GRE作文容易出现哪些扣分问题 GRE作文满分是6分。一般来说,如果考生能得到4分,可以说是相当不错的。要写出高分作文,考生必须做好全方位的准备工作。今天就和大家分享GRE作文容易出现哪些扣分问题,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。GRE作文容易出现哪些扣分问题词汇和句子问题单词拼写拼写错误是GRE写作中最不划算的扣除项目。虽然少量的拼写错误可能不会对总分产生很大影响,但如果拼写错误较多,就会影响感知。建议你在写完这篇*后迅速复习,以检查是否有拼写错误。词语重复词汇量不足的考生写的一些*中经常会出现单词重复的问题。重复使用同一个单词会使你的*显得繁琐和冗长,间接暴露出你的英语背景不足以准备词汇的问题,这是写作中的一大禁忌。建议考生在写作时使用多种文字来显示自己的详细情况。句型的使用GRE写作不需要使用太复杂的句型。考生不应该为了好看的*而使用他们不确定的复杂句型。如果他们所写的复杂句子中有各种语法错误,gre写作技巧,gre考试培训那就更糟了。记住一句话:用最精辟的语言表达最完整的信息。当然,如果一定要追求漂亮的句子,考生可以在作文中加入括号、状语等形式,这也可以使*更加出色。*结构问题逻辑结构外国人非常重视英语写作的逻辑性,尤其是逻辑思维能力是GRE考试的重点之一。此外,GRE两篇作文的主题都是非常重视*整体逻辑的议论文。所以在GRE作文中,一定要把*的部分写清楚。全文逻辑结构最好在写作前做个提纲,这样考官一眼就能看清楚你的逻辑结构,体现出*清晰的逻辑思维。开始和结束作文的开头和结尾很重要。好的开头可以直接表达观点,gre写作技巧,gre考试培训好的结尾可以概括全文,升华主题。因此,*的开头和结尾都将起到非常重要的作用。我们不应该因为没有时间而忽视开始和结束。其他扣分问题*长度作文字数不够,*篇幅短是GRE高分作文的一大禁忌。尽管GRE作文对字数没有要求,但无论如何,*必须有一定的篇幅,这在一定程度上代表了考生的创新能力。篇幅过短的*不能清楚地说明要表达的意思,容易使考生出现写作能力不足的现象。GRE写作高分范文:下一代的教育GRE写作题目:How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society.Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society.现在孩子的社会化程度决定了社会的命运。可惜的是,我们还没有学会教孩子怎么样去建设一个更好的社会。GRE写作范文:People are never born into separated environment, while society will be their destiny to face and join no matter whether they are willed to do so. After being educated in greenhouses of campus,children will one day step into this destiny inevitably, therefore making socialization an indispensable progress of their growth. However, it seems to me that socialization is a method of acclimating to the surroundings and such abilities are inborn. So it may be too extreme and pessimistic to say we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society, especially when the education and other related fields are keeping a high-speed development.Socialization, defined as converting and meeting the social needs, determines a societys future by making its members work as effective parts of it. Society is a huge constitution combined by different individuals and groups, who need cooperation with each other and gain the methods for living and developing. Modern development has made such cooperation spear into every corner of our daily life: industry, service, agriculture and academic fields provide the people living in a society what they need, and supported by each others products.Education, as a way for us to raise children, gives them knowledge to take parts in this society and realize their personal values. When entering schools, children are living with other contemporaries for years, learning how to communicate with each other, gaining senses of cooperation,competition and understanding. After that, they graduate and face the practical issues, such as manufacturing, researching, designing and so forth. All these issues ask for cooperation during modern time, because they are all highly complicated with different products provided by different fields. An architecture design project, for instance, contains parts of architecture design, structure design, air-conditioner system, water supply system and so forth. During its designing progress,architects and other experts need communicate with each other,persuade or be persuaded to change their ideas and plans. If some one of them are not socialized and just keep on working individually, the outcomes will be not reasonable or even not feasible.Moreover, socialization is an indispensable part of social living, even people do not take parts in producing. We are living in a connected world, facing other peoples for information, products and so forth. After graduating, children will leave their greenhouses which are supported by their parents, teachers and society. They have to work and live directly with other social members. If they are not socialized, and just continue their greenhouse life, they will find the world as a vacuum, bogging them with complex relation of people. In Japan, a group of people are called OTAKUs, who are trapped by their childhood interests, including animation, video game,internet, and the sense of security at home. Those people are a reverse example of those who are not well socialized. They have their own worlds, cut off with others, and they are afraid of communicating. As a result, certain social problems have long been reported among these OTAKUs, such as suicide, crime, psychic diseases and so forth. In this case we may know the importance of socialization.GRE写作高分范文:想法付诸行动的困难GRE写作题目:Practicality is now our great idol, which all powers and talents must serve.Anything that is not obviously practical has little value in todays world.GRE写作正文:In todays society idealism seems to become an ideology that is marginalized and practicality is our great idol, thus, the speaker asserts that anything that is not practical bears little value. I admit that being practical is the wide-accepted dogma in order to survive in this world, but by going too far to claim that anything that is not practical has little value is against the empirical observation as well as the general stimulus that push the human society forward.Admittedly, practicality has become a cult in todays society. Too often do we hear people talk about being practical whenever they come to make important decisions or choose between several alternatives. The deep-rooted cause underlying this phenomenon is that with the development of modern society, the emphasis is placed more on financial gaining, quick fame, sensible choice and so forth. Our society is rather stable compared with that of the last century when war, violence, human right movements has become the symbol of that period. People are enjoying this peaceful environment with less crucial missions rested upon them and as a result, they shift from idealism to struggle for the common well being of mankind to the practical concept of individual achievement.This ideology has its merits since after all the disaster and upheaval that our human race has undergone, it is judicious to focus on the economic aspect of things in order to tackle the most important social problems such as poverty, hunger and environmental problems which all deserve us to sit down and work out practical solutions. On the personal level, being practical is how a person would possibly succeed in his career or personal life. One is likely to make sensible decisions for his education and job choice on the basis of practical consideration of his own strength and weakness and careful analysis of the prospect of research direction and job market. Even those in power and intellects need to consider practically since hasty decision built upon pure ideal meditation would hardly find its way in the modern society and is doom to failure.Agreeing with the speaker that practicality has become the great idol in our society, I am strongly against his point that anything that is not practical has little value. Even in todays society, idealism is by no means relegated to the place of total neglect and disregard. For one thing, in history, so much achievement is the outcome of several generations struggle such as fighting for equality for women, human rights movement,etc. In todays society, practicality is the way we can obtain our goal but idealism offers the philosophical explanation of why we should set this as our goal and the clear the ultimate value of our pursuing. What is more, by totally fixed ones eyes upon the practical aspect of things, we face the danger of neglecting one important part of our pursuit, that is the mental enjoyment brought out by idealism. If we have a clear goal set in mind and put practical endeavor at the same time, the result would be more satisfactory and valuable.To sum up, I agree with the speaker insofar as the wide acceptance of practicality is considered. Being practical is the tenet of modern society and it does shed light on the wise way of doing things and obtaining goals, no matter in the personal or social level.But the speaker goes too far by claiming that it is the only valuable ideology in society.I am strongly against this idea since in history or at present, we human beings still need the philosophical explanation to clear our goal and to provide motivation. In this aspect, idealism would never be replaced with pure practical consideration. Otherwise,human society will be replete with insensible people directed by economic profit and quick fame and recognition.GRE作文容易出现哪些扣分问题