雅思口语精选 完整精选ppt幻灯片课件.ppt
1,雅思口语指南,Maggie Li,一 雅思口语考试流程,进入候考室到指定考室外等待考官出来叫你进去考官自我介绍及简短面试第一部分第二部分第三部分考试结束,2,二 雅思口语考试三部分真题范例,Part 1 (4-5minutes) Whats your full name please? How should I call you? May I have your ID card, please? Now, in the first part, Id like to ask you some questions about yourself.Lets first talk about your hometown. What kind of city is your hometown? Whats it famous for?What do you like about the city?What do you dislike about it?,3,二 雅思口语考试三部分真题范例,Part 1 (4-5minutes) Ok. Lets move on to the topic of driving. Do/Can you drive? What age do you think is the best for getting a driving license? Do you think school should provide driving lessons for students? Now, lets talk about something else. Do you prefer writing by hand or writing using the computer?Do you think handwriting is still important today?How can children today improve their handwriting?,4,备注:这部分属于聊天性质,说话应尽量自然,简单,随意一些,不可成段背诵从书上抄来的书面语。one-word answer应避免。考生应首先对考官的问题做出回应,然后再说上两三句话。考官随时可能打断你,因为他必须控制考试的时间,所以你不用担心,静静听下一个问题就是了。,5,Part 2 (3-4 minutes) Describe someone you know who is good at cooking You should say:who this person is how you know him or her what kinds of food s/he cooksand explain how (you think) this person became so good at cooking.,6,备注:卡片由考官选择,不是考生自己选择。在拿到卡片后,考生有一分钟思考准备时间。考官会给你纸笔作笔记。做笔记可以采取你喜欢的任何方式。如果卡片看不懂,可以问考官,但考官可以不作答。一分钟结束后,考官会告诉你可以开始讲了。在你说话的过程中,考官只听不说。你说完后,考官一般会接着问一两个后续问题,只需简单作答即可。第二部分结束后,考官将收回卡片,笔和草稿纸。,7,Part 3 (4-5 minutes) Subtopic 1: Chinese food and western foodHow does western food like KFC impact (on) traditional Chinese food? Do you think traditional Chinese food will be more popular in the future?In your view, how is western food different from Chinese food?,8,Part 3 (4-5 minutes) Subtopic2: eating at homeIn your country, do family members often eat at home together? Do you think it important for people to eat at home? Subtopic3: food safetyIs food safety a serious problem in your country?Do schools and universities provide healthy food for students in your country?,9,备注:这部分的考试模式和第一部分是一样的,一问一答。这部分的问题不再是关于你个人的情况了,通常是一些常见的社会话题。这部分属于讨论性质,所以考官很可能会接着你的话茬往下问,或者对你的观点提出反驳。这部分的问题是由第二部分决定的。如果第二部分你描述的是一首歌,那么第三部分问的问题都会和音乐有关。这部分不需要大家说多少,三四句话也就够了,就是提出自己的观点,论证一两句,就结束了。当然,你要是有话说,那是多多益善。这部分很多同学都会出现听不懂问题的情况,因为单词难度增加了,这时候不要慌,你可以让考官给你解释,也可以让考官重复一遍问题,实在不行了,就让考官问下一个问题。这部分要表现得好点,没有一定的语言底子是不可能的,六分以下的同学应多积累相关话题词汇。,10,三 Top FAQs about IELTS Speaking Exam,1.雅思口语要考六分,需要多少词汇量?2.口语考试的时候,是不是要多用大词?3.语音语调在口语考试中很重要吗?4.口语要考高分是不是需要说很长的句子?5.什么是口语机经?它对备考重要吗?6.在外地考分数会比在山东考高吗? 7.作文有模板,口语要准备模板吗?8.