1. Origin of Easter,EasterAnglo-Saxon goddess Eostre, celebrated around the vernal equinox.equinox i:kwinks 春分,Their origins lie in pre-Christian religions and Christianity. All in some way or another are a salute to spring, marking re-birth. The word Easter is named after Eostre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring. A festival was held in her honor every year at the vernal equinox (春分).,Christians say Jesus died on Good Friday. On the third day, he rose from the dead. He became alive again.,2. Good Friday,Jesus was buried in a tomb,The Tomb,Easter Sunday resurrected (复活).,The time of Easter,“Easter, anniversary of the Resurrection of Christ, observed on the first Sunday after a full moon on or after the equinox.”,复活节在每年春分月圆之后第一个星期日,3. Symbols of Easter,The symbolism of Easter eggs,a symbol of resurrection of Jesus out of the Tomb.,color eggs,Easter Eggs,EXQUISITE,hare,alargerrelativeof therabbit,was ananimalsacredto thegoddess Eostre.,Little children believe in the Easter Bunny. The Easter Bunny has many baskets.,Easter Bunny,He fills the baskets with colored eggs and candy. Then he hides the baskets.,It is Americans who give it the cute name , that is , Easter Bunny.,Easter Lily,Activities related with Easter,Color eggs,wearing new clothes,the rolling away of the rock from Jesus Christs tomb when he was resurrected White House lawn.,Easter rolling,Egg Hunting,the child who finds the most eggs wins a prize.,Christians go to church on Easter Sunday. They go at sunrise. They sing and pray.,基督徒于复活节那天上教堂,他们于日出时就去了,去唱歌及祈祷。,Go to Church,Parade,After church services, everyone went for a walk around the town.在英国,每年都要举行复活节化装游行,其间有民族风格的风笛乐队(Pipe Band) ,孩子们装扮的维多利亚女皇时代的皇宫卫队(Palace Guard)等。,Pipe Band and the Parade,Families eat a big dinner on Easter Sunday.,Easter food,mainly lamb and ham. Lamb is a symbol of devotion to Christ.,Other food,The bread makes Christians think that Jesus eternal life of live food. In many European countries, Easter is usually baked another special Easter bread, bread painted the words of Jesus Christ, crosses, or lamb pattern, in order to commemorate Christ,A big ham,Chocolate Bunny,bye,