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    托福综合写作3分钟阅读环节3大注意事项不可不知 众所周知,托福综合写作的整个流程是比较复杂的,考生需要先在3分钟内读完一段阅读文字,之后再停一段听力录音,之后再根据之前读过和听到的内容进行*写作。下面就和大家分享托福综合写作3分钟阅读环节3大注意事项不可不知,来欣赏一下吧。托福综合写作3分钟阅读环节3大注意事项不可不知托福综合写作阅读环节注意事项:阅读不能只看段落首尾句3分钟时间看阅读内容,而阅读内容的篇幅还不短,在这种情况下很多同学会感受到一定的时间压力,也因此会下意识地就把做托福阅读的快速读*技巧给使用出来,也就是大家很熟悉的*各段落只看段落开头和结尾句子的做法。对于托福阅读*来说,这种做法的确能够有效帮助考生提升阅读和理解*的速度。但对于托福综合写作的阅读却并非如此。大家需要明白的是,托福综合写作的阅读内容和之后的听力内容是存在很强的对应关系性的。也就是说阅读*中每一个分论点的论述,都会在听力中被逐一反驳,而反驳的就是这些分论点在具体论证分析过程中存在的逻辑漏洞。而这些具体论述的内容一般不会在各个段落的首尾句子中出现,都是在段落当中展开的。如果大家只盯着各个段落的首尾句看,虽然能很快看完全文,但因为缺乏对其中论述过程中的了解,就会给之后听力中记录反驳观点以及写作中阐述论点矛盾带来很大的不便,省一时之力却后患无穷,实在不是明智之举。正确做法是尽可能提升整体阅读速度,保证在3分钟内较为完整地把整个阅读部分的内容都看一遍,并辅助以笔记记录下论述的细节和重点,为之后的听力和写作提供参考信息。这样才能有效保证对综合写作中阅读部分包含信息较为准确全面的抓取和把握。托福综合写作阅读环节注意事项:阅读1论点3理由不是固定结构做过一些托福综合写作题目的同学可能会注意到,托福综合写作中阅读部分的结构是较为固定的,一般来说都是1个论点+3个理由的构成形式,当然这也符合标准学术性*的结构模式。但大家也不要想当然的认为所有托福综合写作的阅读部分就一定都是这样的结构了。根据讨论话题的不同变化,这种1+3的结构也有可能是1个话题主题+3种不同理论的展开,或是1个事物主体+3个问题缺点的形式。而由于对这些较为少见的结构缺乏足够的认识和了解,考生在突然遇到这类变种1+3的*形式时可能就会因为没有准备而在记录信息和行文展开上出现问题,如果还是按照原来练熟了的写法思路来套用,就会在写作逻辑和用词方面出现一定问题。为了避免这类问题,还是建议大家能够多看多练综合写作,特别是多看这一点,有些综合写作题即使考生来不及或者没有安排练笔环节,也请尽量把其中的阅读*读一下,做一个简单的结构分析。综合写作的阅读内容看得阅读,大家也就能更为熟悉其结构变化,并积累更多的应对经验了。托福综合写作阅读环节注意事项:3分钟看不完之后20分钟里再补?最后一个考生需要在综合写作的阅读环节中注意的细节属于考生在考试策略上的问题。有些考生对于综合写作要在3分钟内读完*这个要求不以为然,因为按照流程,在听完听力开始正式写作时,考生还是能够在屏幕上继续看到一开始给出的阅读*,于是这些同学就觉得3分钟看不完也没关系,之后写*的时候再看一下不就行了,反正还有20分钟的写作时间呢。这种想法可谓大错特错,而一开始没看完阅读*的弊端,会给之后的听力和写作环节都带来不利影响。对于听力环节来说,之前也说了托福综合写作的阅读内容和听力内容有很强的关联性,可以说听力就是为了反驳阅读而存在的。如果大家对阅读部分内容没有完整充分的理解,在听力中原本应该是逐个找反驳内容进行记录就变成了缺乏针对性的盲听盲记。考生不得不记录下所有信息点之后再反过来去验证阅读内容,先不说能否做到记下那么多内容不出现遗漏,记录质量本身也会大打折扣,会给大家造成极大的抓取信息和记录笔记的压力。而对于写作环节,为了弥补之前3分钟阅读的漏洞,考生也需要在20分钟的写作过程中不停地去回顾之前的阅读部分去寻找对应内容,不仅在写作时间上会变得更为紧张,有时候边看阅读边写*,也难免不会出现直接把原文原句给顺手抄上去的情况,而这种抄原文的做法可谓是综合写作的大忌,会造成很严重的扣分。另外,大家不要觉得20分钟写*时间很充裕。参加过模考的同学应该会有这种体会:哪怕20分钟完全用来写*,很多时候也相当捉襟见肘,如果还得分时间给阅读,简直就是在给自己添乱找麻烦,还不如一开始的3分钟就好好用足把*看全看懂。综上所述,托福综合写作的3分钟阅读环节,建议大家能够端正态度认真对待,因为这关系到之后整个综合写作部分的顺利进行和完成。上面提到的这些细节注意事项,还请大家提前了解并做好应对准备。托福写作:题库范文附思路解析1. What kind of transportation you would choose? You need to travel from your home to a place 40 miles (64 kilometers) away. Compare the different kinds of transportation you could use. Tell which method of travel you would choose. Give specific reasons for your choice.分析 36提供了option,但是不能选飞机(为了64公里的路而乘坐飞机有点ridiculous)。比较“步行(on foot; walk)”“汽车(automobile; car)”“自行车(bicycle)”。选择bicycle可能更容易写一些。范文 If I need to travel to a place 40 miles away from my home, there are a number of different modes of transport I could utilize, namely, I could take the bus, a car, or the train. The bus is a good choice as the bus system in Beijing has been well-developed. It is possible for me to travel almost anywhere within 40 miles of my house by bus. While on the bus, I can read a book, or relax, assuming it is not too full. The problem with taking the bus, however, is that it is often crowded. It is often uncomfortable, especially during hot summer days. Taking a car is an excellent option, assuming one can afford a car. Cars are notoriously expensive in China, and most people do not have this luxury. However, if it is available, a car is very convenient. You can travel to the exact desired location in record time. A car, especially a personal car, is never crowded. You never have to share space with anyone. However, one cannot relax while driving a car. There is no opportunity to just take in the sights, or read a book. One must always be focused on the road. The train, or the subway, is another option. If the location I am traveling to is on the subway line, then this option is by far the best. While trains can be congested, they are the fastest method of traveling. Subway trains are never subject to traffic jams, as they usually run underground. However, the subway system in Beijing does not go everywhere that I need to. Often, if I take the subway, I then have to either walk for 20 minutes, or take a bus. Overall, I think that the car is the best option, if it is available. The car is convenient and comfortable. However, the bus and the train are both good options if a car is not available.2. Should higher education be available to all students or only to good students? Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Discuss these views. Which view do you agree with? Explain why. 分析两个观点都有些极端。所以,先分析,在选择自己的立场。义务教育制度(institution of compulsory education )说明社会已经认识到基础教育(fundamental education) 对所有的人都是必需的。但是大学教育是不是所有人都需要的?这个社会很多职业(比如,饮食业)不需要大学教育。让所有的人都上大学,是不是成为过分的财政负担(financial burden of the government)?用什么样的方法确定一个学生good enough so as to deserve higher education? 考试?考试制度也有缺陷。可能选择的立场比如:我们国家目前是需要更多的人接受大学教育。与此同时,一方面要保障大学教育的质量,另一方面,要改革考试制度,保障考生的公平机会。