gre写作细节要把握好 由于中国学生对英语语法和词汇的掌握程度较低,他们极有可能在GRE写作中失分,下面就和大家分享这些gre写作细节要把握好,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。gre写作细节要把握好GRE写作技巧的大张旗鼓格雷文写作之一:标点符号“独行侠”根据英语写作规则,标点符号应标记在其所附意义组的旁边,并用一个字符的空格与另一个意义组隔开。但在实际作文中,往往会发现,无论用什么标点符号,学生都会把它当作一个词来对待,即标点符号前后都有空格。因此,它给人一种标点飞扬于世界各地的感觉,影响了*的美感。例如:首先,能源和其他自然资源变得更重要,而不是更少,因为增长的极限一书是由一群科学家出版的。由此可见,标点符号在句子中的出现就像一个独行侠,这会给人一种接管主人的感觉。因此,我们在练习标点符号时要注意正确书写标点符号。GRE写作的细节2:句子第一个字母的情况通常情况下,学生只要觉得一个句子的第一个单词是大写的,但是实际的写作呢?举个例子。有些语料库试图将语言作为一个整体来覆盖,而另一些则是非常有选择性的。分号的作用是把关系密切的句子分开,所以后一句只是前一句的附件,而不是一个新的独立句子,所以第一个字母还是小写的。gre写作能力,gre备考要多久这同样适用于冒号、破折号和圆括号。格雷写的第三个细节:太随意每个人都有自己的写作习惯,但新GRE写作毕竟是为了向外国人展示,所以如果你能在写作习惯上接近外国人,一定会给人一个亲切的印象卷。例如,不要写得太密集,这样人们就看不见单词,影响理解。另外,不要写得太稀疏,使人在眼距范围内看不到完整的意义群,从而影响考官的阅读。不要写得太大或太小。尽量不要连续写作,以免造成L、R、N、M等混淆,给考官阅卷造成障碍。gre写作的第四个细节:写作格式混乱英语有两种主要的写作风格,一种是同一种类型,另一种是缩进类型。总的来说,由于头部文字和段落之间的线条,它会给人一种整洁的感觉。还建议使用此格式。缩进类似于汉语的书写格式,即每一段的开头句子都是缩进的,但段落之间没有空行,所以不太流行。在作文中经常看到学生使用“冲洗型+缩进式”,即段落的第一句是缩进+段落之间的空行,这给人一种与众不同的感觉。学生必须注意它。GRE写作细节5:缺少摘要段落GRE写作测试中,由于时间不够,很多学生不能写摘要段落,这就给了复习者没有完成任务的感觉。无论是任务1还是任务2,建议考生尽可能多地写出最终总结。因为学生可以用最后一段来指出问题和总结,gre写作能力,gre备考要多久最大限度地避免由于语言能力的缺乏而造成的结构不清、说服力不强的问题,即用形式来弥补在内容上无法克服的困难。另外,因为开始和结束是我们非常熟练地练习的部分,所以我们可以很容易地完成它。我们为什么不把有点的部分放进去呢?gre写作细节六:分段过多或者过少大家可以设想一下,当你拿着一篇只有一段的很长的*时,是不是会有很晕的感觉?!尤其是当我们的写作能力有限,文字表达没有吸引力时,怎么能让考官有耐心看完你的*呢?再设想一下,当你看的*分成很多的段落,而你的论证能力有限,费了半天劲也写不出几个句子,会不会每段都给人以流水账的感觉呢?所以,对于考试作文,要想既用形式掩饰内容的不足,又能给考官以好印象,那么请把task1段落划分控制在3-5段,task2控制在4-6段,既能体现段落分配清晰,突出自己要表达的内容,又能避免论证太过分散而中心不明确。怎样告别新GRE数学粗心这一大难题?说到GRE数学粗心问题,主要表现有:其一,做题时抄错数字,漏看条件,或者忘记换算单位;还经常集中在“答非所问”上,也就是说没有完全理解问题就匆忙动笔等。对于粗心问题的解决办法有两个,首先就是不断的自我提醒。错题一定要总结成错题集并标明详细的错误原因,如果你发现自己的错误原因里面出现了大量的 “粗心 抄错数字”,“粗心 漏看条件”,或者“粗心 忘记单位换算”,那么你以后每次做题或者模考前都要提醒自己注意这些细节,正式考试前也不要忘记提醒自己。长此以往,自己会越来越注意这些细节,从而逐渐改正做题粗心的问题。对于出现“答非所问”的同学,请务必坚持把问题,也就是带问号的最后一句话给读两遍。第一遍认真读,第二遍double check,确保自己正确理解问题再动笔。对于一些症状更加严重的同学,不妨将问题也简单记在草稿纸上,解题时随时都能看得到问题,思路就不会跑偏。可能有些同学会担心读两遍问题,包括读题时记笔记这些方法会耽误自己的做题时间。对于这一点大家要明白“磨刀不误砍柴工”这个道理,首先double check和记笔记的时间会随着不断的坚持训练而逐步缩短,最后甚至可以忽略不计。其次,读两遍问题所消耗的时间仅仅是其可能帮你节省的时间的几十分之一,因为如果读错问题,浪费的时间很可能不止1分钟,与其这样还不如花多几秒钟double check;同样的道理,记笔记所消耗的时间也远远小于回读和反复读所浪费的时间。解决这些GRE数学头疼问题,这要是依靠自己的习惯养成,达到一个良好的做题规范和做题顺序,就可以最有可能的避免问题的发生。认真惊醒GRE数学复习,还有就是要检查,如果很快做完GRE数学,就要用剩下的时间检查哦,避免出现GRE数学细节错误。GRE写作高分范文:科学的作用GRE写作题目:The function of science is to reassure; the purpose of art is to upset. Therein lies the value of each.科学的作用是解惑;艺术的目的是创新。只有这样他们才各得其所。GRE写作正文:Science and art are two of the most glorious fields in which numerous people have made their great contributions. As the society develops, people concern more about the function of science, of art and of other realms. Some may argue that the function of science is to reassure, and the purpose of art is to upset, however, as far as I am concerned, science and art have more significant values than just to reassure or to upset people.The main function of science is to propel the development