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    学术英语写作 如何进行研究结果部分的写作课件.ppt

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    学术英语写作 如何进行研究结果部分的写作课件.ppt

    ,How to write the results section of the academic paper上清新,THE GROUP THREE,CONTENT,01 Goals and tasks of the research results section,02 The structure of the research results,03 Sentence patterns,04 Common expressions of research results,05 The basic content of the research results,06 The tense and the voice,07 Analytical model essay,08 Summary and extention,1.1 The importance of the research results section,The research results of academic papers are intended to introduce directly related research findings or results.,What are the research results?,1.1 The importance of the research results section,The research results are the core of an academic paper.,Its level marks the academic level or technical innovationdegree of the paper, is also the main part of the paper.,The research results of academic papers are intended to introduce directly related research findings or results.,1.2 The purpose of the research results section,Presenting results or findings related to research questions and hypotheses,Explaining the significance of these results or findings,Giving evidences that support the authors research results,Leading to the discussion of the results in the next section,Reviewing methodology details and research background.,1.3 The tasks of the research results section,The research result is not only the authors direct answer to the initial questions, but also the basis for deep discussion of the following logic reasoning. The aim is to give readers a clear idea of the results from the experimental data. In order to make the conclusion more acceptable,Numerical experiment,Conclusions,1.4 The example,The charts showing the results,The results that express clear,1.4 The example,A clear contrast between two models, we can find the left one has the better stability easily,1.5 The attention of the research results,Not all findings must be described in the results section,Results should be objective, complete and reliable,The results must reflect the items and criteria listed in the materials and methods,TIPS,Different subjects have different historical development and characteristics .Although the objectives and tasks of the research methods part of the academic papers are the same, the functional structure part is different. In terms of the research results, there are some differences between the functional structure part of the academic papers in the liberal arts field and the academic papers in the natural science field.,The structure of the research results,文科领域的学术论文和自然学科领域的学术论文在功能结构部分也存在一些差别.。,Academic papers in the field of liberal arts,Frist step: Provide meta-textual information(提供元文本信息)Second step: Present experimental results(呈现实验结果),The research results of academic papers in the liberal arts field usually contain two steps.,Provide background information(提供背景信息),Provide meta-textual information,Provide chapter links.(提供章节联系),A discussion that predicts results(预示结果的讨论),Provide citations in methodology details(提供方法论细节中的引文),Restate the research question or hypothesis(重述研究问题或研究假设),Present experimental results,Provide evidence (e.g. statistical results, examples, tables, figures, etc)(提供证据(如统计结果,例证,表格,数字等),Present the results one by one(逐一呈现结果),State the process by which results are produced(陈述产生结果的过程),Explain the meaning of each result(解释每项结果的含义),Academic papers in the field of liberal arts,Frist step: Provide background information(提供背景信息)Second step: Present experimental results(呈现实验结果)Third step: State the problem in the result (陈述结果中存在的问题)Forth step: State what the results may portend(陈述结果可能预示的含义),The research results of academic papers in the field of natural science include the following four steps:,01,02,03,Review research objectives or existing research(回顾研究目的或已有的研究),Provide background information,Review or expand research methods(回顾或拓展研究方法),Summary of research results(综述研究结果),01,02,03,04,Present experimental results,Guide the reader through the results(引导读者阅读结果),Describe specific or critical results in detail, with or without interpretation(详细描述具体的或关键的结果,加或不加诠释均可),Comparison with other studies(与其他研究的比较),Comparison with model predictions(与模型预测的比较),The basic linguistic features of the results of an academic study,Concise and comprehensive(言简意赅),Avoid repetition(避免重复),Objective evaluation(客观评价),Comply with Writing Rules(遵守写作规则),Tables & Charts are better(多用图表),More non-personal nouns(非人称名词),vague expressions(模糊表达),Concise and comprehensive,Generalization,Refinement,Scientific significance,representativeness,Avoid repetition,Refinement,Scientific significance,representativeness,Focuse on the papers results, Avoid repeat other parts of the paper,2.4 Objective evaluation,Description of the experiment,Report main results,Typical &best example,Comply with Writing Rules,Start from the most important