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    课件宾语从句 公开课ppt课件.ppt

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    课件宾语从句 公开课ppt课件.ppt

    Happy every day!,宾语从句,宾语从句,是指由一个句子充当主 句动词或动词短语的宾语。,I know that this is an interesting book .Could you tell me how long you have been here?,Function(作用),A: You are very pretty.B: What did he say?A: He said you were very pretty.用于转述别人的话.Can you tell me how I can get there?Could you tell me if you will come here tomorrow?询问某人某事。,变宾语从句须注意,引导词,从句语序,从句时态,肯定句否定句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,陈述句语序,that,if/whether,特殊疑问词,确定从句的时态(根据主句时态),主句时态,从 句 时 态,连 接 前,连 接 后,一般现在时,时态保持不变,一般过去时,一般现在时,一般过去时,一般过去时,过去完成时,一般将来时,过去将来时,现在进行时,过去进行时,现在完成时,过去完成时,Exercises,1.“ I am a student . ” she said.,2.“ I broke your CD player.” she said,3 .“ We will hold a sports meeting .”Our teacher told us ,4.“ We are cleaning the city park .” the students said,5. “ I have seen the film.” Mary said,She said,She said,Our teacher told us,The students said,Mary said,(that) she was a student.,(that) she had broken my CD player.,(that) we would hold a sports meeting .,(that) they were cleaning the city park .,(that) she had seen the film.,Exercises (特例),1.“ The earth moves around the sun . ” The teacher told us.,2 .“Light travels much faster than sound.” My father said,The teacher told us,My father said,(that) the earth moves around the sun .,(that) light travels much faster than sound.,注意:当从句是客观真理的时候,无论主句是什么时态,从句一律用一般现在时,Lets have a try,I want somethingto eat.,What did the cat think?,The cat thought that he wanted something to eat.,Many relatives want to know,Why did the girl cry?,Many relatives want to know why the girl cried.,We all know that.,The West Lake is very famous in the world.,We all know that the West Lake is very famous in the world.,Can you lend your pen to me?,What did Ted ask Jane ?,Ted asked Jane if / whether she could lend her pen to him.,Has my father gotten any fish?,What did the baby cat ask?,The baby cat asked if his father had gotten any fish.,Can I fly?,What does the baby wonder ?,The baby wonders if / whether he can fly.,合并句子:,1.“Are you a student ?” she asked me,2.“she wants to join the PLA(中国人民解放军).” she said,3.“Is the truck collecting rubbish outside?”Dad asked me,4.“We will hold a sports meeting .”Our teacher told us that we ,5.How long has it been like this? The man asked ,She asked me,She said,Dad asked me,Our teacher told us,The man asked,if whether I was a student.,that she wanted to join the PLA.,if whether the truck was collecting rubbish outside.,that we would hold a sports meeting .,how long it had been like this.,6.Will it snow tomorrow? Do you know?,7.Where are our tickets? Please tell me,8. “I have finished reading this book. ” She said,9.What time does the train leave?Do you know?,10.I can do it by myself. I think,Do you know,Please tell me,She said,Do you know,I think,if whether it will snow tomorrow.,where our tickets are.,that she had finished reading this book.,what time the train leaves?,that I can do it by myself.,将下列句子合并为一句:1.Where do they stop on the way? I asked. 