Section B 2b,Messi,score a goal,射门得分,Question:,How many goals did Messi score in,the short movie?,coach,教练,teammate,s,Team competition,Team 1,Team 2,Do you know how to be the,winning,team?,The Winning Team,Peters,team,Prediction,(,预测,),Did Peters team win the game?,A. YES. B. NO.,Skim,the,passage and match the general,meaning with each part.,(浏览文章,匹配段意),Part1 (para.1) A. communication with,his teammates,Part2 (para.2-,6) B. Peters trouble and,feelings,Part3 (para.7-,11) C. his fathers advice,Read Para.1 carefully and answer the questions.,1.What mistake did Peter make?,He missed scoring a goal.,2.What happened to Peters team?,They lost the game.,3. How did he feel?,He felt angry and worried.,4.Why did he have such feelings?,Because he missed scoring a goal and,_his team _.,let down,He was worried that,his coach might _him _the team.,kick off,disappoint,ed,ask to leave,Read Para1 again and retell it according to the,mind map.,(根据思维导图复述),Peter,angry,missed scoring,his team lost,let down,worried,kick off,If you are Peter, what will you do?,Read Para.2-6 and complete the mind map.,(,读第,2,至,6,段,完成思维导图),put so much pressure on yourself,dont_,be too hard on yourself,his,fathers,advice,support,_,each other,_,communicate with,your teammates,learn from_,mistakes,Read Para.7-11 and complete the chart.,(读,7-11,段,完成,instead of,表格),encourage,v.,1.went to soccer practice with,courage,_ fear.,rather than,sorry,2.said _to his teammates.,3.thought if they continued to,work hard,_, they were going to,pull together,together,win the next one,agree,v.,in agreement,mistake,1.,nodded,_.,2.It was never one persons _.,fault,3. should think about how they could,his,_ the next time.,teammates,do better,Peter,Prediction result (,预测结果,):,Did Peters team win the game?,A. YES. B. NO.,Peters team lost the game .Why did he still,think he was on a winning team?,团队精神,Because his team had good,team spirit,.,They believed they were going to win,next time.,support each,other,pull together,learn from,mistakes,team,spirit,do better,next time,communicate,with,never just one,persons fault,The PK result,We are happy!,We are excited!,Were successful!,Yeah!,Writing:,1.Did your team win or lose the,competition in this class?,2.How does it make you feel?,3.What do you learn from it,?,Please write an article about it.,The mind map may help you.,support each,other,pull together,learn from,mistakes,team,spirit,do better,next time,communicate,with,never just one,persons fault,Many hands make fire lighter.,众人拾柴火焰高,Unity is strength,.,团结就是力量,.,Homework,1.Read the passage again and try to retell it.,2.Watch the movie about teamwork,-Inside Out.(,头脑特工队,),