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    Unit2 Ways to go to school 去上学的方式,1,.,New words,关于交通工具,2,.,on foot,3,.,bike,4,.,car,5,.,bus,6,.,taxi,7,.,train,8,.,Its a kind of train.Its under the ground.It runs fast.Whats this?,猜猜我是谁?,9,.,subway,10,.,I am not a bird . But I can fly.Im very big .I dont eat.What am I?,猜猜我是谁?,11,.,plane,12,.,ship,13,.,by交通工具,表示:乘/骑,只有走路不用by而是用on,on foot,14,.,by,ship,taxi,bus,train,plane,subway,bike,15,.,I go to school by bus.,16,.,I go to school on foot.,17,.,18,.,nature park,自然公园,19,.,get there,get to there,How can we get there?,How do we get there?,20,.,21,.,children 孩子们 child 孩子(单数),come to school go to school 来学校 去学校,good exercise 很好的锻炼,walk = on foot 走路,22,.,how do you come to school?,I usually come,I often come,I sometimes come,I come,23,.,Guessing game,24,.,How do you come to school?,I come on foot.,25,.,How do you come to school?,26,.,I come by taxi.,27,.,How do you come to school?,28,.,I come by bus .,29,.,How do you come to school?,30,.,I come by ship .,31,.,How do you come to school?,32,.,I come by bike .,33,.,How does he get there?,by bus,by taxi,by bike,by car,He gets there .,34,.,by,on foot,taxi,bus,train,plane,ship,subway,often,usually,sometimes,early,乘,轮船,出租车,公共汽车,火车,飞机,地铁,经常,步行,通常,早到的,有时候,35,.,从,到达/到,36,.,How does he get to the UK from China?,三单形式,37,.,选择正确的答案。( ).Usually I go to school on foot . A. 我经常步行去上学.我通常步行去上学( )2. How can I get to Jiufeng Park ? A. 我怎样去九峰公园? B. 你怎样去九峰公园?( )3.我乘飞机去上海. A. I go to Shanghai by ship . B. I go to Shanghai by plane .( )4.You can go there _ , its far from here . A. on foot B. by bus ( ) 5.-_ do you go to Australia? - I go by plane . A. What B. How ( ) 6.-_ is the library ? - Its near the post office . A. What B. Where,B,A,B,B,B,B,38,.,lets learn PartB,39,.,Traffic lights,40,.,slow,41,.,down,42,.,stop,43,.,helmet,44,.,sled,45,.,ferry,46,.,traffic,early,helmet,must,wear,attention,fast,sled,ferry,交通,早到的,头盔,穿,戴,注意,快的,雪橇,轮渡,traffic light,Mrs,交通灯,夫人,必须,pay attention to,47,.,Look at the traffic lights.,48,.,traffic lights,red light,yellow light,green light,49,.,Slow down and stop at a yellow light .,50,.,Stop and wait at a red light .,51,.,Go at a green light.,52,.,在那边,must动词原形,Lets=let us,wait for me,53,.,Slow down and stop.,Lets go .,Stop and wait.,54,.,的,must动词原形,必须,去eing,在那边,take a/the 交通工具 = by交通工具,No.的完整形式:number,同音词:where,同音词sea,同音词by/buy,55,.,对应词:beforeafter,cross the road 横穿马路,同音词:sea,56,.,tr_ff_c l_tsl_w d_wn,a i,o o,st_p w_t,o,ai,你会吗?,igh,57,.,at the traffic lights.at a yellow light.at a green light.at a red light.,1. Look,3. Stop,4. Wait,2. Go,请你连一连,58,.,If the light is red, you must_.2. If the light is green, you must_.3. If the light is yellow, you must_.,wait,go,stop,来填一填!,59,.,),7. green 棕8. traffic规则 9. fast 快10. attention注意11. must必须12. black黑,1. red绿2. stop停 3. light灯 4. yellow黄 5. wait走 6. go 行,),(,(,(,),),),),),),),意思一致的画 ,不一致的画 。,(,),),60,.,fastslow,go的过去式,dont的过去式,单数:child,对应词:same,61,.,How many可数名词复数 多少(问数量),everyone 后面的动词要用单数形式(每个人),62,.,at home 在家,for 为/给,63,.,must动词原形,救生衣,必须,同音词:to/two,同音词:buy/bye,64,.,对应词:,同音词:,wearwhere,tooto/two,bybuy/bye,seesea,differentsame,fastslow,farnear,comego,earlylate,65,.,( )1.Dont go_ the red light! A.by B. at C. on ( )2.You can go there_.Its not far from here. A. on foot B. by ship( )3.Please pay attention _ English class. A.on B. to C.at( )4.Yellow light means _. A.Go B.Stop C.Wait ( )5._ can I get to the zoo? A.What B.How C.Where( )6.How _ Lily go to school? A.do B.is C.does,选一选,B,A,B,B,B,C,66,.,1. In the USA people on bikes must wear h ( ) . 2.I must pay a to the traffic lights. ( ) 3. We often go to school by f . ( )4. Dont let the dogs run too fast by s . ( )5.You are so e today. ( ),helmet,attention,ferry,sled,early,67,.,1. at yellow slow down light a (.)2. at red a light wait (.)3. light at a go green (.)4. the look at traffic a light(.)5. on Dont the run ferry (.),Slow down at a red light .,连词成句,Wait at a yellow light .,Go at a green light .,Look at the traffic light.,Dont run on the ferry.,68,.,homework,完成练习册PartB;抄写短语2遍Lets learn;读书并家长签名;熟记本课单词,下周听写。,69,.,Bye !,70,.,


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