Establishing Business Relations,Introducing Company and Business Scope,Phoning and Making Appointments,Calling on a Customer,Contents,Questions,Why firms establish business relation?No customer, No businessNew customer, New Business,Questions,How do you look for your customers? Talk about channels to look for customers,1.Trade Directory/Union 贸易名录/行会,2. Chamber of Commerce both at home and abroad国内外商会China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC) 中国国际商会,5. Banks,4. Advertisements in the newspaper or periodicals,Ways to get information of prospective clients:,Information Related,3. Embassies or consulates/The commercial counselors office of the embassy in foreign countries大使馆驻国外商务参赞处,6. Market survey/research 市场调研,7. Mutual visits by trade delegations and representatives贸易代表互访,9. The Internet,Information Related,8. Introduction from other business firms or friendsor business house of the same trade 同业商行,10. Attendance at the export commodities fairsand exhibitions at home and abroad 出口商品展会,广交会(1957-) Guangzhou, Spring & AutumnChina Import and Export Fair ( Canton Fair),Introducing Company and Business Scope,Teaching ObjectivesLearn some expressions of introducing company and business scope.Pick up some useful patterns in making introductionsLearn to introduce company and its business scope under specific situations.Learn to use precise English to describe the advantages and business of the company.Learn appropriate etiquette of making foreign costumers get acquaintance of the company.,总公司HeadOffice 分公司BranchOffice Accounting department 财务部Sales department 销售部 国际部InternationalDepartment 出口部ExportDepartment 进口部ImportDepartment Purchasing/procurement department 采购部Research and development department 研发部(R&D) 产品开发部ProductDevelopmentDepartment Quality department 质量部Quality control department 质控部(QC)Public relations department 公共关系部(PR)AdvertisingDepartment广告部PlanningDepartment计划部Human resources department 人力资源部(HR) 人事部PersonnelDepartment秘书室SecretarialPool Department可简写为Dept,Words and Phrases - Company Department,董事长 Chairman总裁 President 总经理 General ManagerC.E.O (Chief Executive Officer)总经理助理General manager assistant行政助理administration assistantDirector 主任;主管 Director Zhang Office Director 办公室主任经理 ManagerMarketing representative 销售代表Accounting会计Cashier出纳员 Clerk/Receptionist职员接待员推销员 Salesman采购员 Purchaser 售货员 Sales Clerk,Words and Phrases - Position,Words and Phrases - Office Equipment,Office equipment 办公设备 Office furniture 办公家具 Cabinet 柜子 Swivel chair 转椅computer desktop 台式电脑 laptop 手提电脑Monitor 显示器 Computer screen 电脑荧屏Keyboard 键盘 Mouse 鼠标Copier 复印机 Fax machine传真机 Telephone 电话Printer 打印机 Ink jet printer 喷墨式打印机 Laser printer 激光打印机Paper shredder 碎纸机Paperclip 回形针 Stapler 订书机Printer 打印机Scanner 扫描仪,Part One Preparing yourself,Please let me introduce myself. ImMay I introduce myself? ImAllow me to introduce myself. ImIm from ABC company in Beijing. My name is David Lee.,Im very pleased/glad/happy/honor to see/meet you, Mr. Smith.Ive heard so much about you , Mr. Blake.Ive often heard about you , Mr. Blake.The others have often talked about you , Mr. Blake.,How do you do , Mr. Blake.,听完别人自我介绍以后,可以说:,1. self introduction,1. self introduction,1. self introduction,Part One Preparing yourself,How do you do, Mr. Blake?熟人打招呼:How are you?How are you doing?Fine, thanks, and you? Very well, thank you.Not bad. Thank you.Im OK.,初次见面,较正式,How do you do?,更亲切,要注意在不同场合使用的语气,1. self introduction,Part One Preparing yourself,2. Third-party Introduction,May I introduce you to our office director?Id like to introduce you to Mr. Smith. Let me introduce you to our personal manager.Please allow me to introduce you to Mr. Smith.Its my pleasure to introduce you to It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you Mr. Zhang, manager of our company.Joe, Id like you to meet Joe, I dont believe youve ever met This is Joe. Hes in charge ofHes our Director/Manager.Jane, this is Tom, Tom, this is Jane. Jane, Tom. Tom, Jane.,在很多情况下,你往往会作为中间人介绍互不认识的双方。