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    .词汇过关1_v. 安家;定居;解决_n.2_v. 遭受;忍受;经历_n. 痛苦3_n. 自然_adj._adv.4_v. 痊愈;恢复;重新获得_n.5_v. 捆扎;包装;打行李_n. 小包;包裹答案:1.settle; settlement2.suffer; suffering3.nature; natural; naturally4.recover; recovery5.pack; pack,.短语自查1tie up_2遭受_3get tired of_4从中恢复;康复_5打包_答案:1.系;绑;拴2.suffer from3.厌倦;厌烦4.recover from5.pack(sth)up,.语法练习将下列句子由直接引语变为间接引语,由间接引语变为直接引语。1“Do you like listening to pop music?”he asked us._2“Im going to hide from the Germans,”said Anne._,3Mary asked her mother what she should do._4“How can you see your friends?”Anne said to her sister._,答案:1He asked us if we liked listening to pop music.2Anne said that she was going to hide from the Germans.3Mary asked,“Mother, what shall I do?”4Anne asked her sister how she could see her friends.,.单词突破1settle (v.)1)定居;移居A long time ago, a great number of English people settled in America and Australia.很久以前,大批英国人到美洲和澳洲定居。2)结束(争论、争端等);解决(分歧、纠纷等)The question will be settled tonight.这个问题将在今晚解决。,3)(最终)决定;确定;安排好Its all settledwere leaving on the nine oclock plane.一切都定下来了我们乘九点的航班走。4)把放好;安放好She settled the blanket around her knees.她用毛毯裹着双膝。5)(使)平静下来;安静下来;定下心来The baby wouldnt settle.婴儿安静不下来。,【知识拓展】1)settle down舒适地坐下(或躺下)He settled down in his armchair to read a new novel.他安坐在扶手椅里读一本新小说。(在某地)定居下来;过安定的生活The family soon settled down in China.这一家人不久就在中国定居下来。,2)settle down|settle sb down (使某人)安静下来;平静下来The chairman tried to settle the audience down.会议主席试图让听众安静下来。3)settle(down)to sth 开始认真对待;定下心来做Lets settle down to our work.让我们专心工作吧。4)settle in|settle into sth安顿下来;适应(新工作)The Wangs are moving into their new flat tomorrow. Can you go and help settle them in?明天王家要迁入新居了。你能去帮助他们搬家吗?,【词形变换】settle v.settlement n.【词语辨析】settle, live这两个动词均有“居住,定居”之意。1)settle侧重指某人定居于城市、国家或地区,而不指居住的住所。I cant make up my mind where to settle.我不能决定定居何处。,2)live最普通用词,指固定的居住,可以是长期的,也可以是临时的。She lives about ten miles from my house.她住在离我们的屋子大约十英里远处。,【牛刀小试】(1)After years of travel, we decided to_here.AremainBstayCsettle Dleave答案:C本题题意: 我们旅行多年后, 决定在此定居。,(2)The children were noisy but theyve_now.Asettled in Bsettled downCcalled for Dcalled on答案:B本题题意:孩子们刚才很吵闹,不过现在已经安静下来了。,(3)The two families have_their disagreements out of court in a friendly way, and this is what all of us expected to see.Asettled BsolvedCdefeated Dovercame答案:A本题题意:那两个家庭已经法庭和解,友好地解决了他们的分歧。这正是我们所有的人期望看到的结果。settle表示“结束(争论、争端等);解决(分歧、纠纷等)”。,2suffer (v.)1)(from sth)|(for sth)(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦;受难;受折磨Shes suffering from loss of memory.她患有遗忘症。He made a rash decision and now hes suffering for it.他当初草率决定,现在吃苦头了。,2)遭受;蒙受We suffered huge losses in the financial crisis.我们在金融危机中损失惨重。Many people suffer from a great dread of heights.