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    By Ma BingjunForeign Languages School of Fuyang Teachers College,English Teaching Theory and Practice,Unit 1 Language and Language Learning1. When did you start learning the foreign language (s)?2. How do you feel about learning a language?3. Why do you learn a foreign language?4. In what way are you learning a foreign language? Do you think youre efficient/successful learner?5. Do you like the way you learnt the foreign lg?6. How do you think youll teach in the future?,Language and Language Learning,1. People started learning a foreign language at different ages.2. Different people have different experiences in learning a foreign language. 3. Different people have different reasons in learning a foreign language. 4. People learn a foreign lg in different lgs.5. Different people have different capabilities6. The way you learn is the way you teach.,Structural View (1),The structural view of lg:1) Phonology (语音学) 2) Morphology (形态学/词法)3) Syntax (句法学)( phrases, clauses, sentences ) Phonological units (phonemes),Grammatical units (phrases, clauses, sentences) Grammatical operations (adding, shifting, joining or transforming elements) Lexical items (function words and structure words),Structural View (2),Areas of research drawn on Here are some of the areas of research in this view of language:Linguistic analysis Textual discourse analysis Target of language learning The target of language learning, in the structural view, is the mastery of elements of this system.,Structural View (3),Methods based on this view Some of the language learning methods based on this view of language are:The Audio-lingual method Total Physical Response The Silent Way,Structural View (4),Functional View,Johnson & Morrow(1981):1. Syllabus based on Communicative functions2. Functional viewa. Lg: linguistic systemb. Means for doing things3. Functional activitiesa. Offeringb. Suggesting c. Advisingd. Apologizing,e. Expressing thanksf. Asking the wayg. Dating2. What is function?3. What is the notion?Examples of notions:a. Notions of timeb. Certainty and possibilityc. Roles ,instruments and Special relationships,Functional View,Interactional View,Interactional view:Communicative toolEstablish social relationsMaintain social relationsLearners tasks:GrammarVocabularyRules for using themIn a whole range of,Communicative contextsSummary:Structural view:Structural rules and voc.Functional view:To use the rules and voc.Interactional view:Appropriancy :To knowwhat/how/when/ where to do,The process-oriented language learning theory,A process-oriented language learning theory is a theory built on describing learning processes, such as the following: 1. habit-formation 2. induction 3. Making inferences 4. hypothesis-testing (假设检验的方法) 5. generalization (概括),The condition-oriented language learning theory,Condition-oriented language learning theories emphasize the human and physical context in which language learning takes place.1. Number of students2. The input learners receive3. The atmosphere,Behaviorist Theory,Behaviorism is a theory of animal and human learning that only focuses on objectively observable behaviors and discounts(neglects) mental activities. Behavior theorists define learning as nothing more than the acquisition of new behavior.,Behaviorist Theory,Watson an Raynor: a stimulus-response theory of psychologyAccording to the theory:Forms of bebaviour such as motions, habits, etc. are seen as elements that can be observed and measured.,Behaviorist Theory,“You can train an animal to do anything (within reason) if you follow a certain procedure which has three major stages, stimulus, response, and reinforcement.” (Harmer. 1983:30),Behaviorist Theory,Behaviorist Theory,Skinner: Language is also a form of behaviour. Language teaching in USA: The Audio-Lingual Method (the “listen-and-repeat” drilling activities). In ALM, mistakes were immediately corrected.,The Cognitive Theory,The impact of Chomskys theory on language teaching,One influential idea is that students should be allowed to create their own sentences based on their understanding of certain rules.This idea is clearly in opposition to the Audio-Lingual Method.,Constructivist Theory,Characteristics:1. Learning is a process.2. Constructing meaning based on a. Ones knowledge b. Ones experience3. Constructivism is widely applicable to learning in general.4. Education is used to develop mind.,Constructivist Theory,John Dewey,Dewey had a gift for suggesting activities that captured the center of what his classes were studying.Deweys education philosophy helped forward the progressive education movement, and spawned the development of experiential education programs and experiments.Deweys philosophy still lies very much at the heart of many bold educational experiments, such as Outward Bound. Read more about John Dewey, father of the experiential education movement.Learning by doingnature of John Dewey,John Dewey, Achambault,Teachers need to design environments and interact