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    Nursing English Conversation护理英语口语,AskingListeningNursing procedureCommunication,Askingapatientabouthisillness 询问病情,What can I do for you? / Can I help you? 有什么我能帮助你的? Whats the matter? / Whats up?/What happened? 什么事?发生了什么事?Whatsmatterwithyou?/ Whatsthetrouble? 你有什么不舒服?How are you today?/How was your sleep last night?/How is your appetite ?ptat 您今天怎么样/您昨晚睡得怎么样/您的食欲怎么样?Howlonghaveyouhadthistrouble? 你得这病多久了?Haveyoueverhadthistrouble? 以前有过这样吗?,Whendidthepainstart? 什么时候开始痛的?Howareyoufeelingnow? 你现在感觉怎么样?Whatswrongwithyoureyes? 你的眼睛怎么了?Haveyoutakenanythingforit? 你吃过什么药了吗?Howfarpregnantareyou? pregnnt 你怀孕多久了?Howisyoursleep? 你睡眠怎么样?,Anyvomiting?有没有呕吐?Areyoufeelingnausea? n:zi 你觉得恶心吗?Areyourbowelsregular? bal 你大便正常吗?Doyoucough?有没有咳嗽?Doyoufeelshortofbreathsometimes? 你有时觉得气急吗?Doyouhaveanyappetite? ptat 吃东西有胃口吗?Doesithurt?痛不痛?Doyoufeeltired?你觉得疲劳吗?,What/When/Where/HowAre you/Do you/Have youShould I/May I/Can IWhould you/Can you,Listening倾听,Icoughagreatdealatnight. 我晚上咳得很厉害。I dontfeellikeeatinganything. 我什么也不想吃。Ifeelapaininmyleftleg. 我觉得左腿疼。IfeeldizzyandIvegotnoappetite. dzi 我头晕,没胃口。Ifeelfeverish. fivr 我觉得有点发烧。Ifeelhotandcold. 我觉得忽冷忽热。Ifeellikevomiting. 我觉得想吐。Ihaveaheadache. hedek 我头痛。Im thirsty/hungry. sti 我很口渴/饿,Imachingallover.我浑身都痛。Imhavingsometroublesleeping.我有点失眠。Myleftfoothurts.我的左脚受伤了。Mystomachisupset. stmk我的胃不舒服。Myweightfellfrom65kg to50kg. wet我的体重从65减到50公斤。Theresabittertasteinmymouth.我的嘴里有一点苦味。,Nursing procedures护理操作,Im going to do an ECG for you . 我帮您做个心电图Youre going to have a CT-scan of your chest/head. 您要做个胸部/头部CTYoure going to have a chest X-ray . 您要拍个胸片Youre going to have a gastric endoscopy . gstrk end:skp 您要做个胃镜Letmecheckyourlungsandheart. 让我检查一下你的心肺Letmesoundyourlungs. 让我听听你的肺部。,Im going to make your bed./Ill change the bed linen at once.我帮您整理床铺/我马上帮你换床单Im going to give you oxygen/ nebulization. ksdn nebjlazen 我要给您吸氧/雾化Im going to shave your skin. 我要帮你备皮Ill take some blood from your arm. 我要在您的手臂上抽血,Im going to take your temperature. temprt(r) 我要帮您测个体温Let me feel your pulse. pls 我要帮您测个脉搏Ill test /take your blood pressure. 我要帮您量个血压I want to help you measure blood sugar. 我要帮你测个血糖,Im going to give you a/an,intramuscular injection. ntrmskjlr 肌肉注射 intravenous infusion. ntrvins 静脉注射hypodermic injection. hapd:mk 皮下注射a transfusion/blood transfusion. trnsfjun 输液/ 输血,Im going to/I will /I want to takeYoure going to haveLet me/Let usPlease,Communication交流,Liedownonthebed.Letmeexamineyour belly. 躺在床上,检查腹部Nowbreathein,adeepbreath. 现在呼吸,深呼吸Openyourmouthplease,andshowmeyourtongue. 张开嘴,伸出舌头来Yourbloodpressureisnormal. 你的血压正常的。Yourpulseisabitfast/slow. 你的脉搏有点快/慢。Cough.Nowagain. 咳嗽,再咳一下。Coughinganddeep-breathingexercises咳嗽呼吸练习,Idontthinkitsanythingserious. 