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    露天矿滑坡监测与防治技术Landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,发言人:马海涛 博士 Speaker:Dr. Ma Haitao中国安全生产科学研究院China Academy of Safety Science & Technology,第八届中国国际安全生产论坛 The 8thChina International Forum on Work Safety,电 话:18811080270邮 箱:,Present situation of landslide disaster in Chinas open pit mine,Analysis of main causes of slope collapse accident,New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,目 录,The prevention measures and suggestions of mine slope collapse accident,1、中国露天矿山滑坡灾害现状Present situation of landslide disaster in Chinas open pit mine,中国的露天矿主要是非煤矿山,煤矿仅0.3为露天开采Chinas open pit mine is mainly non coal mine, only 0.3% of coal mine used open pit mining.,煤 矿Coal mine,1、中国露天矿山滑坡灾害现状Present situation of landslide disaster in Chinas open pit mine,非煤矿山的主要类型是金属非金属矿山,大部分采用露天开采,截至2015年底,中国有金属非金属露天矿山28287座,占总数的83.2%。Metal nonmetal mines are the main types of non coal mines, mostly adopted open pit mining. As of the end of 2015, China had 28,287 metal nonmetal open pit mines, accounting for 83.2% of the total number.,Metal nonmetal mines,Oil & gas,The others,非煤矿山 Non-Coal mine,1、中国露天矿山滑坡灾害现状Present situation of landslide disaster in Chinas open pit mine,边坡垮塌是露天矿山事故的主要类型Slope landslide collapse is the main type of open pit mine accident.,2010-2015年非煤矿山发生边坡垮塌事故477起、死亡719人。在露天矿山事故中居首位。From the year 2010 to 2015, 477 slope collapse accidents happened and 719 people died. It is the largest number of deaths in the type of open pit mine accident.,边坡垮塌slope collapse accidents,2015年露天矿山事故起数Number of accidents in open pit mines,边坡垮塌slope collapse accidents,2015年露天矿山事故死亡人数 Number of deaths from accidents in open pit mines,1、中国露天矿山滑坡灾害现状Present situation of landslide disaster in Chinas open pit mine,中国露天矿山滑坡的基本特点是:The basic characteristic of the landslide in Chinas open pit mine is:小型矿山重特大坍塌事故高发High incidence of serious collapse accidents in small mines大中型矿山中小型滑坡灾害频发Frequent occurrences of small and medium scale landslide disasters in large mines,1、中国露天矿山滑坡灾害现状Present situation of landslide disaster in Chinas open pit mine,金属非金属露天矿山中,大中型矿山有2398座,占总数的8.5%,小型矿山25889座,占总数的91.5%,以露天采石场为主(21213座)。,In chinas metal non metal open pit mines,2,398 large and medium-sized mines accounting for 8.5% of the total, and 25,889 small mines , account for 91.5%, which 21,213 quarries dominates.,1、中国露天矿山滑坡灾害现状Present situation of landslide disaster in Chinas open pit mine,数量多 Largequantities规模小 Small scale坡度陡 Steep slope遍布全国 All over the country基础薄弱 Weak technology,滑坡坍塌造成的群死群伤事故主要发生在小采石场The small quarries take the main part of open pit mines, and it is also the prone area of landslide accident.,1、中国露天矿山滑坡灾害现状Present situation of landslide disaster in Chinas open pit mine,年 year,采石场数量 Number of quarry,得益于采石场数量的减少和分台阶开采、机械铲装等先进技术的推广,矿山坍塌事故大幅下降。Due to the reduction in the number of quarry and the promotion of advanced technologies, such as sub bench mining, mechanical shovel loading, etc, open pit collapse accident dropped significantly.,露天矿山坍塌事故死亡人数和事故起数Number of deaths and fatality accidents of collapse accidents in open pit mines,1、中国露天矿山滑坡灾害现状Present situation of landslide disaster in Chinas open pit mine,大中型矿山,边坡高度超过150m的矿山有1000余座,设计高度大于500m的有10余座。There are more than 1,000 mines slope with a height of more than 150m, and more than 10 mines design height greater than 500m.,设计最高的边坡:福建紫金山金铜矿 864mThe highest slope under design :Gold and copper mine in Fujian Zijin mine 864m,1、中国露天矿山滑坡灾害现状Present situation of landslide disaster in Chinas open pit mine,大中型矿山边坡普遍较陡,滑坡体发育多。目前只有474座矿山建立了边坡稳定性监测系统。The large and medium-sized mining slope is generally steep, and the landslide has more development. At present, only 474 mines had established a slope stability monitoring system.,1、中国露天矿山滑坡灾害现状Present situation of landslide disaster in Chinas open pit mine,大型矿山边坡角多数在40度至50度,近半数的大中型矿山都存在不同程度的变形和滑坡问题。Large mining slope angle most in 40 to 50 degrees. Nearly half of large and medium-sized mines have varying degrees of deformation and landslide problems.,大中型矿山边坡角统计Statistics of large and medium sized mining slope angle,4050,50,40,某大型矿山提高最终边坡角2度,10年后,滑坡问题今方凸显10 years after the total slope angle of a large mine is increased, the landslide problem is serious now.,1、中国露天矿山滑坡灾害现状Present situation of landslide disaster in Chinas open pit mine,2、边坡垮塌事故主要原因分析Analysis of main causes of slope collapse accident,1、边坡设计不合理。2、不按设计开采。3、开采方式不合理。4、工程地质条件差。5、违规指挥、违章作业。6、防排水设施不完善。7、爆破振动影响。8、安全监测不到位。9、排土场安全基础薄弱。