托福口语提升:托福口语考前冲刺方法 托福口语练习中,考前冲刺阶段非常重要。把握好这段时间,口语还能在考试之前上一个台阶。下面就和大家分享托福口语提升:托福口语考前冲刺方法,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语提升:托福口语考前冲刺方法一.回归OG熟悉OG例题和sample answer。后期复习中也最好不断重复sample answer,了解新托福口语考核的核心评价标准,对比提高自己答题的方式。二.各种类型题材全面练习(高强度)搜集素材,打开思路。通过逐个分析Blue Delta和黄金80题上的independent和integrated模拟题,准备好creative的段子,熟悉组织语言的思维模式。狂练连续三天,每天8个小时的高强度新托福口语训练,会让你蜕变。TIPS:1、集中起来反复做一种题型,强化自己说相同时间的感觉,可以有效防止超时。每一题从听到准备到说,要严格按照考试的标准。2、答题要有节奏感。练习中要了解自己按照平时的语速说几句能在考试规定时间内完成答题。此外,重复一道题目或者一个类型的题目,比如choose a teacher you admire and explain why you admire him or her(人物题)可以在不知不觉中修正自己的人物题模板,临考也可以随机应变。3、笔记训练结合听力练习。虽说口语一共30分,但是口语的一半分数应该算作对考生听力能力的考察。6题中4题回答的内容都是基于考生的听力笔记,因此练习新托福口语的时候也相当于在练听力。注意!不要重复听录音,笔记只做一遍!按照笔记反复练习直到流畅并且不遗漏重点,笔记的核对请参照录音原文,对照重点是否记全,有没有自己添油加醋的地方。4、全程录音,可以清晰地发觉自己的成长轨迹。无需太纠结流利性,以表意清晰为主要目标。三.练就不错的语感强化练习,掌握题感。每天花费一段较长的时间(如1小时),连续练习,材料可以使用黄金80题,尤其是临考前几天。Keep talking,保持“口感”。如何准备托福独立口语-一部电影思路展开电影类型Types of movies:惊悚片:thriller悬疑片:suspense喜剧: comedy动作片: action纪录片: documentary科幻片: science fiction爱情片: romance动画片:animation恐怖片:horror启发性的:enlightening; 有教育意义: educational;学到很多:learn lots of important lessons:跟恶势力斗争:fight against the evil弘扬正义: uphold justice珍惜友情:cherish friendship,朋友是生活的一部分:friends are big part of our lives;段子:Ive always felt that true friendship is very important. The old saying, "A friend in need is a friend indeed," goes a long way. True friends will always be there for you, and you can always count on them.同情别人:should be compassionate about others;遇到挫折:had many setback and faced a lot of barriers in our life永不放弃:never give up, be motivated to achieve our goals;hold fast to our dreams真题演练Describe your 最爱的电影.Personally, I would like to talk about the movie Harry Potter. It is based on the international best seller Harry Potter, and it is authored by J.K. Rollin, a British novelist. The storyline is very interesting. The main character Harry Potter was determined to learn the magic and he had many setback and faced a lot of barriers in this process. However, he never gave up and was motivated to spread justice and at the same time fight against the evil. Another important lesson that I learned is that we should value friendship, cherish our loved ones.如何准备托福独立口语一交通出行选择公交:地铁:subway, 公交车:bus, 轻轨:light rail, 火车:train必杀短语:对环境有好处 :benefits the environment私家车的坏处:成本高: be far more costly than X.X.X注册费:registration fee,维修费:maintenance cost油费:gas money保险费用:insurance排放尾气 :pollute the air and emit greenhouse gas占用空间: take up a lot of valuable space本可以用来: could have been used for other purpose, building a library, garden, park or playground for the kids制造噪音: create lots of noise出彩的句子:如果政府鼓励大家使用公交的话,这会降低“交通”水平, 会减少交通拥堵 。If government encourages the use of public transportation, it will decrease the level of traffic and reduce the chance to get stuck on the road.虚拟语气:如果坐公交的话不需要担心自己开车到处找个地方停车或者加油。You do not have to worry about finding a place to park or filling up the gas like you would if you drove your own vehicle.真题演练:Some people prefer to 有自己的车, other prefer to mainly use 公共交通. Which do you agree with? Explain why.托福口语提升:托福口语考前冲刺方法