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    Sheila Dubin,Value Managed Relationships,December 1998,Author:,忘奠破龙邑鄂獭又睁裁淮棕丹啦酶棠序将谁氨至辽砸士里坪检挥孜搜追论战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,2,After completing this module, you will be able to:,Understand VMR concept and applicationArticulate types of cost savings opportunities created by VMRsUse the Bain framework to conduct a VMRRefer to real examples of Bains VMR process and success,Value Managed Relationships Objectives,译仇疏异芋盔显腾晶线怂并庆闯孪枫禹片令兽珠渴懒嗡惜恩秒杖挺厚舌狡战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,3,a.tr,VMR ConceptVMR Key Success FactorsVMR Sources Of ValueBain VMR ProcessExampleKey Takeaways,Agenda,酸秉渍队拉迢糙确策颗焦公耶颗祈盎笼弯缄麓咱牧长粳垄悬机彩馒筹戈重战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,4,A Value Managed Relationship (VMR) is a full partnership between a customer and a supplier.Its goal is to maximize quality and minimize total system costs of doing business through collaborative sharing of information and resources.,A VMR creates a win/win relationship.,VMR Definition,瓷猫音蘸凡娩汪憋瞎赵挨姿战号塑撰树罐坪褐骋惟吕陶怨产胰迁痢墩仍侵战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,5,“Partnership”,True VMR,Procurement Strategies,Value Managed Relationship,Sole Source,Vertical Integration,Competitive Bid,Short-term Contract / Spot,Long-term Contract,A VMR is one procurement strategy to maximize cost savings and strategic value.,What is a VMR?,访岔拭谎奥挛乎柏茹萌钎憾疆冈粹钟沾冤呼佑仔障知杏罢嘱舶篆达醚垫烤战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,6,A Value Managed Relationship can exceed the value potential of both vertical integration and traditionally negotiated arms length transactions:a consolidation of purchases to one or few suppliers who are capable of maintaining long term competitive economics, high quality and efficient deliveryparticipants must share single goal of achieving lowest industry systems costsavings should be shared to provide mutual ongoing incentives to eliminate redundancies,A VMR, when appropriate, exceeds the value of all other types of relationships.,How Does a VMR Work?,励纽昨间喧隶搓憾解胖庭玛硅浊滥慷弟长歧农狗超贴笨欠匪割坡络讯贼忌战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,7,a.tr,Traditional Arms Length Approach,Vertical Integration,VMR,VMRs can exceed the value of both traditional contracts as well as vertical integration.,Strategic Purchasing Options,靡焕味蛙慨鹏紧坐互诈椰滓冗膊坎彩庆噪抠算鲁设赃撮三兜咒拭佩桐墩勾战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,8,High Potential,High,Low,High,Low,Purchasing volume(relative to total supplier sales),Value-added / engineered level,Product redesignMaterial substitution,Product redesignMaterial substitutionVolume discountSystem cost improvement,Moderate Potential,Volume discountSome system cost,No / Little opportunity (need to cluster),VMRs are most appropriate where high volume and significant value added occurs.,Medium/low potential,Where Are VMRs Appropriate?,频油硕首端较至布瓦冶辐笨插琼越读者葡闭闪琴绘猫阔嗽霉杯观纷傈署署战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,9,Large dollar purchaseHigh level of value-added cost in productFragmentation across many divisions and suppliersClient represents significant part of industry outputIndustry competitive intensity high:capacity utilization droppingconsolidation in progressmany new plants looking for volumehistorical industry price umbrellas,VMRs are most effective in large dollar, high value added products.,In Which Categories Are VMRs Most Effective?,积苹现贡毙琴杉妖继得婿检柳继缔隋账列默棘豢敢跑尊蜕什碳迸髓疡宏蹦战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,10,Consolidate volume in long-term partnership,Increased pace of innovation leads to strategic benefits for both,Ensures continued supply for buyer and capacity utilization for supplier,Commitment and scale justifies joint investment in cost savings and R&D/technology,Joint efforts lead to system-wide benefits for both,Added value leads to more reasons to collaborate,A successful VMR will continue to create value as the relationship progresses.,Value Cycle,旭什丫虏耽参碎喉杖啼把拜捆谚惶倚伙提朱采痔扁刚缩茫灶簿考眩详免脏战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,11,a.tr,VMRs create value for the buyer.,Higher quality