托福听力讲座内容哪些是重点 托福听力讲座内容哪些是重点?这3类要素信息务必记住。今天给大家带来了托福听力讲座内容哪些是重点,希望能够给帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福听力讲座内容哪些是重点?这3类要素信息务必记住托福听力讲座必记重点要素:主题什么是主题?主题要记下来吗?怎样记主题?首先,老师在讲座开头可能会这样直接告诉你,“今天我要讲。Today, I will be talking about”这样的开头是友好的,你很容易就找到主题。但是有些教授就会东扯西扯的。例如:上次我们讲了。今天我们讲。;Last time, we talked about, today, we will be discussing我们一直在讲。今天我们来讲。Weve been talking aboutToday, lets discuss接着上次的。今天我们讲。ContinuingToday, we will大家千万不要记他上次说的,要记后面的,后面的才是主题。或者听完全文,感受一下,他说的最多的是什么,这才是主题。只在开头,中间,或者只在结尾讲一次的,都不是主题,切记。托福听力讲座必记重点要素:定义下定义的时候,有时候老师会有提示,例如:what I mean byis.我说。的意思是。或者自己问问题:what is?或者电脑屏幕上出现生词,肯定会有解释,也肯定会考。一定要注意听。把要解释的名词写下来,解释的意思听懂即可,不用写。常见信号词:“What I mean is”、“All that means is”“, which is / that is(那就是说)”“isIn other words”“is referred to as”“is named/known/called”托福听力讲座必记重点要素:举例举例子,是最应该记下来的,但是切记,不要记太多例子细节,一定要听懂例子要说明的道理。通常在讲例子之前,老师会说一个道理,然后举例子,你听到举例子的提示词时,一定要马上想刚才说了什么,例子用符号e表示,只要写出例子的概述就可以,例如是苹果的例子还是橘子的例子。如果在举例的过程中出现我们要求的其他的记笔记的信号,例如,对比,强调等也需要记,如果没有,就听懂即可。例子是最容易拿分的,但是也是在最开始的练习过程中,最难把握的,希望的大家要重点练习。此外,如果例子之前的一句话,没能够跟上,错过了,在讲完例子之后,友善的教授还会总结一句话,听懂这句也可以。下面是举例子的信号词,注意有时候没有信号词,直接给例子,一听变具体了就要反映过来是例子:“for instance”、“such as”“namely”、“as an example”、“take example for ”“say” “consider” “take”总而言之,考生在面对托福听力讲座时,只要能够认真记录下上述3类重点信息,解题时就能顺利很多了,希望这些重点大家能够学会把握及时做好记录,实现托福听力的保分和提分目标。托福考试复习攻略:听力特点及技巧托福听力有哪些特点呢?新东方在线为大家整理如下:托福考试中和听力相关的部分占到了整个考试的50%,因为它和写作口语也关系密切。1. 跟老托福相比,去掉了笔试小对话题型,使容易出错的各种语气题、习语和肯定否定回答大幅降低。2. 考试过程中需要记听力笔记,时长平均5分钟的对话和讲座,没有笔记的帮助,无疑难度太大,尤其是针对细节题。3. 新托福听力考试过程中,难词和术语会显示在屏幕上。4、托福听力题目结构特点:新托福听力考试共两个部分,每个部分包括一个长对话和两个长段子,考试时间总共是50分钟。每个部分考17道题,答题时间为10分钟,节奏由自己控制,简单的题速度快一点,拿不准的题可以多花些功夫。平均来讲,大概每道题的答题时间是30秒左右。考题依然延续机考托福的规则,不可看,不可逆,不可改。5、托福听力出题特点:我们所听到的听力*会和口语和写作部分的听力*不同,其最大的区别在于:它拥有刻意的停顿,断句,插入口语,重复等等各种转移大家注意力的设计。6、托福听力题目中,一般开头部分为美国教师讲课风格的开头,或向全班同学问好,或直接进入主题。然后在陈述出主题后(主旨题考点)。再者,作为一篇5分钟长的正式学术讲座,其内容往往会出现大于等于3个的细节点和例证。最后,每篇学术*结束有一个结论点题。但有的*不明显,需要认真听,同时有很好的语感。另外,在整个lecture 中,有时候老师将会提问某一学生,问他关于这篇*讲述理论的观点。学生回答错,则老师纠正内容则更加强度了主题(这里,往往是考题)。如果学生提出问题,老师解答部分也同样重要。托福听力对话部分,将包含以下四项内容: 一个就是老师和学生之间的寒暄。第二个就是陈述出自己的问题所在。对话几乎都是有一个学生在生活/学习中碰到了问题需要得到帮助。第三部分就是提建议。对话的精髓部分,就是对于问题的分析(细节题考点)。当学生说出自己的问题之后,热心的老师或者学生就会提出对于问题的解决意见或者对于问题的分析。最后,就是会有一个解决方案。托福听力技巧主要有几方面:1、托福听力笔记技巧笔记其实就是整篇*的outline,大纲,大部分都是总-分结构。ETS考察你的是能不能像X-ray一样把*的结构瞬间透视,当然你用的是耳朵。主旨就是第一题,而各个分论点构成了细节题。笔记的关键词大多是名词,偶尔记录形容词是因为出现了描述特征,偶尔记录动词是因为有明显的动态特征;题目顺序是原文顺序保持一致,是托福听力做题永恒不变的做题原则。2、托福听力精听技巧要总听全文。既然叫总听,就是不要陷入*内容(content)的细节(detail)。总听只做两件事:一是明确主题,二是寻找逻辑(to search logic)。要细听每句。在细听每句时,我见过有同学用复读机听。一句话说完,他就按个复读(repeat),让机子一遍一遍地读这句话,他不紧不慢地逐字听写下来。要反复琢磨。这一步是核心关键。反复三五遍是最合适的。要通过反复三五遍,建立(to build)对整个句子的感觉(feeling)。最后要总结全文。总结全文就是希望大家能够在总结的时候做两个工作。一是对照着自己写的声音材料(material)再去听一遍原文。再看着听力原文在心里默默地(silently)把这篇*读一遍,同时回想(recall)刚才在这里为什么没听出来。