商务英语PPT课件 客户服务.ppt
Section 20 Customer Service and Settling Claims,I. Main Points 1. What is customer service?2. How can you offer good customer service?3. What are the basic principles of managing your customer service department?II. Business SayingsIII. Core Words and PhrasesIV. Typical SentencesV. Paragraph Writing and TranslatingVI. Discussion and AssessmentVII. Applied Writing,1. What is customer service?,Customer service is also known as client service which means providing service to customers before, during and after a purchase. Broadly speaking, it includes a series of activities designed to raise the level of customer satisfaction that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation. In many cases, customer service lays much emphasis on after sale service and is more important if the purchase relates to a “service” as opposed to a “product.,Customer service may be provided by a person, such as sales and service representative, or by automated means called self-service. Examples of self service are Internet sites. Customer service is normally an integral part of a companys customer value proposition. The decreasing quality and level of customer service can be attributed to a lack of support or understanding at the management levels of a corporation.,2. How can you offer good customer service?,Satisfactory customer service is of great importance to the success of any business. Many companies lose their customers as a result of poor customer service. Learning to perform good customer service needs much time but it is worth doing that. To achieve this goal, you need to focus on offering good customer service and put bad attitudes, family problems and other personal issues at the door. Customers cant see the management of your company but your customer service, and in this way they will judge your business as a whole. So you have to greet every customer sincerely and with a smile and let them know that you remember them and they are always welcome. If they have any problems, you will have to go out of your way to resolve it with a positive attitude. As long as you resolve the issue quickly and efficiently, they will likely continue to do business with your company.,3. What are the basic principles of managing your customer service department?,If youre a business owner you will realize that meeting the needs and expectations of customers takes a lot of work and you will certainly find that your business is in need of a good customer service department. The basic principles of managing your service department may include assessing your current customer service ability, determining the needs of your customers, identifying the most common needs of your customer, and dealing effectively with your customers. Most important of all, handling their issues promptly is good for both your business and for the customers. Your new customer service department should be trained to be polite and efficient.,II. Business Sayings,1. Never ask pardon before you are accused. 未受责难,先别道歉。2. Who chatters to you, will chatter of you. 搬弄口舌,必是小人。3. One hour today is worth two tomorrow. 争分夺秒,不要拖延。4. Things at the worst will mend. 否极泰来。5. A moments error can bring a lifelong regret. 一失足成千古恨。6. Knavery may serve, but honesty is best. 欺诈可能有用,诚实却是上策。,III. Core Words and Phrases,claimsettle a disputeimpartial judgementconciliationcontingencyevidence of damagecool offquarantine regulationsforce majeureclarify misunderstandingresort to arbitrationcustomer risksindustrial propertymanager for public relationswith a long standing reputationclients first, reputation firstCSI (custoemr satisfaciton index),IV. Typical Sentences,Each customer who walks in the door is your employer in a certain sense and studies show that companies get more than eighty percent of their business from repeat customers, so its very important to keep these individuals happy.