我看这并不严重。Imafraidanurgentoperationisnecessary. :dnt 恐怕要立即动手术。Youllhavetostayinthehospitalforobservationfortwodays. bzven 你得住院观察两天。You have to rest in bed for at least three weeks. 您至少要卧床休息三周。Imafraid Ihavetogiveyouashot. 恐怕我得给你注射一针。You have to stop smoking and alcohol. lkhl 您必须戒烟、戒酒。,Drinkplentyofwater. 要多喝水。Besuretokeepwarmandrest. 注意保暖和休息。Take more exercises. 多做运动。Please wait a moment. Ill be back soon. 请等一会儿,我很快回来。What would you like to eat/drink? 你想吃/喝什么?I turn off the lights and let you rest. 我把灯关掉让你休息,Thesetabletsaretokeepthefeverdown. 这些药片都是退热的。Thesetabletsshouldclearupthetrouble. 这些药片可以解除这病痛。Thisisfororal medicine. 这是口服药。Thismedicinewillrelieveyourpain. 这种药将给你止痛。Take the medicine with a lot of water. 服用此药,要多饮水.,Never mind/It doesnt matter. 没关系Dont worry. 不要担心Dont be nervous. 不要紧张You will recover soon. 您很快就会康复的。You are great/clever/brave. 你真棒/聪明/勇敢You did very well. 你做的很好Take it easy/relax. 放松Hold on. 坚持住I believe you can do it. 我相信你可以做到的Have a rest 休息,comforting安慰,Im afraid/I think/I have toI hope/I believe/Im sure,medication 药物,Sleepingpills 安眠药Painkillers 止痛药Antipyretic 退热药ntiparetkLaxative 通便剂lkstvBlood pressure medication 降压药Fall blood sugar medicine 降血糖药 Oral medicine 口服药:rl,make the bed 整理床铺Brush/Cleantheteeth 刷牙Clean perineumperni:m 清洗会阴Clean the urethra jri:r 清洗尿道口washtheface 洗脸wash ones hair 洗头shave 刮胡子Haircut 剪头发cut fingernails fgnel 剪指甲changehospitalclothes 更换住院服装massagems: 按摩put on/ take off your clothes 穿上/脱下衣服,oxygen mask 吸氧面罩oxygen tube 吸氧管infusion pump 输液泵ventilator/breathing machine 呼吸机ECG monitor 心电监护仪blood pressure 血压Oxygen 血氧,Heart rate 心率body temperature 体温Weight 体重Breathe 呼吸Pupil 瞳孔vital sign 生命体征vaitl sainDrainage tube 引流管drendoperation/surgery 手术s:dr,laryngealcatheterization 喉插管术lrndilurethralcatheterization 尿道导管插入术krazengivingacold(analcohol)spongebath冷水(酒精)擦浴spndbladderirrigation 膀胱冲洗bld(r) rengastriclavage 洗胃gstrk lvdabsolutediet(fasting) 禁食anesthesia 麻醉nsi:draw blood 抽血run a high fever 发高烧,head 头throat 喉咙chest 胸部abdomen 腹部bdmnneck 脖子shoulder 肩back 背waist 腰buttock 屁股btk,finger 手指armpit 腋下knee 膝盖shank小腿foot 脚toes 脚趾ankle 踝Stomach胃lungs肺Heart心脏Blood血液,bone 骨muscle 肌肉hair 头发eye 眼睛ear 耳朵cheek 面颊nose 鼻子lip 嘴唇mouth 口tooth 牙齿tongue 舌t,一月:January dnjuri 二月:February februri 三月:March m:t 四月:April eiprl 五月:May mei六月:June du:n 七月:July du(:)lai 八月:August :gst 九月:September sptemb 十月:October ktub 十一月:November nuvemb 十二月:December disemb ,星期一: Monday mndi 星期二: Tuesday tju:zdi 星期三:Wednesday tju:zdi 星期四: Thursday :zdi 星期五: Friday fraidi 星期六: Saturday stdi 星期天: Sunday sndi ,今天:today昨天:yesterday前天:the day before yesterday几天前:afew days ago明天:tomorrow后天:the day after tomorrow几天后:A few days later,Thank You,


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