6.2 笔试真题 & 详解真题 1(问答):1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a freely convertible currency? Do you think China will allow the RMB to freely float on the international market in the next 5 years?2. What must China do to improve the confidence of foreign investors and create a stable and open market economy?3. Comment on Chinese consumer confidence in internet-based commerce.4. Can Shanghai ever truly become the financial center to rival Hong Kong? If so, when and how?5. The EXPO 2010 is coming to Shanghai. What is the long term viability of the costly buildings and infrastructure at this venue?6. How can the employment market in cities like Shanghai and Beijing accommodate the increasing numbers of migrant workers relocating there?7. 如何吸引外资来建立一个稳定开放的市场经济?真题 2(作文):技术进步:1. The computer is widely used in modern society. What are the disadvantages if one cannot use the computer? What should the government do?2. 你认为你的大学为学生购置电脑和买书充实图书馆那个更加可取?3. 有关是不是该在学校使用电脑和计算器4. 你是否同意下述观点:技术能使学生们掌握更多信息并学习更快。5. do you agree that we can learn something about your country from watching movies, example support you viewpoint.6. some people think computers make life easier and more convenient, some think it make life stressful and complex. what's your opinion? give some examples to support it.7. 科技发展对世界是好事吗?环境:8. Business education and training must promote environmental awareness. Do you agree or disagree this opinion?9. People worldwide increasingly travel abroad to work for several months or years. This phenomenon has advantages and disadvantages. What do you think?10. 应不应该拆除被国家保护的老建筑?成才:11. 现在很多小孩子很小就被送到幼儿园或者找人照看,这可以使妈妈们更早的回到工作岗位,问你的看法如何12. Do you think it is a good idea that college student take part time job13. 对于一个16岁的孩子而言,参加有偿的工作是很有价值也很重要的。同意这种观点不?为什么?14. Do you agree of disagree that parents are best teachers? Give examples.15. 对年轻人来说家庭影响更重要还是朋友的影响更重要?16. some like to do what they already do well, some like to take risks and take new things, what do you prefer? Reasons and example 。17. 学校是否应该投入同样多的经费到活动上18. In your opinion, which one is more important, the knowledge gained from books or the knowledge gained from experience? Why?19. 讲的是成功是努力的结果,运气是否重要呢?20. Career specific training is far important than a broad-based education? Do you agree or disagree on this? Why?社会问题分析:21. do you agree or disagree like The World Cup and other international sporting can ease international tensions.22. 有人认为砍伐森林应该被禁止,你同意还是不同意。23 .电影演员和企业boss收入高,护士、医生和老师收入却不高。你同意不?你认为收入标准该如何定?24. do u agree or disagree: TV, newspapers, magazine and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities charities25. 人们坚持要诚信和真实,但是有时候不得已要说谎,which extent do you agree or disagree?26. 不同职业的人是否应该有不同假期?27. do you agree it is unfair to cover the private lives of celebrities.28. 很多人愿意出国读大学,你怎么看, 说详细理由29. 很多企业以额外的奖金作为对做出优异贡献的员工的奖励 你认为这有效程度有多少?