IBM Business Consulting ServicesFlorida Power & Light On Demand Learning EnvironmentDeveloped forJune 22, 2004Florida Power & LightIBM Business Consulting ServicesITable of ContentsExecutive Summary3Our Understanding4Our Solution5The Value of Our Capabilities7The Value of Our Tools8Witness Systems eQuality Now and eQuality Producer11Our Ongoing Relationship with Florida Power & Light13IBMs Own Learning Transformation Story14Response to RFP Questions16Pricing23Assumptions25Client References and Citations26IBM Business Terms and Conditions32© Copyright 2004 IBM (unpublished). All rights reserved.If not otherwise expressly governed by the terms of a written confidentiality agreement executed by the parties, the information presented herein is IBM Confidential information and shall only be disclosed to those employees who have a need to know of its contents, shall not be disclosed to third parties or outside Florida Power and Light, and shall not be duplicated, used, or disclosed in whole or in part for any purpose other than to evaluate this proposal for the contemplated business arrangement with IBM without the express written consent of International Business Machines Corporation (IBM). This proposal is valid for 90 days from the date on the cover.© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004F04-000397IBM and FPL ConfidentialExecutive Summary The Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) E-Learning Request for Proposal initiates the purchase of a simulation software package to allow the care center training department the ability to create call type simulation training via e-learning modules that will be used to coach Customer Service Representatives. IBM is recommending that its proprietary tool, Content Producer, be used as the web-based training authoring content development and content management engine, and is also responding at a broader and more strategic level.FPL is currently in the initial phase of a three-phase migration, a roll-out that is anticipated to require up to four years before full benefits can be achieved. In the first stage, FPL is defining the care center learning strategy, learning technology standards; e-learning development methodologies, and beginning the re-purposing of existing materials to web-based training/e-learning media.IBM proposes a three-pronged solution to meet FPLs requirement for an On Demand learning environment: tools, integration, and services. Tools:§ Install IBM Content Producer as the “master” web-based training authoring tool and content manager / repository for shareable content objects.§ Install IBM Simulation Producer as application-based simulation tool§ Install eQuality Now from Witness as the mini-Learning Management System for Care Center employees§ Install eQuality Producer as voice-based simulation toolIntegration:§ Integrate eQuality Now with FPL SAP Training and Events module and HR data bases§ Partner with IBM Knowledge Factories (on and off-shore) to out-task re-purposing and programming of existing training to e-content format (web-based and virtual-classroom training)Services:§ Complete an e-Learning Strategy and Architecture alignment review§ FPL Care Center Training Developers participate in 1-week training course on using Content Producer and Simulation Producer§ IBM Knowledge Factory to work with FPL training developers to customize templates and co-develop the first course§ Provide Change Management support to facilitate transition of both the Care Center end-users and training team to new e-learning model§ Identify benefits and return on investment projections to support business case for care center training transformation efforts, and track benefitsIBM believes that by following this approach, FPL can dramatically accelerate the implementation of proposed learning system, while reducing the costs of training FPLs Care Center representatives with our proposed solution.IBM has used the power of e-Learning to transform itself, and produce savings in the hundreds of millions of dollars. By using the same approach and tools, IBM can assist FPL in entering the Future of Learning.Our UnderstandingIn order to provide consistent excellent customer service, and to accelerate the speed to proficiency of its care center representatives, FPL wishes to transform its existing approach to training to an On Demand learning environment. FPL is currently in the initial phase of a three-phase migration, a roll-out that is anticipated to require up to four years before full benefits can be achieved. In the first stage, FPL is defining the care center learning strategy, learning technology standards; e-learning development methodologies, and beginning the re-purposing of existing materials to web-based training/e-learning media.FPL currently employs approximately 1300 people as Care Center Representatives in two call centers (Miami and West Palm Beach). FPL manages the care center processes using software tools from Avaya, Blue Pumpkin and Witness Systems. On the corporate level, FPL has deployed learning management systems (LMS) from Plateau to support their nuclear generation facilities, and the SAP Learning Solution to support the balance of the enterprise. They are currently installing an instance of Documentum for document management. FPLs overarching goal is to deploy an On Demand learning environment to support its 1300 care center representatives. The On Demand learning environment will support the care center representatives new hire training, employee development, and just-in-time learning needs. Below is the IBM summary of major requirements for the overall care center On Demand learning solution:§ Integration with FPLs existing care center software§ Integration with FPLs existing corporate learning infrastructure § Integration with FPLs SAP Portal§ The ability to deploy a courseware using a learning object module§ The ability to reuse and repurpose existing FPL training content § Support of SCORM 1.2 or greater, AICC and IMS meta tagging§ The ability to validate learning and track scores at the e-learning module level§ Provide search capabilities § Support for all standard media types Requirements for the learning development tools, LMS and LMCS include:§ Rapid e-learning development capabilities § Robust simulation capabilities for application simulation, call simulation with voice recognition. § Branching capabilities to support dynamic scenarios based on user's response§ Randomizer capabilities (different scenarios every time user logs in)§ Support for a minimum of 10 concurrent content developers§ Support for third party contentThe requirements above are a summary of the requirements listed in the RFP. As IBM and FPL continue discussions to further define the care center On Demand learning solution, other requirements may become apparent as part of the due diligence process.Our SolutionIBM proposes a three-pronged solution to meet FPLs requirement for an On Demand learning environment: tools, integration, and services. IBM believes that FPL can dramatically accelerate the implementation of the proposed learning system, while reducing the costs of training FPLs Care Center representatives with our proposed solution. IBM believes FPL already owns much of the infrastructure detailed in RFP and that FPL