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    ,1,学习,研究,创新,永远在路上!,唯有学习,才能确保活水不断,常教常新;,唯有创新,才能确保教有特色,勇立潮头!,唯有研究,才能确保把握规律,深入浅出;,1,我的梦想:,让学生学得轻松高效,把零碎知识模块化,把枯燥知识趣味化。,1,Foundation,基础中的重点是句子,句子中的重点是结构,结构中的重点是成分,成分中的重点是主谓。,1,3种句子,1.Lie Duehua is an actor.2.Liu Dehua is an actor and he is my good friend.3.Liu Dehua is an actor who has starred in many movies.,简单句,并列句,复合句,1,学好“389”,英语开好头!,1,“3” 指什么?,“3” 指英语中最重要的三种动词。,1,简单句的5种句型:,1.S+vi. 2.S+link-v+P. 3.S+vt.+O. 4.S+vt.+IO+DO. 5.S+vt.+O+OC.,主+谓,主+系+表,主+谓+宾,主+谓+间宾+直宾,主+谓+宾+宾补,基 础 中 的 基 础,1,英语中最重要的三种动词,及物动词,系动词,vi.,vt.,link-v.,不及物动词,1,1.I like English. 2.The man works in a company. 3.The man has lived peacefully at the foot of the hill for thirteen years. 4.She is a student.,记死它:1.及物动词后一定要接宾语;2.不及物动词后不能直接跟宾语(加上介词后就可以接宾语了),但可以接时间、地点、原因和方式等状语;3.系动词后接表语。,1,如何辨别一个动词是及物动词还是不及物动词?,一般说来,后面能跟“什么”的动词是及物动词;后面不能跟“什么”的动词是不及物动词。,vt. study,learn, like, love, spend,see,vi. live,work,stay,rest,look, listen,1,常用的不及物动词:,come,cry,die,go,happen,live, listen,look,rest,rise,wait,work,这么多,头晕啊!,1,请你不要晕,口诀帮你行:,哭着来,死了去, 住着发生本如此, 工作起来不要等, 且听且看且休息。,cry,come,die,go,live,happen,work,rise,wait,listen,look,rest,1,典型错例1:,1.My father lives Changping Town.2.Zhang Mei often listens music during the break between two classes.,1.My father lives in Changping Town.2.Zhang Mei often listens to music during the break between two classes.,1,典型错例2:,1.That he said in the meeting surprised us.2.I will never forget the days when we spent in Guangzhou.,1.What he said in the meeting surprised us.2.I will never forget the days that/which we spent in Guangzhou.,1,S+link-v+P.,常见的系动词: be,seem,appear,keep,stay,remain, become,get,turn,go/grow look,sound,feel,smell,taste,这么多,怎么记住啊?,1,请你不要急,口诀来帮你:,一、二、三、四、五,上 山 打 老 虎。 一 “是” : be 二 “似乎”: seem, appear 三 “保” : keep,stay, remain 四 “变” : become,get,turn, go/grow 五 “起来”: look,sound, feel, smell, taste,1,考考你:,She looked (happy) and looked (happy) at me.,She looked happy (happy) and looked happily (happy) at me.,词意不同,结构不同,1,S+vt.+IO+DO.,Li Bin gave me a new pen just now.=Li Bin gave a new pen to me just now. Mum bought me a beautiful dress .=Mum bought a beautiful dress for me.,位置互换是双宾。,1,能接双宾语的常用动词:,awardsb.sth.=awardsth.tosb. 颁奖给某人 bringsb.sth.=bringsth.tosb. 把某物带给某人 handsb.sth.=handsth.tosb. 把某物递给某人 lendsb.sth.=lendsth.tosb. 把某物借给某人 mailsb.sth.=mailsth.tosb. 把某物寄给某人,1,能接双宾语的常用动词:,offersb.sth.=offersth.tosb. 将某物给某人 owesb.sth.=owesth.tosb. 