,I am glad to have the honor of introducing We have nearly employees and sales of million.Id like to establish trade relations with Ive been in this business for more than years.,3. Introducing Company,Part One Preparing yourself,Our products are sold in Weve got several years experience and professional knowledge in the export ofHere is our product information sheet. We are one of the leading exporters of in China.Here are our catalogue and price listThe catalogue lists all the we export , and the price list gives price forWe noted that your company is the leading importer of inThe quality of ours is as good as that of many other suppliers, while our pricesWish you have interests .Its going to be the pride of our company.,4. Introducing Business Scope,Part One Preparing yourself,Part One Preparing yourself,5. Welcome,Welcome to On behalf of , Im very glad to welcome you toThank you for coming all this way.,Words and Phrases,line,competitive,supplier,有竞争力的,行业,业务,供应商,Words and Phrases,product information sheet,show around,price list,带领参观,价格表,catalogue,产品目录,产品说明书,忌讳的话题,一、过分的关心和告诫二、个人的私生活(年龄、收入、婚姻、健康、住址)三、令人不快的事物四、他人的长短五、宗教和政治,Small talk topics,TripWeatherItinerary,Trip,small talk topics,对方经过长时间旅行,旅途劳累,此时若能关切地询问一下对方的旅途情况,有助于建立亲切感,并给对方留下好的印象。,How about your flight? Hows your flight?Did you have a good trip/ a pleasant journey/ a nice voyage?Have you had a nice trip?Have you enjoyed your journey?Wonderful! Nice food and good service.Yes, I enjoyed it very much. Very pleasant.Very good. But I am a little tired, because its a long trip.Well, generally speaking, it was fine. But it is really a long distance from New York to Shanghai. On the whole, its not too bad. It was OK, though I feel a bit tired.No, not very good, I was got air.,Glad to hear it.,Do you feel better now?,Trip,Trip,you must be tired. .Its a long way to China, isnt it? And I think you must be tired.You must be very tired after such a long flight.Is this your first visit to?Is this your first visit /time/travel/trip to Beijing?,small talk topics,Weather,Itsawarm/lovely/beautiful daytoday.Its biting cold today. It is subzero.Its too cloudy. I heard its going to rain this afternoon.Theweatherforecastsays it will be a storm tomorrow.Look at the thick clouds, I think its going to rain. Its beginning to spot. Itrainsalothereinsummer.Theweatherisbetterthanyesterday.Itsrathercoldandwindytoday.ItisratherdryinBeijing. Its beginning to let up.It seems to be clearing up.It has been raining all the week in Shanghai.,small talk topics,Weather,I hate the winter here in Beijing. Its so cold and dry, and we dont really get much rain. Hows like in New York?The rain is so heavy. I dislike the summer here in Beijing. Theres too much rainfall. Hows like in New York?Its really hot today. Beijing has a long hot summer, long chilly winter, and shorter spring and autumn. The hottest month is July and the coldest is January. Spring is coming, but it is still a little cold. In spring, sometimes it will have sandstorms in Beijing, but now the tree planting is still growing. Now its better than before.Itsawarmdaytoday. In Beijing, the most pleasant weather is in September and October, they are the best time for traveling.,small talk topics,Weather,Im a spring/summer/autumn/winter person.Im a dog person.rain/ snow/ heavy rain/ heavy snow/ downpour/ drizzle/ shower/ storm/ blizzardIt is dismal/cloudy/cold/damp/stormy/windy/chilly/ clearing up/. It rains cats and dogs!,small talk topics,Itinerary,How long will you be in