of human society and to provide people the power to understand the nature and ourselves. In the primordial days of the human history, when the conception of science first emerged, science was to answer peoples questions and to satisfy peoples curiosity towards myriad mysterious phenomenon. If we understand the science in such way, we cant see clear differences between the inchoate religion and the inchoate science, because, the functions of both of them are nearly the same, and both contain totally absurd theories if one studies them today. One may agree that in that period of time, science was largely to reassure peoples fear towards the mysteries just as what religions try to do.However, the development of science finally makes it an important tool for us to understand the nature and to change the nature in our favor. The understanding of electricity expels the old thought that the thunder is a sign indicating that the god is angry. The advancement achieved in medicine greatly elongate humans life, and nowadays people no longer depend on certain rituals to give them health. Discoveries and inventions alike have transformed our society into the nowadays form, and provide us great power to determine our future. If science is only to reassure us, how can we achieve the feats we have made through our history? As Francis Bacon once said, "Knowledge is power", the true function of science is to give us the power to conquer the difficulties we confront.Unlike science, arts which seldom give us the power to better our material lives, mainly concern about our spiritual lives. Admittedly, some arts actually upset people by let us see the weakness of the human nature or the darkness of our society, as the art works of Michelangelo. However, arts possess much more functions than just upset us. Arts can ease our emotions and reassure us, as the music of Mozart does; arts can give us confidence and braveness, as the music of Beethoven does; arts can also tell us what philosophy is, as the music of Mahler does. Although arts possess so many functions,one can judge that the major function of art is to represent the life and to present the artists ideals. Most literary works, such as fictions, poems, dramas, give us a vivid image of the society. Other forms of arts have the same kind of functions. For example, Tchaikovsky composed music to represent the hard life of the common Russian people, while Van Gogh drew pictures to represent the beauty of the nature. Therere also other pieces of art showing us the inner part of the artists, for instance, the representative new trend movie "four hundred blows". By presenting the life and the ideals, arts give us true understanding of our circumstances and ourselves in a spiritual way. Arts can not explain why it rains,but it explains how people feel about the rainy day.gre写作细节要把握好