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    剑桥版小学英语精品ppt课件:Unit 6 Adven.ppt

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    剑桥版小学英语精品ppt课件:Unit 6 Adven.ppt

    剑桥小学英语Join in(三年级起点)五年级下册,Unit6 Adventures,Part 6 A story - The hero,heroes,Q: 1. Who are in the story ?,2. Who is the hero ?,bank robbers,the sheriff,Q: 1. Who are in the story ?,2. Who is the hero ?,bank robbers,the sheriff,1.What happens at first ?,2. What will Joe do ? And why ?,Listen to P1-P2 and answer :,The bank robbers rob the bank .,He will catch the robbers .,Because he is not afraid .,Listen ,read and think :Can Joe catch the robbers ? Why not ?,Read again and fill in the blanks .1. Joe is going to _ the bank robbers .2. The bank robbers are _ happily in the hole .3.The bank robbers_ Joe by singing a last song.,look for,singing,catch,Read after the tape and then choose :,1. Sarsh is going to look for _. A. the bank robbers B. his husband Joe,2.Sarah finds _ at first . A. the bank robbers B. his husband Joe,3. The robbers are _, and they want to A. hungry B. thirsty,make some pancakes .,4. Sarah help _ with the pancakes and then she hit them by the pans .,A. the bank robbers B. his husband Joe,5. Sarah finds Joe _ ,She helps him at last .,A. sleeping B. crying,B,A,A,A,B,Read and discuss : Who is the hero ?And why ?,Sarah is the hero . Because she is not only brave ,but also wise(有智慧的) .,Show Time,1. Read the whole story emotionlly in groups .(小组合作,有感情的朗读故事。),2. Choose one of the parts to act in groups .(小组合作,选择一部分表演。),3. Try to retell the story in your own words .(尝试用自己的话复述故事。),_ Sarah looks for Joe ,and she finds the robbers at first .,_ Sarah catches the robbers and helps Joe .,_ The bank robbers rob the bank .,_ Sarah helps the robbers with the pancakes.,_ The sheriff gives Joe a hundred dollars as a prize .,_ Joe gives the money to Sarah at last and he is very sad .,_ Joe looks for robbers .He is not afraid .,1,2,4,5,6,7,8,Have a try .,_The robbers catch Joe by singing a last song .,3,_Joe is Sarahs hero but Sarah is the real hero .,9,How can be a hero ?,homework :,1. Read the whole story emotionlly.,2. Work in groups to act the whole story .,A story The hero Today ,Ill tell you an interesting story about Joe . The sheriff finds the bank robbers _ the bank . But he cant _ them . The Joe will _ them , he is not _.Then he _ them . He finds them in the hole . They are _ happily . Joe has got a gun ,so the bank robbers are _. Then the robbers have got an idea. They sing a _ song and catch Joe .Then Sarah goes to _ Joe . She finds robbers .They are _,they want to make some _. Then she has got an idea .She _ them with the pancakes and hits them by the pans . She saves Joe at last . People thinks Joe is a _and gives him a hundred dollars . Sarah asks him to give the money to her ,because she is real _ ,not only (不仅) brave ,but also (而且) wise (有智慧的).,rob,stop,look for,afraid,looks for,singing,afraid,last,look for,hungry,pancakes,helps,hero,hero,


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