,铁路客运英语,主要内容,Seat Class 座位等级 Passenger Train Classes 旅客列车类型Propaganda for Not Carrying Prohibited Articles 严禁携带危险品上车 Passenger Cars 客车Up and Down 上行和下行Beijing West Railway Station 北京西站The Qinghai- Tibet Railway 青藏铁路Chief Conductor 列车长Shanghai Maglev Train 上海磁悬浮列车,重点:1、语音:2、日常生活用语难点:课文生词及对课文的理解,Unit one Seat Classes,座位等级,语音:,Seat Classes 座位等级,Everyday English 日常生活用语(一),. Learn to sayA. Greetings 问候1. Welcome to China!2. Welcome to our city!3. Welcome to our train!4. Glad to take your train!5. Glad to see you again!6. Havent seen you for a long time. Long time no see.,B. Farewell 告别1.Goodbye , everybody!2. Good night!3. See you again./See you later.4. See you tomorrow.5. Hope youll come again.6. Hope youll come to China again.7. Give my best regards to your family. Please say hello to your family.8. May we meet again some day!9. I hope we shall meet again soon.,一、问候语,Good morning . 您好!(早上好)Good afternoon. 您好!(下午好)Good evening. 您好!(晚上好)How do you do? Nice to meet you. 见到您很高兴。Glad to meet you. Pleased to meet you.,二、欢迎语,Welcome to our train. 欢迎乘坐本次列车。Welcome aboard! 请上车!,Example 1:,A: Good morning!B: Good morning! Welcome aboard!A: Thank you. Its nice to be here.B: Hope you enjoy your trip.,Conversation 会话 A. On the train 在列车上,语法:时间表达法:1、直接表示法eight seventeen(8:17)2、past , to表示法Seventeen past eight(8:17),B. On the train 在列车上,the Forbidden City 故宫the Great Wall 长城the Temple of Heaven 天坛the Summer Palace 颐和园Souls Retreat Temple 灵隐寺Six Harmonies Pagoda 六和塔,Text 课文Seat Classes 座位等级,There are 4 standard classes of seats:,hard seat, soft seat, hard sleeper and soft sleeper.,This is the cheapest way to travel. Cars are open, like in European commuter trains. Seats are arranged in 3+2 configuration, with seat groups facing each other. It is often crowded. The seats are not as hard as wood but the upholstery is not as comfortable as the soft seats.,Hard seat (YZ),Soft seat (RZ),This is a fairly comfortable seat. The seat configuration may be 2+2, giving you more space and comfort. Getting a soft seat ticket will usually get you into a “soft seat lounge” as well. The soft seat lounges have sofas and are not as crowded as the hard seat lounges .,Hard sleeper (YW),This is a sleeping car, for both day and overnight travel. Hard sleepers are usually arranged in a triple bunk bed type set-up. There are triple bunk beds in a berth. That is, there is one bed at the bottom, one in the middle and one on the top. Sheets, blankets and pillows are included. Price varies depending on the position of the bed. On one side of the aisle there are triple bunk beds arranged perpendicular to the windows. The “compartments” are open to the gangway. Opposite every berth is one or two seats and a very small table.,Soft sleeper (RW),There are both 2-bed berth and 4-bed berth soft sleepers. 4-bed berths are the standard soft sleepers. Due to the higher price, it is easier to book a ticket for a soft sleeper than it is for a hard sleeper. The beds are more comfortable and the environment is much quiet inside. The berths are lockable.,Unit Two Passenger Train Classes,旅客列车类型,语音,Everyday English 日常生活用语(二),. Learn to sayA. Thanks and Apologies 感谢和道歉1. Its very kind of you.2.Thank you for your help.3. Thank you for the trouble you have taken to get me the ticket.4. Im very sorry./ Im so sorry./ Im terrible sorry.5. Sorry, I dont quite understand you. Excuse me, I dont catch your meaning.,6. Sorry, my English is very poor, please speak more slowly.7. Pardon?8. I beg your pardon. Please say it once more.9. Sorry to trouble you.10. Sorry to have kept you waiting.11. Sorry to be in your way.12. Sorry, the supper is not ready.13. Sorry, the water has not boiled yet.14. Im so sorry for what Ive said.15. Ill try to make sure it doesnt happen again.,B. Requests 请求,1.Please tell me which train I should take for Guangzhou.2. Wake me up at seven tomorrow morning, please.3. Will you please tell me how to check my luggage for Hangzhou?4. I wonder if you could help me with my luggage.,三、答谢语,1、列车员答谢旅客:,Thank you very much. 