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    英汉差异与英语写作,Chinglish vs. real English,不同的民族有着不同的民族文化,也有着不同的思维方式、思维特征和思维风格,即存在着思维差异。英汉思维方式之间存在着很大差异,这种差异不仅反映在语言本身的特点上,而且反映在语言的使用上。中国学生在英语写作时会不可避免地受到母语思维方式的干扰和影响,即学生在用英语写作时离不开母语的参与。学生英语写作中在词汇选择、句子以及段落语篇构建三方面受到英汉思维差异的影响。,词汇,词汇是写作的基本要素,英汉思维模式的差异会造成选择词语上的差异。 a)动词、名词和介词使用频率上的差异 b) 词语搭配差异 c) 动词表述差异 d) 英汉词语的文化差异,a)动词、名词和介词使用频率上的差异,Which sentence is more likely to be real English?He is able to eat and sleep. He is a good eater and sleeper.The book is too difficult for me to understand.The book is totally beyond me. If you compare two ways of life carefully, you will find the former is superior to the latter. Careful comparison of two ways of life will show the superiority of the former over the latter.,汉语是动态的,语言中动词使用频率高;英语是静态的,与汉语相比呈现出较少使用动词的倾向,而英语的抽象表达法则表现为大量使用抽象名词和介词。中国学生受汉语思维的影响,没有注意到两种语言的差异,导致在英语写作中出现失误,或很少想到用介词词组表达的句式,或用抽象名词来表达动作意义。,农民缺乏训练,许多农场生产率很低,这就使得大多数农民处于贫穷的困境。Farmers lack training , and the productivity in farms is very low. This may place them in a disadvantageous position.Inadequate training for farmers and low productivity of many farms place the majority of country dwellers in a disadvantageous position in their own countries.,(1)a.The doctor arrived extremely quickly and examined the patient uncommonly carefully; the result was that he recovered very quickly.b. The doctors extremely quick arrival and uncommonly careful examination of the patient brought about his very speedy recovery.(2)a.He is reading books. b. He is at his books.,b) 词语搭配差异,拥挤的交通 the crowded traffic找借口 find an excuse接电话 receive the phone享受公费医疗enjoy free medical care对身体有害 do harm to ones body吃药 eat medicine培养的习惯 train the habit of 赢某人 win somebody吃现成饭 eat finished meals没有用 have no use遵守时间 obey the time睡得很晚 sleep late穿现成的衣服 wear bought clothes拓宽视野 widen ones eyesight,the heavy/busy trafficmake an excuseanswer the phonebe entitled to free medical caredo harm to ones healthtake medicineform/fall into/develop the habit ofbeat somebodylead an idle life It is no use/There is no usebe punctualstay up latewear ready-made clothesbroaden ones vision/horizon,中国学生由于缺乏英语抽象思维的能力,汉语的干扰又根深蒂固,很难在英语写作中准确地表述思想。在处理汉英词组转换的时候,经常沿袭汉语的形象思维方式,根据汉语意思选用英语单词,因而不可避免地造成失误,这种失误在学生作文中大量存在。如:,What is wrong with the following sentence?At college, we should learn as much knowledge as possible so that we can be well prepared for our future career.At college, we should acquire as much knowledge as possible so that we can be well prepared for our future career.学习知识不能写成learn knowledge,因为英语与knowledge搭配的动词是acquire, obtain, absorb, accumulate, develop, advance, gain, broaden, enlarge, impart, derive, deepen, brush up等,(1)The price of the house is too dear.The price of the house is too high.(2)The big wind blasted the cherry blossoms.The strong wind blasted the cherry blossoms.,c) 动词表述差异,Compare: which one is more likely to be real English?My response to the question made the teacher feel disappointed. My response to the question disappointed the teacher.Reference books facilitate your study of English.Reference books let you be able to learn English more conveniently.This made me think about the old saying “Practice makes perfect.”This reminded me of the old saying “Practice makes perfect.”,英语和汉语动词在多数情况下所承载的信息类型以及语言材料的组织方式是不同的。英语中有不少动词并不表示人或物做出某个动作或实施某个行为,而是表示“令或使宾语感觉如何或怎样”,如:astonish,使惊讶;confuse,使困惑;convince,使信服;fertilize,使肥沃;involve,使卷入;terrify,使惊恐;impress,使获得深刻印象;grieve,使悲伤等。