有什么其他的奖励和鼓励员工更好工作的形式?30. Someone say advertisement always try to make us buy something we do not need , someone says ad helps us to improve our lives (大意)其他:31、Happiness is difficult to define. Why? What are the factors to achieve happiness?32、There is a saying that if women want to be personal independence, women should first be economic independence. Do you believe it or not.33、do you like a long hours job with high-paying but have little time with family and friends or a shorter time with ower-paying but have more time?34、Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that were ally do not need. Others say that advertisements. Tell us about new products that may improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons andexamples to support your answer.35、旧建筑要不要拆了造新房子,旧房子要不要保护。36、There is a saying that women want independence, they should first have economic independence. Do you believe it or not37、Someone think they can get success through taking risks and chances ; others believe they can get success by careful planning. Which do you agree?38、父母为了小孩能好好利用闲暇时间,不买电视,你觉得怎么样。39、Some people link drinking wine to friendship, business or personality .Can you give some possible reasons?40、The automobile has had great effects on modern life. Some of these effects are positive and others are negative41、你是否认为电话电邮令人与人之间疏远42、陈述少女犯罪率上升的原因及解决办法43、playing a game is fun only when you win, agree or not.44、家长决定家里不装电视,这样孩子可以更 creative 的度过休闲时光,是否同意45、一个人想要成功需要学习很多东西,那种 Skill 是你觉得最需要学习的?46、Modern technology is a single world culture47、TV 对孩子创造力的影响 试问我的看法48、If you are the employer, which one do you prefer to hire: an inexperienced worker with a low salary, or an experienced worker with a high salary经验1:第一题:先是一个表格- 纵向表头是美洲,欧洲,亚洲,横向表头是各种用途有受教育、娱乐等等,每个用途又分为两小列:经常使用和偶而使用,然后填充表格的数字就是百分比。然后是一个饼状图-分为三块,就是美洲,欧洲,亚洲分别有多少人参与调查。题目记得比较模糊。第二题貌似是美洲和欧洲在哪个用途(经常使用)上的比例差别最大。第三题是告诉你加拿大偶尔使用互联网做教育用途的人数,然后假设所占的比例与美洲相同,求加拿大有多少人参加调查。好像还有个题问你既经常用互联网娱乐又经常用互联网教育的人比例是多少,偶觉得是cannot say。第四题:先是一个折线图,告诉你s软件标准版和豪华版五年的销量,标准版是蓝色的折线,先上升后下降,豪华版是红色折线,一直就上升,刚开始标准版卖的多,后来豪华版卖的多。再是一个表格,纵向表头就是标准版、豪华版,横向表头是固定成本,单位销售成本,单位售价。题目记得更模糊了,好像有一个是豪华版五年里的总成本最后一题大概如果标准版卖了多少,豪华版卖了多少,哪个版本盈利多。verbal:第一题:一篇来自于某论坛,说当今电视新闻报到快速及时,但却少了应有的深度,不过读者观众们还是可以通过报纸等媒介需求深入分析的另一篇来自哪里记不得了,跟上一篇说的差不多了,说电视新闻没深度。一个题目是问哪篇文章批评了当今的新闻报道,应该是都批评了吧。还有个题目问这两篇文章的区别是什么,偶没找到啥明显区别,凭感觉选了个第二题:给了一个sale proposal, 建议这个s软件对青少年有很大吸引力,应当大力发展简装版的,还提到预计第二年的时候break even(这个要严重谢谢论坛上的同学,只用了5秒钟就完成该题)。另给了一个maket survey, 建议虽然表面看来s软件对青少年有很大吸引力。但是中产阶级的购买力更强更steady,还是要着重开放高档版本,大概五年break even。题目大概是break even,同义词不用提了,论坛上普遍认为是parity。哪篇文章认为s软件对青少年吸引力很强 偶觉得是两个都认为。图形这个题就不好描述,第一题还好,每次只变一个; 第二题就是所有图形都变变变!脑袋要晕了,基本上都是蒙的,神啊,保佑我晋级吧。作文我的是:Some people believe national sports teams should be supported by government, some believe they should be supported by non-governmental fund such as corporate, personal fund. Which one do you agree? Why? 