梅赛德斯-奔驰中国国际时装周2016春夏系列新闻稿之二 中国国际时装周组委会供稿梅赛德斯-奔驰中国国际时装周2016春夏系列Mercedes-Benz China Fashion Week 2016S/S Collection 发布品牌及设计师介绍 Brands and Designers IntroductionNE·TIGER 2016高级定制华服发布会10月25日,NETIGER 2016高级定制华服发布会在北京饭店金色大厅举行。本次,NETIGER从清代悠悠天地苍穹中汲取灵感,在华服上延续中华礼仪文明的光辉历史。本季高定发布分为经典、改良、创新三大系列华服旗袍。发布会上,NETIGER以乾隆皇帝皇后所穿的朝服、及慈禧太后所穿的吉服翻开清代历史。品牌再次携手南京云锦研究所、缂丝传承大师王玉祥、及百余位刺绣大师,将镶、滚、嵌、荡、绣、贴、盘、钉,八大工艺一脉相承;色彩上提炼了由八旗演变的正黄、正白、正蓝、正红,结合鹅黄、象牙白、月石蓝、珊瑚红八种色彩渲染华美的丝绸;牡丹、桃花、蔷薇、杜鹃花等在旗袍西式立裁上摇曳生姿。创新版旗袍设计上保留旗袍本身通体玲珑、流线型的简约之美,面料除保留丝绸外,更运用新近研发的弹力、皮革、羊绒、牛仔等功能性面料,将旗袍赋予运动跳跃的新内涵,无论是舞蹈、网球等运动都可轻松穿着。2016“清旗袍”高级定制发布会以华服旗袍为服饰语言,再次践行了NETIGER的中国梦。在品牌创始人、艺术总监张志峰看来:“旗袍集东方服饰工艺之大成,也是东西方服饰文化交融的典范,它在国际时尚舞台上体现的正是和而不同的东方文明价值观。”设计师:张志峰NETIGER品牌创始人、艺术总监NE TIGER Haute Couture Huafu CollectionOn October 25, 2016 NETIGER Haute Couture Collection is held in Golden Hall of Beijing Hotel.In this collection, NE TIGER gets its inspiration from the heaven and earth of Qing dynasty and continues the brilliant history of Chinese etiquette civilization on Huafu. This Haute Couture collection is divided into three collections, namely classical, improved, and innovated Huafu QIPAO. In the show,NE TIGER starts the history of Qing dynasty with the royal robes of queen of emperor Qian Long and the empress Ci Xi. The brand cooperates with Nanjing 'Yujin' Brocade Research Institute, K 'o-ssu inheritance master Wang Yuxiang, and more than embroidery masters to come down the eight crafts, namely edge, rolling, embed , swings, embroidery, stick, plate, and pin ; The colors, refined from the colors of Eight Banners: yellow, white, blue, red, light yellow, ivory white, moon blue, and coral red, is to render the colorful silk; Peony, peach blossom, rose, and azalea are swaying in the QIPAO by the western-style three dimensional tailoring ,which makes audience hodl their breath to appreciate the sparkling beauty of the fascinating 2015/6 Huafu QIPAO in the sands of times; Innovated QIPAO keeps the full-body exquisite and streamlined simple beauty of original QIPAO in design. in terms of fabrics, besides silk fabrics, more newly developed functional fabrics, such as elasticity, leather, wool and jeans is used and endows QIPAO with sports and jumping connotations. No matter for dance or sports like tennis, it wears easily. NE TIGER Huafu QIPAO makes two bright era echo each other, again leading this season and being the weather vane of world's fashion .2016 NETIGER Haute Couture Collection designs Huafu QIPAO as the garment language, and practices the China dream of NE TIGER again. It seems to Zhang Zhifeng, brand founder and artistic director, that the "QIPAO integrates all the eastern garment crafts, and also is the model of blending eastern and western fashion culture. it embodies the “harmony in diversity” of eastern civilization values in the international fashion stage.Designer: Zhang Zhifeng, brand founder and artistic director of NE TIGERB+by beautyberry·时装发布会10月25日,B+by beautyberry·时装发布会在751D·PARK中央大厅举行。