从某种意义说,任何进门的顾客都是你的老板。调查显示百分之八十以上的生意都是老顾客带来的,因此让他们开心非常重要。,2,It is clear that it is important to take proper and prompt action on every warranty claim. At the same time, bear in mind that, from the standpoint of profit, operating within warranty guidelines is as important as customer satisfaction.无论何种在保证期间之索赔,适当而迅速的处理是非常重要的。但应记住,从利润增长的观点而言,在保证条款基准内处理问题,与客户满意同样重要。,3,We are sorry to hear of the breakages which occurred in transit. We usually pack our shipments with great care but there are occasions when the merchandise is mishandled along the way.得知货物途中破损,深感遗憾。本公司一向特别小心包装货物,然而运输途中的搬运不当导致货物损坏的事也难免时有发生。,4,It is very surprising and regrettable to us that these clutch problems have occurred and caused you so much trouble, especially in view of the fact that the models affected are equipped with the same type of clutch system that has been used virtually without incident in the 300B and 800B Model series.因离合器问题给贵公司带来莫大麻烦,我们甚为惊讶,也感到遗憾。由于所采用之离合器系统与300B、800B型离合器相同,而该系统到目前为止,在使用上都没有问题。,5,You can offer to check into the matter and say youll contact the customer. If you dont feel you can find out about the issue in just a few minutes, it may be better to send the person home and give him time to cool off.最好是提出会调查此事并且说好你会和他联系。要是觉得一时半刻搞不清楚,那就最好先请他回家,给他一点时间冷静冷静。,6,Customers with bad customer service experiences will often spread the word. Statistically, such customers will tell an average of 50 people about it. This negative publicity can quickly hurt the bottom line of your reputation.要是服务不好,客户通常都会传话。据统计这些客户平均向五十个人提起此事。这种负面宣传对于你们公司声誉来说可是伤了老底。,7,Having feedback from your buyers helps you with future customers. When they see you have feedback from previous customers and it is basically good that they will be more inclined to purchase from you.做好买家信息反馈有助于对今后的客户服务。当他们看到你有以前客户的信息反馈,而且反应基本良好,他们就会倾向于向你采购。,8,Unfortunately, though we regret your dissatisfaction with our product, our investigation does not support your claim. Consequently, we are not prepared to accept the monitor if returned and will have no alternative but to insist on paymentof the contracted amount.你方对我公司产品感到不满意,我们非常遗憾,但调查结果并不支持你方索赔要求。因此,我们不会接受显示器退货,而且别无选择。只能坚决要求你方按合同规定的金额付款。,9,If you want to be a customer service rep, you should alwasy sow conrtesy and respect, especially when a customer is upset. you will also have to choose a can-do attitude to win a customers confidence.要是你想当销售代表,那就要对人彬彬有礼、毕恭毕敬,特别是客户不开心的时候。还要采取很能办事的态度赢得客户的信任。,10,On going into matter we find that a mistake was inseed made inthe packing through a confusion of numbers, and we have arranged for the right goods to bedispatched to you at once. Relative documents will be mailed as soon as they are ready.在调查此事时,我们发现的确由于号码混淆导致包装错误。我们已安排立即把正确的货物发运给你们,有关单证一旦备妥立刻寄出。,11,As your complaint does not agree with the result of our own test, you are requested to conduct another examination to show if there is any ground for claim. 鉴于你方提出投诉与我们测试结果不一致,我们要求你方再做一次检验,以便搞清是否有根据提出索赔。,12,The rights and interests of consumers when purchasing or using commodities or receiving services as consumer needs for daily use shall be protected by this Law. Rights and interests not covered by this law shall be protected by other relevant laws and regulations. 消费者为生活消费需要购买、使用商品或者接受服务,其权益受本法保护;本法未作规定的,受其他有关法律、法规保护。,13,The reason for the final stoppage was a seized bearing caused by the fact that it had not been greased. Though our guarantee covers faulty material and workmanship, it does not, as you will realize, cover damage done by improper use or neglect of upkeep.该机器最后停止运转是由于没有加油,造成一只轴承卡住,虽然我们保证对材料及工艺方面的缺陷负责,但就如你方所知,并不包括使用不当或维修疏忽造成的损坏。