许多人非常畏高。3)变差;变糟Your studies will suffer if you play too much football.你要是总踢足球, 功课就糟了。This scientific instrument suffered severely.这部科学仪器受到严重损坏。,【词形变换】suffer v.suffering n.sufferern.【知识拓展1】1)suffer作及物动词用时,其意思是“受苦(痛/损失)”,其宾语常常是pain, loss, wrong, punishment, hardship, disappointment, injustice(不公正),grief(悲痛), insult(侮辱),defeat(击败)等。2)常见搭配:suffer from sth 患有(疾病等);为所苦,因而吃苦头。,【知识拓展2】1)suffer from患病; 受苦What illness is he suffering from?他患了什么病?2)suffer for为而受苦He suffered for his carelessness.他因粗心而吃了亏。,【词语辨析】suffer, experience这三个动词均有“经历,经受,遭受”之意。1)suffer尤指受到损害或伤害。He has suffered a lot of pain.他痛得很厉害。2)experience指亲身经受或体验某事。The child had never experienced kindness.这孩子从未受过善待。,【牛刀小试】(1)_such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.AHaving suffered BSufferingCTo suffer DSuffered,答案:A本题题意:河流已遭受如此严重的污染,现在想要清理也许太迟了。本题考查分词作状语。名词the river与动作suffer from之间构成逻辑上的“主谓关系”,所以采用现在分词担任状语;此外,由于分词suffering所表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前(即:人们评论这件事之前),所以采用现在分词的完成式having suffered。,(2)_from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.ASuffered BSufferingCHaving suffered DBeing suffered答案:C本题题意:身患心脏病数年,怀特教授无论去哪儿都不得不随身携带一些药品。本题考查分词作状语。动词suffer与句子的主语Professor White之间存在逻辑上的“主谓”关系,采用现在分词形式担任状语。此外,时间状语for years的存在,表明现在分词suffering必须采用完成式。,3recover (v.)1)(from sth) 恢复健康;康复It took a long time for him to recover from a bad cold.他患重感冒,很长时间才康复。2)(from sth) 复原;恢复常态In a few days Mr. Smith had recovered strength of body and mind.几天之后,史密斯先生身体和思维的力量就已恢复了。,3)sth(from sb/sth) 找回;寻回;找到The police recovered the stolen jewellery.警察找回了被盗的珠宝。 4)恢复;重新控制Jennie made a great effort to recover herself.珍妮努力使自己镇定下来。,【知识拓展】1)recovered (adj.) 恢复的;痊愈的;康复的Hes now fully recovered from his stroke.他现已从中风病完全康复了。2)recovery (n.)(from sth) 恢复;痊愈She made a quick recovery from her illness.她很快病愈。,【词语辨析】recover, cure, treat, heal这些动词都有“治疗,医治”之意。1)recover表示从病中痊愈了。He is recovering from a fever.他逐渐退烧了。2)cure多指用药物治疗并治愈某种疾病或改正不良习气。I hope the doctor can cure the pain in my shoulder.我希望医生能治好我肩上的疼痛。,3)treat指接受并诊治病人的全过程或活动,并不涉及“治愈”这个结果。This boy is being treated for a heart condition.这个男孩正在接受心脏病治疗。 4)heal侧重指治愈伤口、伤痛,如灼伤等。heal不能用来表示“感冒”等疾病的治愈。The cut soon healed over/up, but it left a scar.伤口不久就愈合了, 但却留下了伤疤。,【牛刀小试】翻译句子(1)手术后,他仍在恢复中。_(2)The economy(经济)is at last beginning to recover._答案:(1)He is still recovering from his operation.(2)经济终于开始复苏了。,.短语精讲1get/be tired of (doing)sth厌倦(或厌烦)(做)After a week I got tired of eating fish.我吃鱼吃了一个星期之后就腻了。She is never tired of talking about her children.她总是不厌其烦地谈她的孩子。,【词形变换】tire v.tired adj.tiring adj.tiredly adv.【知识拓展】get/be tired from/with sth 因而疲惫Im very tired with that long walk.走了这么长的一段路,我非常累。You are tired enough from caring for me.你照顾我够累的了。