can meet the Care Center representatives learning requirements and save money both in the short and long-term by making a small investment new call center software from Witness Systems and integrating the software with FPLs existing Care Center software, SAP learning management system, and SAP enterprise portal.IBM also recommends that FPL migrate to a standardized SCORM compliant rapid e-learning development platform using IBMs Content and Simulation Producer software.IBM is teaming with Witness Systems for this solution because of FPLs existing investment in Witness software to help it manage the FPL care centers. IBM suggests that FPL purchase eQuality Now and eQuality Producer from Witness Systems. We recommend that eQuality Now serve as the learning management software and that eQuality Now be integrated with FPLs existing SAP Training and Events module and HR databases. IBM also recommends that FPL purchase eQuality Producer from Witness Systems. The eQuality Producer application will allow FPL to capture and create e-learning simulations of actual customer contacts audio for use as training.eQuality Now and eQuality Producer focus on improving the customer experience, as well as increase job satisfaction and retention among agents. Organizations are implementing customer interaction recording software, supplemented by a dynamic learning environment, to help align their people, processes and technologies for increased performance and profitability. eQuality and eQuality Producer quickly address skill deficiencies with e-learning based on actual performance without the time-consuming hassles of expensive course development. To facilitate the rapid development and deployment of e-learning content IBM recommends that FPL migrate to IBM Content Producer for the development of e-learning content. Content Producer provides all FPLs requirements for e-learning content development while providing it with a toolset that can dramatically reduce the time and cost associated with producing SCORM compliant e-learning courseware. Content Producer will provide FPL trainers and SME the ability to develop robust, web-based courseware either as a team or individually, using a workflow, template-based methodology. Content Producer also brings most of the LCMS functionality that FPL is seeking.To create simulations not associated capturing Care Center customer contacts IBM proposes that FPL use IBM Simulation Producer. Simulation Producer is rapid development tool that will allow FPL to quickly create SCORM compliant simulations that learners can view passively or use as reinforcement activates that can be scored and the results captured in the FPL Witness or SAP LMS. Simulation Producer also provides FPL tremendous productivity enhancements by automatically documenting each step in the procedure for possible export to Microsoft Word in Table format with screen captures, button images, and numbered descriptions of the steps. This feature eliminates the time associated with the creation of separate paper-based training documentation by allowing the exporting of the captures associated with the simulation with a click of a single button.IBM recommends that FPL Care Center content development staff personnel participate in a one-week training course on IBM Content and Simulation Producer. The one-week course will help ensure that FPL training personnel possess the skills they need to begin the process of developing courseware to support the FPL On Demand learning environment.To support FPLs transition to an On Demand learning environment IBM proposes that IBM works with Care Center key stakeholders and training personnel to validate FPLs training and change management strategies for implementing its On Demand learning environment. We believe that we can help FPL identify benefits and return on investment projections to support the business case for care center training transformation. We can also work with FPL to develop methodologies that can dramatically shorten its four-year deployment schedule and reduce the costs of developing and deploying training content using various training modalities. To further support FPLs transformation to an On Demand learning environment, we propose that FPL partner with IBM Knowledge Factory. The IBM Knowledge Factory can help FPL to re-purpose and reprogram existing training materials into SCORM compliant e-content for the web-based and virtual-classroom training. The IBM Knowledge Factory is a dedicated team of instructional design professionals that focus solely on the development of learning content. IBM has Knowledge Factories located throughout the world and can provide FPL a team of professional developers capable of partnering with FPL Care Center training personnel to develop On Demand courseware faster and at a lower cost than FPL can produce the content in-house. The Value of Our CapabilitiesMore From PeopleOn Demand WorkplacesLearning &DevelopmentBetter HRIBMs Human Capital Management consulting practices 2800 professionals focus on helping companies transform their HR operations from strategy through implementation and to provide HR with the appropriate analytics to better manage a companys most important assets people.More from People focuses on driving maximum business performance through strategic management of human capital. More from People can help FPL formulate the most appropriate people strategy as well as provide ongoing alignment of people and behavior to achieve desired business results or objectives for the organization. Learning & Development, working in conjunction with More From People inspires and equips people in bus-iness to improve performance, skills, and knowledge for results. Learning and Development (L&D) has experience supporting education and training through the entire instructional design process at all levels of the organization. L&Ds experience in delivering integrated learning solutions in the energy industry is unparalleled. We can help FPL improve the effectiveness and reduce the cost of learning within the organization. We would achieve these results by addressing the fundamental organization, technology, and methods FPL uses to facilitate employee learning and development to help meet their key business objectives. Our services include:§ Corporate learning strategy and organization § Business applications and process training§ Business skills training § Integrated learning and content management solutions § Employee and management development programs§ Leadership training§ e-Learning technologies§ e-ContentIBMs L&D consultants have deep experience in developing training materials using all of the current development platforms. Our consultants are well versed in use of development tools from Macromedia, Adobe, and Techsmith, including Dreamweaver, Flash, Authorware and Director; the Adobe Creative Studio, and Techsmiths Camtasia.Better HR focuses on improving client HR service delivery and reducing the overall cost of their HR function. Better HR would help FPL transform the way HR works and delivers value to the business by helping it successfully design, implement and adopt the most appropriate combination of HR service delivery portfolios, operating models, technologies and processes for their organization.On Demand Wo