英美文学赏析,English Literature,“The Wife of Bath” from The Canterbury Tales“Sonnet 18”Excerpt from Romeo and Juliet“Song”“Letter to Lord Chesterfield”“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”A discussion of Jane EyreExcerpt from Mrs. Dalloway,American Literature,“Rip Van Winkle”“The Tell-tale Heart”“Because I Could not Stop for Death”“I heard a fly buzz”Excerpt from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn20th century poems“A Clean Well-lighted Place”,Lecture 1 Geoffrey Chaucer and his The Canterbury Tales,Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400),Messenger of HumanismThe first realistic writerFather of English poetryMaster of the English language,The Canterbury Tales,The Canterbury Tales,The Canterbury Tales was written in the years between 1387 and 1400. It has a general prologue and twenty four tales that are connected by “links”.,The Canterbury Tales,It gives a comprehensive picture of Chaucers time. (There are 29 pilgrims and they are from all walks of life.)It popularizes the literary use of the vernacular English.,The Wife of Bath,One of two female storytellers (the other is the Prioress), the Wife has a lot of experience under her belt. She has traveled all over the world on pilgrimages, so Canterbury is a journey for pleasure or enjoyment compared to other dangerous journeys she has endured.,Bath,Back,Lecture 2William Shakespeare,The Renaissance,Renaissance: Together with the development of bourgeois relationships and formation of the English national state, the 16th century is marked by a flourishing of national culture known as the Renaissance. The term Renaissance originally indicated a revival of classical (Greek and Roman) arts and sciences after the dark ages of medieval obscurantism.,The Renaissance,The study and propagation of classical learning and art was carried on by the progressive thinkers of the humanists. They held their chief interest not in ecclesiastical(教会的) knowledge, but in man, his environment and doings and bravely fought for the emancipation of man from the tyranny of the church and religious dogmas.,William Shakespeare (1564-1616),He was not of an age, but for all time! the greatest of all English authorsA landmark in the history of world culture,William Shakespeare,Sonnet: Asonnetis a fourteen-line lyric poem, traditionally written in iambic pentameterthat is, in lines ten syllables long, with accents falling on every second syllable. The Shakespearean sonnet is divided into four parts. The first three parts are each four lines long, and are known as quatrains, rhymed ABAB; the fourth part is called the couplet, and is rhymed CC. The Shakespearean sonnet is often used to develop a sequence of metaphors or ideas, one in each quatrain, while the couplet offers either a summary or a new take on the preceding images or ideas.,William Shakespeare,Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets. The first group (1-126): to Mr. W. H. The second group (127-152): to a Dark Lady,iambic pentameter,meter: the basic rhythmic structure of a verse or lines in verse the pattern of syllables in a line of poetry a rhythm of accented and unaccented syllables arranged into feet.iambic: 抑扬格(轻读音节与重读音节交替出现)pentameter:五音步 (five feet)syllable: 音节,通常包含一个元音和若干辅音vowel: 元音consonant: 辅音,iambic pentameter,Example: 1. if you would put the key inside the lock,if YOU | would PUT | the KEY | inSIDE | the LOCK,2. Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate.,Shall I / com PARE/ thee TO / a SUM / mers DAY? Thou ART / more LOVE / ly AND / more TEM / per ATE,Sonnet 18,In the sonnet, the speaker compares his beloved to the summer season, and argues that his beloved is better. He also states that his beloved will live on forever through the words of the poem.,Romeo and Juliet,Lecture 3 John Donne,John Donne (1572-1631),an English poet, satirist, lawyer and aclericin the Church of England. He is considered the pre-eminent representative of themetaphysical poets.,John Donne,His poetry is noted for its vibrancy of language and inventiveness of metaphor, especially compared to that of his contemporaries. Donnes style is characterized by abrupt openings and various paradoxes, ironies and dislocations.,Metaphysical poets (玄学派),a loose group ofBritishlyric poetsof the 17th century, whose work was characterized by the inventive use ofconceits, and by speculation about topics such as love or religion. Conceits(奇喻)far-fetched or unusual similes or metaphors “the most heterogeneous ideas are yoked by violence together”,Example: The Flea,Lecture 4 Samuel Johnson,Samuel Johnson (1709-1784),an English writer who made lasting contributions toEnglish literatureas a poet, essayist, moralist, literary critic, biographer, editor andlexicographer,Dr. Johnsons Dictionary,After nine years of work, JohnsonsA Dictionary of the English Languagewas published in 1755. It had a far-reaching effect onModern English and has been described as one of the greatest single achievements of scholarship. This work brought Johnson popularity and success; until the completion of theOxford English Dictionary150 years later, Johnsons was viewed as the pre-eminent British dictionary.,Dr. Johnsons Dictionary,An important innovation in English lexicography was to illustrate the meanings of his words by literary quotation, of which there are around 114,000. The authors most frequently cited include Shakespeare, Milton and Dryden.,Lecture 5William Wordsworth,Romanticism,English romanticism: 1798-1832A reaction against the age of EnlightenmentFeatures: 1. Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings that expresses the poets mind. 2. an emphasis on spontaneity 3. a strong love for the remote, the unusual, the strange, the supernatural, the mysterious, the splendid, the picturesque, and the illogical 4. worship of nature 5. Romantic poets take to using everyday language spoken by the rustic people.,William Wordsworth (1770-1850),A major romantic poetBritainsPoet Laureatefrom 1843 until his death in 1850,Lecture 6 A Discussion of Jane Eyre,Jane Eyre,The Victorian AgeColonialism The “scientific” study of race and gender eg. The facial angle conclusion: 1. race was a crucial determinant of physical, intellectual, and moral character, and that white Europeans were of the superior race.,2. The female European skull resembles much more the Negro skull than that of the European male. In the evolutionary development of the race, women had lagged behind men, much as “primitive people lagged behind Europeans.,Race as metaphor,It would seem logical to look for an interest in race in the fiction of some of the women novelists of nineteenth-century England who manifest the most overt discontent with the constraints of gender.,Bertha Mason, a CreoleIs she white or black?,Bertha Mason: an indictment of British imperialism in the West Indies and the stained wealth that came from its oppressive rule,Bertha Mason: Janes “dark double”,Lecture 7Stream of Consciousness, Virginia Woolf and Mrs Dalloway,基本背景: 世纪之交深刻的社会危机 一次大战 一个动荡不安、矛盾激化、充满精神危机而又急速现代化的世界必然要求文学对其作出相应的反应。,意识流: 意识本身并非是许多割裂的碎片。乍看起来,似乎可以用“锁链”或“系列”这样的字眼来描述它。其实,这是不恰当的。意识并不是一段一段地连结起来的。用“河”或者“流”这样的比喻来形容它才恰如其分 我们就称之为思想流,意识流或主观生活之流吧。,人的意识似乎是由飞行与栖息交替构成的。它的栖息部分(实体状态)包含着长期埋在人脑中的思想内容,而飞行部分(过渡状态)则属于那种飘忽、闪烁和晃动的感官印象。,Stream of consciousness in literature: the narrative method whereby certain novelists describe the unspoken thoughts and feelings of their characters, without resorting to objective description or conventional dialogue,传统小说的特征: 1) 追求表现外部世界,刻意描绘人的物质生活环境,塑造典型环境中的典型人物。2) 布局上具有戏剧化的特点。人物,情节,场景,冲突。3) 有完整和有趣的故事情节。4) 遵循以钟表时间为顺序的创作原则。,意识流小说的特征:1) 深刻反映现代作家新的价值观,异化感。2) 遵循由里及表,由微观到宏观的创作原则。3) 充分展示全新时空的观念。4) 竭力淡化小说情节。,意识流小说叙述形式的特征,1. 作品视角的频繁转换。作家退出小说,不仅让人物将自己最隐秘的心迹与感受和盘托出,而且还使作品的视角转换自如、跳跃频繁,犹如电影中的快镜头一般闪烁不停,向读者展示了一幅幅生动、逼真的意识画面。,2. 叙述笔法的诗歌化倾向。作家的笔法既体现了散文的风格,又蕴含着诗歌的意境。句子结构简单,词汇颠倒错置,注重音韵和节奏的艺术效果,强调形象的暗示作用以及讲究语言的抒情性而忽略它的逻辑性。,3. 文理叙事的印象主义色彩。作家充分挖掘语言的表意功能,强调光、色、声、影、味对感官的刺激作用,形象地再现了纯属个人精神领域最浮浅、最朦胧的感性活动。,Virginia Woolf (1882-1941),an English writer, and one of the foremost modernists of the twentieth century,Woolf is considered a major innovator in the English language. In her works she experimented withstream-of-consciousnessand the underlying psychological as well as emotional motives of characters.,New Devices: The narrow framework of time the devices of memory and psychic time three-folded time strata: 1) the clock time: the passing of the hours 2) symbolic time: the voyage from youth to age,3) The psychic time: the blending up of the past, present and futureThus, by shaping her major novels with a narrow framework of time, Virginia Woolf has realized her purpose: to represent the dual aspect of human lifethe inner life simultaneously with the outer life.,Mrs Dalloway (1925),Mrs. Dalloway in her preparation for her party, goes to town to buy flowers in the morning and presides over her party in the evening.Septimus Warren Smith, a working-class veteran who has returned from theFirst World Warbears deep psychological scars.,In one sense, the novel is a life story of Clarissa Dalloway; in another, it is about the human life itself, about its tension between misery and happiness. It is a wretched picture of the alienated modern world with its destructive forces of power-struggle, economic depression, and war,Lecture 8Washington Irving and “Rip Van Winkle”,Washington Irving,The first American writer of imaginative literature to gain international fame,Washington Irving,Style: avoids moralizing as much as possible good at enveloping his stories in an atmospherevivid and true charactersHumorthe finished and musical language,“Rip Van Winkle”,“Rip Van Winkle”,“Rip Van Winkle”,“Rip Van Winkle”,“Rip Van Winkle”,“Rip Van Winkle”,“Rip Van Winkle”,“Rip Van Winkle”,“Rip Van Winkle”,the story of man who has difficulties facing his advancing age the contradictory impulses in America toward workthe puritan attitude as opposed to the American desire for leisurethe theme of escape from ones responsibilities and even ones history the loss of identity,Symbols: Rip: like America, is immature, self-centered, careless, anti-intellectual, imaginative, and