1,纺织英语(第三版),学习辅助材料1.Pronunciation (continue)2.Important words(continue)3.Video show (continue),2,常用单词分类学习,Main catalog(1)Useful chemicals (search)(2)Fabric hand (search)(3)Garment names (search)(4)Textile properties (search)(5)Textile testing (search)(6)Yarns (search)(7)Fabric construction (search)(8)Fiber construction (search)(Next page),3,(9)Names of Textile products (search)(10)Textile materials (search)(11)Types of additives (search)(12)Textile machinery (search)(13)Machinery parts (search)(14)Fabric names (search)(15)Textile processes (search)(go to the first page),4,acetate fiber 醋酯纤维 (13) acrylic 腈纶 (9) ammonia 氨水 (6) asbestos石棉 (63) carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) 羧甲基纤维素 (28) cellulose ester 纤维素酯 (19) cellulose ether 纤维素醚 (19) chlorine 氯 (6) cuprammonium rayon 铜氨人造丝 (9) mineral acid 无机酸 (4) olefine 烯烃 (8) organic acid 有机酸 (6) polyamide 聚酰胺 (10) polyester 涤纶 (2) polyethylene 聚乙烯 (45) polymer 聚合物 (5) polypropylene 聚丙烯 (45) polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) 聚乙烯醇 (28) resin树脂 (63) sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠 (7) starch 淀粉 (9) Teflon 特氟纶(聚四氟乙烯纤维) (29) triacetate 三醋酸酯纤维,三醋酯纤维(22) (go to the main catalog),5,hand 手感 (6) handle 手感 (16) body 身骨 (18) texture 质地 crisp 挺爽 (2) fluffy 毛茸茸的 (11) full 丰满 (16) full-handling 丰满手感 (21) fuzzy 毛茸茸的 (13) harsh hand粗糙的手感 (46) slick 滑溜溜的 (13) slippery 滑溜溜的 (16) clammy 黏糊糊的 (13) (go to the main catalog),6,apparel 服装 (2)casual wear 便服 (56)costume 服装 (49) couture apparel 妇女时装 (50) double-breasted双排纽扣的 (70) dressy衣着讲究的 (69) embroidery刺绣 (69) fashion style时装款式,样式,风格 (69) garment 服装 (2) jacket 夹克 (13) lining 衣服衬里 (13) mood服装的情调 (69) pajama 睡衣 (13) pleated skirt 百褶裙 (69) pleating 打褶 (54) protective clothing 防护服 (10) ready-to-wear 成衣 (70) recreational 休闲的 (2) silhouette侧面影像,服装轮廓 (69) suit成套衣服 (38) taping 贴边 (8) trousers裤子 (69) (go to the main catalog),7,abrasion resistance耐磨强度 (38) add-on 加重率 (28) adsorption 吸附 (61) ageing 老化 (7) balling 起球 (31) bending stiffness 抗弯刚度 (16) bleed 渗色 (49) body 身骨 (18) buckle弯曲 (36) bulk 蓬松的 (13) cover factor 覆盖系数 (16) crease resistance 抗皱性 (46) creep 蠕变,塑性变形 (31) degradation 降解 (2) durability耐久性 (63) dyeability 染色性能 (9) extensibility 伸展性 (16) flame retardancy 阻燃性 (66) hygroscopicity 吸湿性 (30) initial modulus初始模量 (63) linear density 线密度 (16) loft 蓬松的,高雅的 (5) mildew 发霉 (2) (continue),8,modulus 模量(复数)(45) moisture regain 回潮率 (5) pilling 起球 (10) pleat 绉褶,打褶 (5) pliability柔韧性 (46) scroop 丝鸣 (6) serviceability 耐用性能 (7) sheen 光彩,光泽 (7) size pick