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    太仓市人才政策指南Guidelines for Taicang Talent Policies太仓简介Profile太仓市位于江苏省东南端,东濒长江,南邻上海,距上海、苏州市中心仅50公里左右。市域面积823平方公里,下辖国家级太仓港经济技术开发区、省级高新区(筹)、科教新城、娄东街道办事处和6个镇,户籍人口47万。Located in the southeast corner of Jiangsu Province, Taicang is a coastal city that sits on the shores of the Yangtze River to the east and borders on Shanghai to the south, only approx 50 kilometers away from Shanghai and Suzhou. With a total area of 823km2, Taicang administers 6 townships together with Taicang Port Economic and Technological Development Zone, Provincial High Technology Development Zone (Planning), Science and Education New Town and Loudong Street Administration Office, harboring a registered population of 470,000.太仓因春秋时期吴王在此设立粮仓而得名,是著名航海家郑和七下西洋起锚地,也是江南丝竹发源地、娄东文化发祥地。明清时期涌现了王世贞、张溥、吴梅村等文学家和以“四王”为代表的娄东画派,现当代走出了吴健雄、唐文治、朱棣文、吴晓邦、朱屺瞻,以及11位两院院士等一批科教界名人。The city got its name in the Spring and Autumn Period when Emperor Wu built its grain store there. It was the starting point where the great navigator Zheng He launched his seven expeditions into the “Western Ocean” as well as the cradle of Jiangnan Sizhu-Music and Loudong Culture. Apart from this, Taicang is also the birthplace of Wang Shizhen, Zhang Bo, Wu Meicun and many other litterateurs and the Loudong school of Chinese painting represented by “Four Wangs”; it is also home to a good many celebrities in the modern educational and scientific circles, such as Wu Jianxiong, Tang Wenzhi, Zhu Diwen, Wu Xiaobang, Zhu Qizhan and 11 academicians, etc.太仓自古富裕殷实。改革开放以来,经济社会快速发展,连续多年位列全国百强县市前十名,是江苏省6个率先实现全面小康的县市之一。2012年,全市完成GDP955.12亿元,同比增长10.3%;完成全口径财政收入230.17亿元,其中公共财政预算收入90.15亿元;完成工业总产值2436.09亿元。Being blessed and prosperous from ancient times, Taicang has witnessed fast economic and social development since the Reform and Opening to the outside, and has ranked among the first ten of Chinas top one hundred county-level cities for many years in a row; it is one of the six county-level cities that has become well-off in an all-around manner in Jiangsu Province.In 2012, its GDP was CNY 95.512 billion, an increase of 10.3%; its full aperture fiscal revenue was CNY 23.017 billion, including a public financial budget revenue of CNY 9.015 billion; its total industrial output value was CNY 243.609 billion.太仓特色发展明显。太仓港被国家明确为上海国际航运中心的北翼干线港、组合港,国家一类口岸,是江苏省重点工程。2012年,太仓港实现港口集装箱运量401.5万标箱,同比增长31.3%;货物吞吐量12262.5万吨,增长19.6%。2012年末共有国际国内航线108条。太仓港经济技术开发区吸引了19家世界500强企业、23家中央大型企业、近500家欧美企业落户(其中德资企业180多家)。The development of Taicang has distinctive features.Taicang Port is recognized by the state government as the “North Wing” artery line of Shanghai International Shipping Hub, a combination port, a national category-1 port as well as a key project of Jiangsu Province.In 2012, the throughput of Taicang Port was 4.015 million TEUs, an increase of 31.3% and the cargo throughput was 122.625 million tons, an increase of 19.6%. By the end of the same year, it has established 108 inbound and outbound courses.Taicang Port Economic and Technological Development Zone has attracted 19 Fortune Global 500, twenty-three state-owned large-scale enterprises and nearly 500 European and American enterprises (Including more than 180 German enterprises).近年来,太仓荣获了国家生态市、国家卫生城市、国家环保模范城市、国家园林城市、中国人居环境奖、全国社会治安综合治理先进集体等多项桂冠。In recent years, Taicang has been awarded many honors, such as National Ecological city, Nationally Recognized Clean City, National Model City in Environmental Protection, National Garden City, China Livable Environment, China Habitat Environment and National Advanced Group of Comprehensive Management of Social Security, etc.