and fewer rejectsSuperior servicePartner in joint system cost reductionInnovationTechnological expertisepackage performance improvementsspec consolidationproduct redesign and materials substitutionPricing commensurate with larger, longer volume commitmentsCommitment to continuous improvement of the partnership,Value Of VMRsBuyer,嫡否沧旬净陀驴鲤绝汗皮咙律样昂蘸泼呸撅姻烽码骑蜒萨勒凛传荡累亡穿战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,12,VMRs create value for suppliers.,Larger volumes in fewer itemslonger run lengths and fewer set-upshigher capacity utilizationlearning curve benefitsStable long term demandSharing in buyers strong commitment to future growthPartner in joint system cost reductionResources and stability to invest in technologyCommitment to continuous improvement of the partnership,Value Of VMRsSupplier,轿砖舞靡裁酬寝累强僵遗仰菏暖炼逗拭漏益惋卖莽评磐嘘鼻皮国骚牙箍仇战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,13,VMRs have averaged 15% to 20% cost savings.,Average Range,Bain Experience in VMRs,缝档肪务切甥娱谨驭巨疯疼迪玛忧拳休诣妇幌氨效亢豺网辣稚噬逞斥引植战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,14,a.tr,Although the value managed relationship can be sophisticated and complex, the results are quantifiable and simple.,100% of volume with one supplier for three yearsUp front price reduction of 7%Guaranteed 9.8% recurrent savings within three yearsCost-based indexed pricing over time50/50 savings sharingPenalties and inspections built-inEtc.,VMR Sample Agreement,有豆幼藤像散蛰格磷阐浊赌浊殊缸嗓杠遏措之割阔宪盟欢夯政柑疥禾寓砍战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,15,a.tr,VMR ConceptVMR Key Success FactorsVMR Sources Of ValueBain VMR ProcessExampleKey Takeaways,Agenda,官薪吕娃撒童饱锹斩俐搅吹零趴难勾麓硬胁助觅刷攻良各泥扰音秘诣先旦战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,16,Over one half of existing partnerships do not meet expectations.,This reality increases the need to understand and focus on the key success factors,Partnerships Expectations,试填杜喷核匿施峙焊促子千烬硕即锭仑锯节错胯怜赢骨任靡挥唱州貌私沥战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,17,Strategy, organization and process must be in place in order to ensure VMR success.,Clarity of and agreement on strategy and goals,Strategy,Appropriate level of involvement in and across organizations,Organization,Detailed and structured process for identifying and implementing opportunities,Process,Key Success Factors,皇恭秃边到付凳烦位蕊梯矽酶外跌穿脚邮影寺令傀津盅录寥素驾式莆牧懦战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,18,Long term relationships focused on total value are critical strategic issues that must be clearly articulated.,VMRs pursued only where appropriateTrue supplier partnershipslong-term relationships with one or few suppliersrelationships at all organizational levelsextensive two-way information sharingsharing of all savingswilling to address inherent risksFocus on total value-chain, not input pricesuppliers selected based on long-term total valueopportunities identified and captured across entire supply chain,Key Success FactorsStrategy,帆隅奇毁雀吏归溶欢癸拟挎卜呜遣穴怀系值咒钻惺飞旷锁讣粹讼摊司帚扒战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,19,Involvement and cooperation across the organization is critical to success.,Senior management direct involvement and ongoing interest/supportCross-functional involvement in scheduling, logistics, design and developmentImplementation driven at grass roots levelClear process championsFormalized structure and process to perpetuate partnership,Key Success FactorsOrganization,揽扦啄师貉燕欲戚洋愚仔仲慕捻泡位衅榜崖越函柏尧如钎茅新留峻培玉能战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,20,a.tr,A detailed process must be in place to maximize value and ensure ongoing opportunity identification.,Up front identification of opportunities and unique value each partner offersDocumented existence of significant untapped systems cost valueRigorous and fact-based supplier selectionExtensive consensus buildingSystems and structures to perpetuate process,Key Success FactorsProcess,握椅这形重款呐拖髓赶哆峦汁娘懈狼赡薪董絮哈刀众军攻赚桑陋衬捻伏殊战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,21,a.tr,Scope of partnership limitednot win/win,Focus on price instead of total valuesupplier selection based on pricefailure to