备考时,背答案重要吗?9.口试问题没听懂怎么办?,11,三 Top FAQs about IELTS Speaking Exam,10.考试时紧张怎么办?11.考官都是英国人吗? 12.考官是不是都对考生很有耐心? 13.语法对雅思口语重要吗?14.回答不知道,会扣分吗?15. 考试的时候我应该穿什么衣服?16. 考试的时候,我应该在礼仪上注意什么?17. 成绩复议是怎么回事?,12,四 雅思口语考试评分标准,(一)九个分数等级描述雅思考试采用国际认可的9分制评分系统,准确反映考生的语言水平。每个分数级别有对应的描述。总分可以是整数分或半分。九个分数段及其描述如下:9分 专家水平具有完全的英语运用能力,做到适当、精确、流利并能完全理解语言。8分 优秀水平能将英语运用自如,只是有零星的错误或用词不当。在不熟悉语境下可能出现误解,可将复杂细节的争论掌握的相当好。,13,7分 良好水平能有效运用英语,虽然偶尔出现不准确、不适当和误解。大致可将复杂的英语掌握的不错,也能理解详细的推理。6分 合格水平大致能有效运用英语,虽然有不准确、不适当和误解发生但能使用并理解比较复杂的英语,特别是在熟悉的语境下。,14,5分 基础水平可部分运用英语,在大多数情况下可明白大致的意思。虽然经常出现错误,但在经常涉及的领域内可应付基本的沟通。4分 有限水平只限在熟悉的状况下有基本的理解力,在理解与表达上常发生问题,无法使用复杂英语。3分 极有限水平在极熟悉的情况下也只能进行一般的沟通,频繁发生沟通障碍。,15,2分 初学水平除非在熟悉的语境下,几乎只能使用孤立单词或短句表达最基本的信息,不能达成有效沟通。难以听懂或者看懂英语。1分 不懂英语最多能说出个别单词,根本无法用英语沟通。0分 考生缺席缺乏评分依据。,16,(二)四个具体的评分依据1. 流利度: 7分:多数问题能不假思索地进行回答,偶有停顿的地方,但不会超过5秒钟。而且,考生出现停顿也主要是因为在思考说什么,而不是在想某个词怎么说。 6分:在自己熟悉的领域能比较顺畅的交流,在不熟悉的领域会出现较长时间的停顿。 5 分:只是在自己最熟悉的领域能展示一定的流利度,即:连续说上几个句子。 流利度的本质:就是考生连续说话的能力:正常语速 + 正常停顿,17,2. 词汇: 7分:考生具备相当好的词汇广度,应此也基本准确到位。 6分:考生在自己熟悉的领域能展示一定的词汇广度,用词常用不准确,不恰当的地方,但基本不影响理解。 5分:考生的能熟练使用的词汇,不管是量还是质都明显不足,经常因为想不起某个词而停顿。而且,用词单调,过于简单。,18,3. 语法: 7分:考生能熟练使用各种常见语法结构,而且基本准确,在使用复杂的语法结构时偶有错误。 6分:考生基本语法能较为熟练准确适用,偶有错误,但不影响交流;能使用一些较为复杂的语法结构,如定语从句,但不是很准确。 5分:考生即使在简单语法结构,如时态,人称单词,单复数等上面也经常出错,有时甚至严重影响理解;基本不能使用复杂语法结构。,19,4. 发音: 7分:考生的发音清晰,准确,丝毫不影响理解。 6分:考生的发音较为清晰,准确,有时有发错或不规范的现象。 5分:考生的发音经常出错,有时严重影响理解。,20,其实纠正发音是很值得去做的事,因为方向明确,见效快,通过练习说句子练发音就更好了,既能练发音,还能学习单词,表达方式。In my view, eating at home is healthier cos you control what goes into the food. 2. Eating at home is also a lot more economical. With just 20 RMB, you can cook a decent meal at home, but i20 RMB is just enough to buy you only one dish in a restaurant.,21,3. Additionally, eating at home is much more hygienic. You know, the dining room at home is a private place whereas a restaurant is a public place. If you eat in a public place, youre more likely to expose yourself to health risks, like infectious diseases or whatever. 4. I think its important for parents to share meals with their children on a regular basis, whether at home or in a restaurant. Its a great opportunity for communication and strengthening family bonds.,22,第一组:,23,第二组:,24,第三组,25,(三)关于评分标准语音方面的调整。 雅思口语考试在2008年以前,在发音评分上只有2,4,6,四个等级,现在改为1-9,九个等级,也就是发音方面评分进一步细化,这对有发音优势的考生绝对是好消息。,26,(四)关于半分制 现在的口语评分会出现5.5,6.5,7.5的现象。如果你在四个评分标准方面的得分分别是:流利度:7; 词汇:6; 语法:5; 语音6那么你的得分总分是24,再除以4,你的最后口语得分就是6分,27,五:雅思口语第一部分,(一) 话题范围,28,注:雅思口语第一部分的话题,每年都会有新的题目出现,但主体是基本不变的,很好准备。雅思口语第一部分永远的主体话题:吃,穿,住,行,学习,工作,娱乐(音乐,电影,电视),运动,媒体,网络,艺术(画画,乐器,艺术馆),送礼,生日,派对。