本季的灵感源自“N.零”年代人喜爱的动漫卡通形象,通过B+品牌的卡通形象代言熊猫“抱抱”演绎一段有趣的异国之旅。呆萌的眼神让你疯,贱贱的笑容让你醉,忘我的展现,流露出不羁的态度。用你最熟悉的图案描绘动感坐标,摩登的廓形用缤纷色彩告诉你我的情绪,洒脱,但不随意,用设计渲染你的青春活力。设计师:王玉涛 BeaytyBerry品牌设计总监B + by beautyberry CollectionOn October 25, B + by beautyberry collection show is held in the Central Hall of 751 D· PARK. This collection is inspired by the cartoon image favored by people in the “N.0” time. The cartoon image of B + brand, panda "hug" deduces an interesting foreign trip. His lovely eyes make you crazy and his crooked smile makes you drunk. His unselfish show reveals uninhibited style. The collection uses your favorite patterns to paint the dynamic feel and uses modern profile and colors to tell you his mood, free and easy style. The designers enable the design to render your youthful vitality. Designer: Wang Yutao, brand design director of BeaytyBerry Cabbeen·卡宾男装发布会10月25日,Cabbeen·卡宾男装发布会在751D·PARK七九罐举行。Cabbeen2016春夏系列的大主题是“游乐场Funfair”,讲述现代人在现代城市的高压环境中寻找自己的一片乐土,从中得到快乐和心灵释放的故事,灵感来源于设计师个人、身边的朋友和伙伴们在面对压力时的一些经验和一些思考。发布会现场布置成一个让人感到欢快、自由、刺激、释放的游乐场的样子。传统的游乐场马戏团的元素变成我们的服装图案,传递一种热烈欢快氛围。这个主题的第二层含义,是鼓励人们去创新性地看待生活、看待压力,将自己由观众变为参与者,在生活中找到属于自己的游乐场。类似城市滑板少年,不管是街道的楼梯、斜坡,还是干涸的游泳池都可以成为滑板少年玩乐的场地。所以,服装中也引用了很多这一类的城市运动的元素和颠覆性的剪裁手法。“游乐场Funfair”这个主题的第三层含义,主要通过Cabbeen Urban和Cabbeen Chic、2AM这三个品牌来体现,那就是一种对“游乐场”的一种未来的、科技的畅想。设计师选取了“光”、“光线”、“光影”来作为媒介,体现这种互联网时代的智力、科技游乐场的感觉。本场发布会设计系列感更加强烈,系列之间的差异更加明显。Cabbeen Lifestyle、Cabbeen Urban、Cabbeen Chic和2AM四个品牌各自拥有不同的对主题的阐释方向,服装也呈现出不同的形态;服装色彩的搭配和运用方面运用了亮点,在服装的层次感和搭配方式,例如一些透明面料和镭射冲孔面料的运用,穿着后可以透出底色,在视觉上让颜色更有层次变化。还有服装长短错落造成的层次感,Cabbeen Lifestyle的雅族系列把运动服饰与正装进行混搭组合,打造一个更舒适休闲的现代白领形象。此外,版型的变革方面,设计师在风尚系列更多地融入了宽松、舒适、街头感的版型,同时增加了军装里面一些经典的廓形,张驰更加自如。设计师:杨紫明 卡宾服饰(中国)有限公司董事会主席兼艺术总监Cabbeen Mens CollectionOn October 25, Cabbeen Mens collection is held in the Tank Zone of 751 D · PARK .Cabbeen2016 S/S Collection is themed with "Amusement park Funfair", telling the story that people, in the environment with great pressure in modern city ,look for their own paradise and get happiness and mind release. It is inspired by the experience and thinking of the designer, his friends and partners in face of the pressure. The show is decorated into a place to make visitors feel joy, freedom, stimulated, and release. the Traditional elements of amusement parks, circus elements, become our garments patterns, delivering warm and happy atmosphere.The second connotation of this theme is to encourage people to innovatively treat the life and pressure, change themselves from audience into participants and find their own amusement park. It is just like a Skater boy. Street stair, slope, or dry swimming pool, all can be his place to play. So, the collection also uses a lot of this kind of urban elements and disruptive clipping technique."Amusement park Funfair" has its third meaning. it is reflected by three brands: Cabbeen Urban and Cabbeen Chic, 2AM, which is a kind of imagination for the future, science