中国学生受到汉语思维定势的影响,对上述这些词的用法颇为陌生。他们一想到要用“使”或“让”来表达思想时就立即会想到make和let两词,造成这两个词频繁出现在学生作文中。,d) 英汉词语的文化差异,由于各个国家之间在地理环境、风俗习惯、宗教信仰以及历史文化背景等方面存在着差异,用来反映各个民族丰富多彩的文化现象的语言也各有差异。受母语思维模式的干扰,中国学生在英语写作中常常写出一些令人捧腹的词语,如:一贫如洗、挥金如土、象个落汤鸡、健壮如牛、一箭双雕、红茶、亚洲四小龙、黄色电影等. 按照西方文化,上述这些词语应表述为: as poor as a church mouse,spend money like water,like a drowned rat,as strong as a horse,to kill two birds with one stone,black tea,four tigers以及blue films 由此可知,词汇所携带的文化内涵不容忽视。,2句子结构,a) 顺序差异 b) 关联词运用的差异 c) 动词运用的差异 d) 主语的差异 E)状语的区别F)前重心,后重心,a) 顺序差异,英汉思维的差异造成英语和汉语句子中各成分次序不同。英语句子是按由近及远,由里向外散射式逐层扩展;汉语则是按先后顺序推移,依靠语义彼此相连,由远及近地递进展开。如:他先前在南方参加某项工程建设。完工后,就去乔治岛度假,享受高加索的阳光。他是昨天才回来的。 He had flown in just the day before from Georgia where he had spent his vacation basking in Caucasian sun after the completion of the construction job in which he had been engaged in the South. 从这个例子可看出英语句子和汉语句子的顺序正好相反:英语以主谓结构为主干,由主到次,呈现出空间架构形式;而汉语则以动词为中心,按时间先后顺序、客观事例推移,形成流水句。受汉语造句习惯影响,写同样意思的句子,中国学生会很自然地写出这样的句子:误:In the South he had been engaged in the construction job. After he had completed the work he went to spend his vacation in Georgia. There he basked in Caucasian sun. And he had flown in just the day before.,修饰语的排列上英语以小单位优先而汉语以大单位优先.1.北京是世界上最大的城市之一Peking is one of the biggest cities in the world.2. 2002年11月25日上午十点半10:30am.,the 25th of December,2002.3.我们学校在池州市建设西路169号。Our college is located in 169 Jianshe West Road, Chizhou.中式英语:Our college is located in Chizhou Jianshe West Road 169.他晚上八点钟通常在阅览室。He is usually in the reading room at eight in the evening.中式英语:In the evening at eight he is usually in the reading room.,b) 关联词运用的差异,英语属形合(hypotactic)语言,汉语属意合(paratactic)语言美国著名翻译理论家奈达曾说过:“就汉语和英语而言,最重要的一个区别就是形合与意合的对比。”所谓“形合”是指利用连接词(并列连词and、but、or等或从属连词that、who、when、if等)表现句子成分之间或句子之间的逻辑关系;而“意合”是指不通过连接词,而是通过上下文语境来反映句子成分或句子之间的逻辑关系。英文句子形合关系比汉语多,也就是说英语比汉语更多地依赖连接词来表现逻辑关系。如果忽视了英汉句子结构关联词运用上的差异,学生在英语写作中不注意句间衔接,写出来的东西就会给人一种跳跃和不流畅感。如:She was very weak, she could barely stand up.As she was very weak, she could barely stand up.你来,我就走。If you come, Ill go.”或者是“When you come, Ill go”,Making cities greener can bring us a lot of benefits. It can improve our environment. they can provide us with clean air. With trees around the city, the acid rain and dust storm will disappear. Making cities greener also means making cities beautiful. Singapore is known as a beautiful garden. making cities greener can benefit us economically.该段文字的每一句话似乎都与主题句的思想有关,但句子之间似乎缺乏某种联系,读后让人产生一种跳跃、不连贯的感觉,文章语义的展开断断续续。如果我们在句与句之间加上几个连接性词语,再将上下文进行比较:Making cities greener can bring us a lot of benefits. First, it can improve our environment. As a result, they can provide us with clean air. Furthermore, with trees around the city, the acid rain and dust storm will disappear. Second, making cities greener also means making cities beautiful. For example, Singapore is known as a beautiful garden. Finally, making cities greener can benefit us economically.,c) 动词运用的差异,形合的语言最明显体现在动词因数、时态、语态等而产生的变化;汉语这种意合的语言中动词没有变化。英汉动词运用的差异会造成学生英语写作中主谓不一致的错误,也给学生在时态和语态方面的对应形式上带来不小的困惑。如:Bikes are the chief means of transportation in China which are both inexpensive and convenient. Bikes are the chief means of transportation in China which is both inexpensive and convenient.(1)Neither John nor his sister have agreed to help me.Neither John or his sister has agreed to help me.