目 录1、太仓市“522”人才工程主要内容2、科技创新创业领军人才政策3、重点产业紧缺人才政策4、企业经营管理人才政策5、高技能人才政策6、文化产业人才政策7、教育人才政策8、卫生人才政策9、旅游人才政策10、现代服务业人才政策11、“海外高层次人才计划”预评审政策12、高层次人才享受生活待遇政策13、“985”、“211”工程高校毕业生引进计划政策14、大学生见(实)习基地政策15、中介机构引进高层次创新创业人才政策16、教授博士柔性进企业政策17、“海鸥计划”政策18、国家“千人计划”政策19、省“双创”引进计划政策20、姑苏人才计划政策21、“522”人才工程项目申报流程、高层次人才享受生活待遇申报流程Contents1. Major Content of Taicang Talent Project “522”2. Policies on Leading Scientific and Technological Innovation & Entrepreneurship Talents3. Policies on Key Industry Urgently Needed Talents4. Policies on Business Operation and Management Talents5. Policies on Highly Skilled Talents6. Policies on Culture Industry Talents7. Policies on Educational Talents8. Policies on Health Talents9. Policies on Tourism Talents10. Policies on Modern Service Talents11. Policies on “Overseas High-Level Talent Plan” Pre-approval12. Policies on Incentives for High-Level Talents13. Policies on Introduction of Graduates from Project “958” and “211” Colleges14. Policies on Student Internship Base15. Policies on Intermediary Institutes Introduction of High-Level Innovation & Entrepreneurship Talents16. Regulating Policies on Introduction of Professors & Doctors to Enterprises17. Policies on “Sea-gull Plan”18. Policies on National “Thousands of Talents Plan” 19. Policies on Jiangsu “Innovation & Entrepreneurship Talents” Introduction Plan20. Policies on Gusu Talent Plan 21. Application Procedure for Talent Project “522” Program; Application Procedure for High-Level Talent Incentives1、太仓市“522”人才工程主要内容1. Major Content of Taicang Talent Project “522” 目 标Objective政 策 Policies5年内投入5个亿,引进、培育并重点支持200名能够突破关键技术、发展高新技术产业、带动新兴产业的科技创新创业领军人才,2000名重点产业紧缺创新人才,以及一批在文化、教育、卫生、旅游等经济社会领域引领和支撑行业和产业发展的高层次人才。CNY 500 million will be invested in 5 years to introduce, foster and support 200 leading scientific innovation and entrepreneurship talents that can make breakthrough in key technologies, boost the development of new and high-tech industries and promote the growth of emerging industries, 2,000 talents urgently needed by key industries and high-level talents that can guide and support the overall development of the economic and social sectors, e.g., culture, education, health, tourism, etc.1、太仓科技创新创业领军人才计划Taicang Leading Scientific and Technological Innovation & Entrepreneurship Talent Plan2、太仓重点产业紧缺人才计划 Taicang Key Industry Urgently Needed Talent Plan3、太仓企业经营管理人才素质提升计划Taicang Business Operation and Management Talent Quality Promotion Plan4、太仓高技能人才计划Taicang Highly Skilled Talent Plan5、太仓文化产业人才计划Taicang Culture Industry Talent Plan6、太仓教育人才计划Taicang Educational Talent Plan7、太仓卫生人才计划Taicang Health Talent Plan8、太仓旅游人才计划Taicang Tourism Talent Plan9、太仓市高层次人才享受生活待遇暂行办法Interim Measures for Taicang High-Level Talent Incentives详见关于贯彻落实“姑苏人才计划” 实施太仓“522”人才工程的意见For details, please refer to Comments on the Implementation of Taicang Talent Project “522” according to Gusu Talent Plan.网址:太仓“522”人才服务网Visit “” for more information on Taicang Talent Project “522”.2、科技创新创业领军人才政策2. Policies on Leading Scientific and Technological Innovation & Entrepreneurship Talents类别Category申报条件Requirements资助政策Policies创业类Entrepreneurship1、硕士以上学位或副高(本科)以上职称,年龄55周岁以下;2、拥有相关知识产权,技术成果达到国际先进水平;3、新来我市创业,创办或拟注册科技型企业一般未满3年;4、实收资本不低于100万,服务外包类不低于50万。