up 上浆率 (29) springy 有弹性的 (19) staining 沾污 (11) stiffness刚度 (63) supple 柔软的 (18) tenacity强度 (63) thermal properties热性能 (63) visual effect 视觉效果 (57) wash-and-wear 洗可穿 (17) waterproof 防水的 (48) water-resistant 抗水的 (48) wicking property 芯吸性能 (7) wrinkle recovery折皱回复度 (38) (go to the main catalog),9,chip 切片 (45) chromatograph 色谱仪 (11) elongate拉长,伸长,延长 (36) hairiness 毛羽 (13) index of birefringence 双折射率 (11) infrared spectra 红外光谱 (9) infrared spectrophotometer 红外分光光度计 (11) infrared 红外线 (29) microscopic 显微镜的 (5) photomicrograph 显微照片 (11) polarizing microscope 偏振光显微镜 (11) pulling stress 拉伸应力 (59) qualitative identification 定性鉴别 (11) refractive index 折射率 (11) snag 钩丝 (13) static electric charge 静电 (10) stress 应力 (2) tearing strength撕破强度 (38) untwist 退捻 (12) Wool Products Labeling Act (WPL) 羊毛产品标签法 (62) X-ray diffraction machine X光衍射仪 (11) Textile Fiber Products Identification Acts (TFPIA) 美国纺织纤维产品鉴定条例 (62)( go to the main catalog),10,blending 混纺 (2) bulked yarn 膨体纱 (16) extra filling特加纬纱 (37) extra warp特加经纱 (37) fabric count织物经纬密度 (38) false twist 假捻 (16) friction spinning 摩擦纺纱 (18) hank 纱绞 (12) hard twisted yarn强捻纱 (53) open-end spinning 自由端纺纱,气流纺纱 (17) pick纬纱 (32) plied yarn 合股线 (12) polyester/cotton blend涤棉混纺 (46) ring spinning 环锭纺纱 (15) ring-spun yarn 环锭纱 (14) roving 粗纱 (12) self-twisted yarn 自捻纱 (18) semi-worsted 半精梳 (21) single 单纱 (15) (continue),11,sliver 条子 (7) slub yarn 竹节花式线 (58) slubbing 头道粗纱 (21) specialist yarn 特种纱线 (66) spun yarn 短纤维纱线 (1) stretch yarn 弹力丝,弹力纱 (16) stuffer yarn衬垫纱线,填充纱线 (37) tex 特克斯 (12) textured yarns 变形纱 (9) thick spot 粗节 (25) thin spot 弱段 (25) twistless yarn 无捻纱 (18) untwist 退捻 (12) yarn count 纱线支数,纱线密度 (12) yarn number 纱线支数 (12) yarn size 纱线支数,纱线粗细 (12) yarn 纱线 (1) (go to the main catalog),12,basic weave基础组织 (37) fancy weave花式组织 (37) float浮长线 (38) interlace交织 (32) linear density 线密度 (16) motif花纹图案 (37) pick-spacing纬纱间距 (32) piqu凹凸组织 (37) progression飞数 (38) rate of weft insertion入纬率 (33) right side织物正面 (38) striation 条纹 (9) thread count织物经纬密度 (38) wash-and-wear 洗可穿 (17) wrong side织物反面 (38) ( go to the main catalog),13,amorphous area 非结晶区,无定形区 (9) assemblage 集合体 (15) assembly 集合体 (12) bicomponent 双组分 (18) blending 混纺 (2) burr 草籽,草刺 (23) cross-linkage 交键 (5) crystallinity 结晶度 (8) cuticle 表皮,角质层 (1) degree of crystallinity 结晶度 (9) degree of polymerization 聚合度 (9) fiber 纤维 (1) fibroin 丝心蛋白 (6) fibrous 纤维状的 (8) flock 纤维屑 (22) hydrogen bond 氢键 (2) hydroxyl groups 羟基 (2) interfacial 界面 (5) interfacing 界面 (58) keratin 角蛋白 (6) lignin 木质素 (3) lint 棉绒 (31) molecular