,29,(二)雅思口语第一部分是怎么进行的?雅思口语第一部分提问模式非常固定,考官主要是按照下面几种模式想考生提问:1. Do you?2. Do people in your country do? 3. What type of do you like?4. What type of do you dislike? 5. What do you like about?6. What do you dislike about?7. What do you like to do +时间?8. What do you dislike to do +时间?,30,9.Is it easy/difficult/convenient/safe/dangerous to do? 10.When did you first do ? 11.Did you dowhen you were a child? 12.When did you last do ? / Tell me about your last experience? 13.When and where do you? 14.Do you like doalone or with friends? 15.Do you prefer A or B? Why? 16.Do you think its necessary/important for children/schools to do? 17.What do you think about.?18.What do you think is the benefit/advantage of ?,31,下面我们以最近经常出现的几个话题为例,看看考官是怎么提问的?Cycling-Is it popular to ride the bike in your country? -Do you often ride the bike? -Is it safe to ride the bike in your city?-What do you think is the advantage of biking compared with other forms of transport? Cooking -Who cooks in your family?-Do you like cooking? Why or why not? -Do you think schools should provide cooking lessons for students?,32,Shopping-Do you like shopping?-Where do you like to go shopping? -Do you like to go shopping alone or with friends? -Do you prefer big shops or small ones? Why? -Tell me about your last shopping experience. Travel -Do you like travelling?-What places do you like to visit? -Tell me about your last travel? -What do you think is the benefit of travel?,33,从上面我们可以看出考官在提问时的九个提问方向:一:你自己; 二:你们国家的普遍情况;三:你的小时候; 四: 是最近一次; 五:小孩;,六:在学校学重不重要; 七:同类比较优缺点 八:的好处 九:为什么,34,(三)雅思口语第一部分的注意事项1. 雅思口语第一部分的两大忌:1)背诵答案2)太多的简短答案(yes. No. I dont know.)2. 雅思口语第一部分的前奏Whats you full name? or: Can you tell me your full name, please? How shall I call you? Can I see your ID card please?,35,3. 怎样在雅思口语第一部分给考官留下好的印象。1)发音差的同学,应该把自己发得不好的音好好纠正一下。2)语法不好的同学,应该好好学习一下一般过去时,现在完成时,现在 完成进行时,现在进行时和将来时;名词单复数;可数和不可数名词;人称代词;主谓一致;形容词比较级最高级。,36,3)学习一些英语是母语的人喜欢用的的口语词和短语。4)克服自己的紧张情绪,经常进行自问自答练习或找人对练。5)不要试图说得太多,适当扩展一下就行了。6)说话不要太快,同时和考官保持眼神接触。,37,4. 如何克服自己的表达方式过于简单,单调的问题。很多同学得5分的一个主要原因就是表达方式过于简单,单调,如喜欢就是like, 表达原因就是because, 说好处就是good for health, 描述地方就是beautiful, 当然不是说这些词不好,关键是你从头到尾都用类似的词或短语的话,给考官的信息就是你的语言不行,别忘了,雅思纯粹就是考语言,就像普通话考试。我给大家总结了几组大家很可能会用上的一些词和短语,基本都是中国考生不是很熟悉的一些表达方式,希望能对大家有所帮助。,38,第一组:Yes, I do; No, I dont 之外的其它情况,39,第二组:除了 I like; I dont like 你还会说什么?,40,第三组:how often?,41,第四组:why or why not?,42,43,第五组:benefit/advantage,第五组:benefit/advantage,44,45,46,5.雅思口语高分句型套用技巧雅思口语话题频繁涉及人物,地点,物品,事件四大类,上表中的原句是在回答此类问题时多数考生使用的句型。