1. The candidate must be a holder of masters degree or vice-senior title (bachelors degree at minimum) or above and aged under 55;2. Owner of relevant intellectual property rights or any leading technical findings in the world;3. Newcomer to the city or he/she has set up or proposed to register a technological business that is, generally, younger than 3 years;4. Generally, the paid-in capital of the business shall not fall below CNY 1 million; for service outsourcing enterprises, it shall be no less than CNY 500,000.1、给予30250万元的安家补贴,未购房的提供不少于100平方米的人才公寓,免3年租金;1. Relocation allowance between CNY 300,000 and 2.5 million; for talent that has not bought any house yet, an apartment room of at least 100m2 will be provided free of rental for 3 years;2、根据项目规模和进度分别给予100400万元的专项经费资助(服务外包类人才和创新类人才,给予不少于50万元的专项经费资助);2. Special fund between CNY 1 million and 4 million based on the size and progress of the project (special fund of no less than CNY 500,000 will be provided to talents in service outsourcing and innovation);3、提供不少于100平方米的项目启动场所;3. A space of no less than 100m2 will be provided for project startup;4、给予100500万元的风险投资;4. Venture capital of CNY 1 million to 5 million will be granted;5、给予最高500万元的担保融资贷款,最高30万元的科技保险费补贴和最高50万元的贴息资助;5. A financing guarantee of CNY 5 million, insurance fees for scientific research of CNY 300,000 and interest subsidy of CNY 500,000 at maximum will be granted;6、已经立项资助企业,3年内年销售收入超过5000万元的,择优再给予100万元的科研经费资助,以及1000万元以内的担保融资贷款。6. Any enterprise that has secured the subsidies will be granted an additional funding for scientific research of CNY 1 million and financing guarantee not exceeding CNY 10 million, provided the sales volume exceeds CNY 50 million in 3 years based on competitive selection.创新类Innovation 1、以个人形式申报,申报人须具备以下条件:(1)博士学历或学位,年龄一般不超过55周岁;(2)具有国内外知名企业、高校、科研单位关键岗位5年以上相关研发工作经历,并取得突出业绩;(3)新引进到我市工作,引进后能连续3年全职为企业服务。1. Individual applicants must fulfill the following conditions:(1) The candidate must be a holder of doctors degree, and aged under 55;(2) 5 years or more R&D experience in key positions in renowned domestic or foreign enterprises, higher education institution, or institute of scientific research with remarkable achievements; (3) Newly hired by Taicang local enterprises, and may serve as a full time employee for following consecutive three years.2、企业须具备以下条件之一:(1)国家“千人计划”、省“双创计划”资助对象创(领)办的; (2)省“科技企业家培育工程”培育对象、省“333工程”培养对象、省“产业教授”创(领)办的;(3)国家或省认定的创新型企业、高新技术企业;(4)承担省科技成果转化专项资金项目的;(5)拥有企业院士工作站、博士后科研工作站、研究生工作站、技术中心、工程中心、工程技术研究中心等省级以上企业创新平台的。2. Organizational application must fulfill any of the following conditions:(1) Established (headed) by a beneficiary of National “One Thousand Talents Plan”, and Jiangsu “Innovation & Entrepreneurship Talent Plan”;(2) Established (headed) by a beneficiary of Jiangsu “Scientific Entrepreneur Incubation Project”, Jiangsu “Project 333”, Jiangsu “Industrial Professor”;(3) Nationally or provincially recognized innovative enterprise or new and high-tech enterprise;(4) Undertaker of Jiangsu scientific & technological achievements transformation special fund project;(5) Owner of enterprise innovation platform at provincial level or above such as academician work station, postdoctoral scientific research work station, postgraduate work station, technical center, engineering center, engineering and technical research center, etc.详见太仓市科技创新创业领军人才计划实施细则For details, please refer to Implementing Rules for Taicang Leading Scientific and Technological Innovation & Entrepreneurship Talent Plan.职能部门:市科技局人才合作科,电话:0512-53890680Functional department: Talent Cooperation Department, Taicang Science and Technology Bureau; Tel: 0512-538906803、重点产业紧缺人才政策3. Policies on Key Industry Urgently Needed Talents申报条件Requirements资助政策Policies1、具有硕士以上学位和研究生学历;1. The candidate must be a holder of masters degree and postgraduates diploma or above;2、已落户太仓、办理社保登记、领取“娄东英才证”,创办企业或与企业签订劳动合同;2. Having settled down in Taicang, registered his/her social insurance, collected “Loudong Talent Certificate” and set up a enterprise or concluded employment contract with a enterprise;3、专业与岗位相符,且符合当年度太仓市紧缺高层次人才目录。