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    句子成分与结构,语法系列,英语的词性: 名词(nouns) n. 代词(pronoun) pron.实词 数词(numeral) num. 形容词(adjective) adj. 或a. 副词(adverb) adv. 动词(verb) v 冠词(article) art虚词 介词(preposition) prep. 连词(conjunction) conj. 助词(auxiliary) aux.作文题目中,实词都大写,虚词要小写,一.英语句子的基本成分有8种:,主语 (subject)-s谓语 (predicate)-v宾语 (object)-o定语 (attribute)-attrib状语 (adverbial)-adv补语 (complement)-c表语 (predicative)-p同位语(Appositive),I met my best friend Tom at the station yesterday.,主语,谓语,定语,宾语,同位语,状语,英语句子的类型,简单句并列句复合句,只有一个主谓结构,有两个或两个以上主谓结构,一个主句加一个或几个从句,简单句基本句型,陈述对象+陈述内容主语+谓语谓语动词决定了一个句子的骨架结构启示:(1)分析复杂句时,先找谓语。 (2)写句子时,要知道谓语动词的用法特点,二.五种简单基本句型,主语+谓语+宾语主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语,动词,系动词,不及物动词,及物动词,主语+系+表语,主语+谓语,基本句型(1):主+系+表,表语是说明主语的,如用来说明主语的身份、性质、品性、特征和状态的,通常在系动词后。,1) My uncle is a professor.2) He looked tired.3) The basketball match is on.4) All the pupils are on the playground now.5) Our aim was to win more medals.6) His work is teaching French.7) The question is who can really repair the machines.,1) My uncle is a professor.2) He looked tired.3) The basketball match is on.4) All the pupils are on the playground now.5) Our aim was to win more medals.6) His work is teaching French.7) The question is who can really repair the machines.,系动词:1) be, seem ,appear2) look, sound ,taste, smell, feel 3) get, turn, grow ,become, go4) stay, remain, keep, continue,感官类,变化类,维持类,基本句型 (2) 主+谓:S+V,谓语动词特特点:不及物动词(本身意思完整,后面不需要宾语),1. The sun rises. (rise-rose-risen 是vi,不能带O.)2. The red sun rises. ( red修饰sun,作定语)3. The red sun rises in the east. (状语Adverbial),【练1/4】第一印象很重要。【练2/4】近年来政府对报纸的控制已经放松了。【练3/4】当焦点人物或其角色成员对他在某特定时段所担任角色的确切定义在思想上存在疑惑时,就出现了角色模糊。(剑3,T2,R),The first impression counts/matters.,The control has loosened.,Role ambiguity results when,Translation,1. 你应当努力学习。2. 她昨天回家很晚。3. 那天早上我们谈了很多。4. 会议将持续两个小时。 5. 在过去的十年里,我的家乡已经发生了巨大的变化。,You should study hard.,She went home very late yesterday evening.,That morning we talked a great deal.,The meeting will last two hours.,Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past ten years.,基本句型(3)主语+谓语+(S. + V. + O. )该句型的谓语动词必须是vt或vt的动词词组;宾语必须是名词或相当于名词的成分。,【练1/5】教育满足需要。 【练2/5】美国的一项研究已表明气温和街头骚乱之间存在联系。【练4/5】所有这些因素或许可以证明巨大的收入是合理的。(剑6,T2,W),Education meets/satisfies the demand/need.,Research shows a relationship.,Factors can justify earnings.,Translation1.昨晚我写了一封信。 2.今天下午我想同你谈谈。 3.这本书他读过多次了。 4.他们成功地完成了计划。,I wrote a letter last night.,I want to talk with you this afternoon.,He has read this book many times.,They have carried out the plan successfully.,注意:带 V-ing 做宾语的动词有:suggest, advise, stop, resist, enjoy, imagine,finish, escape, admit, excuse, delay, practise, consider, keep, mind, understand, avoid, miss, risk succeed in, be busy,be worth, be used to, give up, look forward to,注意:带 to do 做宾语的动词有:offer, learn, intend, plan, demand, ask, promise, help,prepare,decide, determine,refuse, dare,manage,wish, hope, want, expect, fail,pretend,choose, seem, expect, hope, offer, agree, refuse, learn, help, plan, intend, etc.,基本句型(4)主语+谓语+宾语+宾语 (S. + V. + O.