非常感谢。,2、旅客向列车员答谢时,一般说:,You are welcome. 不客气。 Its my pleasure. 或 Its a pleasure. 别客气。 Im glad you like it. 我很高兴您能喜欢。 Its very kind of you to say so. 谢谢您的夸奖。,四、道歉语,1、列车员向旅客道歉:Im sorry. 或 Sorry. 对不起。Excuse me. 劳驾。 I beg your pardon? 或 Pardon? 您能再说一遍吗?,Im sorry, Ill do it right away. 对不起,我马上办。 Sorry to trouble. 对不起麻烦您一下。 Sorry, I dont quite understand you. 对不起,我不太明白您的意思。Excuse me. I dont catch your meaning.请原谅,我没有领会您的意思。,2、旅客向列车员道歉时,一般说:,Thats all right. 没关系。 It doesnt matter. Dont worry about it.也可以说: Never mind. Its nothing.,Text 课文Passenger Train Classes 旅客列车类型,Rail is one of the principal transport means in China, with over 1.2 billion railway trips taken each year. The Spring Festival Travel Season is the peak railway travel season of the year. In 2006, morn than 144 million people traveled by rail during this 40-day festival period.,In China, every passenger train route has an identification number of two to four characters. The first character can be alphabetic or numeric, while the second to fourth characters are all numeric. The first character usually indicates the class of the passenger train , often determined by the speed and the relative number of stops the train makes along the way. The chart below with the first characters contains the more common passenger train classes.,Unit Three Propaganda for Not Carrying Prohibited Articles 严禁携带危险品上车,Passengers Health1. You look rather pale.2. You dont look well.3. How is your appetite?4. When did the pain start?5. Youll be all right soon.6. Its nothing serious.7. Theres nothing to be alarmed about.,Everyday English 日常生活用语(三),8. Dont overdo things.9. Go home and rest for at least three or four days.10. Please give me some iodine.11. Please put on a dressing for me.12. Please call a doctor as soon as possible.13.Would you please call a doctor for me?14. The doctor will examine you in a minute.15. Shall I get you some pain-killer?16. Shall I get you some tablets for stomach-ache?,17. Take one of these pills every four hours.18. Take two tablets three times a day after meal.19. Here is some iodine for you.20. Youd better go to hospital for treatment.21. Shall I get you a wheel-chair?22. Please take me to the hospital.23. Where is the nearest hospital from the station?24. Youd better get off the train at the next station and go to hospital.25.I hope youll be all right in no time.,你怎么了?Whats the matter?Anything wrong with you?Whats wrong with you?Whats the trouble (with you)?Whats bothering you?What hurts you?ache 身体某部位疼痛的后缀。,提醒、建议用语,Please be careful. 请小心。 Dont go far. 不要走远。 Pay attention to the departure-call. 请留心开车铃声。,Example 6:,A: Hello, how long shall we stop here, please?B: 15 minutes. Dont go far. Pay attention to the departure-call.A: Do I have enough time to go to that store on the platform and get some food?B: Yes, I think you do if you get a move on.,Please dont lean out of the window. Its dangerous.请不要探身窗外,这样很危险。Please dont throw anything out of window. 请不要往窗外仍东西。 Please dont smoke here. 请不要在此抽烟。 Smoking is not allowed in the car. 车厢内不许吸烟。 No smoking, please. 请不要吸烟。 Please go between the cars when you smoke.要抽烟时,请到车厢连接处。,Example 7:,A: Can I help you?B: Yes, please. Can I smoke here, please?A: Im sorry. Smoking is not allowed.B: Where can I smoke, please?A: Please go between the cars when you smoke.B: Yes, I see, thank you.,Why not go and have a look? 为什么不去看一看呢?Youd better go and see if its yours.您最好去看一下是不是您的。 Dont worry. 别担心。 Take it easy. 