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    Feasible plan of greasy filth grit treating project in Kuwait treating technology of greasy filth grit:The technology of Qingdao Kangtaizhongli Environment Protectional Technological Co.Ltd. absords the principle of physical classifying and gravity up and down. It can realize the classifying, separating and cleaning function of big brain in the mud with oil. The ion treating equipment of mud with oil and its application experience. Our company has abundant experience and applying achievements in the pre-treating and treating in the end of the mud(mainly is the pressing, drying and biological modifying). The treating equipment can be used in all kinds of dangerous oil pollution coming from the oil industry producing such as well drilling, absorbing and manufacturing etc. Our treating principle and main process is as the following for the waste with oil: l 1st step:classifying and choosing(heating, adding medicine and stiring);l 2nd step:eliminating the bigger impurity with the 8g vibration;l 3th step:eliminating 90% micro solids with 3000g two-phase centrifugal machine;l 4th step:absorbing the 6000g three phase centrifugal machine. The separated oil can reach the second use standard; the separated water can be further treated; the separated solids can be fixed with the previous ones and prepared to be further treated;l 5th step:absorbing the 12000-g three-phase centrifugal machine. The separated water can satisfied the demand of WWTP or the treating demand of polluted sea water.l 6th step:having the microorganism modified treatment, make the oil content separated from the solids satisfy the demand of the oil content in the local land.。Inputitng materialschoosingthree-phase centrifugalAnalizing machineoilwaterSolid remainHeat converterBiological treatmentmodulationClassifying and choosing According to the treating project of mud contenting with oil in Kuwait, our company offers the following preliminary treating plan:Pre-treating modelBiological modifyingMKIII equipmentCutting and cleaning the bagsliquidsolidaccumulation回收或市政处理Oil retrievingWater into WWTP or used inpre-treatingsolidOrgnic solidStandardizing treatmentModulation and heating The pre-treating model includes digging pump, feed container, up and down tank cleaned itself, heat converter, conveyer and delivering liquid pump. The core MKIII equipment is mainly two-phase and three-phase centrifugal machine, assisted by modulation and heating equipment. The general distribution is such as the following:柴油罐:diesel oil tank现场记录办公室和实验室:on-the-spot recording office and laboratory 加热炉撬: heating furnace pry工厂和工具储备间: factory and tools storage room进料罐: intake materials tank净化油罐:filtering oil tank含油水罐: water tank with oil净化水罐:filtering water tank水处理:water treatment装置撬:equipment pry废料:wasteIon separation is the key technology in our company. We provide the treating system of mud contenting with oil for oilfield, refinery, shipping and other industry area. We have effective treating and retrieving to the mud contenting with oil which has complicated materials. Our treating equipment has good automation and strong integrating ability. investment estimating form of equipment project construction indetails orderIndividual project nameunitamountUnit indexBudgetary estimating(ten thousands yuan)totalEquipment costTotal Equipment cost一Project cost2341.1(一)Principal construction261.71Pre-treating equipment tank 11×6×2.5mm31650.09014.92Electricity roomm247.250.157.13On duty controlling romm2270.154.14Repairing roomm2270.154.15Laboratorym2270.154.16Storagem220.250.24.17Locker roomm213.50.162.28Tools roomm211.250.141.69Washing room(square:9 m2)/11.441.410Heating furnacem2540.189.711Principal equipment colorful steel riot mill 27×21×8mm25670.24136.112Covering rain tent(heating furnace)m2450.115.013Covering rain tent(pre-treating equipment)m2660.117.314Covering rain tent(mud storage)m25460.1160.0(二)Equipment cost2079.4110t/h set equipment of separationSet1236.7188.0236.72Heating furnace 1200kWSet1103.590.0 103.53Transformer and electrical system HBP-WNDK-400/30set180.662.0 80.6430t/h mud classifying and choosing pre-treating equipmentset1632.5550.0 632.55Modulation tank HBP-TZG135set369.060.0207.06API separator oil from water HBP-FLQ50set152.946.052.97Regulating water tank HBP-YSG50set132.228.0 32.28Set equipment of retrieving and increasing the pressure HBP-FZ-22set413.2511.053.09excavator/135.0 35.0 35.0 10Loading machine/122.0 22.0 22.0 11Skip car/110.0 10.0 10.0 (三)Automatic controlling system HBP-WNZK-100/1125.3125.3(四)Factory area/1196.6(五)System out of the station33.41Polluted oil retrieving system1)Polluted oil tube DN50km0. 2)Heating tube DN20km0.46.794.412.7 2Gas tube DN100km0.0417.75 13.14 0.7 3Electrical line 6kVkm0.110.761.1 4Water tube DN100km0.0324.6314.310.7 5Road system1)Road into the stationkm0.1555.5 2)Earth workkm33.63.2411.7 6Communication coursekm1.84.268.3 (六)Implements purchasing cost1.9二Other cost98.8三Preparing cost124.7四Total investment2079.4Covering the land permanentlym25093 annualy operating cost institution form ordernameUnitamountpriceCost一Annually operating costTen thousands780.11Gas104m352.000.8242.62medicine104t25.002.050.003Water104t0.33.951.14electricity104kv.h129.60.5570.95Pay and wareTen thousands160.46Repairing chargeTen thousands64.07depreciationTen thousands391.5二Unit operating costYuan/ton390.05remarks:.furl charge:heating furnace 1200kW,it will cost 2880 m3 gas everyday;.repairing charge:the equipment must be checked at the certain time each year;.medicine charge:it will consume 25 tons each year and each ton is 20000 yuan;.electrical charge:actual power is 300KW;.water charge:the water used in technology and life everyday is about 15 tons;.pay for the worker:total 16 workers(4 each group).8


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