2. What will you say at the meeting? Could you tell me?3. Do they like to make friends with foreign friends? He asked. 4. “ I am doing my homework.” He said. 5. “I will come back.” Tom said.,I asked where they stopped on the way.,Could you tell me what you will say at the meeting?,He asked if/whether they liked to make friends with foreign friends.,He said that he was doing his homework.,Tom said that he would come back.,Could表示委婉请求,不表示过去时,6. “Is he doing his homework?” Jim asked.7. “When will he come back?” Tom asked. 8. “How can I get to the station?” Could you tell me?9. “Why is the train late?” Could you tell me?10. “Where is Tom?” They asked.,Tom asked when he would come back.,Could you tell me how I can get to the station?,Could you tell me why the train is late?,They asked where Tom was.,Jim asked if he was doing his homework.,1.I dont know when we shall leave for Nanjing.(简单句) I dont know _ _ _ for Nanjing.2.I have no idea how I can operate the new machine.(简单句) I have no idea _ _ operate the new machine.3.Mr White told Tom that he mustnt throw paper on the ground.(同上) Mr White told Tom _ _throw paper on the ground.4.I have no idea if I should visit my grandparents this Sunday. .(同上) I have no idea _ _ visit my grandparents this Sunday.5.The boy asked his father,“ Does water freeze(结冰) at 0C?”(合并句子) The boy asked his father_ water_ at 0C.6.Will Bob join the swimming club? Please tell me. (合并句子) Please tell me _ Bob _ join the swimming club.7.Uncle Wang told his daughter:“I bought a computer for you.” (合并句子) Uncle Wang told his daughter _ _ a computer for _.,he bought,her,实战演练:,when to leave,how to,not to,whether to,if freezes,if will,If 与whether 的区别,I dont know whether he will come or not.I dont care of whether he is handsome.He wondered whether to stay here the next week.Whether he will come is not decided.,与or not 连用只能用whether,介词后只能用whether,与to do 不定式连用只能用whether,作主语只能用whether,当疑问词作主语时,从句的语序不变。Who is in the bedroom ? He wants to know. He wants to know who is in the bedroom.Whats the matter with the dog ? He asked. He asked what was the matter with the dog.What will happen in the future? He doesnt know. He doesnt know what will happen in the future.,蔡琰(作者有待考证)的胡笳十八拍郭璞的游仙诗鲍照的拟行路难庾信的拟咏怀都特别喜欢。不过都是组诗,太长了,就不贴了orz。最后还想推一下萧绎的幽逼诗四首:【南史曰:元帝避建邺则都江陵,外迫强敌,内失人和。魏师至,方征兵四方,未至而城见克。在幽逼求酒,饮之,制诗四绝。后为梁王詧所害。】南风且绝唱,西陵最可悲。今日还蒿里,终非封禅时。人世逢百六,天道异贞恒。何言异蝼蚁,一旦损鲲鹏。松风侵晓哀,霜雰当夜来。寂寥千载后,谁畏轩辕台。夜长无岁月,安知秋与春。原陵五树杏,空得动耕人。,蔡琰(作者有待考证)的胡笳十八拍郭璞的游仙诗鲍照的拟行路难庾信的拟咏怀都特别喜欢。不过都是组诗,太长了,就不贴了orz。最后还想推一下萧绎的幽逼诗四首:【南史曰:元帝避建邺则都江陵,外迫强敌,内失人和。魏师至,方征兵四方,未至而城见克。在幽逼求酒,饮之,制诗四绝。后为梁王詧所害。】南风且绝唱,西陵最可悲。今日还蒿里,终非封禅时。人世逢百六,天道异贞恒。何言异蝼蚁,一旦损鲲鹏。松风侵晓哀,霜雰当夜来。寂寥千载后,谁畏轩辕台。夜长无岁月,安知秋与春。原陵五树杏,空得动耕人。,蔡琰(作者有待考证)的胡笳十八拍郭璞的游仙诗鲍照的拟行路难庾信的拟咏怀都特别喜欢。不过都是组诗,太长了,就不贴了orz。最后还想推一下萧绎的幽逼诗四首:【南史曰:元帝避建邺则都江陵,外迫强敌,内失人和。魏师至,方征兵四方,未至而城见克。在幽逼求酒,饮之,制诗四绝。后为梁王詧所害。】南风且绝唱,西陵最可悲。今日还蒿里,终非封禅时。人世逢百六,天道异贞恒。何言异蝼蚁,一旦损鲲鹏。松风侵晓哀,霜雰当夜来。寂寥千载后,谁畏轩辕台。夜长无岁月,安知秋与春。原陵五树杏,空得动耕人。,


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