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    托福写作副词类好词妙句汇总分享 为了提升托福写作的得分,考生在词汇运用方面下功夫是比较常见上的思路。今天给大家带来了托福写作高分词汇实例赏析,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。托福写作高分词汇实例赏析 副词类好词妙句汇总分享托福写作高分词汇实例赏析:副词类accordingly 相应地、对应地Through internships, students will become familiar with the companies expectations towards competitive graduates and build their career path accordingly.adversely 不利地、负面地The children and spouse of a smoker will be adversely affected by the constant smoke in their environment.alarmingly 惊人地、令人惊奇地China has the largest population in the world, and therefore the business industry is bound to grow at an alarmingly fast rate.astoundingly 惊人地、令人惊奇地The urban population produces astoundingly large amounts of pollution, for example, the alleged white pollution which is creeping all over the country.basically 主要地、基本地Basically, the problem-solving skills learnt in science are beneficial in curing diseases and developing new energy technologies.comparatively 比较地、相当地In addition, due to the comparatively higher prices of handmade products, consumers might be hesitant before deciding to buy them.completely 完全地、彻底地News broadcasts on television are supplying completely trustworthy information concerning the latest happenings at home and abroad.considerably 相当地、非常地The educational level of citizens considerably depends on the quality of teachers in higher learning institutions.consistently 一贯地、一致地In order to avoid health problems, young people should consistently participate in outdoor activities.deeply 深深地、深入地The value of “unity ispower” is deeply rooted in peoples minds.eventually 最终地、最后地Most ordinary citizens joined in the struggles against enemies, and as a result, they survived and eventually lived in peace.exceedingly 极度地、非常The people of strong ability to plan and organize are exceedingly capable of administering a large number of employees or assistants.exceptionally 异常地、特殊地To illustrate, when a person manages to complete a formidable job, a strong sense of fulfillment will rise up and make him/her exceptionally honored and happy.excessively 过分地、过度地Peer pressure often causes youngsters to spend excessively on fancy clothes and accessories.fully 充分地、完整地Only through residing in dormitories could college students fully experience the essence of university education.highly 高度地、非常That is why the government is highly concerned about improvements in traffic conditions and invests heavily in the construction of a more advanced infrastructure.increasingly 越来越多地、渐增地Students attend colleges to obtain more opportunities for advancement in an increasingly competitive job market.inescapably/inevitably 不可避免地、必然地Peoples behavior inevitably/inescapably reflects their nature.inextricably 密不可分地、无法摆脱地When a university is established, it becomes inextricably connected to the community where it is located.inherently 固有地、内在地Most magazines of the mass media industry, being inherently commercial, are driven by business motivations.overly 过度地、极度地Souvenirs are overly expensive in some tourist sites.possibly/probably 可能地、大概Critical thinking skills help students fight poverty and make the nation possibly/probably fairer and freer.presumably 可能地、大概Creativity is needed when one is building new companies that will presumably create new jobs and boost the local economy.radically 根本地、彻底地The old fashion is suddenly new again viewed in the context of a radically different environment.regularly 定期地、有规律地Medical research indicates that those who conduct physical exercise regularly face fewer risks of diseases than those who never do it.remarkably 显著地、非常地Being limited to only one type of books might remarkably narrow a readers mind and knowledge scope.seemingly 似乎地、好似New graduates prefer to work in large companies that seemingly attach great importance to the social welfare benefits of their working staff.significantly 重大地、值得注目地Automobiles have significantly influenced every aspect of society in many ways and have changed to keep up with the times.similarly 相似地、同样地Similarly, it becomes difficult for students to know which job best fits them after graduation due to their lack of real-life experience.substantially 实质上、大量地The habitats of wild animals may substantially dwindle, which will destroy the diversity of animals and the ecological balance.thoroughly 彻底地、绝对地Everyone should appreciate and thoroughly comprehend the essential value of friendship.undeniably 不可否认地、确凿无疑地Undeniably, each manager has to take risks and prepare for potential challenges during the struggle toward generating profits and achieving further development.undoubtedly 确实地、毋庸置疑地Undoubtedly, computers have changed the way individuals interact with each other in American society.unsurprisingly 不出所料地、不出奇地Unsurprisingly, students who are under constant stress in their studies may suffer from mental problems or even commit crimes.vastly 极大地、深远地The agricultural way of life has played a vastly important part in the countrys history.托福独立写作范文:人人都可以改变环境写作话题Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Because environmental issues are too complicated, individuals can do nothing to solve them.