圣诞节知识竞答 英文版课件.ppt
.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,1,Believe.in the wonder of Christmas,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,2,Part,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,3,Rules,Divide you into 3 groups.Each group has about 10 people.When I say 1 2 3,you should raise your hand and say Bingo. Then you can answer the questions.You need to answer my questions as quickly as you can.I will see which group is better.,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,4,Which religion celebrates Christmas?,A Buddhism B Islamism C Christianism D Judaism,1,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,5,What is another name of Christmas ?,A the death of Jesus B the birth of Jesus ChristC the death of the mother of Jesus D the birth of the mother of Jesus Christ,2,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,6,Which country did the Santa come from?,A Britain B France C Finland D Germany,3,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,7,What is Christmas tree made from?,A.PalmB.PoplarC.Pine treeD.Birch,4,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,8,Christmas tree in general is made of cypress trees. What does it mead?,A A symbol of life forever B Long live the friendshipC Remain green throughout the year D Environmental protection,5,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,9,Which animal helps Santa Claus pull sleigh?,A Sika deer B HorseC ReindeerD Dog,6,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,10,How many reindeers pull the sleigh for Santa claus?,A.6B.8C.10D.12,7,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,11,Whats the name of the lead reindeer?,A York B Crewe C Jack D Rudolph,8,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,12,What is the traditional food eaten on Christmas?,A Roasted chicken B Roasted goose C Turkey D Roast suckling pig,9,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,13,Where is the homeland of Santa claus?,A.AmericaB.RussiaC.FinlandD.Britain,10,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,14,Which three colors represent Christmas in Western countries?,A red yellow green B red green blueC yellow green purple D red green white,11,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,15,What does white Christmas mean in Western countries?,A Luck B HappinessC Purity D Beauty,12,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,16,What is the original name for Santa claus?,A Saint NicholasB ChristC JesusD Saint Martin,13,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,17,Where do Western people put their stocks?Why?,A.On the fireplace B.At the gateC. On the doorknob,14,Because Santa Clause always slides down the Chimney to give the presents. He just slips into the fireplace.,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,18,Why do people say “Merry Christmas ”not “Happy Christmas”?,Because“Merry” is related to religion.And it was older than “Happy”,15,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,19,Please listen and guess!,16,Jingle Bells,We wish you a Merry Christmas,Slient Night,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,20,When did the first Christmas Card come into use? A.1843 B.1925 C.1998 D.1860,17,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,21,Do you know other names for Santa Claus?,18,Father ChristmasChristkind / Christ Child,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,22,When was the first time people celebrated Christmas on Dec.25th?A.10 centuryB.15 centuryC.20 centuryD.5 century,19,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,23,20,What we call December 24 th?A.Christmas DayB.Christmas NightC.Christmas FestivalD.Christmas Eve,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,24,Christmas tree,Santa Claus,Christmas cap,Christmas dinner,Christmas stocking,What are they?,Christmas carols,Rudolf the red nosed reindeer,.http:/-ppt模板免费下载,25,