part of the research,From simple to complex,Organized by same category,Organized by the research not the experiment,Tables & Charts are better,More non-personal nouns,1.These date demonstrate that.2.The ANOVA on.indicated that.3.test indicated that.,vague expressions,Order,Quantity,Frequently,Causality,Four elements,The procedures and time order are important for other researchers to repeat the experiment and get the same results, so we need to describe them very right .,previouslybeforehandin advance,Order,firstlyinitiallyat first,afterwardsthennext,soonbefore longshortly after,meanwhileimmediatelyAt the same time,finallyeventuallyIn the end,先前,开始,然后,不久,同时,最后,as often as not,every time,Writing research results, it is important to correctly express the frequency of events and results,Frequently,always,usually,regularly,often,sometimes,from time to time,rarely,almost never,at no time,neutral frequency,=80%,40%50%,20%30%,a large amount/quantity,Quantity,If you want to make the language more reasonable, use a quantitative language to express comments on numbers, levels and numbers in the figure.,5%,a fairly large amount/quantity,a considerable amount/quantity,a small amount/quantity,Quantity,50%,50%,Causality,It is necessary to analyze the relations between the observed events and phenomena, expressing them in appropriate language, so as to help you explain the results of study.,Strong causality,Weakcausality,1.Part of the reason,2.The first reason,cause(成为.的原因)due to(应归于),be related to(有关系)link(有联系),1.contribute/contributed to(归因于) .be a factor in (是.的一个因素),2.initiate(创始),Example,表频率:generally(通常),merely(仅仅,只不过),表时间顺序:meanwhile(同时),表数量:on most of (大多数),表因果关系:related (相关的),Which words or phrases represent these four common expressions?,As presented in Fig. 3, the predicted segmentation masks from SegCT-UDA can successfully localize the cardiac structures and further capture their anatomical shapes. The performance on segmenting AA is even close to that of Seg-CT-STL. This reflects that the distinct geometric pattern and the clear boundary of the AA have been successfully captured by the DCM .,sequence,quantity,frequency,causality,Four elements,In order to enable other reseachers to repeat the experiment and get the same results,the description of time plays a crucial role in describng the experimental steps.,Sequence,01,02,03,04,Describingwhathappensbeforethestartofthe experiment,includingthestartoftheexperimentorsimulation,orthebeginningoftheobservation.,Events occur at the same time or substantially simultaneously or at the same stage,The event occurs at the end of the time series or what happens after the experiment ,simulation or observation is completed,Words and phrases,Beginning or first step :the beginning of an experiment or simulation or the first result to be described,编辑文字,单此处添加您的编辑文字标题,Frequency,Whenwritingresearchresults,itisalsoimportanttobeabletoclearlyexpressthefrequencyofaparticularevent orresult,andthereadercanaccuratelyrepeattheauthors methodaccordingly.,编辑文字,单此处添加您的编辑文字标题,Frequency,Quantity,IntheResearchResultssection,youcanuseaquantitativelanguageifyouwanttoexpressawaytocommentonthe numbers,levels,andquantitiesinthegraph.,Quantity,A large amount/quantity,A fairly large amount/quantity,A considerable amount/quantity,A small amount/quantity,Above 80%,Above 50%-40%,20%-30%,5%,Causality,Whendescribingtheresults,itisinevitabletoexplaintheconnectionsandrelationshipsbetweentheobservedthings.Manylanguageexpressionscanhelpauthorsexplainthe connectionsbetweenthings.,单击此处添加您的编辑文字标题单击此处添加您的编辑文字标题单击此处添加您的编辑文字标题,Causality,Clear or strong causality,Partial causality,The first reason in causality,Weak causality,Cause,produce,be due to,Be a factor in,contributed to,Originate in,initiate,Be related to,link,The application of tenses in the research results part depends on the function of the expressed content.,6.1 The tense of the results section,Tense,simple present tense(一般现在时)simple past tense(一般过去时),6.1 The tense of the results section,1. The simple present tense is often used to introduce research results.,(1) Figure 1 shows the variation in the temperature of the sample over time.(图1显示了样品温度随时间的变化。)(2) Data in Table 3 illustrate that operating and capital costs of DiCTT technology are significantly lower.(表3中的数据表明了DiCTT技术的运营和资本成本显著降低。),Examples:,6.1 The tense of the results section,2. The simple past tense is often used to describe or summarize research results.,(1) The sensible and latent heat fluxes of Case 1 in daytime were greater than those of Case 2,but there was little difference in net long-wave radiation.(病例1的日感潜热通量和潜热通量均大于病例2,但长波净辐射差异不大。)(2) After flights of less than two hours,11% of the army pilots and 33% of the civilian pilots reported back pain.