,【牛刀小试】(1)I am tired_this programmelets switch it off.Aof BwithCafter Dfrom答案:A本题题意:这个节目我看厌了,关上吧。,(2)I was tired_climbing up the mountain, and I am tired_having the same food every day.Afrom; of Bof; atCin; of Dat; with答案:A本题题意:爬山使我疲惫不堪;此外,每天饮食单一使我厌烦。,(3)Mr. Smith,_of the_speech, started to read a novel.Atiring; tired Btired; tiringCtired; tired Dtiring; tiring答案:B本题题意:史密斯先生听烦了乏味的演讲,读起了小说。be tired of表示“对感到厌倦”。tiring通常用来修饰“物”,表示“令人困倦的;使人疲劳的;累人的”。,2pack up|pack sth up1)打行李;收拾行装Do you need me to help you pack up?你需要我帮你整理行装吗?He packed up his things and left.他把东西装进箱子里就动身了。2)停止;放弃;辞掉At 2 oclock well pack up and go home.我们在两点收工回家去。This done, they packed up their tools and went home.这件事做完之后,他们收拾起工具回家了。,【牛刀小试】(1)Lets_and spend a week in the countryside.Asave up Bput upCpack up Dpick up答案:C本题题意: 咱们收拾好东西到乡下去过一个星期吧。,(2)(2007山东21) _walk is expected to last all day, so bring_packed lunch.AA; a BThe;不填CThe ; a DA ;不填,答案:C本题题意:徒步旅行预计会持续一整天的时间,因此请带份盒饭。the walk特指大家心中都知道的徒步旅行,因此用定冠词the表示“特指”概念;packed lunch/bag lunch表示“自备的午餐;盒装午饭”,和不定冠词a连用,表示“一份盒饭”。注意下句:The party take packed lunch when they set off on their walk in the mountain.当这队人出发步行去山里时,他们带着盒饭。(不难看出,本考题出题并不严谨。),(3)(2010全国22)The workers _ the glasses and marked on each box “This Side Up”Acarried BdeliveredCpressed Dpacked答案:D句意:工人们把玻璃杯装入箱中,并在每个箱子上标有“此面朝上”。pack“将打包、装箱”;carry“搬,运送,佩带”;deliver“递送”;press“按,压,催促”。,.句式点击1How can Linda recover from her illness in this room when its so dirty.?既然这个房间如此脏,琳达怎能在这里康复呢?【知识剖析】这里when表示原因,意思是“既然”。How can he succeed when he wont work?既然他不工作,那么他怎么会成功呢?,【知识拓展】when的其他用法(1)表示时间,“当的时候”。The fire was put out when they came.他们来的时候,大火已经扑灭了。(2)表示条件,“如果;要是”。When the weather is good, I usually go to the country.如果天气好的话,我通常到乡下去。,(3)表示让步,“虽然;然而;可是”。He walks when he might ride.他虽然可以骑车,可是他还是步行。,【牛刀小试】How can they expect to learn anything_they never listen?Awhen BwhileCas Dbut答案:A本题题意:既然他们从不听讲,他们怎么能指望学到东西呢?when意为“既然;考虑到”。,2Mother asked her if/whether she was very hot with so many clothes on.妈妈问她穿这么多衣服是不是很热。【知识剖析】句中with so many clothes on是with的复合结构,作状语。with的复合结构归纳如下:(1)构成:with宾语宾补。(2)位置:常在句首、句末,有时也在句中。(3)功能:作状语、定语。,(4)能作宾语补足语的词性:形容词、副词(短语)、介词短语、分词、不定式等。He likes to sleep with_the_window_open.(作状语;形容词作宾补)With_her_son_away_from_home,_she was worried.(作状语;副词短语作宾补)She came in with_a_baby_in_her_arms.(作状语;介词短语作宾补)With_a_local_guide_leading_the_way,_ we got there easily.(作状语;现在分词作宾补),With_the_problem_solved,_we went on smoothly.(作状语;过去分词作宾补)With_her_husband_to_help_her,_she worked it out.(作状语;不定式短语作宾补)The girl with_a_bag_on_her_back went happily to school.(作定语;介词短语作宾补),【牛刀小试】(1)(2009海南宁夏35)Now that weve discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions_?Ataking Btake Ctaken Dto take答案:C本题题意:现在,我们已经讨论了问题, 人们满意要采取的决定吗?take 与the decisions之间存在的关系是动宾关系,故用过去分词表示被动。