+O. )请观察:1)He brings me cookies every day. 如果意思不变,也可以怎么说呢? 2)He brings cookies to me every day. 即要借助于介词to或for,朗读:He brings me cookies every day.He brings cookies to me every day.She made me a beautiful dress.She made a beautiful dress for me.归纳: to侧重指动作的方向,表示朝着,向着,对着某人。 for 侧重指动作的受益者,表示为了某人,替某人。,常跟双宾语的动词有:(需借助to的)bring, give, lend, hand, offer, pass, pay, promise,return, send, show, teach, tell, write, ask,等。(需借助for 的)buy, call, cook, choose, draw, find, get, make, order,sing, save, spare,等。,翻译练习: 1. Johnson 先生去年教我们德语。2. 奶奶昨晚给我们讲了一个有趣的故事。3. Mary把钱包交给校长了 4. 请把那本字典递给我好吗?5. 他把车票给列车员看。,1.Mr Johnson taught us German last year. 2.Grandma told me an interesting story last night. 3.Mary handed the wallet to the schoolmaster. 4.Would you please pass me the dictionary? 5.He showed the ticket to the conductor.,基本句型(5)主谓宾宾补 S+Vt.+O+O.C 宾语与宾语补足语有逻辑的主谓关系,若无宾语补足语,则句意不完整。宾补时补充说明宾语的。可以用做宾补的有:名词,形容词,副词,介词短语,动词不定式,分词等。如: The sun keeps us warm. I heard him singing.You must get your hair cut. They made Tom monitor.用 it 做形式宾语,而将真正的宾语放到宾语补足语的后面,以使句子结构平衡,是英语常用的句型结构方式。即:主语+谓语+it+宾补+真正宾语。如:I found it very pleasant to be with your family.,Translation:1我们叫她Alice. 2我们大家都认为他是诚实的。 3他们把小偷释放了。 4我要你把真相告诉我。 5 .卫兵命令我们立即离开。 6. 每天早晨我们都听到他大声朗读英语。 7他每个月理一次发8我们不会让她在晚上外出的。,We call her Alice.,All of us considered him honest.,They have set the thief free.,I want you to tell me the truth.,The guards ordered us to leave at once.,Every morning we hear him read English aloud.,He has his hair cut once a month.,We wont let her go out at night.,句子基本结构(5种)1) 主语+连系动词+表语(S+L+P) He is a professor. 他是一位教授.,Revision,句子基本结构(5种)2) 主语+谓语(S+V) Day dawns. 天亮了.,句子 (Sentence),句子基本结构(5种)3) 主语+谓语+宾语(S+V+O) She understands French. 她懂法语.,句子 (Sentence),句子基本结构(5种)4) 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语(S+V+IO+DO) He told us the whole story. 他把全部经过告诉了我们.,句子 (Sentence),句子基本结构(5种)5) 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补语(S+V+O+C) He found George intelligent. 他发现乔治很聪明.,句子 (Sentence),根据所学知识,分析句子结构1.They work hard. 主 + 谓2.The flower is dead. 主 + 系 + 表3.Plants need water. 主 + 谓 + 宾4.He gives me some seeds. 主 + 谓 + 直宾 + 间宾5.We should keep the plants in the shade. 主 + 谓 + 宾 + 宾补6.Many animals live in trees. 主 + 谓,7.He kept me a dictionary. 主+谓+间接宾语+直接宾语8.Shall I leave you the camera? 主+谓+间接宾语+直接宾语9. We find the book very interesting. 主+谓+宾+宾补10.My uncle bought me an e-dictionary. 主+谓+间接宾语+直宾11.Singing makes me happy. 主+谓+宾+宾补12.Daming calls his cat Mimi .主+谓+宾+宾补13.Youmustlistentoher. 主+谓+宾14.Heisascientist. 主+系+表,基本句型(6) “There be”句型此句型是由 “there + be + 主语 + 状语” 构成,用以表达存在有,一种无主语的有。 它其实是倒装的一种情况,主语位于谓语动词 be 之后,there 仅为引导词,并无实际语。be 与其后的主语在人称和数量上一致,有时态和情态变化。如,现在有 there is/are 过去有 there was/were将来有 there will be/there is /are going to be.