托福独立写作0到5分评分标准全面分享 大家都知道托福写作评分是由电子评分和人工评分综合得出结果的,因此这其中有比较强的主观因素。下面就和大家分享托福独立写作0到5分评分标准全面分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福独立写作0到5分评分标准全面分享托福独立写作5分作文评分标准此分数的*大体有以下特点:有效地针对话题完成任务;能充分展开,结构清晰,使用适当的解释,例证和/或细节;体现出一致、递进、连贯的特点;语言熟练,能使用不同的句法、合适的措辞和习语,允许出现次要的词汇或语法错误。托福独立写作4分作文评分标准此分数的*大体有一下的特点:很好地针对话题完成任务,但是一些论点没有充分展开;总体上能够充分展开,结构清晰,使用适当的解释、例证和/或细节体现出一致、递进、连贯的特点。但是存在偶尔没必要的重复、离题或是不清楚的联系;语言熟练,能使用出不同的句法和词汇。但是在结构、词汇、或是习惯用法上存在明显的次要错误,尽管这些错误并不影响意思的表达。托福独立写作3分作文评分标准此分数的*有以下问题:针对话题完成任务时所用的解释、例证和/或细节没有充分展开;体现一致、递进、连贯的特点,但是偶尔出现观点的联系不清;造句和选词的不熟悉使得*缺乏清晰度,并且偶尔使意思含混不清;句式结构和词汇使用准确但是存在局限性。托福独立写作2分作文评分标准此分数的*有以下不足:针对话题完成任务时论点展开有限;结构不太清晰或论点之间的联系不充分;支持或是阐述论点时所使用的解释、例证和/和细节不合适或不充分;存在明显的选词和/或拼写错误;句子结构和/或用法上存在大量的错误。托福独立写作1分作文评分标准此得分的作文存在以下严重缺陷:*严重缺乏组织和展开;细节很少,或根本没有、或不相关、或是完成任务是存在很大的问题;句子结构或用法存在严重又频繁的错误。托福独立写作0分作文评分标准仅仅是从题目中抄句子,拒绝针对话题写作,或所写和话题根本无关,或用其他语言写作,或文中只包括无意义的键盘符号,或是什么也不写。总而言之,考生想要实现作文提分目标,了解评分标准可谓是关键一步,因此*内容还请大家认真学习记熟,为托福独立写作高分作文打好基础。托福考试作文独立写作范文:自主阅读和老师布置阅读任务哪个更重要Agree or disagree: students do reading by their own is as important as or more important than the reading teachers assigned.写作范文参考:Reading is a process of procuring knowledge and the ways of reading vary for students between reading on their own and reading as told by their teachers. As for me, it will be more beneficial to read books in line with students wishes.For one thing, students should read what they are curious about and can find interests in, which can find wide application among college students in particular. In order to hone ones talents and crafts with specific purpose, college students will find the more practical books to read to strengthen their competence for their future competing with other rivals in the job market. Take Steve Jobs as an example. After attending the college just for a few months, he couldnt figure out how the college life would help him in the future except for imposing his working family enormous financial pressure.Then, he decided to drop out so he could stop taking the required classes and reading the assigned reading materials that did not interest him and began dropping in on the ones that looked interesting. Finally, the last several months for his college life turned out to be priceless later on since he took a calligraphy class and read the relative books, the knowledge of which had been applied to produce the first computer with beautiful typography. Evidently, part of Steve Jobs accomplishments can prove how essential for students to read by following their own curiosity and intuition.For another thing, students can be more absorbed in the books that they like. To be more specific, compared with the assigned papers or articles, students incentive can be more stimulated by reading what they like. For instance, the prevailing notion of childrens education is that they should develop their own interests by reading what can intrigue their inquisitiveness or stimulate their imagination. Therefore, there is a voice coming out today that more freedom needs to be given to primary school students so that they can read some more interesting books like the science-fiction novels or tales and etc. Besides, too much focus on cultivating students academic abilities and the ignorance of developing their overall qualities will lead to the development of elites with less morality. Obviously, the benefits of reading books by students themselves and the detriment of just reading as assigned by teachers can tell us how important to give students rights to choose what they read.Admittedly, reading what teachers assigned can be of also importance. In other words, teachers will be familiar with which area students should be improved to achieve better academic performance. For instance, teachers will require students to engage in extensive reading to increase students reading ability. However, it can not be the reason to regard reading as students wish as inferior because students can better improve their reading ability by being absorbed in what they like most.To conclude, students should enjoy the rights to decide what they read.托福写作范文:时代差异Every generation of people is different in important ways. How is your generation different from your parents generation? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.Generational differences have always happened throughout history but some differences have come more rapidly and widely in the modern era because in part of technological and social changes. There are obvious differences between generations with respects to such matters as musical tastes, fashion trends, educational systems, cultures, lifestyles, politics and even attitudes toward sexual activities. It is particularly interesting to compare our generation with our parents generation in subjects related to work and family.Lets begin with the generation X as our generation, coming after the generation "baby boomers." The mainstream Xers are mostly not as workaholic as their parents when younger. The reduced number of working hours is just one example. While the boomers are good team players and love the social interaction at work, their offsprings are more skeptical, stressing personal merits instead of antiquity. Unlike their previous generation, however, the younger generation is more inclined to change jobs or have parallel careers, if only for financial reasons. On the other hand, they demand more time for themselves, their families and friends. Boomers are relatively more conservative in comparison with their more liberal sons and daughters who are looking for more work-life balance.Along with the reduced working time, the size of family has gradually been reduced, one-child or two-child program becoming more common. It used to be larger families among boomers. Our generation allows formal marriages and co-habitations to exist side by side. An increasing percentage of divorces and separations have appeared in our generation than in our parents generation. More young women work and parenting has become a problem of the family. Teen-age pregnancy without a ring is no longer a scandal as was in our parents generation. Pre-marital sex was considered dirty when air and water were cleaner in our parents generation, and in the generations before them.Our parents generation, in particular, has a complaint to make. They say when they were younger, there was no respect for youth. Now that they are old, there is not respect for age. If this could be justified, what would become of our childrens generation. The millennial will have little patience. The new reality in generational differences would certainly surprise our parents generation, let alone the generation before them, the era of "veterans".