orientation 分子取向 (9) monofilament 单丝 (61) pectin 果胶 (3) scale 鳞片 (5) staple 短纤维,订书钉 (1) ( go to the main catalog),14,absorbent liner 卫生巾的吸液衬里 (40) battery separator 电池内隔板 (66) boat rigging船缆,船索 (63) bracing belts船用索带 (63) bulletproof vest防弹背心 (63) cable 粗绳索 (12) composite复合材料 (63) conveyor belt 传送带 (14) cord 绳子 (2) cordage 绳索 (8) cushioning 垫子 (42) diaper 尿布 (40) fire hose 消防水管 (10) FRP (Fiber Reinforced Product)纤维增强制品 (65) Glass Reinforced Plastics玻璃纤维增强塑料,缩写型式为GRP (67) hawser 缆 (12) home furnishings 家居装饰 (2) napkin餐巾 (37) oceanographic cable深海缆绳 (63) pants裤子 (69) pillowcase 枕套 (2) sacking 麻袋 (8) slipcover 家具套,沙发套 (19) table covering桌布 (37) tapestry挂毯 (33) technical textile 技术纺织品,工业用纺织品,产业用纺织品 (66) tire cord 轮胎帘子布 (10) twine 绳子 (2) ( go to the main catalog),15,angora goat 安哥拉山羊 (62) apparel wool 衣料用羊毛 (22) aramid 芳纶 (40) bast fiber 韧皮纤维 (7) carbon fiber碳纤维 (63) cashmere goat 山羊 (62) cashmere 开司米,山羊绒 (20) cellulosic fiber 纤维素纤维 (6) clip wool 套毛 (4) cocoon 蚕茧 (6) combing wool 精梳用毛 (21) cotton 棉 (1) crossbred 杂交品种 (22) Dacron 大可纶 (10) flax 亚麻 (1) fleece 套毛 (4) glass fiber玻璃纤维 (63) graphite fiber石墨碳纤维 (63) hemp 大麻 (8) jute 黄麻 (8) Kevlar凯夫拉 (63) (continue),16,linen 亚麻 (1) merino sheep 美利奴羊 (4) microfiber 微纤维,细旦丝 (45) nettle 荨麻 (8) pulled wool 皮板毛 (4) ramie 苎麻 (8) rayon 黏胶丝 (9) recycled wool 再生毛 (62) regenerated cellulose 再生纤维素 (9) silkworm 蚕 (6) spandex 斯潘德克斯弹性纤维,氨纶 (18) spun-silk 绢丝 (12) virgin wool 新羊毛 (21) viscose 粘胶 (9) wool 羊毛 (1) ( go to the main catalog),17,additive 助剂 (28) adhesive 黏合剂 (28) binder黏合剂 (44) carding oil 梳毛油 (23) colorant 颜料,染料 (2) deodorant 除臭剂 (6) dyestuff 染料 (9) flame retardant阻燃,阻燃剂 (46) laundry aids 洗涤剂 (7) lubricant 润滑剂 (28) organic solvent 有机溶剂 (2) pigment 颜料,染料 (5) reducing agent还原剂 (46) softener 柔软剂 (9) solvent 溶剂 (28) synthetic detergent 合成洗涤剂 (6) (go to the main catalog),18,doctor knife 印花刮刀 (51) furnishing roller 给色浆辊 (51) fusing 熔合 (54) lint knife 刮毛屑刀 (51) padding衬垫 (43) print roller 印花滚筒 (51) sieve 筛网 (17) vat 槽,缸 (49)(back),19,additive tensioner 倍加式张力器 (25) antistatic device 抗静电装置 (27) apron 胶圈,皮板输送带 (14) bin箱,池,仓 (63) can 条筒 (14) card clothing 针布 (14) card unit 梳理机构 (14) conveyor belt 传送带 (14) cylinder 锡林 (14) doffer 道夫 (24) draft system 通风系统 (30) fancy 风轮 (24) fillet 钢丝针布 (24) guide bar导纱梳栉 (39) guide roll 导纱辊 (29) headstock 车头 (27) hopper 料斗,棉箱 (14) (continue),20,icker lap 清棉棉卷 (14) picking unit 清棉装置 (14) ring 钢领 (15) roller 罗拉 (15) rotor 纺纱杯 (17) scouring bowl 洗毛槽 (23) spindle 锭子 (15) spinneret 喷丝板 (45) spool 筒子 (25) stripper 