(2)She is one of those girls who is afraid of difficulties.She is one of those girls who are afraid of difficulties.,英语和汉语在时态体系方面存在着巨大的差异。英语谓语动词在时态方面的变化形式较多,另外主从句之间、句子之间在时态方面也有不同的对应形式。这对母语不依赖动词本身变化来体现语法特征的中国学生来说是一种新的语言知识。学生们往往会在这些新的语言知识上犯错误。如:But I remembered I havent brought my ticket. But I remembered I hadnt brought my ticket. We will visit the countryside when spring will come.We will visit the countryside when spring comes.,d) 主语的差异,东西方的思维存在着重主体与重客体的差异。根据中国传统哲学,凡事都有很强的主体参与意识,在语言上表现为多以“人”做主语;而西方哲学把人这个主体和各种事物客体严格区分开来,人和自然处于对立之中,在语言上则表现为多以事物或抽象概念做主语。如果无法说出确定的人称,汉语使用无主句和主语省略句;而英语除了祈使句,很少有无主句,“it”作形式主语是英语特有的句型,除此之外,被动句在英语句子中的运用远多于在汉语句中的运用。如:我突然想到一个好主意。(A good idea suddenly came to my mind.)弄得我心烦意乱。(It made me upset.)1951年,他们授予他诺贝尔和平奖.(He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1951.)中国人的思维以人为中心,而西方人的思维则更注重客观事物和现象对人的作用和影响。中国学生在英语写作时如果不考虑英汉思维上的差异,就会写出一些不符合英语习惯的句子。如:误:I cannot remember his name.(我记不起他的名字。)按照英美人句子结构的习惯,上面这个句子应为:His name escaped me.,中国学生在英语写作时,沿用汉语思维的主观倾向,极少采用非生命指称主语,也较少使用被动语态。学生英语作文中常常出现“I think”,“we must”, “someone says”,等主观倾向明显的表达,较少用无生命名词充当主语,并较少用被动语态,汉语腔十足。我们应该采取适当的措施限制外国旅游者的数量,努力保护当地环境和历史不受国际旅游业的不利影响。 e.g. We must take proper measures to limit the number of foreign tourists and we should make great efforts to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism. e.g. Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism.,(人们)在许多地方看见了爪印,灌木丛中也发现了粘在上面的美洲狮毛。 Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes. 长期以来,大家知道心脏与肝脏的关系是最主要的 It has been known for a long time that there is a first relationship between the heart and the liver大火几乎使这家有名的旅馆全部毁灭。The famous hotel had been practically destroyed by the big fire因此在写英文句子时,多以无生命名词作主语,并大量使用被动语态,甩掉汉语腔。,Which one is better?,要想学好英语必须每天坚持练习。It is necessary for you to keep practising English everyday if you want to learn it well.To learn English well, one should keep practising it everyday.玛丽非常好客,很快客人就不感到拘束了。Mary was very hospitable, so the guest soon felt at ease. Marys hospitality soon made the guest feel at ease.,E)状语的区别,And also because of the polluted air, every year several people die of lung cancer and other respiratory diseases.And also because of the polluted air, several people die of lung cancer and other respiratory diseases every year.In the morning when I walk in the streets, for a while I ll find black spots dotted on my white skirt.Ill quickly find black spots dotting my white skirt when I walk in the street in the morning.,英语的状语位置比较灵活,它可以出现在句首,句末或句中。通常不表示强调的状语以先地点后时间的顺序排列在句子尾部,而表示强调或上下文衔接的状语放在句首。中国学生不考虑是否表示强调或上下文衔接,一味地把状语置于句首,有时甚至把几个状语罗列在句首,造成了主语部分过长的现象。句子头重脚轻,许多非重要因素出现在句首而使意义不突出,句子晦涩,令人费解。,F)前重心,后重心,所谓“前后重心”是指句子的重要信息置前还是置后。英语民族具有直接性,他们倾向于直接表达他们的意见、感情和态度,不愿意用拐弯抹角的方式谈事情。因此他们往往是把句子的重要信息置于次要信息之前,而汉民族则恰恰相反。这种前后重心在英汉语比较中主要体现在三个方面:1)在复合句子中英语的主句为重要信息,从句为次要信息。主句往往置于从句之前,即重心在前。而汉语一般按照逻辑和时间顺序,将重要信息放在后面,即重心在后。如果人类贪欲无止,世界和平则无望。The world peace is out of the question only if there consistently exists insatiable greed in human.趁热打铁Strike while the iron is hot,2)一个句子中既有叙事部分,又有表态部分时如有叙事部分,又有表态部分,则显然表态部分相对于叙事部分来说是重要信息。英语通常先表明态度或观点,然后再陈述所发生的事情。然而,在我们汉语里,通常把事物或情况讲清楚,最后来个简短的表达或评论。精通一门外语是大有裨益的。It is of great help to master a foreign language.有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。It is a great pleasure to meet friends from afar.3)事件本身及发生背景的排序相对于事件发生背景(即事件发生的时间和地点),事件本身是重要信息。因此英文中将其置于事件发生背景之前,而汉语与之相反。例如:新闻发布会将于明天上午9点左右在314会议室召开。The news briefing will be held in Room 314 at about nine oclock tomorrow morning.,我原打算今年一月访问中国,后来不得不推迟了。