consider total system as source of savings,Chosen strategy inappropriate for purchase category,An inappropriate strategy can prohibit a win/win relationship.,Reasons for Partial SuccessStrategy,饵樊扑颊站喊欧拿斡顷换钨凿戈叁坦缴猖蓝漓糖房谓起耶边矿留肛癸褂怔战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,22,a.tr,Partial success can be caused by senior or line organizational inadequacies.,Reasons for Partial SuccessOrganization,叁雪费钟店豺呈奄睹酝芝姨鞍享子撇路涕猛事沸炮兄翔污蓑商子得尝铜耪战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,23,a.tr,Lack of internal and external consensus building,Lack of relentless pursuit,Supplier selection not rigorous and fact-based,Technical opportunities not identified up front,Lack of systems and structures to perpetuate the process,An incomplete process can also cause limited success.,Reasons for Partial SuccessProcess,阁框庭掂陶皇墓墒浚蹦逾脾巩色枯搔贮岿拂变谩锭吩豺洼摄潮恃寄勺愧沪战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,24,To achieve successful VMRs, there are several areas of potential obstacles to watch out for.,Benefits are vague and unqualifiedno “full potential” economics analysis has been developed for both parties,Process Challenges,Assumptions are made by suppliers that VMRs are a one-time trick,Communication Challenges,Watchouts,Concerns about sharing expense and product information,Sufficient communication of the benefits of change throughout both organizations,There is a lack of understanding and commitment to changing the way business is done,Benefits of the VMR are split in a lop-sided manner,SKU proliferation,No ongoing value realization agenda has been created and/or no VMR champions are empowered to act,Organizational barriers (e.g. multi-divisional companies),Watchouts,盏糜毅核拙芋盼厌酬挎镑诅简褥凰纪酞碟惨祝坎惕浑纂霹蜜稍并光埂程队战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,25,VMR ConceptVMR Key Success FactorsVMR Sources Of ValueBain VMR ProcessExampleKey Takeaways,Agenda,捌渡紧日下卷返眯娱郝轴寻爆棠箕征辈王烧棉鉴押犯校峰淳冯强啤康贩弘战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,26,Improved quality due to reduced variabilityImproved communicationsLonger commitments allow for longer run lengthsPurchasing economies,A strong VMR can capture the value inherent in vertical integration while allowing the client to focus both capital and management resources on its primary business.,Example Sources of Value:,Primary Sources of Value,Volume/ScaleEconomies,Value Engineering and Quality Improvement,System CostReduction,Technology and capability sharing to create lowest cost, highest value productJoint determination of potential for:material substitutionreduction of material contentstandardization of materials,Joint identification of redundant/duplicate processes, e.g.quality controlorder processingtransportationengineeringmanagement functionsimproved inventory controlCross company logisticssharing of transportation and distribution operations (e.g., leveraged backhaul opportunities, shared delivery runs),Estimate Percent of Total Value Created:,25%,50%,25%,Sources of Value (1 of 2),了稀沦铱慧保抑诅监氛盂头热杰逗篓圣益马瀑谊敝握漫必孕蹭造逃昆悍盯战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,27,Value engineering and systems cost reduction are most difficult to implement and require the most senior involvment.,Source of Value,Methodology,Difficulty of Implementation,Senior Management Involvement,An open dialogue regarding product design begins to optimize design/cost trade-offs,Value engineering and quality improvement,Buyer and supplier jointly examine current methods of interaction and begin to eliminate redundancies,Systems cost reduction,Consolidation of suppliers allows the buyer to negotiate for share of incremental profit,Volume/scale economics,Sources of Value (2 of 2),碟眷谭嘉醋泰钳楼至茸近苞单傍佬桔娶另愤浑荷课邦钢猜傣韶时涨枢概糙战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,28,Disguised example,Increase of 3.2 times,6% Profit Improvement,Relevant Plant Capacity Utilization,Incremental Margin Impact,Increasing a suppliers utilization by 22% had a 6% profit impact.,Volume/Scale EconomiesExample,龚轮瓦一岔荐怯站阉姚郎驻靖谊字企鹃锅据哑庙秧荤瞧妹验拧疙瓷竿惜煌战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,29,New Designs,Indexed Quality,Indexed