我把论坛出现的题目70%都写了提纲,偏偏出了一个我没准备过的,希望我能够晋级。经验2:刚刚在武汉进行了深圳所的笔试。把资料共享一下以供借鉴。笔试分四块内容,前三块形式类似,都是每三分钟 4 道题,要是没做完系统就自动跳过了,所以把握好时间的同时别忘了先蒙一个答案再去做题,因为最后一道题很可能来不及点答案就没时间了。切记啊!我就一道题没来得及写答案系统就跳到下一题了。蒙一下好歹还有四分之一的几率。第一块是文字题。类似于阅读理解。给出一段文字,然后四个问题都是基于文字产生的。仔细审题然后分析判断,应该不难得出答案。注意不要太有想象力了,要根据原文信息进行判断,而不是根据自己认为应该怎样。第二块是图表题。给出一个图表让你据此进行简单的加减乘除运算,只要仔细审题加把握时间就不难。3 分钟的时间比较紧张,所以最后一道先蒙个答案。很可能你正在专注算题得出答案还没来得及选系统就跳了。我就吃了这个亏。第三块是图形推理。我之前没见过这种题,但同学说有见过。就是给出一些操作,会有图例对这些操作进行解释。比如说“S”代表第一个图形变小,那它会给个例 子,就是一组图形(一般是 3 个)变成另外一组,你会发现第一个图形整体缩小了,其它两个都没有变。这就是“S”的意思。然后题目就是给两组图形,问你经过什么样的操作。第一组就变成了第二组的样子。或者问你经过某种操作后第一组图形会变成选项中的哪组图形。可能我前没做过,觉得时间很紧,有两个题都没答完。第四块就是作文了。英文写作,250 字左右。它会有计数器,但据大多数同学反应计数器很容易坏,我的数到 100多字时就坏了。这个不打紧,反正写多了比写 少了好。因为那个字体不大,可能你觉得自己就写了那么一小块,会不会不够,但是往往一小块就有 250 个字了。打字速度慢的同学别忘了练练打字速度。时间允许的话,仔细也很重要,别把单词打错了(我就来不及检查了,哎,速度很重要)。我的题目很常规,大概是问 some people believesuccess results from taking risks or chances,others believe success comes from careful planning.What do you think?Give reasons and examples. 据其他同学反应,还有遇到的题目是“学习一个国家的语言首先要学习它的文化,你觉得呢?”“科技进步带给人们很多好处,你觉得呢?”之类的,在此提出以供 借鉴。一开始以为作文时间相对充裕,但写起来时间还是挺紧张的。就写这么多了,希望能帮到大家。经验3:本次是普华永道天津的第一场笔试,以后还会有几场笔试,所以没接到笔试通知的同学别着急,苦心人,天不负,三千越甲可吞吴。考试地点在天津大学的综合实验楼,进天大正门后往右穿过两幢之后就是综合实验楼,如果怕找不到的话,可以问门口的警卫或者进门之后的右拐角处有一张地图,总之不要走错哦,如果太赶的话会影响考试心情的。建议提前半个小时去,因为是机考,规矩还是挺多的,机房门口贴着笔试名单,找到自己的名字,插好自己的考试号,八点半准时放人进去,包必须放在教室的边上,桌上只能放笔,草稿纸(会发的),水,打印邮件(必须带,通知邮件上说可带可不带,但是监考的说必须带,不带的话必须把邮件复印件传真到上海总部),计算器(只能带没有函数计算功能的计算器,就是那种简单运算的计算器,这些在通知邮件上都没说,但是监考的那么要求,有同学提出疑问,监考官还拿出了上海总部的规定,不过考试过程中还是有同学拿出来算,监考官没管),综上,规矩真挺多,所以大家以上的东西还是备齐,这次监考的估计是天大的老师,没有普华永道的人,所以各方面都还可以。废话不多说,考试模式还是正常模式,全中文,有例题练手,不计时不计分。Numerical test 20分钟22题 一图两题Verbal test 17分钟32题 一文两题Essay 30分钟200words先做Verbal test, 内容和论坛里大部分毕竟提到的一样,金融危机,。估计用的一套题,注意这里有一些trick, 例如在题目里,苏州换成杭州,公斤换成斤,这些在别的笔经里都提到过,我也都碰到了,总之是,先看题,后在文章中找,按文章提出的意思来,不要臆断,还有速度要更快,个人感觉做的比KP的Verbal都赶。Numerical test ,和大部分笔经提到的一样,是SHL试题,风格和KP笔试题不一样,计算复杂度有简单也有难,简单的看看图就能写出来,难得要用到10此方和5 次方,如果时间紧的话难题可以跳过,北京工人平均工资。具体内容和其他笔经提到的一样,估计用的是一套题,把握时间,够迅速的话可以做完全部,另外注意的是,一张图右两道题,第二道题的计算可能会用到第一题的计算结果,我碰到4个这样的题,所以请大家一定在草稿纸上写清楚,免得重复计算,节省时间,PS:考试前把键盘和显示器重新摆一摆,毕竟不是自己的笔记本,用着不趁手,会影响速度,键盘什么的比较脏,用纸巾擦一擦,天大的机房还好,没有出现太多及其问题。ESSAY,还是典型30题题库里的题,我的题目是,提高油价是控制汽车和污染的最好办法,你同意还是不同意这个观点?我其他几个同学抽的题也是题库里的,典型的TOEFL题,大家可以找点TOEFL模板,背下来之后套一下要写的内容,速度还是比较快的,因为是机考,可能大家打字不快的,可以到学校机房的电脑上打几篇练练手感,加快速度。普华永道笔试真题一:普华永道笔试1. Please introduce yourself briefly. You may tell us something like: where you grow up, where you study, what your hobbies are, and what your future plan is.普华永道笔试2. Please describe a change that happens in your life. You may tell us something like: what it was about, how did it change your life?普华永道笔试3. You are the team leader of a project. In a meeting, you make a suggestion but fail to gain support from others. How will you deal with such situation? Why is such communication ability important?普华永道笔试4. 你最喜欢的课程,哪个老师教的,为什么喜欢?普华永道笔试5. 