参考范文Our current environmental problems grow ever more serious. Sometimes they seem so serious and confusing that it seems an individual could never do anything to help fi x the problems. Personally speaking, I believe that individuals can make a difference. There are at least two areas where the efforts of ordinary individuals can be meaningful in solving environmental issues.Firstly, individuals can protect environment by changing their ways of waste disposal. If every person would classify his or her garbage before throwing it away, much of it could be recycled and pollution could be reduced. Just take beverage cans as one example. Recent surveys suggest that over 7,000 tons of waste beverage cans go un-recycled each year in America alone. The cost of finding these cans after they have been thrown away, reclassifying them as recyclable and then sending them to be recycled is far higher than simply making new ones. However, if individuals would sort their cans before they discard them, and then discard them into the proper containers, the expense of recycling would decline greatly and there would be reduction in absolute pollution caused by the beverage cans. This is just one area where an individual can make a difference.Secondly, environmental problems will be somewhat revolved once individuals in society consume less energy. It is because the requirement of natural resources used to produce energy will reduce and as a result, the environmental damage human inflicts will also decline. As an academic survey indicates, if every family in American could reduce their electricity use by 5% a year,1.65 billion units would be saved. It means that the generator motived by coals in the whole country can take a break for more than a month. In fact, not only can it make humans requirement of natural resources less, but also it can alleviate the air pollution caused by burning coals. Consequently, for winning the battle of protecting environment, individuals endeavor, undoubtedly, is a great strength that should not be ignored.Admittedly, most people do not have the specialized knowledge and skills to tackle many issues related to the environment. Besides, they do not have the influence to change entire systems. Nevertheless, the claim that individuals can do nothing to solve these issues is an obvious overstatement. In fact, the power that individual can exert is much more than we can expect.In conclusion, I disagree with the idea that individuals can do nothing in solving environmental problems since the issues are too complicated.参考译文当前我们面临的环境问题已经越来越严峻了。有时这些问题看起来格外严重,令人不知所措,以至于人们觉得个人在解决环境问题方面已经无能为力了。然而在我看来,即使是个人也可以尽自己的一份努力,来改变这一现状。至少在下面两个方面,普通人也能为之做出有意义的贡献。首先,人们可以通过改变垃圾丢弃的方式,来保护环境。如果每个人都能在丢掉垃圾之前将其分类,那么这些垃圾中的一大部分就可以被回收,进而减少污染。以饮料罐为例。最近一项调查显示,仅在美国,每年就有超过 7000 吨废饮料罐未能得到回收。如果人们要找回这些已丢弃的饮料罐,并将其重新分类、回收利用,其成本要比制造新罐子高得多。然而,如果人们可以事先分拣出这些废罐子,并将它们扔到相应的垃圾箱里,回收的费用则将大大下降,而由饮料罐引起的污染也会有所减少。以上这不过是个人能够为环保做出贡献的诸多领域之一。其次,如果每个人能够降低自己对能源的消耗,那么环境问题也将在一定程度上得到解决。这是由于人们不再需要消耗大量的自然资源来制造能源。自然资源消耗的下降及工业生产的缩减,会降低人类对环境造成的损害。一份学术调查表明,如果所有的美国家庭每年能减少 5% 的用电量,那么便可节省 16.5 亿度电,而这意味着全国以燃煤为动力的发电机可以少工作一月有余。事实上, 那不仅能减少人们对自然资源的消耗,同时也能够减轻因烧煤而引起的空气污染。因此,要赢得环保战斗的胜利,个人的努力,毫无疑问,是一个不应被忽视的强大力量。诚然,大多数人不具备解决诸多环境问题的专业知识和技能。此外,他们也没有足够的影响力以改变整个体系。但即使这样,声称个人在解决这些问题上完全无能为力显然言过其实了。事实上,个人能够发挥出的力量是远远超过我们预期的。综上所述,我不认同“环境问题太过复杂,因此个人在解决这些问题上无能为力”这个说法。范文点拨这篇范文共五段。首段依然是引子、点题、观点、铺垫四个要素。对于本题的话题,即个人是否在应对复杂的环境问题面前无能为力,作者持的是一种否定态度,并在其后的两个正论段中,从垃圾处理和能源节约方面进行了论证。另外,作者在论述以上两段时,也分别给出了具体的数据,作为细节加以佐证。在让步段中,作者使用了“让步句 +让步论证 +转折句 +转折论证”的四句话论证法。值得注意的是,这一次的让步论证中,作者给出了与让步句论点平行的另一观点,来对其做出补充说明。总体上说,整篇*长度适中,且语言亮点较多,难度适中,非常适合考生模仿研习。加分单词和词组disposal d?sp?z(?)l n. ( 事情的 ) 处置; ( 废物的 ) 清理、处理sort s?(r)t vt. 将分类;挑选出某物discard d?s?k?(r)d vt. 抛弃;丢弃generator ?d?en?re?t?(r) n. 发电机;生产者tackle ?t?k(?)l vt. 处理;与交涉make a difference:有影响;起作用for winning the battle of:为了获取斗争的胜利经典句型I disagree with the idea that .:我不同意的观点sth. is much more than we can expect:某事(物)大大超出了我们的预期in fact, not only can it make humans requirement of natural resources less, but also it can alleviate the air pollution caused by burning coals: 事实上,那不仅能减少人们对自然资源的消耗, 同时也能够减轻因燃煤而引起的空气污染注:本句 not only 的分句中使用了倒装结构,对句子加以强调,情态动词 can 提到了形式主语it的前面。需要注意的是后一个分句,即 but also引导的分句不倒装,can 仍然在主语 it 之后。此外,本句还使用了后置定语结构 caused by burningcoals,对宾语 air pollution 进行修饰。托福作文精彩句型赏析:A比B重要的表达方法托福作文句子鉴赏:教育对于一个国家的发展来说是非常重要的。1.A nation cannot develop without education.2.Education means a lot/much/a great deal to the development of a nation.3.The importance of education to the development of a nation can never be exaggerated/denied/ignored/doubted.解析:A对B很重要; 我们至少用三种句型表达同一句意。(利用同义词或同义短语)1.A is important to B.2.A plays an important role in B.3.A is of great importance to B.4.B cannot live/develop/grow/survive without A.5.A means a lot/a great deal to B.6.The importance of A to B cannot be denied/ignored/doubted.7.A is essential/significant/crucial/vital/indispensable to B.8.A is everything /the whole world to B.9.A is fundamental/basic/elementary/underlying to B.10. A matters /counts to B.11.Nothing is more important to B than A.12.Nothing is the match of A to B.小试牛刀:在校外住对锻炼大学生独立自主能力是非常重要的。跨文化交际能力在我们这个多元化社会中对我们的事业成功很重要。身体是革命的本钱。父母对我们的影响非常大。保护濒危动物对维护生态平衡至关重要。


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