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    2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,1,知识目标:1.了解十五世纪的英国历史背景及社会发展状况。 2.掌握十五世纪英国文学的特征。 3.了解十五世纪英国的著名作家及其生平。 4.阅读理解并正确评价十五世纪英国著名作家的代表作。 重点阅读理解十五世纪英国著名作家的作品教学难点正确评价十五世纪英国著名作家的代表作,2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,2,Chapter 4 The 15th century (1400 1550),I. Historical background 1. The Hundred Years War (1337 1453) Henry VI-a puppet French heroine Joan of Arc In 1453, all English territory in France was lost to the French only Calais to English king,2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,3,2. The War of the Roses (1455 1485)a series of civil wars fought between the two great families, both of which claimed the right to the English throne. All noble families were involved in it. The House of Lancaster-red rose The House of York - white rose Result: Henry Tudor (VII) married Elizabeth of the House of York -brought compromise between the two families and established a highly consolidated rule.,2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,4,3. The discovery of America and the new sea routes Christopher Columbus, 1492, landed in America Vascoda Gama, 1497, round the tip of Africa and reached India John Cabot and his son Sebastian, 1498, provided the basis for the English claim to North America,2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,5,4. Reformation of the churchTudor Monarchs ruled England and Wales for 200 yearsHenry VIIHenry VIII - 6 wives: divorce 2, kill 2, struggle for divorceEdward VIMary TudorElizabeth IHenry VIII took decisive measure to break away from the Church of Rome.1534-passed the Act of Supremacy: as the supreme head on earth, thus the Anglican Church was founded,2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,6,Medieval literature (continued): Ballad,1. Ballad2. Textual study: 1) Robin Hood and the three squires 2) Sir Patrick Spens,2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,7,Ballad: definition,An anonymous narrative poem preserved by oral transmission. Usually in quatrains with a distinctive and memorable rhyme, the ballad uses iambic tetrameter for the 1st And he did frisk it over the plain,And chanted a roundelay.,2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,8,Quatrain: definition,A poem or stanza that contains 4 lines with various rhyming patterns.Ex:It fell about the Martinmas time, And a gay time it was then, When our goodwife got puddings to make,And shes boiled them in the pan.,2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,9,The basic characteristics of ballads,The beginning is often abrupt: without any introduction of the characters and the background of the tale There are strong dramatic elements: single episode, climax, intensity and immediacy The story is often told through dialogue and action The theme is often tragic, though there are a number of comic ballads The ballad meter is used: four-line stanzas odd numbered lines with 4 feet each even numbered lines with 3 feet each,2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,10,Subject matter of the ballads English ballads: the Robin Hood ballads war ballad, bloodshed ballad, superstition ballad, domestic affairs, outlawry, love, sea, and border ballad.Collections of balladsBishop Thomas Percy, Reliques of Ancient English PoetryProfessor F. J. Child, English and Scottish Ballads,2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,11,Literature in the 15th century,1. Popular BalladsReview the definition and the main feature of ballads2. Sir Thomas Malory (1405 1471) The Death of Arthur: complied together the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table contribution to the development of English prose left a legacy to later writers that many of them used as subject matter in their writing,2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,12,3. Early English plays ancient Greece and Rome, drama was a form of entertainment roman catholic church prohibited it 9th and 10th century allowed only for religious services 14th century developed into 2 kindsMystery plays -are chiefly based on stories form the Bible Miracle plays -are on the lives of Christian saints,2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,13,These two names are used to designate the religious drama which developed among Christian nations at the end of the Middle Ages. It should be noted that the word mystery has often been applied to all Christian dramas prior to the sixteenth century, whereas it should be confined to those of the fifteenth century, which represent the great dramatic effort anterior to the Renaissance Before this period dramatic pieces were called plays or miracles. The embryonic representations, at first given in the interior of the churches, have been designated as liturgical dramas.,2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,14,Textual study:,Ballads of Robin HoodIt was popular in the second half of the 14th C.Origin:the ballads are based on the perpetual struggles of the peasants against the landlords and local official. (peasant uprising).The character of Robin Hood He is a partly historical and partly legendary character. He is many-sided. He is strong, brave, clever, tender-hearted and affectionate. He hates the noble class and loves the low-class people. However, he is devout and orthodox in religion; in addition, he shows reverence for the king. In spite of this, Robin Hood represents the fighting spirit, indomitable courage and revolutionary energy of the English peasantry,2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,15,Textual study:Sir Patrick Spens,Stanza 1 1) What is the king doing at the beginning of the scene? 2) What does he want to do?Stanza 21) Who answered the king?2) What does he tell the king?,2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,16,Textual study:Sir Patrick Spens,Stanza 3 1) What does the king do to the knights suggestion? 2) What is Patrick Spens doing at the time?Stanza 41) What does Patrick Spens do at the first sight of the letter?2) What does he do after that?,2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,17,Textual study:Sir Patrick Spens,Stanza 5 1) Why does Sir Patrick Spens feel that “the tear blinded his ee” ? 2) What is the implied meaning of the phrase “to send me out this time o the year” ? Stanza 61) What does Sir Patrick Spens do to his men?2) What is the response from his men?,2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,18,Textual study:Sir Patrick Spens,Stanza 7 1) Who is speaking in this stanza? 2) What does the speaker say?Stanza 81) What are the “Scots nobles” like with reference to the first two lines of the stanza?2) What conclusion do you come to with the reference to the last two lines of the stanza?,2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,19,Textual study:Sir Patrick Spens,Stanza 9 1) What do the wives of the sailors do after what happened in stanza 8?Stanza 101) What is the meaning expressed in this stanza?2) Why does this stanza express a similar meaning to the last stanza?,2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,20,Textual study:Sir Patrick Spens,Stanza 11 1) What finally happens to Sir Patrick Spens and his men?,2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,21,Textual study:Sir Patrick Spens,What is the theme of this ballad?the courageous knight diligently obeying the command of his king in spite of the knowledge that he will almost certainly be going to his death.,2022/12/20,Prepared by Tony Sun,22,Homework: What are the basic characteristics of ballads?,


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