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    译林牛津英语语法 冠词ppt课件.ppt

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    译林牛津英语语法 冠词ppt课件.ppt

    冠词,Articles,冠词的用法,冠词的相关练习,冠词,不使用冠词,定冠词,不定冠词,aan,the,零冠词,冠词的分类,不定冠词的用法,a用在以辅音音素开头的单词前 an用在以元音音素开头的单词前,,e.g. _book _ egg _ useful book _ underground room,a,an,a,an,基本用法:指人或事物的某一种类,e.g. She is a girl. 她是女孩 This is a desk. 这是一张书桌,泛指某人或者某物,但又不具体说明何人何物,e.g. I can see a kite. 我能看见一只风筝 A boy is in Grade 1. 一个男孩在一年级,表示“数量”,有“一”“每一”的意思,e.g. We have six classes a day. 我们一天上六节课,5.用在姓名前或Mr. Mrs. Miss +姓氏前,表示某一位。 A Mr Chen came to see you this morning.6.用于序数词前表示“再一,又一” I called on Mr. White a third time but hasnt seen him once yet.,定冠词的用法,基本用法:“特指”特指某(些)人或者某(些)事物,以便与其他的人或物有所区别,,e.g.The book on the desk is Jims. 书桌上的那本书是吉姆的 The chairs are there. 椅子在那里,指谈话双方都知道的人或事物,e.g. Where is the kite? 风筝在哪儿?(双方都知道指的是哪只风筝) Open the door, please.请把门打开(双方都知道要打开哪扇门),在叙述中,上文提到过的人或者事物,再次出现时,e.g. :I can see a kite. 我看见一只风筝 :where is the kite?这个风筝在那里?,用在姓氏的复数名词前,表示“一家人”,e.g. the Blacks 布来克一家,定冠词的用法,用在宇宙间独一无二的天体名词之前,5.6.8.,e.g.the sun the sky the moon the earth,用在序数词和形容词最高级,及形容词only, very, same 前,e.g. I live on the second floor.我住在二楼Skating is the best sport in winter. 滑冰是冬天最好的运动,用在表示西洋乐器的名词之前,e.g. the violin the piano the guitar,特指双熟悉,上文已提及;世上独无二,序数最高级;某些专有名,习语及乐器。,零冠词的用法,名词前有了物主代词、指示代词、不定代词和s所有格时。,,e.g. Our books those apples Jims pen,复数名词表示一类人或者事物时。,e.g. They are teachers. 他们是老师。,在表示国名、语言、学科的名词前,e.g. China England English physics,在星期、月份、节日、季节前,e.g. on Sunday in August on Childrens Day,不使用冠词的情况,零冠词的用法,在球类运动、棋类运动前及三餐名词前。,5.,e.g. play football/ basketball have supper,不使用冠词的情况,7.by+交通工具,中间不用冠词by bike/ by plane / by air / by sea/ by ship,下列情况应免冠,代词限定名词前;专有名词不可数,学科球类三餐饭;复数名词表泛指,两节星期月份前;颜色语种和国名,称呼习语及头衔,冠词的辩析和差异1.用冠词与不用冠词的差异1) at table at the table2) in hospital in the hospital3) by sea by the sea,进餐,在桌子旁,住院,在医院里,乘船(由海路),在海边,4) go to sea go to the sea5) in future in the future6) on earth on the earth7) go to school (church) go to the school (church)8) in front of in the front of,当水手,去海边,从今以后,在将来,究竟,到底,在地球上,上学(作礼拜),去学校(教堂),在前面,外部的内部的,9) on horse back on the horse back10) two of us the two of us2.用定冠词与不定冠词的差异1) a number of 许多 the number of 的数目,骑马,在马背上,我们当中的两人,我们两人(共计两人),2)the most important meeting a most important meeting 3) the third time a third time5)for a moment for the moment,最重要的会议,一个重要的会议,第三次,一会儿,目前,暂时,又一次,3.两个或两个以上名词并列时用冠词的差异 a Chinese and English dictionary 一本汉英词典 a Chinese and an English dictionary 一本汉语词典和一本英语词典 a teacher and writer一位教师兼作家 a teacher and a writer 一位教师,一位作家 a knife and fork 一副刀叉 a knife and a fork 一个刀和一个叉,Exercises:,Fill in the blanks with a, an or the.What _ beautiful horse it is!When does _ sun set in winter?I am going to _ Philippines(菲律宾群岛) next month.Dont forget to buy me _ T-shirt.,a,the,the,a,Look, theres _ elephant walking down the street.Its cheaper to take _ bus than to take _ taxi.John is staying at _ Dragon Hotel.Everyone knows Kitty is _ honest girl.,an,a,a,the,an,Fill in the blanks with a, an or the,where necessary.I go to _ school by _ ship.Which pen is longer, _ blue one or _red one?They have _ dinner early in the evening._ Christians usually go to _ church on Sundays.Have you ever seen _ real dragon?,/,/,the,the,/,/,/,a,They sent the parcel by _ air mail.Jack is staying with his aunt in _ United Kingdom.Everyone needs _ food._ Himalayas are _ highest mountain ranges on _ earth.,/,the,/,The,the,the,That shop sells _ fruit and _ drinks.Father went to _ bed quite early last night.The dog ran into _ school.No one knows how deep _ Atlantic Ocean is.What sort of _ game do you like better, _ football or _ basketball,/,/,/,the,the,/,/,/,We cant live without _ air.Peter is _ university student.The company gave us _ wonderful dinner.Selina goes to work by _ same bus every morning.,/,a,a,the,Thank You!,一、单项选择题1、_ book on the desk is _ useful one.A. The; an B. A; a C. The; a 、_ old lady in brown is _ university professor.A. An; a B. An; / C. The; a 、What can you see by the lake?I can see _ old man sitting on the chair.A. a B. an C. the、Have you had_ lunch yet?A. a B. / C. The、There is _ “f” in the word “wife”.A. anB. a C. The、He is _ best one in our school.A. a B. anC. The,7、My brother can play _ football well and he can also play _ piano well.A. the; B. ; the C. the; the 8、lets go and have _ walk around _ school.A. a; the B. /; / C. the; a 9、_ boy has broken the window.A. A B. The C. both A and B10、You may ask _ old man listening to _ radio under_ tree for_ advice about it.A. an; the; the; / B. the; / ; the; / C. The; the; the; /11、They work in _ same shop. They are paid by _ day.A. the; the B. a; a C. the; /12、what is _ plane? _ machine that can fly.A. the; the B. a; theC. a; A,13、It gave me _ great surprise that he had cooked such_ nice food.A. a; a B. a; / C. the; the 14、Its _ pity to be listened to by nobody.A. a B. an C. the15、Failure is _ mother of success.A. the B. a C. /16、_ number of _ students is more than 1,200.A. The; the B. A; the C. A; a17、Ships send _ messages to each other by _ radio.A. the; the B. /; a C. /; /18、_ orange is _ orange.A. The; a B. An; /C. A; an,19、There is _ apple and _ piece of bread on the plate.A. a; a B. an; a C. an; the 20、We dont know she is _ honest girl.A. a B. an C. the21、Do you want to be _ artist when you grow up?A. the B. a C. an22、A spaceship flies at about eleven kilometers _ second.A. / B. a C. the23、Betty is from Beijing. It is _ old city and _ capital of our country.A. the; the B. an; a C. an; the24、My daughter said the man had hit her on _ face.A. a B. / C. the,25、That is _ map of _ world.A. a; a B. the; a C. a; the 26、Lesson Four is _ difficult lesson, but it isnt _ most difficult one in Book 2.A. a; the B. an; theC. The; a27、Mr. Black didnt go to work yesterday because he was ill in _ bed.A. the B. a C. /28、Whats that over there? Its _ boat.A. the B. an C. a29、Mike is _ American boy. He studies in _ unniversity in Guangdong.A. a; an B. an; a C. an; the30、Have you got _ e mail address?A. a B. an C. /,二、阅读下列短文,在需要的地方填入适当的冠词。,If you go out sometimes at _ night, you will see _ moon high up in _ sky. The moon is far away from the earth. But it is our _ nearest neighbour in _ space. In _ 1969 two Americans visited it by _ spaceship. It was one of _ most exciting moments of that year. The sky looks black from the moon and youll see the earth up in the sky. You will also see _ many starts.You cant find any living things there. Its too hot in _ day and too cold at night. And thers no air or _ water there. Nothing can live on it. It is difficult for _ us to walk on the moon than on the earth. If you throw _ ball, it would fly very far. It is _ interesting thing if you can travel to the moon in _ sapceship.,(4),(2),(3),(1),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12),(13),(14),(15),Keys,一、单项选择题1 6 CCBBAC7 12 BACCCC13 18 AAAACB19 24 BBCBCC25 30 CACCBB,Keys,二、填空 / the the / / /,the / the / / a an a,前元音:i: i e ,后元音:: : u u:,中元音: : ,集中双元音:i u ,合口双元音:ei ai i u au,


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