,14,Unless you give contrary instructions, we will arrange an all-risks insurance policy for the shipment. In our opinion this type of cover is necessary for a cargo of this nature. 我方意见是,根据货物特性投保这类险种很有必要。本公司将为该批装运,除非贵公司另有指示。,15,There is also the complaint made by buyers who find fault with the goods as an excuse to escape from their contracts, either because they no longer want the goods or because they have found that they can get them cheaper elsewhere. 作为逃避合同义务的一种借口,也有一些买主对货物吹毛求疵,提出抱怨,这可能是因为他不再需要这批货物,或发现可以较便宜的价格从别的地方买到。,16,It can be said that almost every industry depends on good customer service to operate efficiently. Employment opportunities for a customer service rep have become increasingly promising in recent years. 可以说任何行业都凭着良好的客户服务而得以有效运作。近年来,担任客户服务代表的就业机会也是越来越多,前途无量。,17,We have carefully examined the pair you returned to us. Our production manager reports that the shoes have been thoroughly soaked and then dried by heat. Even the best quality shoes will not withstand this treatment. 仔细检查了你退回的那双鞋子,本公司生产经理报告说鞋子曾经湿透,然后又经烘干。就是质量最好的鞋子也经不起这样的处理。,18,When a customer comes to you with a complaint about being overcharged, its up to you as an owner or manager to figure out how to deal with the issue. Responding to this kind of complaint takes business savvy and diplomacy in the basics of communication. 要是客户来找你抱怨要价过高,作为老板或者经理怎样解决这个问题你都要自己拿定主意。对于这类抱怨还真的要点生意场上的悟性和交际场上的手腕。,V. Paragraph Writing and Translating,1. 要明白客户的共同要求,然后围绕这个中心建立客户服务部。客户服务的宗旨应当写下来并且张贴公布,以便人人都熟悉。Identify the most common needs of your customer, and build the new customer service department around that center. Customer service policies should be written down and posted so everyone is familiar with them.,2. 允许客户对所购买的产品予以评论,开设一个论坛供顾客讨论你的产品或服务。对所有帖子一定要有所反应,对负面评议要提供解决方案。也可使用社区论坛向客户直接提问,消除误会。Allow customers to review products theyve purchased. Open a forum for customers to discuss your products or service. Be sure to respond to all posts and provide solutions to negative feedback. You can also use the community forum to ask direct questions to customers and clear up any misconceptions.,3. 谨防冒牌分子假冒我公司接待人员,请和公司确认身份。如有任何疑问,请拨打免费电话100800900核实接待员身份。Carefully beware of scam persons posing as our receptionists. Please ask for our company identification. When in doubt, phone the toll free number, 100800900 to verify a receptionist.,4. 很显然,贵方抱怨的货物损坏发生在运输途中,对此损失自然不应由我公司负责。我们建议你们向应当承担赔偿责任的船务公司提出索赔。It is obvious that the damage you complain of must have taken place during transit. It follows, therefore, that we cannot be held responsible for the damage. We therefore advise you to make a claim on the shipping company who should be held responsible.,5. 已经就包装之事同我方代理取得联系,经我们反复解释,他们提出,只要你们保证,如果因所用的纸板箱不适合海运致使他们无法从保险公司获得赔偿时,一切损失由你方负责,那么他们就不反对你方使用纸板箱包装服装。We have approached our clients about the packing, and after our repeated explanations, they say they will have no objection to your packing the garments in cartons if you guarantee that you will pay compensation in all cases wherein they cannot get indemnification from the insurance company for the reason that the cartons used are not seaworthy.,VI. Discussion and Assessment,“课堂互动”是指师生共同参与的面对面的人际互动,本身就是一种语言交际活动,对于学生来说是很好的语言实践机会;此外它还是教学的实际过程。这里首先探讨课堂互动的一些问题,然后分析一篇学生习作中的典型语用失误,最后以一段商务写作为例,请分析学生习作中的一些问题,看看如何应该如何以翻译的手段实现写作的目的?,1)讨论:“课堂教学只有通过互动过程才能进行。”,Allwright(984)指出要获得外语教学成功就必需成功地管理课堂互动由师生共同按以下四种方式来管理:A)指示(direction):启动话语;B)服从(compliance):对指示的应答; C)协商(negotiation):提出建议,希望共同决策;D)导航(navigation):不懂就问;学生可通过参与管理课堂互动来管理自己的学习过程。尽管他们以“服从”为主且很少冒险去“协商”,但用于“导航”的话语可达到其话语总量的20%(Allwright,1984),致使课堂上出现话题转移,使教学根据学生个人需要得到调整,使学生自己也因而变得更积极、对学习更负责。可见,积极参与课堂讨论十分必要。,2)习作分析:,接着我们又指示运输部门进一步调查此事,经与船务公司联系,船务公司说,整批货物到达时情况良好,他们可以肯定损坏是在货物到了你们手中之后这段时间里发生的。在此情况下,我们不得不遗憾地说,我们对这一损坏遗憾没有责任。,对于这一段的译写,出现问题较多的原因主要还是在于对原文的理解不够透彻、对相应表达的掌握不够灵活尤其是对词汇的深层含义和词性的变换使用没有很好的掌握。