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    译林英语四年级下册第八单元Unit8 How are you课件.ppt

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    译林英语四年级下册第八单元Unit8 How are you课件.ppt

    Unit8 How are you?,(Story time),Lets enjoy,a cold,Lets learn,感冒,a cough,Lets learn,咳嗽,a fever,Lets learn,发烧,a headache,Lets learn,头疼,Lets learn,Whats the matter?,I have a headache.,Im sorry to hear that.,Take care.,你怎么了?,我头疼。,我很抱歉听到这个消息。,保重。,Ask and answer,A:Whats the matter?B:I have a .A:Im sorry to hear that.Take care.,Hello, this is Yang Ling speaking.May I speak to Miss Li?,Hello.This is Miss Li speaking.,可以,电话用语,A:Hello, this is (speaking). May I speak to? B:Hello, this is (speaking).,How to call,How are you , Yang Ling.,Im fine, thank you.,你好吗,我很好,谢谢。,Brain storm,Who?,Where?,How?,Brain storm,Who?,Where?,How?,Watch and answer,Whats the matter with Yang Ling ?,Watch and answer,Whats the matter with Yang Ling ?,She has a cold and a fever.,Yang Ling: Hello, this is Yang Ling speaking. May I speak to Miss Li?Miss Li: Hello, Yang Ling. This is Miss Li.Yang Ling: Hello, Miss Li. I cant come to school today.Miss Li: Whats the matter?Yang Ling: I have a cold and a fever.Miss Li: Im sorry to hear that. Take care, Yang Ling.Yang Ling: Thank you, Miss Li.,来学校,Miss Li: Hello, this is Miss Li speaking.Yang Ling: Hello, Miss Li. This is Yang Ling.Miss Li: How are you now?Yang Ling: Im fine, thank you.Miss Li: Great. Can you come to school tomorrow?Yang Ling: Yes, I can.Miss Li: See you tomorrow, Yang Ling.Yang Ling: See you, Miss Li.,明天见,再见,Watch and repeat,Good Reader,Lets act,两人一小组表演对话,比一比哪组表演的最棒噢!,1.复述Story time中的故事。2.预习Cartoon time内容。,Unit8 How are you?,(Fun time & Cartoon time),Hello, this is Yang Ling speaking. May I speak to Miss Li?.I cant come to school today.I have a.,Try to retell,Hello, this is Miss Li speaking. .Can you come to school tomorrow?. See you tomorrow.,Try to retell,A:Hello, this is (speaking). May I speak to? B:Hello, this is (speaking).,How to call,Whats the matter?,I have a cold.,Whats the matter?,I have a cough.,Whats the matter?,I have a fever.,Whats the matter?,I have a headache.,Ask and answer,A:Whats the matter?B:I have a .A:Im sorry to hear that.Take care.,How are you , Yang Ling.,Im fine, thank you.,我不怎么好。,Not so good.,Try to make,Hello, this is . speaking.May I speak to .?,How are you?,Hello, . This is .,Im fine, thank you./ Not so good. I have a cough.,Is Bobby at school?,Watch and answer,Watch and answer,No.,Is Bobby at school?,Hello, this is Sam speaking.,Hello, Sam. This is Tina.,Hi, Tina. Is Bobby there?,No. Hes at school.,Its Sunday today. We dont have any lessons on Sunday.,This is Bobby. Ha! Ha!,Watch and repeat,Good Reader,Lets act,两人一小组表演对话,比一比哪组表演的最棒噢!,1.复述Cartoon time中的故事。2.预习Sound time内容。,Unit8 How are you?,(Sound time , Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time),游戏规则:看到出现的图片一角,快速用Whats the matter? I have .来猜一猜,比一比猜说的又快又准噢!,Play a game,Whats the matter?,I have a cold.,Whats the matter?,I have a cough.,Whats the matter?,I have a fever.,Whats the matter?,I have a headache.,Ask and answer,A:Whats the matter?B:I have a .A:Im sorry to hear that.Take care.,I can talk about some illnesses.,Hello, this is Yang Ling speaking. May I speak to Miss Li?.I cant come to school today.I have a.,Try to retell,Hello, this is Miss Li speaking. .Can you come to school tomorrow?. See you tomorrow.,Try to retell,A:Hello, this is (speaking). May I speak to? B:Hello, this is (speaking).,How to call,Hello, this is . speaking.May I speak to .?,How are you?,Hello, . This is .,Im fine, thank you./ Not so good. I have a cough.,Lets enjoy,Doctor Wu,吴医生,Doctor WuHello, may I speak to Sue?This is Sue. How are you?I have a cold, and a fever too.Well, go and see Doctor Wu!,Try to read,see a doctor 看医生,Doctor WuHello, may I speak to Sue?This is Sue. How are you?I have a cold, and a fever too.Well, go and see Doctor Wu!,Watch and repeat,I can talk about some illnesses.,I can make a telephone call.,Try to read,The hot dog in the boxIs not lunch for the fox!,Watch and repeat,The hot dog in the boxIs not lunch for the fox!,Can you read?,coffee dog hot not sock,o,I can talk about some illnesses.,I can make a telephone call.,I know the sound of the letter “o”.,Read and order,C,a,b,g,i,e,d,1.熟读Sound time内容。2.复习本单元所学内容。,


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