Beijing?How long do you intend to stay? How long do you plan to stay?Until next month. About a week.Im staying here for five days, and I will fly to London next Monday.Good. Well have enough time for our business talks. And between talks, well arrange some sightseeing for you, if you wish.,small talk topics,Offering,Let me take your suitcase. Let me help you with your luggage.Can I help you with your bags?Would you like me to help you with the luggage?Oh, thank you very much.No, thanks. I can manage it.It doesnt matter, thank you. I can handle by myself.,Some useful sentences,Thank you for meeting me at the airport.It is very kind of you to meet me at the airport.Our company has sent me to pick you up here.Would you like to go to your hotel to rest for a short?This way please, my car is outside.Please wait for me here, I am going to the parting lot to drive my car.My car is in the parking lot, this way please.,Part two Acting out,In this part, you are requested to act out a conversation with your partner. The following useful expressions are provided for your reference.,1.prospective adj. 潜在的 可能的 预期的 prospective buyers 可能的买主 prospective business partners 可能的贸易伙伴,2.trading partner 贸易伙伴 or business partner,New Words & Expressions,3. intend v. 想要, 打算后常接动词不定式 e.g. They intend to place an order with you. 他们打算跟贵方订货。 We intend to extend our business activities. 我们打算扩大我们的业务范围。,New Words & Expressions,4. enquire v. 询问 e.g. We would like to enquire whether you can supply the following items. 我们想询问一下,贵公司能否提供下列商 品。,5. catalogue n. 目录 quotation n. 报价,报价单 pricelist n. 价目表,New Words & Expressions,6. cooperation n. 合作,协作 cooperate v. 合作,协作e.g. Lets cooperate with each other for our mutual benefits. 为了我们双方的利益,让我们合作吧。 I need your cooperation in this matter. 在这件事情上,我需要你的合作。,7. competitive adj. 竞争的,有竞争力的 e.g. If your prices are competitive, we would place an order with you. 如果你们的价格有竞争力,我们就跟你们订 货。,New Words & Expressions,8. volume adj. 大量的 e.g. volume orders 大宗订单,New Words & Expressions,10. take this opportunity to(后接动词原型)利用这个机会做 还可以说take advantage of this opportunity or avail ourselves of this opportunity.e.g. We take this opportunity to express our great appreciation for your cooperation.借此机会,对于您的合作,我们深表感谢。,New Words & Expressions,11. deal in 从事,经营 =handle v. 经营 deal with 跟做生意e.g. We have dealt in the export of washing machines for about ten years. 我们从事洗衣机出口已经有很多年了。 We handle the import and export business of chemical products. 我们经营化工产品的进出口业务。 We wish to deal with you in this line. 我们希望在该行业与你们做生意。,The following conversation is between Mr.Gatty, an importer from Britain, and Mr.Dong, a director of LimingFoodstuffsFactory. Mr Dong: Here is our _1_ roomMr Gatty: You certainly have got a large collection of sample _2_ here.Mr Dong: Yes. We are _3_ foodstuffs to many countries. And the _4_ is getting greater and greater.Mr Gatty: So it is. Though _5_ , as you know, your exports of foodstuffs to our country have _6_ increased during the last few years. It appears that _7_ .,LISTENING PRACTICE,D: You said it .The quality of ours is as good as that of many other _8_ , while our prices are not high as theirs .By the way, which _9_ are you interested in ?G: Canned goods are of _10_ to me , particularly the canned fruit and meat. As your canned fruit is among the most popular ones in our market, Im going to _11_ in a day or two .D:Good .How about our canned meat? G:I think it will also find a good _12_ in our country. Will you show me some samples?D: Yes. This way ,please! Our canned meat is in various weighs .The largest one weighs three and a half pounds net, the smallest seven ounces net.,G: The small sizes are more _13_ in our market than the large ones .Ive brought with me a sample of canned meat which is only six