gre考试阅读的信号词 gre阅读考试中会出现一些信号词,如果你想获得理想的gre阅读考试分数,一定要掌握。下面就和大家分享gre考试阅读的信号词,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。gre考试阅读的信号词1.显示相同信息的信号词There has been an upsurge of interest in chamber music. Likewise opera is receiving a boost from increased record sales.“likewise”这一信号词显示了前面所提到的idea后面还要再一次出现。因此,阅读时见到这样的信号词无须放慢阅读速度。这样的信号词还包括:and, furthermore, more, than, that, also, likewise, moreover, in addition, what is more, for instance, for example2.显示思路转折的信号词Id like to go but Im too busy.“but”前后是完全不同的信息描述,它向读者显示了作者的思路在这里有了转折。阅读时,碰到这样的信号词我们需放慢阅读速度,以准确获取作者真正想要说明的意思。这类信号词还有:although, however, on the contrary, but, in spite of, otherwise, despite, nevertheless, yet3.显示因果关系的信号词As a result of the pilotsstrike, all flights have had to be cancelled.All flights have had to be cancelled as a result of the pilotsstrike.所有航班被取消的原因是因为飞行员们的罢工;飞行员们的罢工导致了所有的航班不得不被取消。显示因果关系的信号词还有:for, thus, because, for this reason, so, therefore, as, since, consequently4.显示顺序的信号词Internet speeds communication between companies, among co-workers through video-conferences, and among other individuals. First, media companies use the Internet for online news, or to broadcast audio and video, including live radio and television prrams, while individuals use the Internet for communication, entertainment, finding information, buying and selling goods and services. Second,the notion of distance disappears thanks to the Internet. People also enjoy instant messaging to exchange text messages or pictures in real time, with real-time video and sound. Finally, scientists and scholars use the Internet to perform research, distribute lecture notes or course materials to students, they communicate with colleagues, and can also publish papers and articles.抓住了这样的信号词就把握住了作者叙述的顺序,也就分清了相对独立的论据。这样的信号词包括:first, second, third, and so on, then, after, before, next, last, afterward, finally5.表示结论/总结的信号词In conclusion, I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today.词组“in conclusion”前面所提到的一些信息将在这里被归纳总结。读到带有这样的信号词或短语的句子时,应格外留心注意,它们往往会向我们提示相关段落的核心信息。表示结论或总结的信号词和短语还有:as a result, finally, therefore, accordingly, in short, thus, consequently, in conclusion, so, in brief, in a word新gre考试中的阅读材料是一个百十来字的段落,阅读时我们不应把每个句子都孤立开来,而是要把所有的句子连成一个整体,通过准确把握句子与句子之间的逻辑关系来挖掘gre阅读段的主题。GRE阅读制胜技巧:主题层面和细节层面解析就写作手法上来讲,可分为两个部分:NO1.Presentation:作者阐述说明和解释一个观点、方法和主张,即立论。NO2.Argumentation: 作者对于别人的观点给予评论, 如果不同意, 还要给出自己的观点,即评论。同时所有的 GRE阅读*都是围绕一个特定的主题展开, 主题即为*的主线, 在新 GRE 阅读中有着无比重要的地位。迅速找到主题,按主题去思索*是 GRE 阅读成败之关键。除主题之外,其他内容均可看作支撑主题内容的细节。从这个角度而言, 新GRE阅读*又可划为主题层面和细节层面:主题层面:首先,主题内容 subject 特指“说了什么” ,出现在*的首段和二段第一句其次,主题内容 theme 特指“为什么说” , “作者态度是什么” 。主题类型:1. 现象解释型2. 问题回答型3. 结论说明型4. 新老观点对照型5. 错误反驳型细节层面:作者按照特定的逻辑关系来支持、说明论据和论点。细节类型:1. 现象解释型2. 问题回答型3. 结论说明型4. 新老观点对照型5. 错误反驳型在结构和类型上去深刻地认识 GRE 阅读,将有助于在宏观结构上把握 GRE *的脉络。同时,还应认识到 GRE *的结构,并不是松散的,而是彼此相互联系的,分清主题内容,细节内容,抓住各部分之间的逻辑关系将对解题时的 “定位”大有好处。