第二章 标题翻译分解ppt课件.ppt
Chapter Two,Headline Translation,Teaching contents,1. Types of Headlines2. Rhetorical features of English Headlines 3. A comparison between Chinese and English Headlines4. How to translate English Headlines into Chinese5. How to translate Chinese Headlines into English,1. Different types of English headlines and their translation,1.1 完整句子作标题 1. China has always been a staunch supporter behind the IOC initiatives 【译】中国一贯坚定地支持国际奥委会各项动议2. Husband and wife team unlocks new gene secrets 【译】夫妻联手解开新的基因奥秘3. U.S. analysts find no sign Bin Laden had nuclear arms 【译】美分析人士未发现本拉登拥有核武器的证据,4. Pioneer colleges face axe 【译】一些实验学院面临砍削5. Private eyes seek legal recognition 【译】私人侦探寻求法律认可 6. Plane hits Milan skyscraper, terror ruled out 【译】飞机撞上米兰摩天大楼,估计与恐怖袭击无关,1. Different types of English headlines and their translation,1.2 名词、名词短语、介词短语作标题,1. Rein in Profit from Housing sales 【译】严控售房利润2. Year 2000 bug unstoppable for some companies 【译】计算机千年虫问题迫在眉睫3. Old photos as a reminder of my childhood 【译】老照片唤起了我对童年的回忆4. Arafat ready for unconditional truce 【译】阿拉法特期待无条件停战会谈,5. A road to the cosmos 【译】通向宇宙之路 6. Protests against war across world 【译】反战抗议遍及全球 7. The boy with the billion-dollar secrets 【译】怀有赚取亿万美元之秘诀的男孩 8. Divorce New York style 【译】纽约离婚新样式,1.2 名词、名词短语、介词短语作标题,1.3有非谓语动词的标题,1. Six Black countries to hold summit 【译】非洲六国将举行首脑会议 2. Nippon steel to hold down production 【译】日铁将降低产量 3. New efforts to learn about planet Mars 【译】探测火星的新举措4. Arafat to skip Arab summit, two observers killed 【译】阿拉法特将不参加阿拉伯峰会,两名国际观察员罹难,5. How to price your products and services 【译】如何为你的产品和劳务定价 6. Working for better Sino-US ties 【译】中美两国政府为促进双边关系而努力 7. Traveling under the Channel in the Eurostar Train 【译】乘“欧洲之星”列车穿过海底隧道 8. Japanese rocket launch delayed 【译】日本政府决定推迟火箭发射日期,1.3有非谓语动词的标题,1.4 有标点符号“:” “,” “”的标题,1. The American way: friendship 【译】美国人的友谊观2. Bering ice: no floe flows 【译】白令海峡没有浮冰块流动 3. Reagans more-guns-less-butter budget (The New York Times) 【译】里根预算:多一些枪炮,少一点黄油 4. The oceansmans last resources 【译】海洋人类最后的巨大资源,1.4 有标点符号 “:” “,” “”的标题,5. Living in Amsterdamthe best way to see a city 【译】生活在阿姆斯特丹城市观光的最佳方式6. Life Show, A story of plain, passion, dream 【译】人生一个普通平凡的、充满激情和梦想的故事7. “The system failed her” 【译】她与这种制度格格不入8. Is “Globalization” helping or hurting? 【译】全球化:幸或不幸?,2 Rhetorical features of English Headlines,2.1 Short and simple e.g. Alcohol and Death 酒精与死亡 e.g. 007 Movies in Retrospect 007 电影回顾 e.g. Nike, From Small Beginnings to World Giant 耐克,从无名小卒到世界巨人,2.2 Slang and Colloquialism,1. Cops: Man Wanted in N. J. Arrested 警方称,新泽西州通缉犯已被抓获2. Pioneer Colleges Face Axe 一些实验学院面临砍削 3. Tourism Up and Violence Down, Jamaica says 牙买加称,旅游业蒸蒸日上, 暴力犯罪日益减少,2.3 Figures of Speech,1. After the Boom, Everything is Gloom 繁荣不再,萧条即来2. Soccer Kicks Off With Violence 足球开赛拳打脚踢3. Middle East: Cradle of Terror 中东 - 恐怖主义的摇篮,4. A Vow to Zip His Lips 誓将守口如瓶5. “Silent” Office Workers Demand To Be