欠某人某物 passsb.sth.=passsth.tosb. 把某物递给某人 paysb.sth.=paysth.tosb. 付给某人某物(钱) postsb.sth.=poststh.tosb. 把某物寄给某人,1,能接双宾语的常用动词:,readsb.sth.=readsth.tosb. 把某物读给某人听 returnsb.sth.=returnsth.tosb. 把某物还给某人 sendsb.sth.=sendsth.tosb. 把某物送给某人 sellsb.sth.=sellsth.tosb. 把某物卖给某人 servesb.sth.=servesth.tosb. 拿某物招待某人 showsb.sth.=showsth.tosb. 拿某物给某人看,1,能接双宾语的常用动词:,takesb.sth.=takesth.tosb. 把某物拿给某人 teachsb.sth.=teachsth.tosb. 教某人某物 tellsb.sth.=tellsth.tosb. 告诉某人某情 throwsb.sth.=throwsth.tosb. 把某物扔给某 writesb.sth.=writesth.tosb. 给某人写信,1,能接双宾语的常用动词:,booksb.sth.=booksth.forsb. 为某人预定某物 buysb.sth.=buysth.forsb. 为某人买某物 choosesb.sth.=choosesth.forsb.为某人选某物 cooksb.sth.=cooksth.forsb. 为某人煮某物 drawsb.sth.=drawsth.forsb.为某人画某物 fetchsb.sth.=fetchsth.forsb.为某人去取某物 findsb.sth.=findsth.forsb. 为某人找到某物,1,能接双宾语的常用动词:,booksb.sth.=booksth.forsb. 为某人预定某物 buysb.sth.=buysth.forsb. 为某人买某物 choosesb.sth.=choosesth.forsb.为某人选某物 cooksb.sth.=cooksth.forsb. 为某人煮某物 drawsb.sth.=drawsth.forsb.为某人画某物 fetchsb.sth.=fetchsth.forsb.为某人去取某物 findsb.sth.=findsth.forsb. 为某人找到某物,1,能接双宾语的常用动词:,getsb.sth.=getsth.forsb. 为某人拿来某物 makesb.sth.=makesth.forsb.为某人做某物 ordersb.sth.=ordersth.forsb.为某人订购某物 picksb.sth.=picksth.forsb. 为某人采摘某物preparesb.sth.=preparesth.forsb.为某人准备某物 savesb.sth.=savesth.forsb. 为某人留某物 singsb.sth.=singsth.forsb. 为某人唱某物(歌) sparesb.sth.=sparesth.forsb.为某人让出某物,1,双宾语换位时需借助介词to的常用动词:,award,bring,hand,lend,mail, offer,owe,pass,pay,post,read,return, send,sell,serve,show, take,teach,tell,throw,write,21个,这么多,头都大了啊!,1,请你不要慌,口诀来帮忙:,一a一b三个p, h,l四个t, 两o两r一邮递, 四个s写信地。,award,bring,pass,pay,post,hand,lend,take,teach,tell,throw,offer,owe,read,return,mail,send,sell,serve,show,write,1,S+vt.+O+OC.,We call him Mr. Smith. What he said made us happy. My mother asked me to sweep the floor.,名形非谓来补宾。,名词作宾补,形容词作宾补,非谓语动词作宾补,1,怎样区分双宾和宾补?,1.Mom gave me a new walkman. = Mom gave a new walkman to me. Mom bought me a new walkman. = Mom bought a new walkman for me.,2.We call him John. We call John him. ( X ) Mum asked me to clean the room. Mum asked clean the room to me. ( X ),双宾”的位置可以互换,“宾补”的位置不能换。,1,“8” 指什么?,“8” 指英语句子中的八种句子成分。,能接双宾语的常用动词:,1,八种句子成分,1,分工合理化,句子靠“大家”,分工合理化,句子靠大家; 主、谓、宾、状、补,句中是骨架; “主系表”看“系”,定语多而杂, “直宾”与“间宾”,位置可变化。,1,请看例句:,1. The lady buys vegetables. (主谓宾) 2.The old lady buys fresh vegetables. (定) 3. The old lady is healthy. She buys fresh vegetables in the supermarket every day. ( 表,状) 4.The old lady buys us fresh vegetables in the supermarket every day. (for us ) ( 双宾) 5.The old lady , a woman of sixty, buys us fresh vegetables in the supermarket every day. (同) 6.We asked the lady to buy some vegetables. ( 宾补),能接双宾语的常用动词:,1,为什么要学习句子成分?,1,“9” 指什么?,“9” 指英语中的九种词类。