,(2)(2008福建34) You have no idea how she finished the relay race_her foot wounded so much.Afor BwhenCwith Dwhile答案:C本题题意:你不知道她在脚伤得如此严重的情况下是如何完成接力赛的。本题考查“with宾语宾补”(with的复合结构)的用法。,(3)(2007安徽29) John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work_,he gladly accepted it.Afinished BfinishingChaving finished Dwas finished答案:A本题题意:约翰收到了晚餐邀请, 由于工作已经完成,他高兴地接受了。本题考查with的复合结构,即:with宾语宾补。本题采用过去分词担任宾补,表示一个已经完成的被动动作。,(4)(2007福建26) Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.Sorry. With so much work_my mind, I almost break down.Afilled BfillingCto fill Dbeing filled答案:B本题题意:“快点吧, 请让我了解一下这个项目吧。”“抱歉,我脑子里有这么多的工作,我几乎都崩溃了。”本题考查“with宾语宾补”,采用现在分词的一般式担任宾补,表示一个正在发生的主动动作。,(5)_two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend.AWith BBesides CAs for DBecause of答案:A本题题意:由于担心周末的两次考试,本周末我不得不踏踏实实地努力学习。,.语法专区直接引语和间接引语(一)当我们用引号引出别人的原话时,被引用部分称为直接引语;当我们间接地把别人的意思转述出来时,被转述的部分称为间接引语,我们可以通过口诀来掌握直接引语变间接引语的方法。,1陈述句直接引语变为间接引语的口诀:去掉引号加that,人称变化要灵活;主从时态要一致,状语变化要明确;客观规律永不变,动词变化有一个。He said,“Im going to see a film this afternoon.”He said that he was going to see a film that afternoon.Jack said to me,“I have waited for you for a long time.”Jack told me that he had waited for me for a long time.,The teacher said to us, “We will have an English evening next week.”The teacher told us that we would have an English evening the next week.,2直接引语与间接引语时态变化对照一览表,注意:下列情况下,直接引语变间接引语时时态不变。(1)直接引语如果陈述的是客观事实或真理,当其变为间接引语时,不管主句用什么时态,间接引语的时态都不变。(2)直接引语中有明确的表示过去时间的状语时,变间接引语时其时态仍保持过去时。(3)主句的谓语动词是一般现在时,直接引语变间接引语时时态通常不变。,3指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词的变化,4.人称代词的变化(1)“一随主”。若直接引语中有第一人称,变间接引语时应与主句中主语的人称相一致。(2)“二随宾”。若直接引语中有第二人称,变间接引语时应与主句中宾语的人称相一致。(3)“第三人称不更新”。直接引语中的第三人称变间接引语时不需要变化。,5疑问句的间接引语(1)一般疑问句后连接词用if或whether来引述选择疑问句时只能用whether,引述动词用asked,没有间接宾语的可以加一个间接宾语me, him等。(2)特殊疑问句变间接引语时,用原句中的疑问词作连词,将句子改为陈述语序。He asked me,“Are you good at English?”He asked me if/whether I was good at English.The teacher asked the boy,“Why are you late again?”The teacher asked the boy why he was late again.,I asked her,“When did you come here?”I asked her when she had been there.6直接引语变间接引语时,还要注意几种特殊情况:(1)陈述句由直接引语变为间接引语时,如果有两个或两个以上的宾语从句并列时,仅能省略第一个that,其余的均不可省略。,(2)直接引语是祈使句时,应注意常变为ask/tell/order sb to do sth句型。如果是以lets开头的祈使句,则通常变为suggest doing或suggestthat从句。(3)直接引语如果是现在的习惯性动作、客观真理、谚语(习语)等时,变间接引语时时态不变。(4)如果直接引语中有明确的表示过去的时间状语(如yesterday, in 2008等),变为间接引语时,时态不变。(5)如果主句的谓语动词是各种现在时或将来时,直接引语变间接引语时,时态不变。,(6)直接引语中有when, since, while引导的从句,在变为间接引语时,只改变主句的时态,从句的时态不变。(7)如果在当地转述,here不必变为there, come不必变为go;如果在当天转述,则today, yesterday, tomorrow等时间状语也不必变化。(8)有的疑问句并非提出疑问,而是表示请求、建议、劝告等意义。引述这类疑问句时,通常用“ask/advise/want宾语不定式”结构,表示建议时,通常用“suggest动名词”等结构。