商务英语阅读Unit 16 叶兴国课件.ppt
U,NIT,16,2014.12,Business English: A Reading Course,B,ACKGROUND,INFORMATION,?,I. Competition among corporations,turns to knowledge and skills.,?,II. Competition among corporations,is that of employees,qualities.,B,ACKGROUND,INFORMATION,?,III. How to handle employees is the,key to a corporation,s success.,?,1. to be humble to win support;,?,2. good at collecting ideas&,bringing out the best of everyone on,your staff;,?,3. concerned with the interests of the,staff.,?,How to handle employees is a great,challenge. The greatest obstacle is,communication.,W,ARM,-,UP,Q,UESTIONS,1. Suppose you were a boss, how would you,handle your men in the office so as to make,business prosperous?,2. In a community of people from all over the,world with different cultures and languages,such as a multinational, what can you do to,help them to overcome the difficulties in,communication?,Business English: A Reading Course,5,R,EADING,S,KILLS,:,I,NTRODUCE,THE,B,ASIC,I,NFORMATION,ABOUT,B,USINESS,E,NGLISH,R,EADING,Business English: A Reading Course,?,评论性阅读:,读者在正确理解作品的基础,上,对作品做出鉴别、判断、评论。,?,有效的评论性阅读三步骤:,?,1.,理解文本:,?,标志着观点出现的词语:,?,2.,评价文本:,?,3.,做出反应:,Notes on the Text:,1. That doesn,t mean that you ought to,coddle idleness, or to be slack with,viciousness, or even to carry on the,pay-roll well-meaning,incompetence.,1.,那并不是说你应该纵容懒惰,或疏忽恶,意,甚至给善良但不胜任的员工发放薪,水。,Business English: A Reading Course,T,EXT,A,:,H,ANDLE,Y,OUR,M,EN,I,N,THE,O,FFICE,Notes on the Text:,2. For a fellow who mixes business and charity soon,finds that he can,t make any money to give to,charity; and in the end, instead of having,helped others, he,s only added himself to the,burden of others.,对一个把企业和慈善机构混淆起来的人来说,他很快,就会发现赚不到任何钱捐给慈善机构了,并且最后他,不但不能帮助别人,自己反而成了他人的负担。,Business English: A Reading Course,T,EXT,A,:,H,ANDLE,Y,OUR,M,EN,I,N,THE,O,FFICE,Notes on the Text:,3. sits around waiting to be hunted up.,坐等被人发现。,4. Indiscriminate blame is as bad as,undiscriminating praise,it only makes,a man tired.,不分青红皂白的指责和不加区别的,褒奖一样,是不可取的只会使人,感到厌烦。,Business English: A Reading Course,T,EXT,A,:,H,ANDLE,Y,OUR,M,EN,I,N,THE,O,FFICE,Notes on the Text:,5. Once you do, and it,s only a matter of,time before you,ve got to place the,remnants in the hands of a doctor as,receiver.,一旦你这么做了,那么何时把,你的余生交到医生手里就只是,个时间问题了。,Business English: A Reading Course,T,EXT,A,:,H,ANDLE,Y,OUR,M,EN,I,N,THE,O,FFICE,T,EXT,B,:,H,OW,TO,M,AKE,THE,M,ULTICULTURAL,W,ORK,F,ORCE,W,ORK,Notes on the Text:,1. Immigrants will account for nearly two-thirds,of the country,s population growth between now,and 2050, according to the US Department of,Labor.,account for:,(,在数量方面,),占。如:,Petrochemicals today account for one fourth of all the,chemicals made, and in 10 years this account is expected to,double.,石油化工产品现在已占所有化学制品的四分之一,预计十年,后这个数目还要翻一番。,Business English: A Reading Course,T,EXT,B,:,H,OW,TO,M,AKE,THE,M,ULTICULTURAL,W,ORK,F,ORCE,W,ORK,Notes on the Text:,2. To learn how to stack a cooler, for,instance, employees study photos of,how the contents can be arranged so,that drivers don,t have to reach deep,inside to grab any drinks.,例如,为了学会如何在冰箱里放置食品,雇员研究,食品能够被如何放置的照片,这样司机就不用把手,伸得很深去抓取饮料。,Business English: A Reading Course,T,EXT,B,:,H,OW,TO,M,AKE,THE,M,ULTICULTURAL,W,ORK,F,ORCE,W,ORK,Notes on the Text:,3. Otherwise, he says, ESL classes,come and go without much to show,for them.,他说,否则的话,非母语英语,课程昙花一现,对他们并没有,什么效果。,Business English: A Reading Course,T,EXT,B,:,H,OW,TO,M,AKE,THE,M,ULTICULTURAL,W,ORK,F,ORCE,W,ORK,Notes on the Text:,4. Chefs from the Caribbean know how to,whip up such specialties as mondongo,(cow intestine), stewed goat, and salted,codfish.,来自加勒比地区的厨师知道如何迅速准备好他们,的特色菜,如“焖炖沟”(牛肠)、炖羊肉和腌,鳕鱼。,Business English: A Reading Course,K,EYS,TO,E,XERCISES,I. T F T T T,II. B A A B C,III. 1.,我所说的谦卑并不是指在大街上为了乞讨,5,分镍币,而卑躬屈膝和为了,1000,美元在办公室里阿谀奉承;,这是使一个人为有机会在世上工作而感到骄傲的谦,卑,是使一个人想成为一个诚实的商人、一个医术,高明的医生或者一个公正的律师的谦卑。,2.,成为一个优秀管理人员的诀窍是其预防员工犯错误的,警觉程度超过其惩罚犯错误员工的迫切程度。,3.,当你为你的客户开启酒瓶时,你的客户敞开了心扉。,从前的情况也许如此,不过在当今时代,只有能力,差的销售员才会选择饮酒的方法。把业务和饮酒扯,在一起的人大部分都以失败告终。,Business English: A Reading Course,T,EXT,A,T,EXT,B,I. C B C D A,II. D B B A A,III. 1.,的确,当决策者们努力寻求能够解,决边境安全问题的妥当方法时,劳埃德正,努力解决他自己最紧迫的问题。,2.,当移民司机不能回答客户问题时,,他也很乐意接电话来解决可能发生的问题。,3.,“城市新鲜”公司也用数字作为通,用语言。,4.,但是任何想要进入管理层的人必须,掌握英语。,Business English: A Reading Course,K,EYS,TO,E,XERCISES,1.,Try to remember new words and,expressions in Unit 16;,2.,Make a summary for,Part IV,Supplementary Reading with no more,than 50 words;,3.,Finish,Part V Test Yourself, five minutes,for each passage.,4.,Review all contents learned in this,book.,Business English: A Reading Course,Assignment,