jolly as the overgrown child Dame: puritanical discipline and the work ethic of Franklin Village: like America, forever and rapidly changing,Rips conflicts and dream: are those of the nationthe conflict of innocence and experience, work and leisure, the old and the new, the head and the heart,Lecture 9Edgar Allan Poe,Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849),an American author, poet, editor, and literary criticBest known for his tales ofmysteryand themacabre(可怖的)the inventor of the detective fictiongenre He is further credited with contributing to the emerging genre ofscience fiction.,Theory for short stories: The story must be of such length as to be read at one sitting (brevity) The very first sentence ought to help to bring out the “single effect” of the story (compression); a tale should end with the last sentence, leaving a sense of finality with the reader.,In theme, Poe anticipates 20th century literature in his treatment of the disintegration of the self in a world of T.S. Eliots “nothingness” and Hemingways “nada.” What interests him most is the deep abyss of the unconscious and subconscious mental activity of the people, the subterranean recesses of the mind at work.,His assumption seems to be that every mind is half mad or capable of slipping into insanity. Poes most enduring tales are those of horror, the horror coming from the workings of an irrational or criminal mind, driven to evil or insanity by a perverse, irrational force which, to Poe, is an elementary impulse in man.,Lecture 10Emily Dickinson and her poems,Emily Dickinson (1830-1886),the recluse of Amherst, who wrote altogether 1775 poems, of which only seven appeared in print in her lifetime She is skeptical and ambivalent. basic tone: tragic,Dickinsons unique style: they contain short lines, typically lack titles, and often useslant rhyme as well as unconventional capitalization and punctuation.Themes: death and immortality nature as both gaily, benevolent and cruel free will and human responsibility,Because I could not stop for Death -,In this poem, Dickinsons speaker is communicating from beyond the grave, describing her journey with Death, personified, from life to afterlife.Death is no frightening, or even intimidating, reaper, but rather a courteous and gentle guide, leading her to eternity.,“I heard a Fly buzz when I died ”,This poem, however, unlike “Because I could not stop for Death,“ is focused not on what comes after deatheternity and the afterlifebut instead is focused on the actual rites of dying, of having ones last moments. This poem strikingly describes the mental distraction posed by irrelevant details at even the most crucial momentseven at the moment of death.,Lecture 11 Mark Twain and his The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,Mark Twain (1835-1910),an American author andhumoristHis The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(1885) is often called theGreat American Novel.,Mark Twain (1835-1910),About his pen name: The river boatmans cry was mark twain or, more fully, by the mark twain, meaning according to the mark on the line, the depth is two fathoms, that is, The water is 12 feet (3.7m) deep and it is safe to pass.,Mark Twain (1835-1910),At mid-career, withHuckleberry Finn, Twain combined rich humor, sturdy narrative and social criticism. Twain was a master at renderingcolloquial speechand helped to create and popularize a distinctive American literature built on American themes and language.,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,the work is among the first in majorAmerican literatureto be written throughout in vernacularEnglish (方言), characterized bylocal color regionalism.The book is noted for its colorful description of people and places along theMississippi River.,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,Set in aSouthern antebellum (内战前)society that had ceased to exist about twenty years before the work was published,Huckleberry Finnis an often scathingsatireon entrenched(根深蒂固的) attitudes, particularly racism.,Huckleberry Finn,The protagonist and narrator of the novel. Huck is the thirteen-year-old son of the local drunk of St. Petersburg, Missouri, a town on the Mississippi River. Frequently forced to survive on his own wits and always a bit of an outcast, Huck is thoughtful, intelligent (though formally uneducated), and willing to come to his own conclusions about important matters, even if these conclusions contradict societys norms.,Jim,A household slaveJim is superstitious and occasionally sentimental, but he is also intelligent, practical, and ultimately more of an adult than anyone else in the novel. Jims frequent acts of selflessness, his longing for his family, and his friendship with both Huck and Tom demonstrate to Huck that humanity has nothing to do with race.,dramatic irony: the contrast between what a character believes or says and what the reader understand to be true,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,Throughout the story, Huck is in moral confl