其缺陷是过于简短,一不能体现语法优势,二不能凑字数争取时间。而套用句型后的表达效果就明显不一样了。可见,定语从句的使用在口语中可以起到“包装”作用。,47,一、定语从句(名词或代词) is the kind of (person/place/thing) who (which/that) is(名词或代词) is a (person/ place) who (which) gives you the impression of being(名词或代词)is one of the most (形容词) (名词) I have ever seen/met/known.(地点名称) is a place where you can do sth.(时间名词) is a day (occasion/the time) when you do sth.,48,二、名词性从句The reason why I (admire him/like the place) is that +从句The most important thing is that+从句Another thing is that+从句What I mean is that + 从句What Id like to say is that +从句a和b是引出个人观点或信息时的过渡句型,在口语表达中可以起到建构框架,使条理清晰层次分明的作用。而c和d则是用于进一步解释说明。,49,套用实例:The reason why I admire Yaoming is that he is a legend and also a great guy. The most important thing is that he is one of Chinas most recognizable athletes. What I mean is, his image can be seen everywhere, he is a household name. Another thing is that Yao has also participated in many charity events during his career. What Id like to say is that he not only donated money to relief work, but also created a foundation to help those in need.,50,6. 如何让自己的话听起来更口语?1. 不要试图说太长的句子。简单句为主,and, but, so, also, because, if 等连接一下即可。2. 用一用 cos 引导原因3. 用一用 like 举例4. 停顿的时候,用well, eh, um, 或者 you know,占位。5. 用一用 or whatever, and stuff like that, and something like that 表示“等等”6. 在句首用上 actually ,basically, obviously, unfortunately, 等副词。,51,7. Most of the time, , but sometimes 这个结构很有用。8. It depends, but generally 这个结构也很实用。9. It varies. If ., I, but if, I 这个结构也值得掌握。10. 说朋友的时候,可用mate/buddy 代替11. 说电影的时候可用flick/flicks 代替;同样 watch/see a film, 也可用catch a flick 代替。12. 说好吃的时候,用tasty 或yummy 代替。13. 说“很棒”的时候,用 “amazing, awesome, incredible, marvelous”,52,14. 说 “很美”的时候,用 “really pretty,attractive 或 gorgeous”15. 说 “很次”的时候,用 “terrible/awful”. 16. 说 “很丑” 的时候,用 “really unattractive/hideous” 17. 说 “假货” 的时候,用 “fake” 18. 说 “贵”的时候,用 “pricey/dear”.19. 说 “某东西很火”,用 “a smash hit”. 20. 说 “睡一会儿”,用 “catch forty winks”.,53,21. 说 “放松”, 用 “take it easy/wind down.” 22. 说 “一会儿,一段时间”,用 “a while” 23. 说 “上升” 用 “go up”, “下降” 用 “go down”.24. 说“人很现实”, 用 “realistic”. 25. 说 “人很物质化”, 用 “materialistic” 26. 说 “流行,时髦”, 用 “in”, 最流行,最时髦,最时尚 “innest”。27. 说 “老土”,用 “out of date/style”, 或者直接用 “out”. 28. 说 “最先进的”,用 “state of the art” .29. 说 “我们玩得特爽” 用 “we really had a marvelous time”.,54,30. 英语 “寻找刺激”,英语是 “look for kicks”.31. 表示 “很,非常”, 多用 “really”. 32. 表示 “极其,非常,绝对,相当” 用,“absolutely, totally.” 33. 表示 “失落,沮丧”, 用 “down”. 34. 表示 “让失望”, 用 “let sb down”. 35. 表示 “提神”,用 “pick me up”. 36. 表示“累”, 用 “exhausted/dead beat/worn out”.37. 