托福写作备考两条实用高分经验分析 托福写作中,考生采取的*结构对论述会产生很大影响,合理结构能够让*逻辑一目了然,混乱的结构则会导致考官无法准确理解考生意图影响得分。下面就和大家分享托福写作备考两条实用高分经验分析,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作备考两条实用高分经验分析托福独立写作推荐采用五段三点式*结构即Introduction一段,Body三段,和Conclusion一段。一般第一段会用2-4句话陈述自己的观点,大约60字左右。第二到四段从三个方面论述自己的观点,每段约100字。结尾段用1-3句话总结自己的观点,大约40个字。那么如何具体规划每一个段落呢?开头段主要用以下几种方法来组织,即背景法 (Background),争议法(Controversy),提问法(Question),故事法(Story)和引言法(Quotation)。以背景法为例,背景法一般会提出一种普遍的或值得关注的现象作为背景,或者是由远到近、由大到小地谈论紧扣论题的社会观点作为背景。背景法开头段的结构通常是:背景(1-3句)+论题+反方观点+(反方理由)+过度+(正方观点)+作者的观点+作者的理由。以此题为例:Technology makes peoples lives more complicated. 题目涉及到了现今社会比较热门的话题科技。这样,我们就可以以这种社会比较关注的现象作为我们作文的开头背景。因此这个题目的首段就可以这样开始:Technology has had tremendous impacts on every aspect of modern life. However, people are having conflicting opinions about whether it has made peoples lives more complicated or not. I believe technology has by and large made our lives more convenient。第一句话就紧贴社会的背景,这样写不但很容易打开考生自己的思路,抓住作文的焦点,还能引起考官的共鸣。托福独立写作主题句如何写好?主题句,顾名思义,向考官展示的是考生作文的主要意旨所以它在中间段落中的作用是至关重要的。通常主题句应该注意以下几点:1.主题句必须是陈述句有的考生想在写作中创新,于是采用反问句或者其他看似多样化的句型,然而这种多样性带来的后果是给考官观点不明确的印象,很自然地会影响到分数。2.必须标明观点如果考生把一句无关痛痒的话放在主题句的位置上,很显然无法表明自身观点。比如像“今天是晴天”这样的话没有表明观点;然而“今天是个好天气”就包含一种感情色彩在里面,给人一种立场明确的感觉。考生应该切记:没有反驳余地的就不可以作为主题句。3.主题句态度须坚决但是不能极端。4.每段必须有主题句理论上讲没有主题句是可以的,但是考场上不可以,没有主题就会浪费考官的时间去帮你总结主题,然而繁忙的考官是不会那么善良地去分析你的题目来抓取你的观点的。托福独立写作关于*结构和主题句的一些写作心得思路和注意事项就为大家介绍到这里。最后祝各位同学顺利备考作文拿到理想成绩。托福写作范文:good parent托福独立写作题目:What are some of the qualities of a good parent? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer.托福独立写作范文:I am fortunate to have good parents so it is easy for me to identify the qualities that make them good. These qualities are unconditional love, trust, and respect for me and my brothers and sisters.All mothers and fathers love their children. They nurture them and keep them from harm. But not all love is unconditional. Some parents would not love their children if they married someone of a different religion or from a different ethnic group. Some parents would not love their children if they were of a different sexual orientation. My parents wont. My parents would love us regardless of whom we married or whom we chose to love.Part of unconditional love is trust. My parents trust us to do what is right. They know we would never do anything to hurt them or to disgrace them. They trust us so we trust them. We are confident that they would never do anything to hurt us.Because our parents love us, they also respect us. They treat us as individuals. They accept our differences. They do not expect us to be like them. They want us to be our own persons. They want us to make our own way in the world, not follow in their footsteps.Without their love, I would not be as confident as I am. Without their trust, I would not be free to do what I want. Without their respect, I would not feel comfortable being on my own. All children should have such wonderful parents.托福写作:人生的烦恼Some people believe that personal happiness is directly related to economic success. Others believe there are other factors. Discuss the two sides and give your opinion.对幸福的追求一直都是人类世世代代的梦想,尽管人类一直困惑于幸福的真谛。幸福是什么?幸福和经济的成功有密切联系吗?个人经济上的成功能够直接带来幸福吗?就个人而言,我不认为经济上的成功是人类幸福的唯一前提。The pursuit of happiness has long been the dream of generations of human beings. They have always been puzzled by the essence of happiness. What is happiness? Is it closely related to ones economic success? Will ones financial success lead to happiness directly? Personally, I dont agree that ones economic success is the only prerequisite of ones happiness in life.幸福有很多种。俗话说得好,“一个人的美食可能是另一个人的毒药”。幸福可能意味着成为一个成功的受人尊敬的领袖,或是一份稳定舒适的大型跨国公司的工作,又或是市区的大房子、一套漂亮的家具等等。然而,幸福也可以是一个和谐平静的家庭,或是一个体贴热情的朋友,或者只是一个微笑、一个手势、一个暗示。事实上,幸福可以是你能够想到的任何事情。至少,我们可以有两种幸福:精神幸福和物质幸福。Happiness may fall into different categories. An old saying goes like this: “One mans meat is another mans poison”. Happiness may mean being a successful and respected leader of a company, or a stable and comfortable job in a large international company, or a big flat downtown, a fantastic set of furniture, etc. However, happiness can also be a harmonious and peaceful family, or a hospitable and considerate friend, or just a smile, a gesture, a hint. In fact, happiness may be composed of anything you could ever think of. At least, we may have two types of happiness: spiritual happiness and materialistic happiness.一方面,一个人的物质幸福依赖于经济上的成功,尽管不是完全依赖。没有稳定的经济后盾,很难想象如何过上轻松简单的生活,更不用说富庶奢侈的生活了。如果买不起房子、车,甚至是一本书,任何人提到这种生活都会害怕。当然,有一些人只要基本的生活需求得到满足就可以立刻感到很幸福。但是我们仍然必须承认,这些人也需要某种意义上的经济成功。Ones materialistic happiness is dependant on ones economic success, though not completely. Without a strong and steady economic background, one could never imagine an easy and simple life, let alone an affluent and luxurious one. If you arent able to afford a house, a car, or even a book, anybody would be horrified at the mere mention of this kind of life. Definitely, some people will feel happy right away if their basic demands for life are satisfied. However, we have to admit that these people still need to be successful materialistically to some degree.另一方面,个人经济上的成功不见得能带来精神层面的幸福。众所周知,金钱不能带来一切,甚至有人说金钱是万恶之源。经济上的成功可能就是建立在牺牲时间、健康和爱情的基础之上,而这三件事情是个人精神层面幸福的基本要素。我们对于这个画面并不陌生:一位职场成功的男士带着一颗破碎的心独自品味孤独。On the other hand, ones success in economy may not necessarily lead to ones spiritual happiness. As we all know, money doesnt get you everything and some even say that money is the root of all evils. Ones financial success may be built on the sacrifice of time, health and love, which are the three most essential elements of spiritual happiness. All of us are not new to this picture: a successful business man tasting loneliness alone with a broken heart.以我的观点,经济上的成功只是幸福的一个重要因素,但绝对不是唯一因素。尽管我们每一个人对于幸福有完全不同的理解,要幸福就要精神上和物质上都能得到满足。In my point of view, ones economic success is only one of the key factors of happiness, but never the only one. To be happy, one needs to be both spiritually and materially satisfied though each of us may have a totally different picture of happiness.托福写作备考两条实用高分经验分析