范文 Some people believe that only good students should have access to a university education. Others posit that higher education should be open to everyone, regardless of their academic abilities. I agree with the former opinion. Universities should only allow good students into their programs because these students value the importance of a good education and are interested in furthering their education. Furthermore, if all students were allowed into universities, the schools would quickly become saturated, and the quality of education received would diminish. A university education is very important to a good student. This type of student has set his/her sights on a university education from early on, and has put in the necessary work to earn a place in a good university. Poor students who did not try to achieve good grades in high school obviously do not care about their education, and therefore, do not deserve to go to university. However, if these poor students go back to school and improve their grades, they should also be allowed to go to university. Good students are very interested in furthering their education. They have put copious amounts of work into their education, and are interested in learning more. Poor students are usually not as interested in furthering their education. If they were interested in this, they would have tried harder to begin with. With that said, let us suppose for a moment that universities did allow all students, regardless of their grades, into university. The school would quickly become overfull, and good students, who really care about their education, would suffer because of it. They might not be able to get into the classes they want, and if they do get in, there might be so many students in the class that it is impossible to learn. In conclusion, I think that it is important to save a university education for those who really want itgood students. If a poor student wishes to go to university, then he/she will have to return to high school and improve his/her grades.3. Learning about life: by listening to the advice of others or through personal experience? Some people believe that the best way of learning about life is by listening to the advice of family and friends. Other people believe that the best way of learning about life is through personal experience. Compare the advantages of these two different ways of learning about life. Which do you think is preferable? Use specific examples to support your preference.分析两个观点都有些极端。所以,先比较分析,在选择自己的立场。听从他人劝告和建议的优缺点:综合许多人的看法,可能更容易得到正确的答案;但是久而久之(in the course of time; as time passes),可能会变得没有主见(lose ones own judgment) 自己做决定、从自己的经验出发的优缺点:可能不全面,但是能够培养自己的观察能力,分析能力。不同的事情,要有不同的选择。范文 Some people believe that the best way to learn about life is to listen to the advice of friends and family. Others argue that the most beneficial way to learn about life is through personal experience. I want to maintain that learning about life through personal experience is the best way. I believe this because one usually does not learn well unless he/she experiences something on his/her own, because one can have different opinions and views on life man his/her family and friends, and because it is simply a more interesting way to learn. There have been many times in my life where a family member told me that life was a certain way, but I still wanted to see for myself. After having the experience, I agreed with what my family member had told me. However, I never regretted trying the experience for myself. I think one can learn something more completely if he/she experiences it for himself. When a family member or a friend tells me to do something, I value his/her opinion. However, there are some occasions when I do not fully agree with their opinions. In these cases, I want to try out the experience. There is a possibility that I will disagree with their conclusions on the topic. For example, if a friend tells me that a movie is terrible, I might still go to see the movie. It is more than possible that we will have differing opinions on whether the movie was good or not. Finally, I think it is important to learn about life through personal experience because it is a much more interesting way to learn. If one never experienced anything for oneself, life would be very boring. For example, a friend told me that Urumchi was a city that I would not enjoy visiting. He said there were not many attractions there, and there were many other beautiful places in China that I should go instead. In spite of this warning, I went to see Urumchi for myself. I did not think the city was spectacular, but I did have a good time on my trip, and was glad that I went. Having the experience of going to the place was worthwhile enough for me.4. Follow the customs of the new country you are in, or keep your own customs? When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices. Which one do you prefer? Support your answer with specific details.