,He said,“I want to visit the Great Wall, and my father will go with me then.”He said(that)he wanted to visit the Great Wall and that his father would go with him then.“Do it again.”the teacher said to us.The teacher told us to do it again.Mr Green asked,“Shall we go to London to watch the Olympic Games?”Mr Green suggested going to London to watch the Olympic Games.,The teacher told the students,“The earth goes around the sun.”The teacher told the students that the earth goes around the sun.The girl said,“I was born in Hong Kong in 1990.”The girl said that she was born in Hong Kong in 1990.The old gentleman often says,“Time is life.”The old gentleman often says that time is life.,She said to us,“Ill come here tomorrow.”She said to us she would come here tomorrow.He said,“I have studied English since I was young.”He said that he had studied English since he was young.,【牛刀小试】将下列直接引语变为间接引语。(1)She said,“Light travels much faster than sound.”She said that_ _ _ _ _ _.(2)He said,“The Greens will have a holiday next week.”He said that_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,(3)She asked,“Why havent you had your lunch now?”She asked me_ _ _ _ _ lunch_.(4)“Where are you going for your holiday tomorrow?”said she.She_where_ _ _for_holiday_ _ _.,(5)“Will you stay at home and watch TV this weekend, Mary?”Mother asked.Mother asked_ _ _ _stay at home and watch TV_weekend.(6)They asked,“How did you pass the exam two days ago?”They asked_ _ _ _the exam two days_.,(7)“Why didnt you leave with your family?”the old man said to the boy.The old man_the boy why_ _ _with_family.(8)“Is there a chance that you may continue with your studies?” asked she.She asked me_ _ _a chance that_ _continue with_studies.(9)“Did they take a walk after lunch yesterday?”asked Mr Smith.,Mr Smith_ _they_ _a walk after lunch_ _ _.(10)“Are you going to see the patient tomorrow, Jane?”she asked.She asked Jane_she_ _ _see the patient_ _ _.,答案:(1)light travels much faster than sound当间接引语表示的是客观真理或自然现象时,变为间接引语时仍用一般现在时。(2)the Greens would have a holiday the next weeknext week变为间接引语时应变为the next week。(3)why I hadnt had my; then直接引语中的now变为间接引语时应改为then,另外还要注意时态的变化。(4)asked; I was going; my; the next day疑问句变为间接引语时,语序应用陈述语序。,(5)Mary if she would; that一般疑问句变为间接引语时,应用if或whether引导,并且注意时态和语序的变化。(6)how I had passed; before直接引语中的ago变为间接引语时,应改为before,还要注意时态和语序的变化。(7)asked; he hadnt left; his注意时态和语序的变化。(8)if there was; I might; my一般疑问句变为间接引语时,应用if或whether引导,并且注意时态和语序的变化。,(9)asked if; had taken; the day before直接引语中的yesterday变为间接引语时,应改为the day before。(10)if; was going to; the next day直接引语中的tomorrow变为间接引语时,应改为the next day。,


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