Cost,Value engineering identified three new product options that increased quality and reduced cost.,*Protypes developed jointly with supplierDisguised example,Value EngineeringExample,喝蓬弧植忍曝劝乌送价坞韭粕痒撩壬拿岂哥赐擂锭邻根寿峡梧烫膊候筏畏战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,30,Supplier,Customer,Joint QualityControl,Customer,Direct to packaging operations,= QC inspection personnel,In this example of systems cost VMR, the supplier and Bain client eliminated redundancy and saved 40% of quality control costs.,To packaging operations,Ongoing Feedback to Vendor,Systems Costs Example,噎撤酋厉绢釜燃赠隔诡腔署诗息酶幻曾附劈疥敷柱沦殃壕杉削手枚俏雌莲战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,31,Overall, this client achieved a 19% cost reduction through the VMR example shown.,Summary of Cost SavingsExample,硼丰弛栏磐赦间喀虎捅取驱狠丫狂遂榴蕾慨剔耘途畸鸿蜒俯筛难旱郎溪裔战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,32,Volume/price savings and some level of value engineering/ quality benefits are realized very early in the relationshipAdditional value engineering savings and system cost reductions are more likely to come later,Bain experience has found that the value from VMR is developed over several years.,Years into VMR,Value engineering and quality improvement,System cost reduction,Volume/price effect,Typical Timing,巷禾茧虱缉旱汉司咖买勺冻紧讲秃翼钮奶屉隶舀险缀湖弄便升钡甩慈挛坤战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,33,VMR ConceptVMR Key Success FactorsVMR Sources Of ValueBain VMR ProcessExampleKey Takeaways,Agenda,杆说味荣热爸腺甫衫售赴酚敖陷胜悄淑皆扦辜盟炒姿括姚汐嘘笑函杆聋载战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,34,Identify VMR Opportunities,Understand Industry Cost Structure,Select VMR Candidates,Obtain Top Management Commitment,Identify Specific CostReduction Opportunities,Implement VMR Opportunities,Track VMR Savings,Select products for VMR based on purchasing volume and value-added,Analyze industry economics to develop savings hypotheses,Analyze suppliers to select best VMR candidates,Ensure senior management of client and supplier are fully committed,Conduct analysis to prove hypotheses and quantify savings opportunities,Formalize relationship and implement opportunities,Track progress of savings and relationships,VMR Process,衍鹰恨沦陈甸除蒲鱼馅和启蘸凰须岩南玖敲写缺疤胜坠氢奇肪铰尝逮尽辖战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,35,Identify VMR Opportunities,Understand Industry Cost Structure,Select VMR Candidates,Obtain Top Management Commitment,Identify Specific CostReduction Opportunities,Implement VMR Opportunities,Track VMR Savings,VMR Process,馁棺鹊找幼哀漏辊弧噎躬降丁鹤侯沿冷芝掀拭韦屹缓札系堂缔财氦磊致骇战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,36,This matrix will help you prioritize which opportunities are most appropriate for a VMR.,No/Little Opportunity(need to cluster),High,Low,Low,High,Purchasing Volume(Relative to Total Supplier Sales),Value-Added/Engineered Level,Product redesignMaterial substitutionVolume discountSystem cost improvement,Volume discountSome system cost,Product redesignMaterial substitution,Moderate potential,High potential,Medium/low potential,Purchasing Category Priority,稳舒挡呆较境虹贼椿悉刺羚烧翔抓榔侮洋前邑错拜或堆从泥贫旨嘱匙苛越战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,37,Because the VMR process is lengthy and time consuming, qualitative issues must also be evaluated in selecting where to implement a VMR.,Suppliers and client organizations must be willing towork closely togethercommit management time and effortprioritize success of VMRTop management of supplier and client must have authority to cover full scope of VMRBalance amount of cost savings with level of sensitivity associated with product category,Purchasing Category Selection,滁撂预基莱战领麻篮墒沛延言葬不疯凿平玲权拐姑驾冶辆番烫瘟吊陕第耶战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,38,Identify VMR Opportunities,Understand Industry Cost Structure,Select VMR Candidates,Obtain Top Management Commitment,Identify Specific CostReduction Opportunities,Implement VMR Opportunities,Track VMR Savings,VMR Process,鞍夸拱戒收庚猛共隋圭敞笔执队哺哲霜井弓院资炉鸿疫耸势精兵代韦阻嗜战略分析工具分析方法战略分析工具分析方法,39,Understanding the industry structure validates opportunities th


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