托福听力怎么练:四步精听练习法托福听力精听:门德三角洲研究托福听力练习应注重句子精听托福听力精听练习的正确打开姿势3、托福听力发音技巧托福听力特殊发音听力技巧(视频)托福听力技巧之中英美发音的区别托福听力高分技巧之提高发音辨别能力方法4、托福听力题型技巧新托福听力的大部分题目,不管是对话还是讲座,都是以传统的四选一的选择题为主。还包括其他新增题型:多项选择题/ 排序题/搭配题/复听题/连线题托福备考资料:听力文科段子托福备考资料听力文科段子:电影艺术To get us started this semester I am going to spend the first two classes giving you background lectures about some basic cinematic concepts. Once you are a little more familiar with basic film terminology, we will be ready to look at the history of movies in the United States. Youll be expected to attend showing of films on Tuesday evenings at 7 oclock in Jennings Auditorium. Thats our lab. Then during our Wednesday seminar, well discuss in depth the movie we saw the night before. We are not covering silent films in this course. We will begin with the first talking motion picture, The Jazz Singer, released in 1927. The next week, well be looking at The Gold Diggers of 1933, a piece that is very representative of the escapist trend in films released during the depression. Some of the films we will be watching will probably be new to you, like Frank Capras Why We Fight. Others you might have already seen on TV like Rebel without A Cause starring James Deane, or Stanley Coopers Doctors Strange Love. However, I hope you see even familiar film with new eye. In the last three weeks of the course, we will be watching films from the 1980s and youll choose one of them as a subject for an extensive written critique. Well talk more about the requirements of the critique later in this semester.托福备考资料:传媒变迁托福备考资料听力文科段子:传媒变迁Moving away from newspapers, lets now focus on magazines. Now the first magazine was a little periodical called the Review and it was started in London in 1704. It looked a lot like the newspapers of the time, but in terms of its contents it was much different. Newspapers were concerned mainly with news events but the Review focused on important domestic issues of the day, as well as the policies of the government. Now, in England at the time, people could still be thrown in jail for publishing articles that were critical of the king. And that is what happened to Daniel Defoe. He was the outspoken founder of the review. Defoe actually wrote the first issue of the Review from prison. You see, he had been arrested because of his writings that criticized the policies of the Church of England, which was headed by the king. After his release, Defoe continued to produce the Review and the magazine started to appear on a more frequent schedule, about three times a week. It didnt take long for other magazines to start popping up. In 1709, a magazine called the Tattler began publication. This new magazine contained a mixture of news, poetry, political analysis and philosophical essays.