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    Module 4 Seeing the doctor,Unit 2We have played football for a year now.,Review,Read the words and expressions loudly.,Words and expressions,well/wel/ heart/ha:t/ active/ktiv/ pet/pet/ member/memb/ take part (in sth.),adj. 健康的 n. 心;心脏 adj. 积极的;活跃的 n. 宠物;宠畜 n. 成员;会员 参加,参与 (某事),Words and expressions,condition/kndin/in excellent condition sleepy/sli:pi/ then/en/ daily/deili/ weak/wi:k/,n. 状况;身体状况 身体状况很好adj. 困的;想睡的 adv. 当时;那时 adj. 每天的;天天的 adj.弱的;虚弱的,Words and expressions,illness/ilns/exercise/ekssaiz/ awful/:fl/feel awful all over perhaps/phps/,n. 病;疾病 v. 运动;锻炼 adj. 极讨厌的;极坏的 感到不舒服 浑身;到处 adv. 可能;也许,How can we live healthily?,more fruits,more exercise,more water,less stress,good feeling,Have you heard of WHO (The World Health Organization)?How much do you know about it?,Flag of WHO,世界卫生组织是世界上最大的政府卫生组织,是联合国下属的一个专门机构。,Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland,WHO was set up in 1948 to help ordinary people all over the world, especially in developing countries. It cures, prevents and controls serious diseases and educates people about how to protect their health.,Describe the activities in the pictures. Which ones are healthy?,b, c, d, e,Skimming to get general ideas,Read the passage and match the people with the pictures in Activity 1. There is one extra picture.,Anna,Wang Wei,Thomas,Richard,Listen and watch,Scanning to get detailed information,Complete the notes.,Anna1. She was not feeling very _.2. She needed more _.3. She got a pet _ from her parents and she takes him for a _ every day.,well,exercise,dog,walk,Wang Wei4. She was the _ member of the football team.5. She has played football with the team for a _ and all the members feel very _.,first,year,fit,Thomas6. He went to work on the _ for several years.7. He bought a _ in January.8. He arrives at work with a _ on his face.,underground,bike,smile,Richard9. He started running a _ ago.10. He does not _ running.11. He thinks he is perhaps too _ to go for a run.,week,enjoy,weak,Careful reading to solve difficult points,Language points,1. Now I get exercise by taking him for a walk every day. 现在我每天借着遛狗运动一下。,by doing sth. 表示“通过某种方式”,用how引导的特殊疑问句提问。, How do you learn English? I learn Englislh by listening to cassettes.,2. and she also takes part in the training with us. 她和我们参加同样的训练。,takepartin指参加活动,如体育运动、比赛、游戏或讨论,含有积极参与并发挥作用之意,多用于正式场合。,Itakepartinallkindsofafter-school activity.Would you like to take part in the party?,注意与join和join in的区别:join多指加入某一个组织或某些人,成为其中一员。joinin指参加活动,在口语中可与takepartin通用。,We both joined the Labor Party. 我们俩都加入了工党。They all join in singing the song. 他们一起唱这首歌。,3. She is in excellent condition too. 她的身体状况也很好。,in excellent condition或in condition表示“健康状况良好”。,Do exercise every day and you will be back in condition soon.,out of condition则指“健康状况不佳”。,The horse is still out of condition after a serious illness.,4. Why dont we go for a run before school? 上学前我们跑跑步吧?,Why dont you/we?和Why not?意为“你为什么不做呢?”用来向别人提建议。,Why not stay with us for some more days?Why dont you join us?,Complete the sentences with the words in the box.,active awful condition daily member Perhaps,1. Tom runs six miles every morning, so he is in very good _.2. Jill is a very _ girl and plays lots of sports.,condition,active,3. I had a very bad headache yesterday, and I felt _.4. Ben is a(n) _ of the school football team.5. You do not look very well. _ you should see a doctor.6. I saw your grandfather taking his _ walk this morning.,awful,member,Perhaps,daily,Writing,Work in pairs. Look at the pictures of Colin. Write notes and explain:, what the problem waseating junk food, too heavy, not very fit, what suggestions the doctor gave him getting some exercise and eating healthy food what happened next doing exercise how Colin feels now feeling very well and happy,Now write four sentences to describe what happened.,Possible answers:,1. I didnt feel very well, I was too heavy and I ate too much fast food.2. My doctor said I should get some exercise and eat healthy food.3. I went exercising.4. Now I feel very well and happy.,Write a passage about healthy living. Use the sentences you wrote in Activity 5 to help you.,Tips: You should write a complete passage. There should be a topic and a conclusion in your passage.,Possible answer:I didnt feel very well last summer, and I was too heavy. My doctor said I ate too much fast food. She said I should get some exercise, eat different food and drink a lot of water.I started to go exercising with two friends. At first I didnt like it, because it was tiring. My friends said to me, “Dont stop! You can do it!” So I didnt give up. Later I began to enjoy exercising and now I feel very well and happy. My life is very different now!,take part in in excellent condition3. I arrived at work with a smile on my face.4. Since then, it has become part of my life.5. Now I get exercise by taking him for a walk every day.6. Why dont we go for a run before school?,本课时主要短语和句型,Now 2 mins to test your spelling.,Spelling Bee,1. English-Chinese illness member heart sleepy pet perhaps all over condition2. Chinese-English 运动、锻炼 每天的、天天的 参加、参与 健康的 弱的、虚弱的,When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.,Quiz,. 用所给词的正确形式填空。,perhaps awful sleepy weak pet,1. That beer made me quite _.2. The film was _.3. The illness had left her feeling tired and _.4. _ the weather will change this evening.5. They have many _, including three cats.,sleepy,awful,weak,Perhaps,pets,. 用takepartin,joinin和join的适当形式填空。1. I hope that youll all _ the discussion this afternoon.2. It is three months since he _ the football club. 3. All the students _ the activity of planting trees last week.,join in,joined,took part in,. 根据课文内容填空。(1) The doctor told Anna to _ _ _, but she doesnt like sports. So her parents gave her a _ for her birthday. Now she gets exercise by _ _ _ _ _every day.(2) Wang Wei _ _ _ the girls football team in her school. They have played football _ _ _now they all feel very _. Their teacher is also _ _ _.,take more,exercise,dog,taking him for a walk,took part in,fit,in excellent condition,for a year,(3) Thomas felt very _, but he bought a bike in January. _ _, he has ridden to work. Now he is _.(4) Richard wanted to exercise more after _ _ _. So he accepted his friends suggestion to _ _ _ _ before school. But he feels _, because hes too _ to do any exercise.,sleepy,Since then,happy,a long illness,go for a,run,awful,weak,Homework,Write a passage about your own lifestyle. Do you think it is healthy?How can you be healthier?,Preview,Preview the use of the present perfect with for and since.2. Search for more information about The World Health Organization.,


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