1,Cooked Wheaten Food,2,As we all know,Shanxi province is not only the worlds earliest and largest agricultural area of origin, but also the birthplace of pasta culture. Counting from time to verify that there are about 280 kinds of pasta catagories in 2,000 years of history.,3,There are some different types of Cooked Wheaten Food in Shanxi.,Chaobingsi(炒饼丝),4,Youmian 莜面,Chaobulanzi炒不烂子,5,一根面 拉面 ramen longevity noodles hand-pulled noodles,To making good noodle is a skill that grows with practice.,6,剔尖儿,糊糊,揪片儿,头脑,7,栲栳栳Kaolaolao,焖面,8,刀削面,9,On the left is the staple food of our normal-ordinary steamed bread he right is very good-looking ,named colorful steamed bread(五彩馒头).,10,11,Thank you for watching.,