,1. Unreasonable slope design.2. Not according to the design of mining3. Unreasonable mining method.4. Poor engineering geological conditions.5. Illegal command, illegal operations6. Imperfect waterproof and drainage facilities.7. Blasting vibration effect.8. Lack of monitoring systems.9. Poor safety of dump,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,由于矿山地质条件的复杂性和不确定性,很难完全掌握地质体的工程特性。通过开采过程的边坡变形监测,对稳定性进行判定,并预测未来发展趋势,采取相应措施,是露天矿山滑坡防治的发展方向。Due to the complexity and uncertainty of mine geological conditions, it is difficult to fully grasp the engineering characteristics of geological bodies. In the mining process , through slope deformation monitoring, to assess the slope stability, and predict the future trend, to take appropriate measures, is the development direction of landslide prevention and control of open pit mine.,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,事实证明,边坡滑坡是可以预测预报的,It is proved that the slope landslide can be predicted,美国宾汉姆铜矿通过边坡雷达监测,提前3天成功预报了6000m3滑坡By radar monitoring, the Bingham copper mine in United States made a successful prediction of the 6000m3 landslide 3 days ahead of time.,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,边坡雷达是基于地基合成孔径雷达差分干涉技术的远程自动监控遥感系统,可对大范围边坡进行定点连续监测,对危险区域灾害进行预报。Slope radar is a remote automatic monitoring and monitoring system based on the ground synthetic aperture radar differential interferometry, which can be used for continuous monitoring of large scale slope.,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,边坡雷达的基本原理是把同一目标区域,不同时间获取的SAR复图像结合起来,通过比较不同图像的相位差,获得目标的毫米级精度位移信息。The basic principle of slope radar is to combine SAR complex images of the same target area, obtained at different times. By comparing the phase difference at different images, the millimeter level displacement information of the target is obtained.,与传统变形观测方法相比,边坡雷达具有6大特点:Compared with the traditional deformation observation method, the slope radar has 6 characteristics:全天候:不受天气影响大范围:5km、120度非接触:无需人工跑点高精度:0.1mm高分辨率:距离向分辨率30cm快速获取:单次测量周期10分钟,All weather: not affected by the weatherLarge scale: 5km, 120 degreesNon contact: no need to run a pointHigh precision: 0.1mmHigh resolution: range to resolution 30cmQuick access: 10 minutes of a single measurement cycle,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,中国安全生产科学研究院依托国家“十二五”科技支撑计划和北京市重大科技专项,历时5年、投资近¥2000万自主研制了S-SAR型边坡雷达。China Academy of safety science and technology, relying on the national 12th Five-Year science and technology support program and Beijing major science and technology projects, which lasted 5 years with a nearly 20 million RMB investment, had developed the S-SAR slope radar.,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,边坡雷达主要由三部分构成:雷达主机、运行轨道和控制系统。The slope radar is mainly composed of three parts: radar host, running track and control system.,雷达主机 radar host运行轨道 running track控制系统 control system,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,边坡雷达的工作模式 Working mode of slope radar,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,空间预警,空间预警Space early warning,时间预警Time early warning,W=15-f,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,第1天累积位移 无预警Cumulative displacement of first dayNo warning,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,第2天位移累积 无预警Cumulative displacement of second dayNo warning,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,第3天位移累积 无预警Cumulative displacement of third dayNo warning,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,第4天位移累积 黄色预警Cumulative displacement of fourth dayYellow warning,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,第5天位移累积 橙色预警Cumulative displacement of fifth dayOrange warning,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,第6天位移累积 红色预警Cumulative displacement of sixth dayRed warning,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,第7天 发生滑坡The seventh dayLandslide occurrence,微米,20分钟间隔雷达影像回放 20 minute interval radar image playback,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,排土场的大变形监测 Large deformation monitoring of soil dump slope,角反射器Corner reflector,预警,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,尾矿坝工程质量检测 Engineering quality inspection of Tailing Dam slop,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,3、露天矿山滑坡监测与防治技术新进展New progress of landslide monitoring and control technology in open pit mine,4、预防露天矿山边坡垮塌事故的措施与建议The prevention measures and suggestions of mine slope collapse accident,(1)严格分台阶开采(2)严格控制边坡参数(3)严格爆破管理(4)加强边坡安全监测(5)加强员工培训(6)加强排土场管理,(1) Quarry sub bench mining(2) Control of slope parameters(3) Blasting management(4) Safety monitoring of slope(5) Strengthen staff training(6) Strengthen the management of dumping ground,汇报完毕,谢谢,


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