你最想为你的community做的一件事普华永道笔试6. describe a challenge you encountered普华永道笔试7. an example of your ability of 被过滤 decisions under pressure普华永道笔试8. 描述一本你看过的书,讲了什么,你喜欢它哪点,不喜欢它哪点。普华永道笔试9. do you think China's membership of WTO will benefit China or not (大意)普华永道笔试10. 举例说明学习某种语言时遇到的困难,你是怎么做的普华永道笔试11. study at home by using technology and in traditional schools ,which do you like? Why?普华永道笔试12. 问对今后改善环境是否Optimistic普华永道笔试13. technology如何改变你的生活。普华永道笔试14. the best vacation普华永道笔试15. do you disagree or agree one can judge people by first impressions普华永道笔试16. 近100年什么对社会起的变化最大普华永道笔试17. your future plan普华永道笔试18. 经常出差的利和弊普华永道笔试19.你收到的一个重要的礼物是什么?谁给你的?它为什么对你很重要?普华永道笔试20. How do you rate your analytical ability? why?普华永道笔试21. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a freely convertible currency?普华永道笔试22. Do you think China will allow the RMB to freely flood on the international market in the next 5 years?普华永道笔试23. 你喜欢的一部电影,为什么喜欢?普华永道笔试24. 为什么中国现在那么多人买车?普华永道笔试25. 介绍一个TV program, about what, why u like/dislike it普华永道笔试26. has technology given us a better life普华永道笔试27. 旅游,什么印象最深普华永道笔试28 你的创新能力,举例普华永道笔试29. Describe a movie star in Hong Kong or Mainland China and why?普华永道笔试30. Say something about movie and TV program普华永道笔试31. 我最喜欢的交流方式是什么,在什么时候会使用,为什么普华永道笔试32.喜欢高薪但是很忙的工作还是低薪但是很轻松的工作,为什么普华永道笔试33. 身处压力之下如何放松普华永道笔试34. How important do you think of the propitiation of work?普华永道笔试35. 描述你最喜欢的爱好,为什么喜欢。普华永道笔试36. 举一个能够表现你的判断能力和逻辑能力的例子。普华永道笔试37. Which news被过滤 or magazine do you read? What is it, how often do u read it, which part do u like most, why?普华永道笔试38. During lunch time, u found u missed 5 phone calls, how do u prioritize the returns of the phone call普华永道笔试39. 你在学校参加过的一门课程,可以谈任课老师,和课程内容等。普华永道笔试40. 为什么有些人选择出国留学普华永道笔试41. 有多经常用电脑?用电脑干嘛?电脑带给你什么变化?(比较简单)普华永道笔试42. 高中应不应该规定学生一定要穿校服或者规定学生穿什么衣服。普华永道笔试43. which city u like best ?why?普华永道笔试44. describe one of your best friends普华永道笔试45. 关于schedule your time的。普华永道笔试46. 你对团队的贡献普华永道笔试47. Please describe one of your hobbies. Why do you like it ?普华永道笔试48. When your have to make a decision, but you do not have any information that you need. how do you deal with it.普华永道笔试49. 举例描述你怎样说服别人接受你的观点普华永道笔试50. automobile的优缺点普华永道笔试51. one of your favourite website普华永道笔试52. how could you deal with the conflict.普华永道笔试53. taking many subjects or take one subject.普华永道笔试54. describe one of your activities in university .普华永道笔试55. 你认为中国现在最严重的社会问题是什么?普华永道笔试56. 喜不喜欢附近有一个大型的购物商场普华永道笔试57. 最喜欢的运动普华永道笔试58. 有没有必要举行Olympic games?普华永道笔试59. Describe a person you like. Who is he or she? Why is he or she special?普华永道笔试60. Do you think the traffic problem will be better or worse?普华永道笔试61. 你最崇拜的一个名人,为什么普华永道笔试62. 你喜欢和几个亲密的朋友单独聊天还是好多人一起普华永道笔试63. What is your favorable subject? What do you learn from it? why do you like it?普华永道笔试64. Which do you prefer between learn by yourself and learn with a teacher? Why?