第四节 Slater能级公式 Formula of Slater energy level,一、电子组态 electron configuration,二、原子光谱项Term of action spectrum of atom, np2 组态 基态碳原子 C (1s)2,(2s)2,2p2,1SJ 谱项 L = 0, S = 0 则: J = 0 + 0 = 0 支谱项: 1S0,3PJ 谱项 L = 1, S = 1 则: J = 1 + 1,1 + 11,1 + 12 = 2 ,1,0 支谱项: 3P23P13P0,三、Slater公式 Slater formula,四、Slater公式的应用示例 Examples the application of the formula of Slater,五、轨道能级 The orbit ability class,