable, hazardous, household food waste.,Cigarette butts,Contaminated paper towels,Plastic bags,Slag,Cat litter,Why should we execute garbage classification?,PART 02,2/3 of Chinese cities are in siege(包围)of garbage.22,500 tons of life garbage produced everyday in Beijing.300 kg waste produced per person per year.National city garbage totally encroached on(侵占) 500 million square meters of land.,Degradation(降解)Time,Paper3 4 monthsGlass4000 years Plastic100 200 yearsLeather50 years,Recycling is an excellent way of saving energy and protecting the environment.,1 recycled tin can would save enough energy to power a television for 3 hours.1 recycled glass bottle would save enough energy to power a computer for 25 minutes.1 recycled plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a 60-watt (瓦特)light bulb for 3 hours.70% less energy is required to recycle paper compared with making it from raw materials (原材料)., Save resources Save energy Protect the environment Create jobs,Reasons,Garbage classification in different countries.,PART 03,With peoples increasing awareness of environmental protection, garbage classification has attracted more and more attention.In many developed countries, the recycling industry has played an important role in the industrial structure.,JapanFamous for the garbage classification.,Every city has the garbage classification guidance. Regional autonomy (区域自治)is conducted, so different cities have different garbage classification regulations. Children under the guidance of their parents strictly abide by (遵守)these rules. However, garbage classification requirements are so complicated that many adults can not necessarily understand them.,The city government makes a guide to garbage classification and recycling every year according to a schedule.Normally, every family receives a color printing double-sided garbage collection schedule, including the information such as how to classify the garbage, the garbage delivery time.,In December, the residents (居民)will receive a special “calendar” for the coming year. The calendar is signed by different colors such as yellow, green, blue, etc. In the calendar, each color represents a day when people can throw rubbish. The calendar tells people how to do garbage sorting.,For example, a cigarette case includes the plastic outer packing, the paper box and the aluminum foil(铝箔) used for sealing(密封). So it will be thrown away in three parts.,The United StatesNot much worse than Japan.,In the United States, a big garbage producer, the garbage classification gradually integrates (融入)into peoples life. Streets are filled with a variety of colorful classification dustbins.,The United States,Besides the garbage classification, there is also a lot of garbage that can not be arbitrarily discarded(任意丢弃). To throw away the old furniture, people and recycling departments need to make an appointment at leastoneday earlier.As for electronic products, people need to send them to special recycling centers. Treating waste battery and waste oil can get cash back. For example, people can get 40 cents for a gallon of waste engine oil.,Sweden,Swedish people has popularized garbage sorting for a generation.The government first introduces the concept (概念)of garbage classification to schools, which educates children how to carry out the garbage classification. Then the children tell the adults the concept.,To throw bottles, for example, the container mouth is designed in a shape of a small hole. To throw cardboard boxes and cartons, the container mouth is designed in a shape of an envelope.,For the lazy who dont want to carry out the garbage classification, the Swedish government has redesigned the garbage containers to reduce the difficulty of littering.,FranceEvery family has classification trash cans.,The Frenchman has a fashion of exchanging items. They exchange old things with each other and reuse them, which can save resources and reduce waste.,Germany,For a lot of people who first come to Germany, the garbage classification is really a headache. Wine bottles, beer bottles, juice bottles, mineral water bottles should be thrown into different trash cans. In accordance with(依照) the relevant laws and regulations, wine bottles should be thrown into the specific trash can. Beer bottles can be recycled in the designated (指定的)place. Fruit juice bottles can be treated as plastic packaging waste. Water bottles with recycle logos belong to recycled garbage.,What should we do with garbage classification?,PART 04,The Principle of 5R,Choose products in reusable containers.Check to see if there is a less wasteful alternative(选择).Say “NO” to plastic bags and take your own reusable carry bags.Never throw garbage everywhere.,Every great tree grows from a small seed.If we all start to do a little, together we can achieve a lot and make our life more beautiful.,THANK YOU,参考:,参考:,参考:,参考:,