表示 “买或受到,接到”,用 “get” 38. 表示 “做某事花老半天,用 “it takes me ages”.,55,38. 表示 “做某事花老半天,用 “it takes me ages”.39. 表示 “和朋友一起玩儿”, 用 “hang out with my mates”. 40. 表示 “什么很好玩儿”,用 “is great fun.” 41. 表示 “什么很搞笑”,用 “a good laugh 或者 hilarious.” 42. 表示 “荒谬”,用 “outrageous 或者 ridiculous”. 43. 表示 “什么的最大的好处”,用 “the best thing of .is ” 44. 表示 “什么的最大的问题”,用 “The biggest problem withis ”,56,45. 表示“东西,事情,物品,题材等概念时,” 用 “stuff”.46. 表示“很多”用 “lot of” 或者 “loads of” 47. 表示 “有钱,条件好”, 用 “well off”。48. 表示 “特别有钱”,用 “loaded”,或 “have money to burn.”49. 表示 “穷”,用 “broke”. 50. 表示 “富人,穷人” 用 “the haves, the have-nots.”51. 表示 “对腻了,受够了”,用 “be fed up with或者 have had enough of”。52. 表示 “城市里的激烈竞争”,用 “the rat race.” 53. 表示 “放十天假”,用 “have 10 days off.”,57,54. 表示 “我们俩生日就差2天”,用 “our birthdays are just 2 days apart.”55. 表示 “还有半个月就是圣诞了,” 用 “Christmas is just half a month away.”56. 表示 “捐钱或鲜血” 用 “give money/blood”。57. 表示 “简单来讲”,这个口头语,用“to put it simply.”58. 表示 “换句话讲“,这个口头语,用 “to put it another way”59. 自然自语式的说 “怎么说呢”,用 “how shall I put it?”60. 说让人很烦,很头痛的人或事,用 “a big headache或 a real pain.”61. 说 “消磨时间”,用 “kill time.”62. 说 “乏味,无聊的人或事”,用 “a real drag.”,58,63. 说 “累赘”,用 “a drag on sb.”64. 说 “体重增加”,用 “put on/gain weight”.65. 说 “减肥”, 用 “lose a few pounds 或者 shed a few pounds.”66. 说 “锻炼”,用 “get exercise或 work out.”67. 说 “瘦身”,用 “get slim/thin.”68. 说 “偶像”,用 “idol.”69. 说 “崇拜”,用 “idolize.”70. 说 “娱乐圈”,用 “showbiz.”71. 说 “花哨,” 用 “showy.”72. 说 “名人”,用 “ a big name.”,59,73. 说 “名声好坏”,用 “a good/bad name”.74. 说 “从事某种活动所需要的最重要的东西或品质,” 用 “the name of the game.”75. 说 “应有尽有”,用 “you name it.”76. 说 “我们家狗的名字叫”,用 “Our dog answers to the name of”77. 说 “很恐怖”,用 “scary.”78. 说 “恶心”,用 “disgusting”.79. 说 “一首歌,或一个名字朗朗上口,容易记住”,用 “catchy.”80. 说 “景点”,用 “tourist spots”。81. 说 “痘痘”,用 “spots”。82. 说 “造型师”,用 “stylist.”,60,83.说 “电脑出问题了”,用 “something is wrong with the computer.”84. 说 “太酷了,太棒了,” 用 “awesome”.85. 说 “干某事需要多少时间,需要什么能力素质等”,用 “it takesto do”86. 说 “极为震撼,极为漂亮”,用 “stunning.”87. 说 “不是当老师的料”,用 “not teacher material.”88. 说 “有时候我就想一个人待会儿”,用 “Sometimes, I just want some time alone.”89. 说 “我很喜欢跟他们在一起,”,用 “I really enjoy their company.”90. 说 “多陪陪他们”,用 “spend more time with them.”,61,90. 说 “多陪陪他们”,用 “spend more time with them.”91. 说 “他是一个特别好的人”,用 “Hes a terribly nice guy.”92. 说 “特别挤,”用 “packed out.” 93. 说 “糟糕,差劲,次”,用 “lousy”94. 说 “误会了我的意思”,用 “get me wrong”.95. 说 “太帅了”,用 “groovy”.96. 说 “聪明”,用 “smart.”97. 说 “没什么比得上我妈做的饭”,用“Nothing beats my mums cooking”98. 说 “不吃早饭”,用 “skip breakfast”.99. 说 “我是个夜猫子”,用 “night owl.”100. 说 ”上床睡觉“,用 ”turn in”. “睡懒觉” 用 “sleep in.”,62,7. 