and technological amusement park. The Designer selects "light", "light lines" and "light shadows" as medium to reflect the smart and technological park in the internet era. This collection has stronger sense of series with the more obvious differences between collections. Cabbeen Lifestyle, Cabbeen Urban, Cabbeen Chic and 2AM has different interpretation of clothes. So these collections also present different profiles. For The color match and usage in clothes, the collection focuses on bright color, less but in the key places. The third point is the levels and collocation of these dresses. For example, some transparent fabrics and punching fabric can show the grounding color and makes levels in visual impression, and the level sense made by the dress length is unique. The grace collection of Cabbeen Lifestyle mix the sportswear and formal wear to create a image of more comfortable leisure modern white collar. The fourth is the changes of profile. The designer puts more loose, comfortable, and street-style feeling profile into the Fashion colletion, and increases some classic profile into the military uniform to make the clothes more easy to move.Designer: Yang Ziming, chairman and art director of Cabbeen Clothing (China) Co., Ltd.马德帆艺术作品发布会10月25日,马德帆艺术作品发布会在751D·PARK第一车间举行。一棵茶树,一缕墨痕,一块绣片“颿”的设计灵感,来自于设计师对天地万物的感知、生命的吸引;来自于从电影到书法,到收藏,到装置,再到服装的跨界累积能量;来自于对这世界的另一种解读与表达。品牌设计倡导自由、随性、不雷同的个性主张、艺术追求与舒适穿着体验。擅于将传统文化元素拆解重组与天然素材处理再加工,重新赋予面料不同的性格与时光沉淀感,造型的立体多变凸显丰富的层次、质感,不同的光线条件下变化不同的视觉张力;坚持“一款一件”的定制唯一性,强调艺术、工艺、实用价值的完美结合,忠实于“自由行走,随性绽放”的品牌调性与独特气质。设计师:马德帆 DefanM品牌创始人、总设计师Defan.M CollectionOn October 25, Defan.M Collection id held in the Workshop of 751 D · PARK.A tea tree, a wisp of ink mark and a piece of embroidery. the design inspiration of "Fan" comes from the designers perception of the universe and his interest of life. It also comes from cross-border accumulating energy from film to calligraphy, collections, the devices and the clothes, and from another interpretation and expression of the world.This design advocates free and unique characteristics, artistic pursuit and comfortable wearing experiences. The designer is good at dismantling and restructuring traditional culture elements and then mixing with natural material to make further processing, endowing the material afresh property and sense of time precipitation. The three-dimensional and changeable modeling of this design highlights rich levels, and texture, and show different visual tension in different light conditions. This collection also adheres to the "Only One" with one style in uniqueness, emphasizing the perfect combination of art, craft and practical value. It is faithful to the brand essence and unique temperament of "free walk and free blossom ".Designer: Ma Defan , founder and chief designer of Defan. M brand ECHO CHEN作品发布会10月26日,ECHO CHEN作品发布会在北京饭店金色大厅举行。lécho des montagnes 山脉-回音 présents Collection 2016 新高级定制系列。