with learners to foster inventive, creative, critical learners.Achambault(1964): Tt: To balance an understanding of the habits, characteristics as well as personalities of individual learners with an understanding of the means of arousing learners interests and curiosity for learning.,Socio-constructivist Theory,Vygotsky: Interaction and engagement with the target language in a social context based on the concept of Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD ) and scaffolding.i.e, the dynamic interaction between Tt and Ss and between learnersWith the Tts scaffolding through questions and explanations, or with more capable peers support, the learner can move to a higher level of understanding and extend his/her skills and knowledge to the fullest potential.,1.4 What makes a language teacher?(Martin Parrot: Tasks for language teachers),Excellent Tt Qualities:1. Ethic devotion a. What b. Why c. How2. Professional qualities a. What b. Why c. How3. Personal styles a. What b. Why c. How(What to do and how to do),General Tts Qualities:1. Ethic devotion a. What b. Why c. How2. Professional qualities a. What b. Why c. How3. Personal styles a. What b. Why c. How(What to do and how to do),What makes a good language teacher?,kind, dynamic, authoritative, speaking clearly, creative, patient, well-informed, hardworking, resourceful (having the ability to find a way round the difficulty), attentive, warm-hearted well-prepared, flexible, intuitive, accurate, enthusiastic, humorous, caring, disciplined, professionally-trained (Parrot. 1993),Teaching: is it a craft, or is it an applied science? If we take teaching as a craft, then we would believe that a novice teacher can learn the profession by imitating the experts techniques, just like an apprentice.If we take teaching as an applied science, then we would believe that knowledge and experimentation are necessary.,1.2 Experiential knowledge(实践知识) Personal experiences as a learner/teachera. Learning experiences b. Teaching experiences1.3 Others experience (empirical knowledge) a. Reading (journals, newspapers, media ) b. Observations (Watching courses) c. Academic exchanges,1.4 Strategies a. Learning strategies b. Teaching strategies1.5 Skills a. Linguistic skills b. Professional skills1.6 Abilities a. Able to know different learners b. Able to know curricular standards,c. Able to know the content of teaching materiald. Able to design lesson planse. Able to use multimediaf. Able to assess the Ssg. Able to do self-reflectionh. Able to use the textbook creativelyi. Able to manage the class,Teachers professional development,Teachers professional development,Summary of Unit 1,Unit 2 Communicative Principles and Task-Based Language Learning,Topics to focus on,Language use in real life vs. traditional pedagogy,The ultimate goal of foreign language teaching is:to enable the learners to use the foreign language in work or lifeTherefore, we should teach: that part of the language that will be used; in the way that is used in the real world,In real life: We use all skills, including the receptive skills and the productive skills. The traditional pedagogy tends to focus on one or two language skills and ignore the others. The consequence: The learners cannot use the language in an integrated way.,1.In real life: Language is always used in a certain context. 2.The traditional pedagogy tends to isolate language from its context. e.g. the passive 3.The consequence:The students are puzzled about how to use the language in a particular context.,Communicative Competence,Communicative Competence,Communicative Language Teaching (CLT),Richards and Rodgers (1986:72) three principles of CLT: Communicative principle;Task principle;Meaningfulness principle,CLT and the teaching of language skills,Students should have opportunities to listen to and produce what is meaningful, authentic, unpredictable and creative if possible;In CLT reading is to extract meaning or information and the learning of grammar and vocabulary is to facilitate such a process;Students should have the chance to write to express their own feelings or describe their own experience.,Communicative activities,Littlewood. 1981.Communicative Language Teaching.Cambridge University Press.,Reading and writing,Unit 3 The National English Curriculum,Brief History,New National EnglishCurriculum in 2005Starting to designPrimary Education2) Revising the 1993 syllabus3) Designing basic requirement for Primary School English,3.2 Designing Principles for NEC,Designing Principles for NEC,3.3 The Goals and Objectives of ELT,3. Learning Strategiesa. Resourcingb. Communicativec. Self-adjustmentd. Cognitive4. Emotional Attitudea. International pespectivesb. Patriotismc. Confidence d. Motivation,The Goals and Objectives of ELT,5. Cultural awarenessa. Cultural knowledgeb. Cultural understandingc. Across-cultural Comd. Awareness and ability,Brief Summary for NECS,1. Linguistic Knowledge (语言技能 )2. Language Skills(语言知识 )3. Emotions & Attitudes(情感态度 )4. Learning Strategies(学习策略 )5. Cultural Awareness(文化意识 ),Approach to NECS,Section II Basic Beliefs1.To Value the Basic and Eye the Future2.Variety of Courses to Different Needs3.To Improve Ways of Learning and Encourage Self-learning4.To Concern with Ss Emotions and Improve Their Qualities5.To Perfect the Evaluation System and Push Ss Ahead,二、基本理念 1.