剥毛辊,剥棉辊 (24) stuffer-box 填塞箱 (16) swift 大锡林,大滚筒 (24) traveler 钢丝圈 (15) weight disc张力盘 (26) weighting plate 张力盘 (26) wire flat 盖板 (14) worker 工作辊,梳毛辊 (24) (back),21,auxiliary cam shaft辅助踏盘轴,辅助凸轮轴 (32) auxiliary jet辅助喷嘴 (33) back rest后梁 (32) beam 织轴,经轴 (25) bobbin 筒管 (15) burst rod分绞棒 (29) cam shaft织机中轴,织机踏盘轴,织机凸轮轴 (32) capstan tensioner 柱式张力器,倍积式张力器 (25) cheese 扁柱形筒子 (25) cloth roll卷布辊 (34) combined tensioner 联合式张力器 (25) cone 圆锥形筒子 (25) confusor喷气织机管道片 (36) crank shaft曲拐轴 (32) dip roll 浸没辊 (29) dobby head 多臂机构 (34) double-cylinder双花筒 (37) drop wire 经停片 (28) drum筒管 (63) duplicated creel 双联整经筒子架 (27) expansion comb 伸缩筘 (29) fell织口 (32) (continue),22,filling carrier 载纬器 (33) flexible rapier 挠性剑杆 (33) friction drum 槽筒 (26) front rest胸梁 (32) giver 递纬剑,送纬剑 (33) gripper guide导梭片 (35) harness frame综框 (32) heald综框 (32) heated cylinder 热风烘筒 (29) heddle 综丝 (28) hook提花机竖钩 (37) immersion roll 浸没辊 (29) Jacquard head 提花龙头 (34) latch针舌 (39) lattice 输送帘子 (14) lay筘座 (32) lease rod 分经棒,分绞棒 (29) let-off 送经 (28) loom beam 织轴 (29) multiple package creel 复式筒子架 (27) multiplicative tensioner 倍积式张力器 (25) (continue),23,needle bed针床,针座 (39) needle frame针床,针座 (39) non-stationary single end creel 移动单式筒子架 (27) nozzle喷嘴 (36) package holder 筒子座,卷装握持器 (27) pattern chain 纹板链 (34) pattern drum 分条整经大滚筒 (27) punched cards 纹板 (34) quill 纬管 (25) raceboard走梭板 (35) rapier guide导剑片 (36) reed 钢筘 (28) section 经纱条带 (27) shedding cam开口踏盘,开口凸轮 (32) single package creel 单式筒子架 (27) sinker沉降片 (39) size box 浆槽 (29) slub catcher 清纱器 (26) snick blade 清纱板 (26) (continue),24,squeeze roll 压浆辊 (29) taker 接纬剑 (33) take-up roller刺毛辊 (32) telescopic rapier 伸缩剑杆 (33) temple边撑 (32) traveling package creel复式移动筒子架 (27) traversing mechanism 往复导纱机构 (26) truck creel 转向筒子架,车式筒子架 (27) tunnel reed异形筘 (36) twin rapier双层剑杆 (36) warp stop motion经纱断头停车装置 (32) weavers beam 织轴 (29) zig-zag comb 伸缩筘 (29) magazine creel 复式筒子架 (27) matched cam共轭凸轮 (35) projectile guides导梭片 (35) (back),25,air jet loom喷气织机 (33) conventional automatic loom常规自动织机 (33) dobby多臂织机 (33) flat bed machine横机 (39) gripper loom剑杆织机,片梭织机 (33) hand loom手织机 (33) Jacquard loom提花织机 (33) non-automatic power loom非自动力织机 (33) plain shuttle loom平纹织物织机 (32) projectile loom片梭织机 (33) rapier loom剑杆织机 (33) shuttleless loom 无梭织机 (25) slasher 浆纱机 (29) unconventional loom非常规织机,无梭织机 (33) water jet loom喷水织机 (33) (back),26,blender 混棉机,混合机 (14) carder 梳理机 (24) carding frame 梳棉机,梳理机 (14) comber 精梳机 (15) drawing frame 并条机 (14) gin 轧花机 (1) granular card 无盖板梳棉机,微粒梳棉机 (14) intermediate card 二道梳毛机 (24) lapper 