GRE阅读理解解题技巧:碰上长难句了怎么办GRE考试阅读理解难句巧解。新GRE阅读理解中的长难句使很多考生焦头烂额,因为太难理解了,但是想要做好新GRE阅读理解题目,就必须对这些句子进行理解。GRE考试阅读难句解读:*仅为难句训练法的片断,为避免对练习方法出现错误理解,建议购买杨鹏老师的正式出版物GREGMAT阅读难句教程以获得正确和完全的理解。1.That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number ofdescendants an individual will have andhence the number of gene copiestransmitted.那种性别比例能在最大程度上增加一个个体所能拥有的后代数量,并因此能在最大程度上增加所传递到后代身上去的基因复制品的数量。2.Hardys weakness derived from his apparent inability to control the comings and goings of these divergent impulses and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic andrisky ones.哈代的缺陷一方面缘起于他的某种明显的无能,无法控制好那结不尽相同的创作冲动的穿梭往来;另一方面缘起于他不愿意去培养和维持那些富于生机活力和风险性强的创作冲动。3.Virginia Woolfs provocative statement about her intentions in writing Mrs. Dalloway has regularly beenignored by the critics,since it highlights an aspect of her literary interests very different from the traditional picture of the “poetic” novelist concerned with examining statesof reverie and vision and with following the intricate pathways of individual consciousness.弗吉尼亚。伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)在创作黛洛维夫人(Mrs. Dalloway)时有关其创作意图的这番发人深思的陈述,迄今为止一贯为文学评论家们所忽略,因为它突出反映了她诸多文学兴趣中某一方面,而这一方面则与人们对“诗性”小说家(poetic novelist)所形成的传统见解大相径庭。所谓的“诗性”小说家,所关注的是审视想入非非和白日梦幻的诸般状态,并致力于追寻个体意识的通幽曲径。4.Although Gutman admits that forced separation by sale was frequent,he shows that the slaves preference,revealed most clearly on plantations where sale was infrequent,was very much for stable monogamy.虽然古特曼承认,由于奴隶买卖而造成的被迫离散甚为频繁,但他还是证明,奴隶的偏爱在那些奴隶买卖并不频繁的种植园上被最为显著地揭示出来在很大程度上侧重于稳定的一夫一妻制(monogamy)。5.Gutman argues convincingly that the stability of the Black family encouragedthe transmission of-and so was crucial in sustaining-the Black heritage of folklore,music,and religious expression from one generation to another,a heritage that slaves were continually fashioning out of their African and American experiences.古特曼人令人信服地论辨道,黑人家庭的稳定有助于包括民间传说、音乐、及宗教表达在内的黑人文化遗产一代一代传递下去,因而在维持文化遗产方面也起着至关重要的作用,而对于这种文化遗产,黑奴们不断地从其非洲和美洲的经历中予以丰富发展。6.This preference for exogamy,Gutman suggests, may have derived fromWest African rules governing marriage,which,though they differed from one tribal group to another,all involved some kind of prohibition against unions with close kin.古特曼表示,这种对于外部通婚的偏爱很有可能缘起于西部非洲制约着婚姻的规定,尽管这些规定在一个和另一个部落群体之间不尽相同,但都涉及到某种对近亲联姻(union with close kin)的禁止。7.His thesis works relatively well when applied to discrimination against Blacks in the United States,but his definition of racial prejudice as “racially-based negative prejudgments against a group generally accepted as a race in any given region of ethnic competition,” can be interpreted as also including hostility toward such ethnic groups as the Chinese in California and the Jewsin medieval Europe.该社会学家的命题当被应用于针对美国黑人的歧视时,相对而言尚能适用,但他对种族偏见所下的定义即“以种族为基础的、针对某个群体的消级的先入之见,而该群体在任何特定的种族竞争地区则被普遍认作一种族”可被理解成同样也襄括了针对加利福尼亚州的中国人以及中世纪的犹太人这样一些种族群体的敌视态度。gre考试阅读的信号词