重视共同基础, 构建发展平台 2.提供多种选择, 适应个性需求 3.优化学习方式, 提高自主学习能力 4.关注学生情感, 提高人文素养 5.完善评价体系, 促进学生不断发展,Section III Some Features of NECS,Section III 英语课程标准的几个特点,Description of Overall Aims ( 课程总体目标),Part 1 Emotions and Attitudes1.L 6:More motivation of ELL and stronger aware of self-learning2.L 7:Clear and constant motivation and aware of self-learning3.L 8:More confident and more independent in studies4.L 9:To plan and perform learning tasks independently,Learning Strategies,1.L 6: With the help of the teacher, Ss are able to plan, organize and perform English learning activities. 2.L7: With the help of the teacher, Ss actively participate in planning, organizing and practicing the language.3.L 8:To plan, organize and perform language practice activities independently.,Part 3 Learning to Use Variety of Resources,Part 4 Self-Evaluation,l. L 6:Basically, capable of self-assess of ones learning process and result and adjustment of ones learning aims and strategies.2.L 7:Better at self-assess and self-adjustment and primarily form the suitable learning strategies of ones own.3.L 8: Consciously to evaluate ones learning results and form the habit of learning effectively.,Part 5 Cultural Awareness,Part 6 Language Skills,Part 7 General Aims of Level 9,新课标教学建议教学原则,To make solid foundation to all students for lifelong development.To encourage Ss to learn selective courses and instruct them.To concern with Ss emotions and create them relaxing,democratic and harmonious classroom atmosphere.To establish new beliefs in light of the requirements of NECS and majorize teaching modesTo broaden lg learning and lg use utilizing multimedia. To keep on improving Tt professionalism and progress with development of NECS.,Part I Language Skills Listening Skills,Teaching aims:To develop listening strategies and lg intuition,esp.to emphasize obtaining and processing information while listening.Basic skills:a.To take no notice of accents and background noise. b.Listen for key words c.Listen and do as it directs. d.Listen for main theme and general idea e.To spot the order of things progressing and logic relationship. f.To do predictions in the context. g.To work out the purposes and attitudes of speakers. h.To evaluate what you have heard. I.To judge and infer the deep meaning of discourse.,Listening material Selection,1.To agree with Ss level2.Materials with various accentsTeachers role: Provide materials,encourage,enlighten,elicitate, assistant, monitor, and evaluate,Part 2 Speaking Skills,Teaching aims:To increase Ss accuracy,appropriacy,fluency and cohesion for improve their language intuition.Basic Skills:a.Lead in topicsb.Keep talking c.Get in a word d.Divert the topic e.Draw attention f.Mean clearly g.Ask for cleaning meaning h.Be a good listener and show understanding I.Predict the ending of the talk or try to end up the talk j.To express oneself with pronunciationand intonation.,Part 3 Reading Skills,Teaching aims:To develop Ss reading strategies and language intuition, esp.to develop Ss abilities to obtain and process information while reading.Basic skills:a.Skimming b.Scanning c.Predicting d.To understand general idea e.To distinguish facts from opinions f.To guess lexical words g.To reason and judge h.To learn important details,Reading Skills,e.To distinguish facts from opinions f.To guess lexical words g.To reason and judge h.To learn important details I.To understand text organization j.To understand diagramsk.To understand the relationship between denotation and substitution.l.To infer logic relationship m.To infer writers purposes and attitudes n.To evaluate reading material,Reading Materials Selection,1.To agree with Ss level2.Close to Ss life3.Variety of styles and subject matters4.To contain ideology, fun, knowledge, challenge and follow timesTeachers role:Encourage, enlighten, elicitate, assistant, monitor, participate, reflection and evaluate,Part 4 Writing Skills,1. Teaching aims: To state facts,views,emotions,imagination and exchange information, esp. to form habit of norm writing2. Basic skills:a. To organize ideas b. To organize materials,Writing material Selection,1.To agree with Ss level2.Close to Ss life3.Detail the topic and clear the aim4.Interesting and authenticTeachers role:Guide, elicitate, model, discuss,encourage, explain and evaluate,Types of Activities,The Design of NECS,Level 2: Basic reqirements for the sixth graders.Level 5: Basic reqirements for the ninth graders.Level 8: Basic reqirements for the senior 3 graders.,Lesson Planning,What is a lesson plan?A lesson plan is a framework of a lesson in which teachers make advance desions about what they hope to achieve and how they like to achie


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