成网机,成网机构 (15) mule 走锭纺纱机 (21) opener 开棉机,开松机 (14) picker 清棉机 (14) roving frame 粗纱机 (15) scribbler 预梳机 (24) spinning frame 细纱机 (15) winder 络纱机 (25) wire card 钢丝梳棉机 (14) (back),27,calender machine 轧光机 (52) gas dryer 煤气烘干机 (2) hydro-extractor 离心脱水机 (23) padder 浸轧机 (47) (back),28,bed spread床单 (37) carpet 地毯,毛毯 (16) decorative weave装饰织物 (37) domestics家用织物 (37) double-cloth双层织物 (37) drapery 帷幕,悬挂织物 (6) felt 毡,制毡 (4) table covering桌布 (37) tapestry挂毯 (33) terry fabric毛圈织物 (33) (back),29,bonded nonwoven黏合非织造布 (44) needle punched nonwoven针刺非织造布 (43)(back),30,5-shaft satin五枚缎纹 (38) balanced fabric 平衡织物,经纬向参数相同的织物 (59) basic weave基础组织 (37) batiste细薄织物,法国上等细亚麻织物 (38) broadcloth 阔幅布 (28) brocade锦缎 (37) brocatelle花缎 (37) chambray钱布雷平布,色经白纬平布 (38) chiffon雪纺绸,薄纱 (38) combination fabric 混纺织物 (20) composed weave 复杂组织,联合组织 (34) crepe 绉织物 (53) crepe-back satin 绉背缎 (38) crepe-de-chine 双绉 (53) damask织锦缎 (37) denim 粗斜纹棉布 (28) dobby fabric小花纹织物 (33) dobby weaves多臂组织 (37) double bar tricot双梳栉经编织物 (39) dress shield 吸汗衬布 (6) drill 斜纹布,卡其 (31) fancy weave花式组织 (37) figure weave提花织物,花式组织 (37) (continue),31,filling-faced twill纬面斜纹 (38) flannel法兰绒 (38) gabardine 华达呢 (31) georgette 乔其纱 (53) gingham方格色织布 (38) greige坯布 (46) grey goods坯布 (46) herringbone人字斜纹 (38) hosiery 针织品,袜类 (16) jean粗斜纹棉布,三页细斜纹布 (38) leno weave纱罗组织 (37) lining fabric衬里织物 (38) milled cloth 缩绒织物,缩呢织物 (21) muslin平纹细布,薄纱织物 (38) organdy蝉翼纱 (38) patterned fabric 花纹织物 (34) percale高级密织薄纱 (38) pile weave绒头组织 (37) piqu凹凸组织 (37) plain weave平纹织物 (32) poplin府绸 (38) (continue),32,reclining twill缓斜纹 (38) regular twill正则斜纹 (38) rib fabric凸条织物 (38) ribbed fabric 凸条织物 (52) ribbed knit fabric罗纹织物 (39) right-hand twill右斜纹 (38) sateen纬面缎纹 (38) satin 经面缎纹 (13) satin-back crepe 缎背绉 (38) scrim稀松平布 (43) shantung山东绸 (38) silk chiffon薄绸 (69) single bar tricot单梳栉经编织物 (39) slipper satin鞋面花缎 (38) steep twill急斜纹 (38) surah斜纹软绸 (38) taffeta 塔夫绸 (52) (continue),33,tricot特利科经编织物,经平组织 (39) tweed 粗花呢 (13) twill weave斜纹 (38) uneven twill单面斜纹 (38) veil面纱 (63) velour丝绒,绒织物 (43) velveteen纬绒,平绒 (43) voile 巴里纱 (53) waffle cloth蜂窝纹布,方格纹布 (37) warp-faced twill经面斜纹 (38) woolen goods 粗纺毛织物 (4) worsted fabric精纺毛织物 (4) fabric 织物 (2) (back),34,bagging 打包布,麻袋布 (8) burlap 粗麻布 (8) geotextile 土工织物 (40) hessian 打包麻布 (8) industrial textiles产业用纺织品 (63) linoleum 漆布 (8) surgical supplies 外科手术用织物 (19) technical textile 技术纺织品,工业用纺织品,产业用纺织品 (66) tire cord 轮胎帘子布 (10) (back),35,beetling finish 捶布整理 (7) block printing 手工模版印花 (51) board 定形 (56) crop 剪呢 (22) curing烘焙 (44) deluster 退光,消光 (66) desizing退浆 (46) differential dye technique 差异染色技术 (17) durable-press 耐久压烫 (7) dyeing染色 (46) embroidery刺绣 (69) felting 毡化 (5) finish 织物的整理 (5) functional finish 功能整理 (46) general finish一般整理 (46) glazing 轧光,光泽 (58) heat stabilization 热定形 (10) heat-set热定形 (10) iron 熨烫 (2) laminate层合 (67) (continue),36,machine roller printing 机器辊筒印花 (51) mercerize 丝光处理 (3) pad 浸轧,衬垫 (47) pad-dry-cure 轧烘焙 (48) printing印花 (46) resin finish 树脂整理 (7) rinsing 清洗,漂清 (6) screen printing 筛网印花 (51) setting定形 (46) shrink-resistant finish 防缩整理 (2) stencil printing 刻版印花 (51) thermosetting 热定形 (16) transfer printing 转移印花 (54) two-bath 一浴法 (50) union dyeing 混纺交织物染色 (50)(back),37,air lay process气流成网 (44) dry process干法成网 (44) meltblown 熔喷法 (40) needlepunch 针刺 (40) spun laying纺黏 (45) spunbond 纺黏法 (40) spunlace 水刺 (40) wet laid 湿法成网 (40) wet laying 湿法成网非织造布生产工艺 (45) wet process湿纺工艺,湿法成网工艺 (44) (back),38,air laid 气流成网 (40) air vortex spinning 涡流纺纱 (17) attenuate 使变细 (15) break spinning自由端纺纱,气流纺纱 (17) breaker-drawing 头道并条 (14) carbonizing 炭化 (22) carded 粗梳的 (14) carding 梳理,粗梳 (7) cleaning 除杂 (14) comb 梳理 (7) coverspun 包缠纺纱 (18) creeling 换筒 (27) doff 落卷,落筒 (14) draft 牵伸 (15) drawing 牵伸 (8) DREF spinning德雷夫纺纱法,尘笼纺 (18) (continue),39,finisher-drawing 末道并条 (15) friction spinning 摩擦纺纱 (18) gill 针梳 (21) hackle 梳麻 (7) intermittent system 间歇式纺纱系统 (14) open-end spinning 自由端纺纱,气流纺纱 (17) opening 开松 (14) reeling 缫丝,络丝 (6) retting 沤麻 (7) ring spinning 环锭纺纱 (15) rotor spinning气流纺纱 (17) scouring 洗毛 (4) semi-worsted 半精梳 (21) slubbing 头道粗纱 (21) spin (spun, spun) 纺纱 (1) tease 梳理 (14) texturization 纱线变形工艺 (59) (back),40,warp knitting 经编 (25) circular knitting圆机针织 (39) filling knitting纬编 (39) raschel拉舍尔经编织物 (39) simplex辛普勒克斯经编 (39) stitchbond 缝编 (40) weft knitting 纬编 (25) (back),41,beam warping 轴经整经 (27) beat-up 打纬 (28) braid 编织 (19) checking制梭 (33) direct take-up直接卷取 (34) drum warping 分条整经 (27) indirect take-up间接卷取 (34) knotting 打结,编结 (19) negative let-off消极式送经 (34) over-end withdrawal 轴向退绕 (25) picking 采摘,投梭 (1) positive let-off积极式送经 (34) section beam 分批整经轴,分条整经轴 (27) semi-positive let-off半积极式送经 (34) shedding 开口 (28) side withdrawal 侧向退绕 (25) sizing上浆,浆纱 (63) slashing 上浆 (27) take-up 卷取 (28) unwinding 退绕 (25) warp sizing 经纱上浆 (28) warping 整经 (17) weave wove,woven 机织,织造 (4) winding 络纱 (25) (back),42,Lesson One Cotton Growing (read)Lesson Two Cotton Properties and Uses (read)Lesson Three Properties of the Naturally Colored Cottons (read)Lesson Four Wool (read)Lesson Five Structure and Properties of Wool (read)Lesson Six Silk (read)Lesson Sev