Heard “不闻不问” 的办公室员工,今后将不再不闻不问6. Russian Reform - Old Wine in New Bottle 俄罗斯改革- 新瓶装旧酒,Assignment 1,Acronyms & Initials: NPC CPPCC UNESCO NASA EU WTO,Clipped Words: biz lib pro natl coml tech pix Russ Sec chute copter,NPC (the National peoples Congress)全国人民代表大会 CPPCC (the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference )中国人民政治协商会议 UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)联合国教科文组织 NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) (美国)国家航空航天局,EU (European Union) 欧盟 WTO (World Trade Organization) 世界贸易组织 Abbreviations (Clipped Words) bizbusiness(商业)libliberation(解放) proprofessional(专业的;职业的) natlnational(全国的) comlcommercial(商业的;广告) techtechnology(技术) pixpictures(电影) RussRussia(俄罗斯) Secsecretary(秘书) chuteparachute(降落伞) copterhelicopter(直升机),Assignment 2,1. Cops under fire2. American booksellers3. On the road to Parliament4. Lost survivors 5. Ten Ways to Get More Energy6. Confronting New Challenges7. Whats New in the Computer World8. Inside the Clinton White House9. Help is at hand if illness strikes mid flight,10. Officers provided security for strips show, police say11. Bush says war against terror far from over12. Will highland park disappear?13. Helping the homeless to help themselves14. Gas prices going up, up, up15. Best of Times, Worst of Times 16. Florida Court Oks Proposed Office Smoking Ban 17. Liberty: Mother of Success,1. Cops under fire【译】警察遭枪击 2. American booksellers【译】美国书店一瞥3. On the road to Parliament【译】通向议会的道路4. Lost survivors 【译】失落的幸存者5. Ten Ways to Get More Energy【译】精力充沛十法,6. Confronting New Challenges【译】面对新挑战 7. Whats New in the Computer World【译】计算机世界的新产品8. Inside the Clinton White House【译】克林顿主政下的白宫内情9. Help is at hand if illness strikes mid flight【译】飞行途中生病,帮助就在身边10. Officers provided security for strips show, police say【译】警方称有警官为脱衣舞表演提供安全保护,11. Bush says war against terror far from over【译】布什称反恐战争远未结束12. Will highland park disappear?【译】高地公园会消失吗?13. Helping the homeless to help themselves【译】帮助无家可归者自强自立14. Gas prices going up, up, up【译】煤气价格一涨再涨15. Best of Times, Worst of Times 【译】美好时代,艰难岁月16. Florida Court Oks Proposed Office Smoking Ban 【译】佛州法院通过办公室禁止吸烟提案17. Liberty: Mother of Success 【译】自由是成功之母,3 A comparison between Chinese and English Headlines,3.1 概括程度不同 A.汉语新闻标题:详尽完整的综述要点 B.英文新闻标题:精炼的概括要点,e.g. 在社会主义现代化建设和改革开放事业中做出突出贡献 45位外国专家获友谊奖 朱镕基出席颁奖仪式 (人民日报1996年9月28日) Foreign Experts Awarded Medals ( China Daily,Sept.28,1996),3.2 措词手法各异动词的使用及其在标题中的位置例1: 挽留北京旧城墙 (北京青年报1996年11月24日) Beijing to fix ancient city wall ( China Daily, Nov.1,1996)例2: 严禁非法金融活动 维护经济秩序稳定 (光明日报1996年11月25日) State eliminates illegal banking (China Daily, Nov. 25, 1996),修饰语的使用例如:江泽民在贵州、广西考察扶贫开发工作强调扶贫攻坚战必须打好,务求全胜 (人民日报年月日)Jiang: Abolish rural poverty (China Daily,Nov.5,1996),A. 英语新闻标题:一般过去时表过去;不定式表将来 B. 汉语新闻标题:借助时间词 e.g.1: 施罗德将出访美国 Shroeder to visit US forging ties with the new Bush Adtion (DPA德意志新闻社) e.g.2: 我国承担的人类基因组“天书”接近完成 (人民日报2001年2月14日) China to complete draft of 1% Human Genome (人民网2001.2.15),3.3时间表达有别,4. 