现在已经有 there has/have been,可能有 there might be.肯定有 there must be /there must have been.过去一直有 there used to be 似乎有 there seems/seem/seemed to be 碰巧有 there happen/happens/happened to be ,此句型有时不用be动词,而用 live, stand, come, go, lie, remain, exist, arrive等。,翻译练习: 今晚没有会。 There isnt going to be a meeting tonight. 2. 这个村子过去只有一口井。 There was only a well in the village. 3. 这个学校有一名音乐老师和一名美术老师。 There is (are) a teacher of music and a teacher of art in the school.,4. 公共汽车来了。 There comes the bus. 5. 就只剩下二十八美元了。 There remained just twenty-eight dollars. 6. 在这个山洞前面长着一棵高大的松树。 In front of the cave, there stands (grows) a tall pine tree.,1)简单句:只有一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)。e.g. He often reads English in the morning.Tom and Mike are American boys.She likes drawing and often draws pictures for the wall newspapers.,我们可以给句子的动词加上副词修饰,给名词加上形容词、介词短语修饰,给句子加上状语进行修饰等,以使整个句子的意思变得更加的丰富和充实。但不管如何变,都只有一个主谓结构。He worked hard all his life. (划线部分在句中作状语,修饰动词worked)He is a school student in No. 1 Middle School. (划线部分在句中作定语,修饰名词student),并列句,用分号或并列连词把两个或几个简单句连接起来的句子。并列句中的各简单句意义同等重要,相互之间没有从属关系,是平行并列的关系。,用分号:We fished all day; we didnt catch a thing.,用并列连词(如and、but、so、yet等)We fished all day, but we didnt catch a thing.,句型:简单句+并列连词+简单句,并列句的分类,1、表示连接两个同等概念,常用and, not onlybut also, neithernor, then等连接。e.g. The teachers name is Smith, and the students name is John.2、表示选择,常用的连词有or, eitheror, otherwise等。 e.g. Hurry up, or youll miss the train.,3、表示转折,常用的连词有but, still, yet, while, when等。e.g. He was a little man with thick glasses, but he had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting.4、表示因果关系,常用的连词有so, for, 等。e.g. August is the time of the year for rive harvest, so every day I work from dawn until dark.,Exercise:请用合适的并列连词把每组句子合并为一个并列句。,He was tired, so he went to bed.,1. He was tired. He went to bed.,2. The child didnt go out. He was afraid of the dog.,3. He made a promise. He didnt keep it.,He made a promise, but He didnt keep it.,The child didnt go out, because he was afraid of the dog.,由一个主句和一个或者一个以上从句所构成的句子,中间用从属连词连接。主句是一个完整的句子,它可以独立存在。从句是一个不完整的句子,它必须和一个主句连用,不能独立存在。复合句 = 主句 +从属连词+从句;,复合句,从属连词+从句+主句,复合句主要包含以下类型从句,包括名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句);定语从句和状语从句等。: 1. 主语从句 2. 宾语从句3. 表语从句 6. 同位语从句 4. 定语从句 5. 状语从句,Exercises 判断句型,1.Having finished his homework, the boy went on to help his mother.2. What he says doesnt suit what he does.,(简单句划线部分在句中作状语,修饰整个句子),(复合句包含两个名词性从句:What he says 是一个主语从句;what he does 是一个宾语从句),3. We often study Chinese history on Friday afternoon.4. The boy who offered me his seat is called Tom.5. There is a chair in this room, isnt there?,简单句,复合句,简单句,9. Neither has he changed his mind, nor will he do so.10. What he said at the meeting is very important, isnt it?11. The farmer is showing the boy how to plant a tree.12. Both Tom and Jack enjoy country music.,并列句,复合句,简单句,简单句,


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