当长白山不期而遇阿尔卑斯山Quand les montagnes de Changbai rencontrent les Alpes 山脉、河流,起源于天地初开,绽放天然力量之美。从诠释阿尔卑斯山在欧洲的人文精神代表,长白山脉作为千年中华文明圣地起源。天池雪峰遥相对望,仿似遥远而却共享着作为文明发明地圣山的共鸣。山峦时而静谧,时而盛情,四时幻变,姿态万千,绽放恒久的生命力。设计师根据长白山与阿尔卑斯气候景致的四时变化,将其升华成“白:山语,蓝:邂逅,红:尘缘,黑:距离”四组新高定系列设计概念。长白山的粗旷碧荡、险峰棱角、潺潺流水,这些亿万年累积形成的奇特地貌,化作“坚、锐、柔、旷”之寓意表达在作品当中,演变出一组甚具禅意内涵与解构意味的作品,并以此反思自然与时尚之间的关系。设计师:陈薇伊 EKOKO lART STUDIO伊伽创作(企业文化)策划有限公司创始人兼创意总监ECHO CHEN CollectionOn October 26, ECHO CHEN Collection is held in the Banquet Hall of Beijing Hotel. ECHO CHEN collection is themed with new haute couture of lécho des montagnes présents Collection 2016. When Changbai Mountain meets the Alps Quand les montagnes DE Changbai rencontrent les Alpes Mountains.Rivers and mountains are originated from the start of the heavens and the earth, and blossom the beauty of natural forces.For the choice of the Alps and Changbai Mountain, the Alps is the representative of humanistic spirit in Europe,and Changbai Mountains in the origin of Chinese civilization holy land. Tianchi and snowy peak are facing each other in distance, and they are remote but has shared the resonance as a civilization birth mountain. Mountains are sometimes quiet, and sometimes warm. they change with the seasons and have diverse scences, and enduring vitality.According to the seasonal changes of Changbai Mountain and Alpine, the designer elevates them into four groups of design concept "White: mountain, Blue: encounters, Red: destiny; Black: distance". The rugged and swinging, high peaks, and babbling Brooks in Changbai Mountain, and the special landscape accumulated in million years , becomes "the strong, sharp, soft, and rugged" expression in the collection, developing a set of collection with rich zen and deconstruction connotation . it will make us reflect on the relationship between nature and fashion.Designer: Chen Weiyi, founder and creative director of EKOKO l 'ART STUDIO Mildtree·胡瑾时装发布会10月26日,Mildtree·胡瑾时装发布会在751D·PARK中央大厅举行。Mildtree2016春夏设计系列主题是“天一”,灵感来源于“天一阁”。天一阁位于宁波市区,是中国现存最早的私家藏书楼,也是亚洲现有最古老的图书馆和世界最早的三大家族图书馆。基于中国传统哲学文化思想“天人合一”宇宙观的内在精神,天一是“天人合一”的简称,即人与自然万物和谐共存,这也是Mildtree一直推崇的理念。“一”又是“衣”的谐音。2016年的11月恰逢天一阁建成450周年,意义非凡。因此,以 “天一阁”为主题的自然情怀与人文情怀相结合的发布会具有一定的历史纪念意义。 本季Mild兔仿佛回到了那个年代,在古老的藏书楼“天一阁”里,用心灵去感知触摸经年的沉淀,进行历史与文化的穿越之旅。设计师:胡瑾 Mildtree品牌创始人、创意总监Mildtree·Hu Jin CollectionOn October 26, Mildtree · Hu Jin collection is held in the central hall of 751 D · PARK. Mildtree2016 S/S design collection is themed with "Tianyi", which is inspired by "Tianyi Pavilion". Located in the urban areas of Ningbo in northern China Tianyi Pavilion is the oldest private library in China, and it is also the oldest existing library in Asia and the one of the earliest three family libraries in the world. Based on the inner world view of Chinese traditional philosophy “unity between man and nature", Tianyi is short for " unity between man and nature ", namely the harmonious coexistence of human and nature, which is also the idea that