3. The major matches the position and falls into the Taicang Urgently Needed High-Level Talent Catalogue of the current year.2010年6月22日之后引进的享受安家补贴:Relocation allowance for talents introduced after June 22, 2010:已购房的博士研究生、硕士研究生分别给予15万元、10万元的安家补贴。CNY 150,000 and CNY 100,000 for doctor degree candidates and master degree candidates as relocation allowance who have already bought house.2010年6月22日之前引进的享受薪酬补贴:Salary subsidy for talents introduced before June 22, 2010:5年内博士研究生、硕士研究生分别给予每年3万元、2万元的薪酬补贴。CNY 30,000 and CNY 20,000 for doctor degree candidates and master degree candidates each year for 5 years as salary subsidy.详见太仓市重点产业紧缺人才计划实施细则For details, please refer to Implementing Rules for Taicang Key Industry Urgently Needed Talent Plan 职能部门:市人社局人才开发科,电话:0512-53534842Functional department: Talent Development Department, Taicang Human Resources and Social Security Bureau Tel: 0512-535348424、企业经营管理人才政策4. Policies on Business Operation and Management Talents申报条件Requirements享受政策Policies1、在本市高级管理人员人才信息库备案在册;1. Talent listed in the senior managerial talent register of Taicang;2、非本企业股东;2. Not a shareholder of the said enterprise;3、拥有职业经理人资格证书。3. Having the qualification certificate of professional manager.1、参加境外培训补贴最高不超过5万元/人;1. CNY 50,000 / person as overseas training allowance at maximum;2、国内高校总裁研修班培训补贴最高不超过2万元/人,专业研修班不超过9000元/人;2. CNY 20,000/person as allowance for executive training in domestic higher education institution at maximum; CNY 9,000 /person for professional training at maximum;3、各类业务能力培训不超过5000元/人;3. CNY 5,000/person for various professional ability training at maximum;4、参加职业经理人资格专业研修班,培训合格的政府补贴50%学费;4. For attendees of professional manager trainings, if qualified, a government subsidy equivalent to 50% of the tuition will be granted;5、重点骨干企业引进的副总经理(含享受副总经理待遇)高级管理及技术人才,奖励当年上缴个人收入所得税地方留成部分。5. For deputy general manager (including those who enjoy equivalent treatment as deputy general manager), senior management and technical talents introduced by key enterprises, the portion of his/her personal income tax of the current year retained by the locality will be awarded.详见太仓“522”人才工程企业经营管理人才素质提升计划实施细则For details, please refer to Implementing Rules for Taicang Talent Project “522” Business Operation and Management Talent Quality Promotion Plan.职能部门:市经信委中小企业管理科,电话:0512-53574934Functional department: Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Management Department, Taicang Economic and Information Commission Tel: 0512-535749345、高技能人才政策5. Policies on Highly Skilled Talents类别Category申报条件Requirements享受政策Policies 高技能突出人才Outstanding talent with high skills具备下列条件之一:The candidate must fulfill any of the following conditions: 1、获得苏州市级以上技师、技能荣誉;1. Having been awarded honors for technician or skill at the Suzhou city level or higher; 2、解决企业关键技术难题;2. Having the key technical problem solving ability;3、具有绝招绝技;3. Having unique know-how or special tricks;4、将技术成果转化为生产力方面有重要贡献;4. Having made conspicuous contribution to the transformation of technical achievements to productivity;5、在培养人才和传授技术方面有突出贡献。5. Having made remarkable contribution to talent training and know-how teaching.5年内每人每年补贴1.5万元Yearly subsidy of CNY 15,000 / person for 5 years高技能重点人才Key talent with high skills具备下列条件之一:The candidate must fulfill any of the following conditions: 1、获得太仓市级以上技师、技能荣誉;1. Having been awarded honors for technician or skill at the Taicang county level or higher;2、参与解决过企业、工种的关键问题;2. Having taken part in key problems solving of an enterprise or a type of work;3、有优秀的技术创新成果等3. Having


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