放心好了(别着急)。 Just a moment, please. 请稍等。,Text课文Propaganda for Not Carrying Prohibited Articles 严禁携带危险品上车,All attention, please, According to the stipulation of the State Council, and for your safety, you are not allowed to get on the train with combustible, explosive and toxic articles.,You must declare to the conductor and dispose it(them) by yourself if you take anything in the list: powder, petrol, paint, banana oil, liquid gas, combustible chemical articles, alcohol, sulphuric acid, film, detonator, blasting fuse, dynamite, firearms and ammunition, pesticide, violent toxicant, or firecrackers.,Otherwise, your articles above will be confiscated and youll be fined as well. Those who cause an accident, personal injury or the loss of public property will be held responsible for above accidents in law. We hope you strictly abide by the above rules. Thank you.,Unit Four Passenger Cars,客车,At the station 车站用语(一),Learn to sayA. Meeting the Passengers 接车用语1、Welcome the our station!2. Will you please wait for him at the rest hall?3. Youd better wait for him in the guests waiting-room.4. Where is the refreshment stall?,B. In the Guests Waiting-room,1. You must be very tired after a long journey. Please take a rest right here.2. I am the attendant in the guests waiting-room.3. What can I do for you?4. There is still some time before the train leaves.5.There are some magazines and pictorials at your disposal.,6. What a nice waiting room!7. Its time to board the train./Its time to get on board.8. Its boarding time for Express 76.9. Please get your tickets ready.10. Please have your luggage ready.11. Passengers for Train 575, please go to the boarding gate.,Text 课文,Passenger Cars 客车,A passenger car is a piece of railway rolling stock that is designated to carry passengers. Most often, the term passenger car is associated with equipment that resembles a coach or sleeping car,but it can also encompass several other specialized types of equipment, including baggage, dining and railway post office cars. Normally, passenger cars can be classified as the following:,Unit Five Up and Down,下行,上行,上行和下行,At the station 车站用语(二),Learn to sayA. Station Facilities and Service1. May I have a platform ticket?2. I want to see somebody off.3. I want to meet some friends.4. The train is standing at platform Number Two. 5. The train has just come in.6. The train hasnt come in yet.,7. Are you going upstairs? Step on the escalator, please.8. Please stand fast/firmly!9. Mind your step!10. Hold the hand-rail, please.11. Dont move about, please.12. Dont be afraid, Ill help you.13. May I deposit my suitcase here?14. When does Express 44 depart?15. When does Train 447 arrive?16. What time does Express 75 come in?,B. Passenger Ticket,1. Im going to Beijing, which train should I take?2. How many trains are there from Beijing to Tianjin everyday?3. When does the last train leave for Guangzhou today?4. You may take Express Numberor Through Train Number5. Can you tell me where to have my ticket endorsed?6. Where is the booking office (ticket office)?,7. I want to book two tickets for Guangzhou.8. I would like to have two berth tickets.9. This train goes through to Beijing.10. There is no need to change trains.11. I want to book my ticket through to Beijing.12. Where do we change trains?13. You are in transfer to Beijing, arent you?14. Attention, please. Train Numberwill leave at 7:00 a.m. from Beijing to Tianjing. We shall begin to check the train tickets soon. Please get your tickets ready for checking.,15. Get into the station one by one, please.16. Show me your tickets, please.17. Take your tickets out for pinching, please.18. Is this the entrance for Express Number Five?19.Passengers who have got the tickets for Express Number Five please get on the train at once.20. Where to, please?