例如,“调查此事”,有人写成do research in the case不合原意,不如说investigate或者look into the matter;“经与船务公司联系”有的写成connected with; have connection with; after relating with均不合乎原文本意,转译或写作都需要考虑,“联系”是采用名词还是动词?整个“经与船务公司联系”是从句after we have contacted还是分词短语having contacted with还是干脆使用一个介词短语after our contact with the shipping agent?“货物到达时情况良好”,有的写成the whole goods were fine when arrived是否合乎语法?whole的用法是否恰当?“可以肯定损坏是在货物到了你们手中之后这段时间里发生的”能够说成must happen或must be caused damage或the damage was happened/occurred么?还有的写成after the goods had handed over to your hands,这其中的主谓关系和支配关系是否都搞清楚了?,建议改写:,We then instructed our forwarding department to further investigate the matter. The carrier had been communicated with, and informed us that the whole shipment arrived in good condition. They could be certain that the damage occurred during the time the goods were in your hands. In such circumstances, we regret to say that we are not liable for the damage.,VII. Applied Writing,A. Write a to settle a complainta) acknowledge the complaint;b) tell your client what the likely timescale is for dealing with it; c) keep your client informed of the complaints progress;d) suggest possible remedy.,B. Sample writing,1. Customer Satisfaction SurveysWhat should be measured?In customer satisfaction research we seek the views of respondents on a variety of issues that will show how the company is performing and how it can improve. This understanding is obtained at a high level (“how satisfied are you with the ABC Ltd overall?”) and at a very specific level (“how satisfied are you with the clarity of invoices?”).,High level issues are included in most customer satisfaction surveys and they could be captured by questions such as:a) What is your overall satisfaction with ABC Ltd?b) How likely or unlikely are you to buy from ABC Ltd again?c) How likely or unlikely would you be to recommend ABC Ltd to a friend or colleague?,It is at the more specific level of questioning that things become more difficult. Some issues are of obvious importance and every supplier is expected to perform to a minimum acceptable level on them. If a company fails on any of these issues they would quickly lose market share or go out of business.,2. Acknowledgement of Merchandise Returned for Repair,Dear Ronald:The (product name and model number) that you mailed to us for repair was received on (date)We will be returning it to you as soon as the necessary adjustments are made.We are sorry that you experienced a problem with our product and want to thank you for purchasing a (name of product).Yours sincerely,Florence,If our clients or customers lodge a claim about our service, or the quality of our products or delayed delivery, what reply letters shall we write?What are the strategies are often taken in settling claims?How to investigate a complaint?,How to investigate a complaint?1 to be sympathetic, positive and noncommittal at the same time, which is difficult to achieve!2 say that you are sorry to hear about the problems, but do not refer to faults.3 set up a defensive position.4 state what you are going to do to deal promptly with the matter.,How to reject a complaint?1 be polite and diplomatic;2 acknowledging their complaint without commenting on ot one way or the other;3 say that you find nothing wrong;4 offer some form of assistance or compromise deal, assuming that this is not too costly and not set an expensive precedent for the future.,How to accept a complaint?1 if reasonable, rejecting will do harm to the relations;2 follow a set format, acknowledge the situation, agree with the complaint, apologize, go along with the suggested solution,The survey finds ample justification in the fact that the goods packed in such cartons arrived in perfect condition.,Altho