I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to China in January.Some people think the best friends are based on money.The best friends, some people think, are based on money.,篇章,a) 语篇展开方式的差异汉语的语篇思维模式是迂回环绕螺旋式的,而英语语篇思维模式是直线形的。正是英汉两种语篇不同的思维模式造成英汉语篇结构的差异。一般来说,英语写作时应首先开门见山,直截了当地表明自己的观点,讲出关键内容。每一段落段首要有主题句,且通常每段只有一个中心思想,段落内容须与主题句直接相关。而汉语写作时采取一种围绕主题绕圈子的迂回方式,一般是先叙述事物的背景或罗列客观上的条件,或说明问题的原因,或摆出事实的证据,最后再作出结论,说明自己的观点和看法。,Soccer is a difficult sport. A player must be able to run steadily without rest. Sometimes a player must hit the ball with his or her head. Players must be willing to bang into and be banged into by others. They must put up with aching feet and sore muscles. 足球运动员必须能不停地奔跑,有时得用头顶球,撞别人或被别人撞,必须忍受双脚和肌肉的疼痛。所以说,足球运动是一项难度大的运动。,Respected VOA producers:I am a Chinese student. (Introduction) I have been learning English for six years. I like English and I like to listen to VOA. In the morning, I get up at six oclock and listen to VOA programs. I have stuck to his habit for a long time. (Attitude towards VOA) But I dont have a timetable and I often miss my favorite programs. (Problem) So I ask for a timetable. (Request),Dear Sirs,I wish you could send me a timetable of VOA. (Request) Im a college student in China. (Introduction) I listen to VOA every day. (Attitude towards VOA) But I dont know the exact time of the program. (Problem) Thats why I make this request. And your help will be appreciated. (Appreciation),有一种现象值得注意,在学生写过的题为“电脑与教育”,“网上购物”,“私家车的利弊”甚至“学生兼职的利弊”的作文中,笔者发现了有很多同学的开头几句相差无几: With the development of science and technology, peoples living conditions have been greatly improved. Great changes have taken place in our country. 这种开头符合汉语通常先把大好形式和现状表述一下,再慢慢进入主题。其实这几句应该说是废话、离题。这种迂回的写作方式忽略了段落甚至这个语篇的精髓,那就是主题。,b) 英汉语篇衔接的差异 衔接是语篇内标记不同句际关系的连接,是使作者建立跨越句子边界的关系,并使语篇内的句子连接在一起的语篇构造手段。英汉两种语言的语篇衔接手段存在一定差异。汉语的表达形式属意念衔接,尽量省略关系词以达到动词集中而突出的效果;而英语则用有形的语法手段,特别是使用起过渡作用的关联词来达到整个语篇的连贯。忽视英汉语篇衔接上存在的差异会导致学生英文写作中汉式英语语篇的频繁出现。如:A series of valves(气门) is opened, this allows the chemicals to mix, produce steam. The turbines(涡轮机)start running. Daydreaming can be a harmless and pleasant way to relieve the pressure of daily life. Daydreams can become harmful when they prevent an individual from facing reality, become harmful when they are substituted for action to solving a problem.,上面两例均为汉式英语语篇。信息表达呈现出跳跃性,句子松散,没有严密的逻辑关系,衔接不紧凑。它们可以改为下面两句。句中过渡性词语的使用使句子连贯,起到承接照应作用。A series of valves is opened and this allows the chemicals to mix and produce steam. As a result, the turbines start running.Daydreaming can be a harmless and pleasant way to relieve the pressure of daily life. However, daydreams can become harmful when they prevent an individual from facing reality. In other words, daydreaming becomes harmful when they are substituted for action to solving a problem.,Computers bring people a lot of benefits. With the computer, the home will become a library, a school, an office and an entertainment center. Computers have some negative effects. For example, as nearly all activities could be conducted at home, we could never feel any need to leave the house. People, children particularly, will be so addicted to computers that their sociability is reduced.Yet, despite its convenience, the computer also has some negative effects.前半句归纳第一段的内容,后半句引出了这一段的中心思想,两段文字之间的过渡显得连贯了许多。,


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