Vietnam War,Group eight Zhang puhui,background,After WWII, 1945, Ho Chi Minh established north Vietnam at Hanoi; Emperor Bao Da established south Vietnam at SaigonNorth Vietnam fight with France for 9 years.North Vietnam wonGeneva Conference, 1954,Beginning of Vietnam War,Viet Cong in the southCold WarJFK dispatched a special troop (marked beginning of the war),Gulf of Tonkin Incident,July 31, 1964South troop retreated in defeat by Viet CongAmerican destroyer “Maddox” was attackedAmerica counterattackBoth though opposite side had a calculated attack America participated more and more,Battle of la Drang,The first large battleDrawNorth Vietnam decided not to fight with American troops head-to-headGuerilla warfare,Operation Rolling Thunder,TightAdviser of China and the Soviet Union undergroundUselessWestmoreland Search and destroy,Tet Offensive,January 30,1968North army and Viet Cong attacked almost all South Vietnam cities.Because weapons behind, failed Recover ability of attack soonCause anti-war in America Turning point,America Withdrawal,March 31, 1968 : President Johnson made a speech,end “Operation Rolling Thunder”June, 1968 General Abrams took over command 1969, Nixon became president : Vietnamization and pull out troopsJanuary 27,1973 :Paris Peace Accords,End of Vietnam War,Easter Offensive1974, North army occupied most southern villages,Aftermath,United States absorb lessons of the military intervention, great financial cost, great causalities,Chemical defoliation defoliate countryside, change landscape, cause disease, poison the food chainCasualties Both the US and Vietnam had casualties,America injured soldiers were waiting for rescue,U.S helicopter spraying chemical defoliants in the jungle, south Vietnam,Affect on China,Support and help VietnamBig pressure in financeDon not be on one side with ChinaSino-Vietnamese War,Affect on America,The longest warAnti-war sentimentChange Americas position in cold warCooperate with ChinaRacial problems and human rights issues discuss,Affect on Vietnam,Large civilian deathOrphans and barren landSino-Vietnamese WarEconomic bust, inflation“Boat people “,Rubble in the city,Vietnam after the war,Battle types,Jungle warfare,Battle types,Guerrilla war,Popular cultural after the war,Vietnam war in film, TV, games, literature, video, musicians and songwritersTrinh Cong Son, famous songwriter for his anti-war songs,Trinh Cong Son and his master work,National Front for the Liberation of Southern Vietnam,1960also known as Viet Congis an organization of North Vietnamguerrilla warfare in Southern Vietnam various people: students, normal people, ex-southern soldiersvarious weapons: captured from american soldiers, supported by Soviet Union, also sword, spear, bow and arrow.,Geneva Conference,1954Divided into north and south briefly unify country in 1956,Works cited,Geneva Conference, Wikipedia, 20 December 2011 Vietnam War, Wikipedia, 29 December 2011 Vietnam War, Baidupedia, 20 December 2011 ,