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    牛津译林版七年级英语下册:U3&Un4 Revision课件.ppt

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    牛津译林版七年级英语下册:U3&Un4 Revision课件.ppt

    7年级下册 Revision,Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine TownUnit 4 Finding your way,words in use,1,2022/12/17,An old friend of (Eddie) is coming to see him. He plans to go to the supermarket. He doesnt have enough money for (一罐狗粮), but he still thinks of (订购) a pizza.,Eddies,a tin of dog food,ordering,一本我的书 一辆他的自行车一份爱丽的礼物,a book of minea bike of hisa present/ gift of Allys,双重所有格,words camp,respond quickly,2022/12/17,There are lots of things to do in Sunshine Town. Sunshine Town is not (远离) the center of Beijing. It (花费) about 40 minutes by underground. Local people like jogging in the park. The air is (新鲜的)here. Beijing duck is very (有名的). Would you like (try) some? If you dont like Chinese food, there are some (西式餐厅). Why not (visit) local (剧院)and enjoy Beijing Opera? If you want to learn more about Chinese art, dont (错过) the opera shows there.We are looking forward to (见到)you soon.,far from,takes,fresh,famous,to try,Western restaurant,visit,theatre,miss,seeing,words camp,respond quickly,根据中文或首字母及句意完成句子。1)We should eat _ (新鲜的)vegetables.2)There is _ (没有什么) in the glass.3)Yao Ming is a _(著名的) basketball player.4)Dont get up late, or you will m_the early bus.5)Today the baby is very _(安静的).6)There are some _ (西方的)restaurants here.7)Sunshine Town has a new _(剧院)8)We cant live without a_ and water 9)(2017青岛)Her ways of solving problems are different from _(我的)10. I have caught a cold. I cant (嗅;闻到)anything.,fresh,nothing,famous,iss,quiet,western,theatre,ir,ours,smell,respond quickly,2022/12/17,words camp,respond quickly,Heilongjiang province is in the (东北)of China. Its about 1,000 (千米) away. Ill have a (旅行)there. Now Im (准备) for it. Its known that the mountains there are covered with (森林). Its wonderful as well as (危险的)to walk (通过) the forests. (大笑) in the forest is funny. Ill be enjoyable to walk along the road and hear the sounds of shaking (树叶).,north-east,kilometers,trip,preparing,forests,dangerous,through,Laughing,leaves,一、快速说出下列单词或短语。1. 跟随;效仿 v. _2. 北方,北 n./adj./adv. _3. 旅行 n. _4. 千米,公里 n. _ 5. 准备 v. _ 6. 径直地 adv. _ 7. 整天 _ 8. 沿着,顺着 prep. _,follow,north,trip,kilometre,straight,words camp,respond quickly,all day long,along,north-east 东北方,go/walk along the roadget along with sb.,prepare,preparefor,9. 危险的 adj. _10. 记得;记住 v. _ 11. 森林 n. _12. 大笑 v. _好笑的,滑稽的 adj. _叶子 n. _ 穿过,横过 prep. _在里面 prep. _ 桥 n. _,dangerous,remember,forest,laugh,funny,leaf,across,inside,bridge,复数形式:leaves,remember to do sth. 记得去做某事remember doing sth. 记得做过某事,反义词:outside,words camp,respond quickly,1. You must remember _ (clean) the classroom.2. Come in. Its cold o. 3. You go first and I will f_ you later.4. Xiamen is in the _ (东北)of China.5. The light shines _ (穿过) the eyes of the lanterns.6. In Spring, we can see green _ (树叶)and grass everywhere.7. Its d_ to play football in the street.,根据提示填空。,to clean,utside,ollow,northeast,across,leaves,angerous,respond quickly,Sentence analysis,2,有一些人在游泳池里游泳。,lps. camp,think carefully,There are some people swimming in the pool.,桂林的山以不同的形态矗立在那里。,There are mountains standing in different shapes in Guilin.,There is a flag (fly) in the wind.,flying,2022/12/17,上海离北京很远。,Shanghai is .Shanghai is far away from Beijing.There is a long from Shanghai to Beijing.Shanghai is Beijing.,far away from Beijing,a city,distance,distant from,2022/12/17,lps. camp,think carefully,Fiona has been away from home for one year. She misses her family very much. She plans to go home by train. Unluckily, she misses the last train and has to wait for the next one.,miss 1.对年轻女士的称呼2.想念3.错过,请记住音乐会的时间。我想没有人想错过它。Please remember the time of the concert. I think .,no one wants to miss it,2022/12/17,()Would you mind speaking more slowly? I can hardly _ you.Of course not.AreadBfollowCmissDmatch在接下来的几天里我希望每个人都遵守这里的规则。 , I hope everyone here.,B,lps. camp,think carefully,During the following days,will follow the rules,follow sb. 跟随某人follow the rules 遵守规则 = obey the rules following adj. “接下来的”,2022/12/17,lps. camp,think carefully,We are looking forward to meeting you soon.