/Where do you want to go?21. Whats your destination, please?,短语,inquiry officeticket office (booking office)waiting hallplatform ticketluggage storage service (office) platform Number TwoExpress 44Through Train Number 56Time-table (train schedule),chief conductorhard seatsoft seathard sleepersoft sleeperbook a ticket 订票soft seat lounge 软席候车室hard seat lounge 硬席候车室on timebehind timeone-way ticket 单程票round-trip ticket 往返票non- passengers 送亲友的人,At the Booking Office 在售票处,问题:买小孩票有何规定?,P: Good afternoon! Two express tickets for Beijing, please.T: Good afternoon! Cushioned berth or semi-cushioned berth?P: Cushioned berth , please. How much is the fare?T: Four hundred and sixty yuan altogether.P: By the way, we have two children. How much do they have to pay?T: How tall are they?P: One is less than one meter and the other is 1.2 meters tall.,会话,T: Child under 1.2 meter in height is free of charge, and child between 1.2 m and 1.5 m is required to pay half the price.P: How about their berths?T: You may buy a berth ticket for them. The two children can share one berth,P: Good idea! Then how much altogether?T: Six hundred and twenty yuan, please.P: Here you are. T: Here are your tickets and the change.P: Thank you.T: Its my pleasure.,1.你是怎样认识上行车和下行车的?2.兰州 广州的车是怎样编号的?,Text up and down上行和下行,课文,问题 :,?,?,New words and Expression,service 服务 freight 货物guide 指南 concept 概念direction 方向 branch 支线connection 连接 even 偶数odd 奇数 course 过程、路线single 单一的 journey 旅行、旅程leg 旅程的一段 situation 情形avoid 避免train service 列车运行 train direction 列车方向main line 干线 single journey 单程 down direction 下行方向,Text up and down,All train services in china, both passenger and freight, have a number. The following is a brief guide to what the numbers mean. China uses the “up” and “down” concept for train directions, up being towards Beijing, or if on a branch, towards the connection with the main line, and down being away from Beijing, or on a branch, away from the main line.,Up trains use even numbers and down trains have odd numbers. Trains can be both up and down during the course of a single journey e.g. from Lanzhou to Guangzhou , where the leg from Lanzhou to Zhengzhou is “up”, and that from Zhengzhou to Guangzhou is “down”. In such situations, the train has two numbers e.g. k228/225, to avoid an even numbered train running in a down direction.,Unit Six Beijing West Railway Station,At the station 车站用语(三),Learn to say A. Luggage Storage Service 行李寄存处1. I want to deposit/check my bag here.2. Id like to keep/leave my tote bag here.3. I want to store my hand luggage/carry-on bag here.4. We offer round-the-clock service.5. Id like to claim my bag. Heres my check.,B. Luggage Traffic,1. Is this the luggage office?2. Do you want to have your luggage checked?3. Your luggage isnt packed well, please have it packed again and make it secure.4. Please tell me your name, address and phone number, destination station as well as the number of pieces of your luggage.5. Let me fill in the luggage (parcel) label for you.,6. Please affix the luggage label to your luggage.7. Put the label on your luggage, please.8. Here is your luggage (parcel) ticket . Please check the items.9. Please present the luggage ticket when you take delivery of your luggage.10. No dangerous articles are allowed to the train.11. May I have my checked luggage now?12. Your parcel is delayed owing to some accident.13. Please show me your identification and sign your name before taking away the checked parcel.,14. Please fill in this form with your name and address.15. I want to have my luggage registered for Shanghai.16. Let me fill in the luggage consignment from for you.17. Let me fill in the luggage labels for you.18. Let