,能接双宾语的常用动词:,1,英语的9种(10种)词类,1,巧记英语十大词类,瞧这一“家” 子,“人人” 有本事,名、代、动、形、副,句中老相识;数、介、连、冠、感,个个司其职,“10人” 成一“家” ,都是为句子。,1,简单句之歌我爱北京天安门曲调,I like Beijing Tiananmen,Vt. 之后要接宾,vi. 加介也接宾,We all live in Beijing.系动词之后是表语,We are happy in Beijing.位置互换是双宾,名形非谓来补宾!,1,谢 谢 !,1,掌握句子的十大词类,英语中共有10大词类,它们分别是: 1.名词( n.) 如:book,water,computer 2.代词(pron.) 如:I , you, his, ours , what, who, 3.动词( v.) 如:come, write, bring 4.形容词( adj.) 如:clear,happy, surprised 5.副词(adv.) 如:here, today, happily 6.数词(num.) 如:four, fourth, 7.介词(prep.) 如:on, over, above, from 8.连词( conj.) 如:and, or, when ,as 9.冠词 ( art. ) 如: a, an , the 10.感叹词( int.) 如:oh ,hi, ouch, dear,1,巧记英语十大词类,瞧这一“家” 子,“人人” 有本事,名、代、动、形、副,句中老相识;数、介、连、冠、感,个个司其职,“10人” 成一“家” ,都是为句子。,在英语的10大词类中,使用频率最高的是名词、代词、动词、形容词和副词,其次是数词、介词、连词、冠词等。,英语十大词类功能一览表,1,英语十大词类功能一览表,英语十大词类功能一览表,1,词类使用中的10种常见错误,1.爱美之心人皆有之。Everybody likes beautiful. 2.随着科技的发展,我们生活得越来越好。With the develop of science and technoloyg,we live better and better.3.别害怕。你妈妈就在你身边。Dont afraid.Your mother is beside you.,Everybody likes beauty.,错把形容词当名词,With the development of science and technology, we live better and better.,错把动词当名词,Dont be afraid.Your mother is beside you.,错把形容词当动词,1,词类使用中的10种常见错误,错把介词当连词,错把数词当名词,错把副词当连词,4.随着时间的推移,我们学得越来越多。With time goes on, we have learned more and more.5.操场上大约有700个学生。There are about seven hundreds students on the sports ground.6.这女孩经常帮助我,即使她很忙。The girl often helps me, even she is very busy.,As time goes on ,we have learened more and more .,There are about seven hundred students on the sports ground .,The girl often helps me ,even if she is very busy.,英语十大词类功能一览表,1,词类使用中的10种常见错误,错把形容词/介词当动词,错把不可数名词当可数名词,7.张老师今天很忙,他不在办公室。Mr Zhang very busy today.He not in the office.8.不要在这种坏天气植树。Dont plant a tree in such a bad weather.,Mr Zhang is very busy today.He is not in the office.,Dont plant a tree in such bad weather.,英语十大词类功能一览表,1,词类使用中的10种常见错误,错把系动词当助动词,错把不及物动词当及物动词,9.妈妈进来时,我正坐在电视机前。When mother came in, I seated in front of the TV set.,10.上课了,为什么不站起来。Class is begin.Why not stand up?,Class begins.Why not stand up?,When mother came in ,I was seated (was sitting ) in front of the TV set.,能接双宾语的常用动词:,1,句子有“大梁”,“四兄弟” 来扛!,“大梁”是什么? 通过第一讲的学习我们知道,写好一个句子要注意各种词类的使用,不同的词类在句子中起到的作用是不一样的。 