(在飞行不到两小时后,11%的陆军飞行员和33%的民用飞行员报告背部疼痛。),Examples:,3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4,The simple present tense is often used when the content of a comment is inferred from the result.,When the content of the comment belongs to the possible proof of the result, the modal verbs such as may or can are usually added before the verbs.,Use the simple present tense when the content of the comment is to compare the authors results to those of others.,When the content of the comment is to compare the authors method with that of others, the verb is used in the simple present tense or the simple past tense.,6.1 The tense of the results section,3. When the results are reviewed or explained,The verb tenses shall be determined according to the content of comments or instructions.,6.1 The tense of the results section,4. The simple present tense is often used when comparing different results or experimental data.,(1) The data confirm closely to the prediction of the model.(数据与模型的预测结果吻合较好。)(2) The theoretical model fits the experimental data well.(理论模型与实验数据吻合较好。),Examples:,When the author thinks that the description of the result is general, use the simple present tense in the clause, or use the the may and the base form of the verb.Use the simple past tense if the author thinks the scope of the statement is limited to the particular case he studies,Sentences presenting the results of the study may be in the passive or active voice.,6.2 The voice of the results section,active voice(主动语态)passive voice(被动语态),Voice,1. Generally, sentences are in the active voice when the name of the chart is the subject.,(1) Fig. 5 shows the most common modes of computer infection for U.S. bussiness.(图5显示了美国企业最常见的计算机影响模式。),Examples:,6.2 The voice of the results section,当主语为图表且较短时,使用主动语态。,2. In the introduction of the research results, the longer gerund phrase is used as the subject, and the passive voice is used in the sentence.,(1) The variation of flank wear of alumina based ceramic cutting tools with respect to cutting speed, after maching 15 min on martensitic stainless steel-grade 410 and EN 24 steel is presented in Fig. 2.(氧化铝基陶瓷刀具在410级马氏体不锈钢和EN 24级钢上加工15分钟后,齿面磨损随切削速度的变化如图2所示。),Examples:,6.2 The voice of the results section,主语很长的情况下,使用被动语态来使句子显得平衡且自然。,Model Essay,We rst compare against the symmetric Siamese architecture of Bertinetto et al. 3. We then compare the end-to-end trained CFNet to a variant where the features are replaced with features that were trained for a different task. Finally, we demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art results.,一句话说明实验原因,顺序说明实验内容,The principal aim of our experiments is to investigate the effect of incorporating the Correlation Filter during training.,一般现在时,Model Essay,To obtain the curve Baseline+CF we trained a baseline Siamese network of the desired depth and then combined those features with a CF during tracking. Results show that taking the CF into account during ofine training is critical at depth one and two. However, it seems redundant when more convolutional layers are added, since using features from the Baseline in conjunction with the CF achieves similar performance.,叙述结果,表明结果,原因解释,Model Essay,The results show that CFNet is signicantly better than the baseline when shallow networks are used to compute features. Specically, it brings a relative improvement of 31% and 13% for networks of depth one and two respectively. At depths three, four and ve, the difference is much less meaningful. CFNet is relatively unaffected by the depth of the network,whereas the performance of the baseline increases steadily and signicantly with depth. It seems that the ability of the Correlation Filter to adapt the distance metric to the content of the training image is less important given a sufciently expressive embedding function.,与其他研究的比较,关键的比较结果,常用表达,常用表达,被动句,Model Essay,The CF layer can be understood to encode prior knowledge of the test-time procedure. This prior may become redundant or even overly restrictive when enough model capacity and data are available. We believe this explains the saturation of CFNet performance when more than two convolutional layers are used. Figure4 additionally shows that updating the template is always helpful, for both Baseline and CFNet architectures, at any depth.,诠释比较结果,引导读者阅读图表展示的结果,避免绝对,被动句,常用词,Model Essay,Despite the large number of videos, we still nd that the performance of similarity networks varies considerably as training progresses. To mitigate this effect, we average the nal tracking results that are obtained using the parameters of the network at epochs 55, 60, ., 95, 100 (the nal epoch) to reduce the variance. While it would be preferable to train all networks to convergence multiple times with different random seeds, this would require signicantly more resources.,客观陈述实验问题,常用词汇,被动,These ten results are used to estimate the standard deviation of the distribution of results, Providing error bars for most gures in this section.,Summary,Summary,maybe、perhaps、probably、likely、possible、belikely to,严谨,精炼,准确,逻辑性强,Summary,Summary,All in all,THANKS,


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