普华永道笔试65. Talk about an interesting event that you participated in普华永道笔试66. 在大学期间曾经come up with什么ideas普华永道笔试67. 是面对工作或学习中的challenge,大家如何面对普华永道笔试:Writing Test:普华永道笔试1. The computer is widely used in modern society. What are the disadvantages if one cannot use the computer? What should the government do?普华永道笔试2. 你认为你的大学为学生购置电脑和买书充实图书馆那个更加可取?普华永道笔试3. 有关是不是该在学校使用电脑和计算器普华永道笔试4. 你是否同意下述观点:技术能使学生们掌握更多信息并学习更快。普华永道笔试5. Business education and training must promote environmental awareness. Do you agree or disagree this opinion?普华永道笔试6. 现在很多小孩子很小就被送到幼儿园或者找人照看,这可以使妈妈们更早的回到工作岗位,问你的看法如何普华永道笔试7. do you agree or disagree like The World Cup and other international sporting can ease international tensions.普华永道笔试8. 人们坚持要诚信和真实,但是有时候不得已要说谎,which extent do you agree or disagree?普华永道笔试9. do you agree that we can learn something about your country from watching movies, example support you viewpoint.普华永道笔试10. do u agree or disagree: TV, news被过滤s, magazine and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities普华永道笔试11 .电影演员和企业boss收入高,护士、医生和老师收入却不高。你同意不?你认为收入标准该如何定?普华永道笔试12. Do you think it is a good idea that college student take part time job普华永道笔试13. 有人认为砍伐森林应该被禁止,你同意还是不同意。普华永道笔试14. Do you agree of disagree that parents are best teachers? Give examples.普华永道笔试15. 对于一个16岁的孩子而言,参加有偿的工作是很有价值也很重要的。同意这种观点不?为什么?普华永道笔试16. some people think computers make life easier and more convenient, some think it make life stressful and complex. what's ur opinion? give some examples to support it.普华永道笔试17. 对年轻人来说家庭影响更重要还是朋友的影响更重要?普华永道笔试18. some like to do what they already do well, some like to take risks and take new things, what do you prefer? Reasons and example 。普华永道笔试19. 学校是否应该投入同样多的经费到活动上普华永道笔试20. do you agree it is unfair to cover the private lives of celebrities.普华永道笔试21. 不同职业的人是否应该有不同假期?普华永道笔试22. Someone say advertisement always try to make us buy something we do not need , someone says ad helps us to improve our lives (大意)普华永道笔试23. 应不应该拆除被国家保护的老建筑?普华永道笔试24. 科技发展对世界是好事吗?普华永道笔试25. People worldwide increasingly travel abroad to work for several months or years. This phenomenon has advantages and disadvantages. What do you think?普华永道笔试26. 很多人愿意出国读大学,你怎么看, 说详细理由普华永道笔试27. Career specific training is far important than a broad-based education? Do you agree or disagree on this? Why?普华永道笔试28. In your opinion, which one is more important, the knowledge gained from books or the knowledge gained from experience? Why?普华永道笔试29. 很多企业以额外的奖金作为对做出优异贡献的员工的奖励 你认为这有效程度有多少?有什么其他的奖励和鼓励员工更好工作的形式?普华永道笔试30. 讲的是成功是努力的结果,运气是否重要呢?普华永道笔试真题二:PwC一如既往地把笔试时间排在工作日,接下来的估计也是,有实习的筒子们要注意了。考点在林大,我以前没去过,从南门口进去之后走大概五分钟,能找到图书馆旁边,教学楼北面那个三层的小楼,有点破。机房的环境一般,键盘和电脑还算比较灵敏,建议大家不要穿袖子太白的衣服去。普华永道笔试第一部分是verbal,17分钟,都很容易,比公务员考试的还要简单,毕竟中文阅读理解嘛。我做完了还剩6分钟,因为时间不累计,所以有点可惜,没必要做那么快。普华永道笔试第二部分是numerical,22分钟,比KPMG的要简单得多,有很多题都可以直接看图形得出答案,建议筒子们带一个大一点的计算器,或者笔算也可以,速度差不多。普华永道笔试第三部分是English writing,30分钟,我没看过经典的题库,所