今天,我们将学习句子中最重要的部分,谓语动词,也就是说谓语动词是句子中最关键、最核心的部分。我们把句子的核心部分称作句子的“大梁”。正是这根大梁,一头挑起的是句子的主语,一头挑起的是宾语和表语等成分,而扛起这根大梁的就是以下“四兄弟”。,能接双宾语的常用动词:,1,句子有“大梁”,“四兄弟” 来扛!,谁是“四兄弟”? 英语中的动词可分为四类:一是行为动词(分为及物动词和不及物动词),如:study, like,clean,visit, work, rest等;二是系动词,如:be,look,seem,smell, taste,sound,feel等;三是助动词,如:do/does/did; have/has/had; is/am/are/was/were; will/shall等;四是情态动词,如:can, may, must,ought to 等。我们把这四类动词称作“四兄弟”。,能接双宾语的常用动词:,1,“四兄弟” 有分工吗?,回答是肯定的,但它们既有分工,又有协作。在英语中,只有行为动词(及物动词或不及物动词)可以在句子中单独做谓语,其他三种动词不能单独做谓语。我们下面要讲到,动词的“四兄弟”是相互依存、相互帮助的。 记忆口诀: 句子有“大梁”,“四兄弟”来扛; 及物、不及物,谓语来充当; “系动”+表语,亲密好搭档; “情动”与“助动”,总是来帮忙。,能接双宾语的常用动词:,1,五种简单句结构中的“四兄弟”,英语的句子分为简单句、并列句和复合句三种,在简单句中,其基本结构有五种,分别是: 1.“主谓”结构; 2.“主谓宾”结构; 3.“主谓+间接宾语+直接宾语” 结构; 4.“主谓+宾语+宾补” 结构; 5.“主系表”结构。,在1-4结构中,谓语使用的是行为动词(及物动词或不及物动词);在5-“主系表”结构中,谓语使用的是“系动词+表语”。情态动词只有和其它动词一起使用才能做谓语,也就是说,它不能单独做谓语。助动词,顾名思义只能起帮助的作用,它在句子中与其它动词形式一起构成谓语。,1,1.“主谓”结构 1) I work here and he rests there. ( work, rest, 不及物动词) 2) I shall work here and he will rest there. ( shall, will, 助动词) 3) I have worked for three hours and he is resting now.(have, is ,助动词) 4) He didnt rest yesterday.( did , 助动词)2.“主谓宾”结构 We study English every day. ( study 是及物动词 ,English 是宾语)3.“主谓+间宾+直宾” 结构 Can you give me some paper? ( me 是间宾, paper 是直宾)4.“主谓+ 宾语+宾补”结构 We think it right to help the poor. ( it是宾语, right 是宾补)5.“主系表”结构 The teacher is friendly to all of us. ( is 是系动词, is 之后是表语),1,与“四兄弟”有关的7大错误,1.错误使用系动词和行为动词张华经常打扫我们的教室。误:Zhang Hua is often clean our classroom.正:Zhang Hua often cleans our classroom.解析:只有在进行时态和被动语态中,系动词 be 才能和其它动词形式连用。如:1) The manager is speaking at the meeting now. ( 进行时态)2) These coats are washed twice a month.( 被动语态),1,与“四兄弟”有关的7大错误,2.错误使用及物和不及物动词这支钢笔很好写。误:This pen is very nice to write.正:This pen is very nice to write with.解析:英语中有些动词既可以用做及物动词,又可以用做不及物动词,这就要求我们根据句意和搭配来区别对待。例如:我们可以说 write a letter,但不能说 write a pen ,而是说 write with a pen。,1,与“四兄弟”有关的7大错误,3.错误使用系动词1)她今天看起来非常生气。误:She looks very angrily today.正:She looks very angry today.解析:此句中的是系动词,是“ 看起来”的意思。系动词之后要接形容词或名词等做表语,不能接副词。2)她生气地看着我们大家。误:She looks angry at us all.正:She looks angrily at us all.解析:此句中的 look at 是短语动词,look 为行为动词,不是系动词。请记住:修饰行为动词时要用副词或介词短语,不能用形容词。,1,与“四兄弟”有关的7大错误,4.错误使用情态动词你应该提高你的口语水平,是吗?误:You ought improve your spoken English, oughtnt you ?正:You ought to improve your spoken English , oughtnt you ?解析: 情态动词之后一般要接动词原形,但要注意的是,ought to, have to, used to 这三个情态动词中的to不能省。,


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