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    高等学校英语拓展系列教程,主 编:胡英坤 车丽娟,外语教学与研究出版社,Chapter 1,An Overview of Business Writing,商务写作概述,An Overview of Business Writing,Chapter,1,Every business message is designed to achieve a specific business objective. Its success depends on what it says and to what extent it induces a favorable response from the reader.,Chapter,1,Contents of this chapter,I. Functions of Business Writing,II. Six CsCriteria and Techniques for Effective Business Writing,III. More Criteria and Techniques for Effective Business Writing,IV. Approaches to Organizing Business Writing,V. Avoid Sentence Faults (additional),An Overview of Business Writing,Chapter,1,I. Functions of Business Writing,Business writing has two functions:,1. To inform,An Overview of Business Writing,2. To persuade,Chapter,1,1. To inform,An Overview of Business Writing,Messages to inform are used to convey the vast amount of information needed to complete the day-to-day operations of the business.,The purpose is to have the receiver understand a body of information and concentrate on the logical presentation of the contents.,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,In addition to providing information, some business messages also influence the readers attitudes and actions.,2. To persuade,Chapter,1,II. Six CsCriteria and Techniques for Effective Business Writing,An Overview of Business Writing,1. Courtesy,2. Correctness,3. Conciseness,4. Clarity,5. Concreteness,6. Completeness,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,Being courtesy we mean treating people with respect and friendly human concern.,Courtesy usually involves three aspects:,Using you-viewpoint,Taking a positive tone,Being conversational,1. Courtesy,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,You-viewpoint writing emphasizes the readers interest and concerns. It emphasizes “you” and “your” and de-emphasizes “we” and “our”.,Using you-viewpoint,1. Courtesy,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing, A large sale of our products will make our company more profitable. A good sale of the products will benefit you. We are in need of fund and you must pay To maintain your excellent credit, please remit We can not offer you any refund You could obtain a refund if Obviously you forget telling us the color Please indicate your choice of color,Examples of using you-viewpoint,1. Courtesy,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,Examples of using you-viewpoint,We-view point 1. I am happy to report 2. We are please to have your new account. 3. We make Willet razor in three weightslight, medium, and heavy.,You viewpoint 1. You will happy to know2. Your new charge account is now open for your convenience.3. So that you can choose the one razor that is just right for your beard, Willet makes razors for you in three weightslight, medium, and heavy.,1. Courtesy,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,Positive words emphasize the pleasant aspects the goal and tend to put the reader in the right frame of mind. Negative words tend to produce the opposite effect.,Taking a positive tone,Think of examples of negative language you have heard that could be easily be stated using positive words.,1. Courtesy,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing, We cannot understand why you have had trouble with these articles. () We presume that there must be some reasons for you having trouble with these articles. () We wont be able to send you the brochure this month. () We will send you the brochure next month. () Your letter is not clear at all. I cant understand it. () If I understand your letter correctly (),Examples of taking a positive tone,1. Courtesy,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,a. State ideas using positive language,Taking a positive tone, Dont forget to submit your report We cant ship your goods until You neglect to indicate the specification, Remember to submit You will receive your goods Please send the complete specification,1. Courtesy,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,b. Avoid using second person when stating negative ideas,Taking a positive tone, You made numerous mistakes on this page. () This page contain numerous mistakes. () You keyed a perfect copy. (),1. Courtesy,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,c. Use passive voice to convey negative ideas,Taking a positive tone, Suburo did not proofread this proposal carefully. Suburo completed the job two months behind the schedule. Suburo completed the job two months ahead of the schedule., The proposal was not proofread carefully. The job was completed two months behind the schedule. The job was completed two months ahead of the schedule.,1. Courtesy,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,d. Use the subjunctive mood,Taking a positive tone,Negative I cannot accept the recommendation. I am not able to accept your invitation.,subjunctive mood I wish I could accept the recommendation. I could accept your invitation if I were to cancel my meeting on,1. Courtesy,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,e. Include a pleasant statement in the same sentence,Taking a positive tone, Your personal ratings for communication ability were satisfactory. Your personal ratings for communication ability were satisfactory, but your rate for technical competence was excellent.,1. Courtesy,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,In a good letter a conversation is held. The reader should be made to forget that he/she is reading a letter.,Being conversational,It leaves a favorable impression on people. It is also the language we use most and understand best.,1. Courtesy,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,Correct grammar, punctuation and spelling are basic requirements for business writing.,Correctness means choosing the correct level of language, and using accurate information and data.,2. Correctness,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing, Enclosed is the copy of receipt. () Enclosed is a copy of the receipt. () I am looking for another sales channels. () I am looking for other sales channels. (),Examples,2. Correctness,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,1. with pronounsOur competitors were most successful than ours (us). 2. with adjectivesThe two first (first two) items are not available.3. with articleWe are interested in same (the same).,Examples,2. Correctness,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,4. with verbsNeither of the offers are (is) acceptable.A block of flats are (is) being built.5. with adverbsWe had a quite (quite a) successful meeting.6. with conjunctionsHe not only built (built not only) houses, but also flats.,Examples,2. Correctness,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,7. with participlesWhile studying the report, the telephone rang. (insert “I was” between while and studying),Examples,Special attention should also be paid to names of article, specifications, quantity, figures, units, etc.,2. Correctness,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,Conciseness means to write in the fewest possible words without sacrificing completeness and courtesy.,Conciseness will give emphasis to your message.,3. Conciseness,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,1. Eliminate redundancies Redundancy: a phrase in which one word unnecessarily repeat an idea contained in an companying word, such as exactly identical, past history, advance forward, brief summary, honest truth, hot water heater.,How to communicate concisely?,3. Conciseness,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,2. Use active voice to reduce the number of words 3. Include only essential information 4. Eliminate clichs that are often wordy and