Our Countrys Environmental Problems,Word,Ecological environment 生态环境Desertification 荒漠化Salinization 盐碱化Offscum 废渣Mining 采矿业Biological chain 生物链Biodiversity 生物多样性Wastewater 污水World Health Organization世界卫生组织underground water 地下水,drinking water饮用水Water body 水体Contaminate 污染 Rhine 莱茵河Greenhouse effect温室效应Ground level ozone地面臭氧particulate matter微粒物质 biological materials生物材料respiratory disease呼吸疾病stationary sources固定污染源,Focal 焦点的Quota 定额Coordinate使协调Emission 发射Afforestation 造林Adsorption 吸附Photosynthesis 光合作用Phosphorus 磷Filtration 过滤Biodegradable 能被细菌分解的Trash 垃圾Consumption 消耗Rectification 改正,global warming全球变暖gaseous system气态系统ozone depletion 臭氧枯竭Ecosystem生态系统Pollutants污染物photochemical smog光化雾Countermeasure措施Propaganda 宣传Ascendant 优势Detergent 洗涤剂Evaporative蒸发的,word,Waste Pollution,WATER POLLUTION,The four basic natural resources are water, air, land and energy. We need water for multiple uses and a certain quality is required. Its use leads to the generation of wastewater that can cause an impact on the environment.水 ,空气,土地和能源是四个基本的自然资源。水的用途多种多样,而且要求其达到一定的标准。但是,由于人类使用而产生的污水造成了对环境的影响。,Water pollution occurs when a body of water is adversely affected due to the addition of large amounts of materials to the water.水污染是水体中添加大量其他物质而造成的负面影响,Drought,Pollution,Approximately 300 million nationwide have no access to clean water. Furthermore, over 700 million Chinese drink fetid water below World Health Organization standards. Almost 90% of underground water in cities is affected by pollution and 80% of Chinas rivers fail to meet standards for fishing. Almost all of the nations rivers are considered polluted to some degree and half of the population lacks access to clean drinking water. Ninety percent of urban water bodies are severely polluted. 全国约有3亿人使用不上干净的水,此外,有超过7亿中国人饮用的水没能达到世界卫生组织的标准,几乎 90%的城市地下水受到污染,80%的中国河流不符合捕鱼标准,某种程度上说,几乎所有的河流都受到某种程度的污染,一半的人口缺少干净的饮用水,90%的城市水体受到严重污染。,ShuiYuBing events 水俣病事件 (1953-1956)Japanbone pain disease events 骨痛病事件()1955-1963)Japanpoisonous substances contaminate the Rhine events剧毒物质污染莱茵河事件 1986 Switzerland, Germany, France,The famous water pollution incidents,Air Pollution,Pollutants,Pollutants can be classified as either primary or secondary.Primary pollutants: emitted from a process. such as: ash from a volcanic eruption; the carbon monoxide gas from a motor vehicle exhaust ; sulfur dioxide released from factories.,Secondary pollutants: not emitted directly, they are produced when primary pollutants react or interact.An important example of a secondary pollutants is ground level ozone, it is one of the many secondary pollutants that make up photochemical smog.,Major pollutants produced by human activity include:,sulfur dioxide: from burning of coal and oil.nitrogen dioxide: from high temperature combustion.Carbon monoxide: incomplete combustion of fuel such as natural gas, coal or wood. Vehicular exhaust is a major source. Carbon dioxide: a greenhouse gas emitted from combustion.Chlorofluorocarbons含氟氯烃: harmful to the ozone layer emitted from products banned from use.Particulate matter: produced by gaseous primary pollutants and compounds in photochemical smog.,Indoor air pollution,Air pollution contained indoor air pollution.chemical sources, physical sources and Biological sources.Decorative material pollution: formaldehyde甲醛 ammonia氨气,Countermeasures,Garbage Pollution,Change the way of production,Step up publicity efforts to promote green consumption,To encourage garbage collection to the development of industry and legalization,Carry out the charging policy,clean and green,toxic and hazardous substances,waste recycling,Media and publicize,to reduce waste output,green certified products,Water Pollution,Protect the water source area,Increase the urban sewage and industrial wastewater treatment efforts,Strengthen citizens awareness of protecting the environment,Realize the recycling of the waste water use,Reduce waste water and pollutants,Develop regional water pollution prevention and control system,Comprehensive consideration of the water resources planning, water use, the economic investment and natural purification ability,Air Pollution,Take all kinds of measures to reduce pollutants,overall planning, rational distribution,energy structure, raise rate,district heating and central heating,afforestation, afforest environment,With various kinds of professional technology, control of pollutants,Granular control of pollutants,Gaseous pollutants management,Perfect environment supervision, and intensify law enforcement,