奥林匹克的起源,Origins of the Olympic Games,The modern Olympic movement originated in western culture, and became popular all over the world, and has become the spiritual civilization of mankind (人类精神文明)to share results.,The time of (的时代)ancient Greece Olympia village is “god city”(神城), where leaders of Zeus (诸神领袖宙斯 )built the temple gods. Each year the city to this ritual activities(祭祀活动) (entertainment gods activities娱神活动).,现代奥林匹克运动文化起源于西方,流行于全世界,并已成为人类共享的精神文明成果。,奥林匹亚村是古希腊时代的“神城”,那里建有诸神领袖宙斯的神庙。每年各城邦都要来此举行祭祀活动(娱神活动)。,From 776 BC, performing in the form of a competition, people this year as the beginning of the ancient Olympic Games. Apart from the entertainment god besides, then through sports entertainment display of the human body movement skills, to provide different social strata(社会阶层) of the spirit to meet demand. Its contents are self-entertainment, entertainment officer, entertainment, etc.,从公元前776年开始,表演以比赛的形式出现,人们把这一年当作古代奥林匹克运动会的开始。除了娱神之外,当时的运动娱乐活动还通过人体运动技能的展示,为社会各阶层提供不同需求的精神满足。其内容有自娱、娱官、娱人等。,From 776 BC to 394 AD, the ancient Olympic Games every four years organized session, held a total of 293 sessions.,从公元前776年到公元394年,古代奥运会每4年举办一届,共举行了293届。,During the Olympics a “sacred truce神圣休战” and not use all weapons(武器), to wage war(发动战争). It created civilization(文明), and equality of wealth, has gone far beyond the significance(意义) of sport itself, known as the ancient Olympic sports culture.,奥运会期间实行“神圣休战”,所有人不得运用武器,发动战争。它所创造的文明、和平等财富,已远远超出体育运动本身的意义,被称作古代奥林匹克运动文化。,Medieval theological rule(中世纪神学统治时代), the Olympic sports culture almost completely eliminated (消除)until the Renaissance(文艺复兴时期), the theology was replaced by people-oriented culture of humanism. New humanistic values established(建立), the sport has entered a new stage of development.,中世纪神学统治时期,奥林匹克运动文化几乎湮灭殆尽,直到文艺复兴时期,神学文化被以人为本的人文主义所取代。新的人文价值观的确立,使体育运动进入了崭新的发展阶段。,皮埃尔德顾拜旦,现代奥林匹克运动会的发起人,1896年至1925年任国际奥林匹克委员会主席,奥林匹克会徽、奥林匹克会旗设计者。他终生倡导奥林匹克精神,被誉为“现代奥林匹克之父”。顾拜旦不仅是国际体育活动家,同时也是卓有成就的教育学家和历史学家。,In June 1894, in French educator, historians Pierre DE coubertin baron (皮埃尔德顾拜旦男爵)tireless efforts of the international Olympic committee(国际奥林匹克委员会) was established(成立), and through the first Olympic charter(奥林匹克章程).,1894年6月,在法国教育家、历史学家皮埃尔德顾拜旦男爵的不懈努力下,国际奥林匹克委员会成立,并通过了第一部奥林匹克章程。,In 1896, in Athens(雅典), Greece held the first modern Olympic Games. Since then a world of sports was born, and also produced a new kind of global, unified(统一的) sports and cultural patterns.,1896年,在希腊雅典举行了第一届现代奥林匹克运动会。从此一种世界性的体育活动诞生了,同时产生了一种新的世界性的、统一的体育文化形态。,It crossed the culture divide, the completion of the human cultural history of the sport qualitative change and became unique culture of the modern Olympic movement.,它跨越了民族文化的鸿沟,完成了人类运动文化史上的质变,成为独具特色的现代奥林匹克运动文化。,THANK YOU,