not necessary to understand the message5. Do not restate ideas that are sufficiently implied 6. Use suffixes or prefixes7. Use compound adjectives,How to communicate concisely?,3. Conciseness,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing, We do not anticipate any increase in prices in the near future. () We do not expect prices to rise soon. () Owing to the fact that your competitors price is much lower than yours, we cannot accept your offer. () Because your competitors price is much lower than yours, we cannot accept your offer. (),Examples,3. Conciseness,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,Shorten wordy expressions.We have begun to export our machines to countries abroad.,Exercises,3. Conciseness,Key: We have begun to export our machines.,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,Use words to replace phrases or clauses.1. In the event that you speak to Mr. Wood in regard to production, ask him to give consideration to the delivery schedule.2. We require furniture which is of the new type.,3. Conciseness,Key: 1. If you speak to Mr. Wood about production, ask him to consider the delivery schedule.,2. We require new-type furniture.,Exercises,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,Business writing should be vivid, specific and concrete rather than vague, general and abstract, especially when the writer are requiring a response, trying to solve a problem, making an offer or acceptance, etc.,4. Clarity,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing, They have a decided advantage in regard to freight. () They have a decided advantage in regard to freight charges. () They informed Messrs. Smith and Richardson that they would receive an answer in a few days. () They informed Messrs. Smith and Richardson that the latter would receive an answer in a few days. (),Examples,4. Clarity,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,Clarity tells the reader exactly what the author wants and needs to know, using words and a format that make the writings totally understood.,Familiar words and simple sentences rather than difficult words and complex sentences are preferred for this purpose.,4. Clarity,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing, Our apples are excellent. () Our apples are juicy, crispy and tender. () Smithton Company is our big buyer. () Smithton Company did more than one million USD worth of business with us in 2005. (),Examples,5. Concreteness,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing, These brakes can stop a car within a short distance. () These Goodson power brakes can stop a 2-ton car within 24 feet. () A decision has been made to set up an office in Osaka. () The board of directors decoded to set up an office in Osaka. (),Examples,5. Concreteness,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,All the necessary information and data should be included in the message because they can help the sender get the receivers responses and achieve desired objective.,An incomplete message may result in loss of goodwill, sales, and valued customers, and requires more time in trying to make sense out of it.,6. Completeness,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,Suppose you are writing a letter to your supplier telling him that his goods were not delivered on time. What kind of information should you include in your letter?,6. Completeness,Exercises,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,Remind him of his promise of timely delivery.,Key:,Inform him what losses this has caused you.,Ask for compensation if there is any agreement on that.,Expect no such thing will happen again.,6. Completeness,Chapter,1,III. More Criteria and Techniques for Effective Business Writing,An Overview of Business Writing,1. Singling out your reader,2. Using the readers name,3. Building goodwill,4. Avoiding anger,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,To single out your reader in a letter, you should write for his/her particular situation. What you say throughout the letter should make it clear that the reader is getting individual treatment.,1. Singling out your reader,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,It makes the reader feel that his/her identity as an individual is recognized.,Use it once or twice in the letter, but no so often.,2. Using the readers name,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,One sure way to build goodwill is to do a little more than you have to do for your reader.,In a refusal letter, it will make the reader feel much more comfortable if you explain and justify your refusal.,3. Building goodwill,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,Anger destroys goodwill. Most comments made in anger do not provide needed information.,The effect of angry words is to make the reader angry. As a result, you can neither get the business done, nor maintaining good relationships.,4. Avoiding anger,Chapter,1,IV. Approaches to Organizing Business Writing,An Overview of Business Writing,1. Directness in good news and routine messages,2. Indirectness in bad news messages,3. Indirectness in persuasion,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,Good news or routine messages follow a direct orderthe message begins with the main idea. To present good news or routine messages deductively, begin with the major idea, followed by supporting details, and end with goodwill.,1. Directness in good news and routine messages,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,An indirect order consists of four parts:,A buffer;,The reasons supporting the negative decision;,A clear, diplomatic statement of the negative decision;,A helpful, friendly and positive close.,2. Indirectness in bad news messages,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,Examples of a buffer, As you mentioned, prompt delivery is so important that we have been making every effort to accomplish it. We appreciate your writing to us about the quality of our products.,2. Indirectness in bad news messages,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,Reasons supporting the negative decision, As you know, supplying best quality products and services is our companys policy. We appreciate your writing to us about the quality of our products.,2. Indirectness in bad news messages,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,Examples of a clear, diplomatic statement of the negative decision, For this reason we can only offer the retail price. Compare: cannot grant the discount as requested We find it difficult to ship the goods before Christmas. Compare: cannot ship,2. Indirectness in bad news messages,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,Examples of a helpful, friendly and positive close, Thank you again for your cooperation in this matter. It would be possible for you to obtain a trade discount of 2% if payment is made on a cash basis.,2. Indirectness in bad news messages,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,Persuasion means reasoning with the readerpresenting facts with logic that support the case. Open with words that set up the strategy. Then present the strategy (the persuasion). End the letter by describing precisely what you would like to do or have the reader do.,3. Indirectness in persuasion,Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,V. Avoid Sentence Faults (additional),Avoid fragments(不完整的句子),Avoid comma splices(逗号拼接),Avoid run-on sentences(连写句),Chapter,1,An Overview of Business Writing,A sentence fragment lacks either a subject (actor) or verb (action).,Examples: My research report in business communication took a long time to prepare. And turned out badly. () My research report in business communication took a long time


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