Mildtree has been promoting."Yi" is a homophone for "clothes" in Chinese. November 2016 is coincided with the 450th anniversary of the completion of Tianyi Pavilion, and it is significant for the event. Therefore, the collection show themed with "Tianyi pavilion", combining natural feelings with human feelings, is a historic day. For this season, Mild rabbit, as if returning to the ancient time, enters the old library "Tianyi Pavilion", to have the trip through history and culture with the mind to touch the precipitation.Designer: Hu Jin, brand founder and creative director of Mildtree 毛戈平·2016MGPIN彩妆造型趋势发布会10月26日,毛戈平·2016MGPIN彩妆造型趋势发布会在751D·PARK第一车间举行。毛戈平本场发布会以中国古典诗词“赤壁赋”为设计灵感,运用全新的化妆手法和“唯美经典时尚”的艺术风格,抽象地演绎了天地万物间的自然景象变化,寓意生命的轮回和万物重生。本场发布,毛戈平再一次跨界联手薄涛的时装艺术,每一款设计,神合于对经典与时尚的极致追求,联合开创化妆造型与服装设计的东方美学新境界。毛戈平形象设计艺术学校由国际化妆大师毛戈平创办,以彩妆培训为主导,是全国同行业的引领者。2000年建校以来,已在北京、上海、杭州、成都、重庆、郑州、武汉创建了7所分校。曾任2008北京奥运会开幕式、2009年国庆60周大庆女兵方阵化妆、中国国际时装周等活动的造型团队。设计师:毛戈平 杭州汇都化妆品有限公司董事长Mao Geping·2016MGPIN Color Make-up Launch On October 26, Mao Geping·2016MGPIN Color Make-up Launch is held in the Workshop of 751D·PARK. This show gets the design inspiration from classical Chinese poetry "Ode of Chibi", uses the new makeup technique and the " beautiful, classical and fashionable "artistic style to abstractly deduce the natural scene change in the universe, symbolizing the cycle of life and its rebirth. MGPIN makes transboundary cooperation with Bo Tao fashion again in this show. each design is perfectly suitable for the pursuit of classics and fashion, which jointly creates a new Oriental aesthetics connecting makeup modelling and fashion design.Founded by the international makeup artist Mao Geping, MGP Image Design Art School is mainly providing make-up training, and becomes the industry leader in China. Since established in 2000, the school has set up 7 branches in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Zhengzhou, and Wuhan. These schools served as the modeling team for Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony in 2008, women phalanx of 60 anniversary of China in 2009 and China Fashion Week .Designer: Mao Geping Chairman of Hangzhou Huidu Cosmetics Ltd co.Sheguang Hu·胡社光时装发布会10月26日,Sheguang Hu·胡社光时装发布会在751D·PARK七九立方举行。本场发布会设计系列主题是“戒”。在这个肉欲纵横,灯红酒绿的年代,我们不禁要反思,在人们的内心深处,我们究竟需要的是什么。此系列为SHEGUANG HU最新成衣系列。设计师:胡社光 SHEGUANG HU高级定制品牌创始人Sheguang Hu CollectionOn October 26, Sheguang Hu Collection is held in the 79 Cube, 751D·PARK . The theme of this collection is "Forbiddenness ".Facing the sexual excess and feasting and revelry, we have to reflect that what we really need. This collection is the latest ready-to-wear collection of SHEGUANG HU, clothing series.Designer: Hu Sheguang, brand founder of SHEGUANG HU Haute Couture清曳·倩私人定制发布会10月26日,清曳·倩私人定制发布会在751D·PARK中央大厅举行。发布会主题是“芬芳”。灵感来源于 清晨,薄雾里的光茫为绽放的花朵罩上了一层朦胧的光影为灵感,打造情侣清新、甜蜜、美好的爱的画面。在被快时尚的浮躁和繁杂包围下的男男女女,拒绝标准化一成不变的样子,更在乎展现最真实的爱,最独一无二的美好,通过一件件精心打造的手工定制服装,找到自己的私人专属风格,体会到乎