英语新闻标题翻译技巧,1) 直译 e.g. Putin faces harsh press criticism over terror 普京因恐怖事件受媒体严厉批评 e.g. Olympics Begin in Style; Swimmer Takes 1st Gold 奥运盛妆开幕泳将喜夺首金 e.g. UK oldest person dies at 115 英国第一寿星谢世,享天年百岁又十五 e.g. Looking Back to Look Ahead 回首往昔 展望未来,2)意译e.g. By Their colors You Should Know Them 欧洲色彩时尚(点明文章内容) Some Kids Are Orchids 血案的反思(指出作者意图) Believing the Believers 人类的信仰(兼顾译入语的表达习惯),3) 翻译中添加注释性词语,e.g. For Beslans children, a legacy of nightmares (俄罗斯:) 劫后相逢,别城孩童仍似恶梦中e.g. HU elected Chinese president 胡(锦涛)当选中国国家主席e.g. China Demands For bombing Probe And Apology 要求北约就轰炸中国驻南使馆事件进行全面调查和道歉 e.g. The Language Barrier 产品跨国销售中的语言障碍 e.g. Tysons Trade Treatment 美国与经济学家泰森的贸易对策,4) 减词法e.g. The Battle of Human Versus Computers at Chess 人机象棋大战 My Husband is a Man in a Womans World 泡在女人堆里的男人,5)反译法e.g. A Unsuitable Boy 情人眼里出帅哥 Never Too Old 最长寿之人,6) 尽量再现原文修辞特点,e.g. A Tale of Two Debtors 两个欠债国的故事e.g. After the Booms Everything Is Gloom 繁荣不再萧条即来e.g. No Fans? “No fret!” 赛场没人气?“咱可没生气!”,7) 套用中外诗词熟句,e.g. Bushs daughters reach legal age to drink 布什双娇初长成 酒巷从此任纵横e.g. Singaporean star Gives Part of Liver to Save Dying Lover若为爱情故肝脏也可抛狮城上演感人生死恋,5. 汉语新闻标题的翻译技巧,1) 变汉语的偏正结构为英语的“名词中心语 + 后置修饰语”结构e.g. 举世瞩目的中国农业 Chinese Agriculture Attracting Worldwide Attentione.g.农民可放心的几件事 The Things That Farmers Neednt Worry About e.g.走向世界的南京大学 University set to go international,2) 变句子为短语e.g.美国不要做干涉他国内政的事情 US told to stop its interferinge.g.上千律师义务帮助二战中国劳工打官司 Lawyers to help forced laborerse.g.青海湖二百年内将成为盐湖 Qinghai Lake to Become Salty Within 200 Years,3)转换标题形式结构e.g. (引题)大坝出现“大裂缝”? 资金是个“无底洞”? (主题)三峡总公司避谣:空穴来风 Big Rift and Fund Shortage: A Rumor,4) 修辞翻译仿拟(parody) (引题)烦恼的江津 (主题)“去!不去!这是个问题?” Football Star Jiang: To Go or Not to Go, That is the Question. (直译),拟人(Personification) (引题)修建广场 拓宽道路 (主题)武昌部分路段路灯“失明” Some Street Lamps in Wuchang Blinded. (直译) 公交站牌“说胡话” Public Transport Signpost Gives Wrong Directions (意译) 片头片尾该“减肥” Both ends of Films to be Shortened. (意译),押韵(Rhyme) 哥国镇长不好当 当着当着就挨枪 Town Head in Columbia Killed. (意译)双关(Pun) 塞国球迷“看不起”世界杯 Soccer Fans in Senegal Cant Afford World Cup Tickets (意译),Assignment:,Translation: N. Y. Officials Want More DNA SamplesUS, DPRK resume talks on nuke issue Australias GDP growth outlook improvesRecord SAR admissions to mainland universitiesThe Departed Lands Best Picture Oscar Women Are Becoming Experts At Home Repairs U. S. Analysts Find No Sign bin Laden Had Nuclear Arms Five Ways To Be Romantic New Efforts To Learn About Planet MarsHelping the Homeless to Help Themselves,11. Looking Back to Look Ahead 12. Film Star Clint Eastwood Honored in Gala Tribute 13. Four Killed and Five Hurt in a House Fire 14. Cloning Technology Unlikely to Take Over the World 15. Ten Die in Kashmir Temple Attack 16. Anderson Chief Quits in Effort to Rescue Firm 17. Location of 2007 Grammys in Question,