ounces .The smallest size of yours is even bigger than that of mine .I wonder if _14_ .D: Your are welcome to _15_ .Here it is . _16_ .G: Oh, Its delicious. Mm.Im not sure about thepesticideresiduesin your foodstuffs ,though Im sure ,you must have given much thought to the matter. But you know ,our governmentalrestrictionshave been _17_ , so we are not allowed to import any polluted goods.D: You can _18_ .Our foodstuffs are guaranteed to conform to WHO standards.G: Good. Id like to order meat of this kind in seven ounce tins if the price is _19_ .,D: What about other canned goods ,such as canned mushrooms and vegetables?G: They are not as saleable as canned fruit ,I suppose .D: Mm , no .I really do not think that is so .They are also among our _20_ and have found a _21_ reception in many other countries.G: Then ,may I have a look at the samples first ?D: Certainly .Here you are .G: Ah ,very nice indeed .But I am not sure whether they are to the taste of our people .What would you allow me taking some samples home before I _22_ ?D: Thats all right.G: Well ,I have an _23_ at 4:00.Shall we talk about over tomorrow morning ?D: Ok ,See you tomorrow .,40,Homework,Finish the part five self-practice of task 1 on page 9-10.Best quality and competitive priceArrange for further discussion,Add your company slogan,Thank You !,Task 2 Making Telephone Appointment,Words and Phrases,SecretaryConcerningPossibilityCompletelyBookedpostpone,秘书有关可能性完全预约的推迟,Words and Phrases,ShuffleArrangeConfirmRemindopening,搅乱,重组安排确认提醒空缺,Words and Phrases,Scheduling conflictTime slotReturn a callMiss sb.Make a meetingGet a hold of sb.,行程安排有冲突时间段回电话没找到某人安排见面找到某人,Words and Phrases,Out of townMove a meetingCount onTake care of Look forward to,出城改变见面时间指望,料想照顾,处理期待,盼望,Words and Phrases,Feel freePut sb. in (for an appointment)Work sb. InPut sb. down (for an appointment),随时把某人安排进预约名单额外安排某人记下某人的预约时间,初级,您好,我是比尔伯顿。Hello, Bill Burton speaking.您有事吗?What can I do for you?很高兴,我终于联系到您了。I am glad to finally get a hold of you.,初级,那天,我要出城去办事。I will be out of town that day.周四下午怎么样?What about Thursday afternoon?你可以吗?Will that work for you?,我们订在2点好吗?Shall we say about 2 oclock?你好,多丽丝在吗?Hello, is Doris available?请问您是哪位?Who is calling please?,初级,中级,我是布拉德福家庭公司的詹尼詹金思,您给我打过电话。This is Jenkins of Bradford and Sons returning your call.我的秘书说您打电话问我们下周二见面的事,是吗?My sectary said you called concerning our meeting next Tuesday?我们有没有可能把见面的时间改到周一?Is there any possibility we can move the meeting to Monday?,对不起恐怕我周一的日程已排满了。I am sorry, I am afraid I am completely booked on Monday.能否等您回来再说?What it be possible to postpone until you return?我盼着下周四下午2点与您见面。I will look forward to seeing you at 2 oclock next Thursday afternoon.,中级,事实上,我确实需要改一下预约时间。Actually, I do need to change the time of my appointment.我的行程安排有点冲突,所以我无法那么早到医院。I have a scheduling conflict, and I cant make it that early.你能把我的名字记载这个时间段吗?Can you put me down for that time slot?,中级,高级,我想告诉您下周二我不能赴约。 I wanted to let you know I will not be able to make our meeting next Tuesday.我打算在离开之前处理好见面之事,不过我想我可以重新安排一下。 I was counting on taking care of our meeting before I leave, but I suppose I could shuffle a few things.,你如果要更改时间,请随时打我手机联系。If you need to change the time, please feel free to call me on my cell phone.我打电话是想确认一下你明天上午9点与帕克先生的预约有没有问题。I am calling to confirm your appointment for tomorrow morning at 9 am with Mr. Parker.,高级,对不起,夫人。午饭后唯一的空缺时间是1:15,不过我能把你加在4点以后。Sorry madam, the only opening we have after lunch is 1:15, but I might be able to work you in after 4.,高级,Making Telephone Appointment 电话预约,对话1A: 您好,我是比尔伯顿。您有事吗?B: 您好,伯顿先生。我是布拉德福家庭公司的詹尼詹金思,您给我打过电话。非常抱歉,您今天上午往我办公室大电话时我正好不在。我的秘书说您打电话问我们下周二见面的事,是吗?A: 是的,詹金思小姐。谢谢您能回电话。很高兴,我终于联系到您了。我想告诉您下周二我不能赴约。那天我要出城办事,有没有可能把见面时间改到周一?B: 对不起,恐怕我周一的日程已排满了。能否等到您回来再说?A: 噢,天啊,我原本打算在