中央美术学院+底特律创意研究学院草图效果图培训营CAFA + CCS 2006 Sketching Rendering Workshop培训营介绍Workshop Description:这个培训营将提供给参加者作为一个高级职业化的设计师的最有效率的职业技能。The workshop provides participants with skills to be effective as designers at an advanced professional level.这个培训营的目的是使参加的设计师或者毕业了准备进入设计职场的学生们,在解决问题和设计技法上达到一个相当高的职业化水准。The workshops are intended for either practicing designers wishing to hone their problem-solving and design-craft skills to a very high professional level, or recent graduates of design programs who would like to be better prepared for entrance into the design professions. 这个培训营的设计是针对进入更个领域的工业设计师们,包括交通工具设计。尤其对于已有一些工业设计经验,希望进入交通工具设计的,这个培训营将显得格外的有价值。Workshop I has been designed to cater to industrial designers in all fields, including automotive design. Industrial designers who have no automotive design experience but aspire to an automotive career will this Workshop extremely valuable. 这个培训营将由底特律创意研究学院的教授,系主任Imre Molnar主讲,容纳30个学生。This workshop will be led by two CCS faculty and has the capacity to accommodate thirty (30) participants.培训营手绘草图和效果图技法 五天的周期,亲身言传身教的培训营,参加者将获得密集强化的创意草图和效果图技法,包括交通工具设计流程中的特殊技法。Workshop:Sketching and Rendering Techniquesa five-day, hands-on workshop where participants are provided intensive instruction in ideation sketching and basic rendering techniques specific to the automotive design process. 高水准的草图技能是所有设计师最重要的技能,对于希望进入竞争激烈的交通工具领域的设计师们也尤其重要。通过一些传统媒介的使用,这个集中密集的强化式培训营提供给参加者对于交通工具手绘草图和效果图技巧真切体会。这个培训营包括教学演示示范和课题作业。最终,每个参与者都将创造出一个完整的高质量的高水准国际化职业化的交通工具设计方案。High-level sketching ability is a requisite skill for all designersparticularly those aspiring to a career in the highly competitive automobile industry. Using traditional media, this intensive workshop provides each participant with hands-on experience in the secrets of automotive sketching and rendering techniques. The workshop combines instructor demonstrations with assigned projects. As a result, participants each create a compelling body of high-quality professional work, specific to automotive design.这个培训营开始是重温调整基础的透视图,线图,造型效果图和材料表现技法。这些基础都将运用到交通工具概念设计的创意草图和效果图上。The workshop begins by revisiting the fundamentals of perspective drawing, line drawing, form rendering and material representation. These fundamentals are applied to both the ideation sketching and rendering of automobile design concepts. 学员将拿到讲义和指导练习的光盘。指导学员一步步运用培训营中学到的技法技巧。Students will receive handouts and instructional DVDs covering the various step-by-step sequences employed in the workshop. 培训营日程安排:2006年11月21日至25日Workshop Schedule: 上午morning下午afternoon晚上eveningDay 111月21日介绍讨论手绘草图技巧,二维传统效果图,三维数码建模和效果图Introduction and discussion about sketching techniques, 2D traditional rendering, and 3D digital modeling and rendering.基础透视草图和线图Fundamentals of perspective sketches and line drawing 布置作业现场完成Assigned projectsDay 211月22日效果图:亚光面Rendering matt forms亚光面造型继续Matt forms continued布置作业现场完成Assigned projectsDay 311月23日效果图:光面Rendering gloss forms效果图:光面造型继续Rendering gloss forms continued布置作业现场完成Assigned projectsDay 411月24日彩色效果图Rendering in color彩色效果图Rendering in color布置作业现场完成Assigned projectsDay 511月25日交通工具设计构思课题线图Vehicle ideation assignmentline only交通工具设计构思课题描绘造型Vehicle ideation assignmentrepresenting form培训营培训回顾和总结Workshop review and summary 培训地点:Workshop Location:北京市朝阳区花家地南街8号中央美术学院设计学院交通工具设计中心# 8 HuaJiaDi NanJie, Chaoyang District, Central Academy of Fine Arts, School of Design, Transportation Design Center, Beijing. 培训营最终产出结果:Workshop Outcomes:参加者都将获得草图手绘和效果图尤其是交通工具设计方面的亲手的指导。进一步的,每一个参加者都将绘制一套有价值的作品。完成培训营的学员将获得底特律创意研究学院和中央美术学院颁发的官方证书。Participants will gain hands-on instruction and experience in traditional sketching and rendering techniques specific to transportation design. Further, each participant will produce a body of work that will be a valuable feature of their professional portfolio. Participants who complete the workshop will receive an official College for Creative Studies Certificate of Completion and certificates from Central Academy of Fine Arts. 报名方式:将您的姓名,身份证号码,工作单位或在读学校,联系方式,包括手机号,email,住址等信息通过Email,传真或者邮件发给我们,并到银行转账或汇款一次性所有的学费:3,900 元。食宿自理。可协助联系中央美院外招楼。住宿在90至160元每晚。 交钱后请将汇款发票收据传真或email确认。地址:北京市朝阳区花家地南街8号中央美术学院交通工具设计中心 邮编:100102 电话:010-5202-3916 (白天)010-8464-2923(晚上)传真:010-5202-3900 (白天)010-8462-0277(晚上)手机:13341012433 Email: cafaauto Contact:Please send us your information via email or fax or post mail, which including your name, ID number, Company or school, cell phone number, email, and post address. And send us your tuition of 3,900RMB total via bank transfer or mail. And fax or email us back your receipt for confirmation. We can also help you to reserve a room at CAFA hotel, which is about 90-160RMB per night. Address: School of Design, Transportation Design Center, Central Academy of Fine Arts, #8 Hua Ji Di Nan Jie, Chaoyang District, Beijing China. 100102 TEL:010-5202-3916 (day)010-8464-2923(night)FAX:010-5202-3900 (day)010-8462-0277(night)Cell phone: +86-13341012433 Email: cafaauto 参会代表回执表单位名称单位地址邮 编电 话传 真参加人员姓名Email职务/职称手机参加人员参加人员参加人员唯一指定帐户北京中创央美艺术设计有限公司 开户银行:中国光大银行望京支行 账号:35250188000023626请在汇款后将汇款收据传真或扫描电邮到组委会5