雅思口语第一部分高分示范我们以free time activities 为例:What do you like to do in your free time? -Definitely sleep. You see, right now, Im working very hard to improve my English and I have so many things to do, so I just dont get enough sleep, and when I have time, I love to catch some or have a long sleep, which is the best relaxation for me. Anything else? -Yes, if I dont sleep, I love to play computer games. Its one of my favorite pastimes, and its a marvelous stress reducer for me. And apart from computer games, I also play basketball. Do you prefer to go out or stay home in your free time? -Well, most of the time, I like to go out with my buddies to have some fun, playing basketball, or singing Karaoke, but sometimes, when Im really exhausted, Id prefer to stay home, be alone and relax by watching TV, surfing the Net, or having a good sleep.,63,解析:高分答案的主要特征是有足够的扩展:主要是结合自己的实际情况进行一些简单的说明或解释。自己的实际情况包括:你的性别你是工作还是学生?你是住校生还是走读生?你的工作时候很忙,压力是否很大。你的主要爱好。你的性格。你住在市里,还是郊区。你的身体状况。你的父母。你是单身,还是已婚无孩子,还是已婚有孩子。你的男/女朋友。,64,7. 雅思最新口语全真套题练习注:雅思口语第一部分考官一般会问及2-3个话题,所以我们就2个话题为一套进行练习。套题一 (School+Language Learning)Are you working or a students?Why did you choose the school/university youre studying now?What was the first school day like?Do you think the first day at school/university is important? Do you like the school? / Do you enjoy studying at the school? Do you like to study alone or with a group of classmates? Is learning English difficult for you?Is there any other language youd like to learn apart from English?Why do you want to learn it?,65,套题二 (Where you live+Newspapers&Magazines)Do you live in a house or an apartment/a flat?Describe it to me, please.Whats your favorite room in the house/flat?Is there anything you want to improve about your home?What are the surroundings like around your home?Is it convenient for transport? Do you read magazines in foreign languages?Is it helpful for your language study?What kind of magazines do you like to read? Why?What kind of news are you interested in? Why?,66,套题三 (Major+TV)Whats your major?Why did you choose it?What is your favorite subject/course?What can you learn from it?Do you like watching TV?What kind of shows/programs do you like watching?Do you like to watch TV alone or with others?Do you watch any English TV shows?Do you think its helpful for English study?,67,套题四 (Friends +Time) Do you like to hang out with your friends?Where do you like to meet?What do you like to do together?Do you like to hang out with a group of friends or just one or