分析一定要进行比较。至于要选择什么,看情况,要看是什么样的习惯?比如中国人到了美国,就要习惯go Dutch的付账习惯。不然很吃亏。但是庆祝春节,家人在一起包饺子(dumpling)的习惯,没有必要更改。还可以举出很多例子。范文 When one is settling in a new country, one has a choice of whether to assimilate into the new culture, or keep the customs of ones home. I think that the wisest decision is to try to integrate some of the new culture into ones own existing customs and beliefs. To understand this reasoning, we must first look at the advantages of both methods. If one moves to a new country, there are many advantages of following the set customs of the new place. By assimilating into the culture, one can break the cultural barriers much quicker. For example, if one were to move to Canada from China, one could easily live in one of the "Little China" areas, and to all intents and purposes, ignore the Canadian culture. This, however, would be a mistake, as it would close off all of the positive things that Canada has to offer. If one does not assimilate into the new culture, one cannot get a Western job. The person would also be missing out on a multitude of experiences, such as different food. Nevertheless, there are also many advantages of keeping ones own customs if one moves to a new country. Some people find it very difficult to leave their home and go to a new country. Keeping up old, familiar customs is very comforting. In addition to this, when one keeps their own customs, one finds it easier to meet others of the same nationality, which can also be a relief. When everything around you has changed, keeping your culture intact can be a very soothing way. By and large, I think it is best to assimilate to the new culture while retaining key elements of ones own culture. For example, one can make an effort to learn the language of the new country, while still speaking ones own language at home. This can actually be an excellent strategy, as speaking two languages is better than speaking one, no matter where you are in the world. When one takes on some of the new culture while keeping some of his/her own, one gets the excitement and opportunity of the new culture, while keeping the familiarity and ease of his/her own culture.5. Spend time alone or with friends? Some people prefer to spend most of their time alone. Others like to be with friends most of the time. Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends? Use specific reasons to support your answer.分析 110和111非常相像。休闲时间的活动包括:看书、听音乐、看影碟、去电影院、去酒吧、听音乐会、打牌、下棋、爬山、打球 有些活动适合独自进行,有些活动需要特定数目的人手,还有些活动人越多越好根据不同的情况,就有不同的选择。相关题目:111、146范文 Some people enjoy spending most of their time with friends, while others prefer to be alone for the majority of the time. I prefer to spend most of my time with friends, because friends offer excitement and new ideas, they can console me when something bad happens, and spending too much time by myself can be boring. Friends can offer excitement and fresh ideas to a situation. No matter what I am doing, if a friend is there, it is more interesting. For example, if I am shopping, a friend makes the experience more fun. We can look at things together, and explore our likes and dislikes. Having a friend around also allows me to do some things that I would not be able to do otherwise. For instance, I can go with a friend to a park and play badminton. Some things are just impossible to do by myself. Friends can also console you if something bad happens. If I get bad news, and a friend is around, I do not have to feel badly by myself. A friend will try and cheer me up, and attempt to take my mind off whatever negative things happened. For example, last year I broke my leg and was in a cast all summer. I had friends around me to cheer me up and distract me from the misfortune. In addition to these reasons, I find that if I spend too much time by myself, I get lonesome and bored. As mentioned above, there are some things you just cannot do without friends around. Some of these things, such as sports, are my favorite activities. I do enjoy some activities that do not involve other people, such as reading. However, I find that I can do these things before bed, or when I wake up. Overall, I think having friends around me is the best way for me to spend my time.托福综合写作3分钟阅读环节3大注意事项不可不知


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