我们盼望不久就能见到你们。()(2017六盘水)Jane is my new pen pal. I often look forward to _ her emails. Areceive Breceives Creceiving Dreceivedlook forward to意为“期盼,盼望”,其中to是介词,后接名词、代词。接动词时,要用动名词形式。,C,2022/12/17,()_ should I throw the ball? About 3.5 metres. AHow much BHow many CHow soon DHow far()_ have you lived in Nanjing? About 5 years. AHow long BHow many CHow soon DHow far,D,A,lps. camp,think carefully,2022/12/17,lps. camp,think carefully,how long/how often/how soon/how far的用法区别:1how long主要有以下两个意思:(1)表示多长时间。(2)表示某物有多长。2how often 指每隔多久,主要用来对频率副词或状语提问。3how soon 指再过多久,主要用来对表示将来的一段时间(如:in an hour等)提问。4how far指距离多远。,2022/12/17,My parents will prepare plenty of food and drinks for us.我的父母亲将为我们准备足够的食物和饮料。prepare VS get readyprepare for sth.为某事做准备prepare to do sth.准备做某事()Tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival. My mother and my grandma _ a big meal for our family now.Aare preparingBbe preparingCprepare Dprepared,A,lps. camp,think carefully,2022/12/17,Go straight on, and youll find the Panda House. 直走,你们会发现熊猫馆。,这是“祈使句+and+陈述句”的句型,其中and表示顺承,如果用or,则表示转折。,努力学习,你就会通过考试。_ _, _ you will pass the exam.改写上面的句子: you work hard, you will pass the exam.You wont pass the exam you work hard.,Work hard and,lps. camp,think carefully,If,unless,grammar in use,3,Fill in the blanks with a, an and the,There is _ animal zoo and _ fun park in Hongshan Zoo. People can go around _ zoo by forest train. Theres also _ open area for people to feed animals. So it is wonderful place for children in Nanjing.,a,an,the,an,a,Performed by Wu Yan,grammar camp,use freely,2022/12/17,()1.(2017天水)Do you know how to spell _ word “napkin”(纸巾) in English?Yes. It begins with _ “n”Athe;a Bthe;an Ca;an Dthe;the()2.John, are you _ only child in your family?Yes,but _ new baby is on the way.Athe;a B. an;the Ca;the Dthe;the,B,A,grammar camp,use freely,2022/12/17,2022/12/17,1. In the picture, the chair is _ the table(2015,南京) A. under B. on C. above D. beside 2. Mom, where is my soccer ball? Its _ the floor _ your bed. A. under; on B. on; under C. in; on D. at; in3.Are they _ a factory or _ a farm? A. in; in B. on; on C. in; on D. on; in,grammar camp,use freely,2022/12/17,1. I think books are yours, Peter. They are not _.2. Please give this to Susan. It is _ pen.3. We are working hard on _ project. The teacher will like it. 4. My cousins and I live in the same building. My flat is on the third floor. _ is on the tenth floor.5. I cant find my ruler. Can I borrow _?6. Mr Chen loves _ new car very much.,grammar camp,use freely,yours,his,our,Theirs,mine,his,根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空,1. Please put the book on _(Millie) desk.2. These teddy bears are the _(girls).3. June 1 is _(children ) Day.4. This is the _(boy ) Walkman. Its not the _( girl ).5. Is it 20 _ (minute ) walk from your home?6. _( My mother ) birthday is on May 9.,grammar camp,use freely,1. There are so many desks in the classroom. These two desks are_ (Peter and Millie).,2. -Is that _(Peter and Millie) desk? -Yes, they share it.,grammar camp,use freely,2022/12/17,a friend of mine an old photo of my fathers two rooms of ours some books of my sisters Mary and Gina are my cousins. Three friends of _work in our local hospital.A. their B. they C. them D. theirs,D,grammar camp,use freely,双重所有格,Writing,4,2022/12/17,请以My lovely home town 为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍你的家乡,可适当发挥。要点如下:1.我的家乡是个海边小镇,约有800个家庭。2.离市中心约40分钟车程。3.空气清新,到处都有花草树木。4.有三家大型购物中心,可以买到各种东西,品尝全国各地的各种美食;有一家剧院,人们爱去那儿观看地方戏。5. 每年,有成千上万的游客来度假。6.自拟一句对家乡的看法。,2022/12/17,My lovely hometown My hometown is a town near the sea. There are about 800 families in our town. It takes about 40 minutes to the city center by car. The air is fresh here. And you can see many trees and flowers everywhere. There are three big shopping malls in the town. You can buy everything and try different kinds of nice food from all over the country. The town has a theatre. People like watching the local opera there. Thousands of visitors come to my hometown for holidays every year. My hometown is a wonderful place to live. I hope you can come and visit soon.,


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